I leaned over to Steve. "If he government knew we had Bucky, they'd arrest him and put him up for trial. And that wouldn't work out to well I'm afraid." I mumbled.
"You're right, this is a horrible idea." He said and I agreed, this new 'check' was gunna suck. But it wasn't a law yet, so it still needs to be voted on and such. So we have time.
"What do you guys think? Do you support it?" He asked.
"No" all of us except Tony and Natasha said at the same time. "Excuse me?" Tony said and stood up.
"This is a horrible idea, yeah sure, some of the avengers will do it. But who else? No offense Wanda, but people like Wanda who work for others and were experimented on, they won't come forward and register themselves, it's a stupid idea." I said and Tony got very upset with me.
"Well we need to register the ones we have to ensure the safety of the people." Natasha defended him.
"Natasha, of all people, you shouldn't be one to speak right now, you have a new identity every week for Christ's sake." I said and she scoffed
"Well according to the law, Miss Reid, I believe your friend should be in jail. For committing several, murders and hurting hundreds of innocent families." She said.
"Is it true you found James Barnes, remember lying will put you in jail. And you don't want to have that reputation." The old man said. I looked at Steve and sighed.
"Actually, if I'm correct, we are somewhere in the ocean in a unregistered base? And according to my research, no country but Germany and the U.S. have an arrest warrant out for Barnes right now. And we are somewhere in the middle of the ocean..." I said.
"This is U.S. Property though, so before you get smart with me, remember your ranking." He snarked. "Well then technically you are disobeying a treaty signed with all the countries, because this is a secret base, which is located in neutral territory for all countries use. Does anyone else know about this base? Because if love to call up a few countries and watch them blow this place up."
"Enough!" Tony said.
"What? Just because you don't agree with us doesn't mean you have to drag your friends through the mud with you!" Steve yelled and stood up.
"I get what I want, no matter who comes down with me." Tony said and I gasped
"Tony, what's gotten into your head?" I said and Steve and I stormed out, soon later Wanda and Sam walked out.
Rhodey was standing outside the ship with Peter and Vision. "We saw what happened in there..." Peter said. "And?..." Wanda said and I knew what they were gunna say.
"No." I said and Peter shook his head yes. "We all agree with Tony, now take the ship and go before he stops you guys." Peter said and let us go.
We walked inside and Bucky was sitting alone and stood up too, "thanks for sticking up for me." He said and walked over to me. "no problem, that's just what friends do."
"So, what do we do now?" Wanda asked and ran a hand through her hair. "We have Hydra on our backs, and now our own friends..." Clint said and the plane took off.
"Where do we even go?" I asked and began to panic.
"Everyone please stay calm, just breathe." Steve said and I knew he was freaking out as well. "Sam is flying, I think we will find a place for the time being."
"Where are we going? We've been flying for 5 hours!" Clint snapped. We were hungry, thirsty, and tired. Bucky and I were both lying down on the benches in here, it was uncomfortable but it was something.
"We are almost there." Sam said and that's when it happened.
The whole back of the ship was gone. It was blown off and now we were being sucked out of the ship.
I opened my eyes and the ship was speeding down to the ground and Bucky, Clint, and I were sucked out of the ship from the air and falling.
We were above land right now. I closed eyes and felt someone's hand on me. I opened my eyes to see Wanda. "Since when can you fly?" I asked.
"Since now." She said and put me on the ground. Sam helped Clint and Bucky and Steve just jumped from the ship. "What the hell?" Bucky said and two ships started shooting at us. Wanda immediately used her powers to protect us with a shield. Bucky grabbed me and pulled me to cover.
"Wanda let's go!" Sam yelled and she began running with us. I was pretty slow but with Bucky pulling me, I was going fast.
"Who's this? Hydra? Or Stark?" Steve asked. "I have an idea." I said while yelling and ignoring his question. "But you won't like it at all." I said and Wanda read my mind.
She used her powers to throw me up to their ship. I landed on it and saw who was flying it. "Uh oh." I said and started climbing to the guns.
"Who's flying those?" Steve asked through his com. "Hydra for sure." I said and they started shooting at me from inside their ship. They broke the glass and I kicked one in the head and stole his gun. I shot at the guns connected to the ship and they jammed.
I jumped off the ship and it blew up right after. Now there was only one ship left now. Bucky caught me and I blushed a little.
"Nice job up there." He said and put me down. "We need their ship, it's our only way out of here." I said and they landed. The back door opened and around 30 guards and a man in a huge black suit. "Oh no." I said and walked to Bucky.
"Who are you?" Wanda asked. "You don't recognize me, Cap?"
I knew that voice. Bucky did to because he grabbed me a little harder. "Rumlow."
"I thought I kicked your ass once, you want to go again?!" Sam said. Steve stepped closer and the guards held up their guns.
"On your knees!" They all yelled and Bucky started to kneel. "No, Buck. Were getting out of this." I said and he stood up. He was so used to taking orders from those beasts.
"You think we didn't come prepared? Hey Winter Soldier, Sputnik!" he yelled and something changed in Bucky. "What did you do?!" I yelled and his eyes changed. He completely snapped into some weird mood, I think he's the Winter Soldier right now. But I wasn't sure.
"Kill her." Rumlow said and he jumped on top of me. I was so shocked I didn't react quick enough. All the guards started to fight the others and Steve and Rumlow were busy fighting now.
Bucky was choking me with his hands. His real hand was on my neck and he was using his metal arm on top of that. He was looking straight at me. I was loosing air quickly so raised my legs up and kicked him off me.
He charged at me and started to try and punch me with his metal arm. I ducked and jumped out of the way, every time
"Bucky snap out of it!" I yelled and he grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder and into some tables. While we were running from Hydra, we ran into a small town which was very crowded and we're now fighting in the streets.
People started screaming and they took out their phones to call for help and take videos. Bucky picked me up again and threw me into a car. I was to sore to move, I tried getting up but he was standing above me with a gun pointed at my face. I closed my eyes and heard him load the gun up.
"Sputnik!" Rumlow yelled again and I didn't open my eyes. I wasn't sure if he had snapped out of it
"What have I done?"
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