"Please help me" he whispered and looked up at me. "Of coarse I will" I said back and grabbed his hand. He tensed up at first but then relaxed. I looked at his arm and didn't know what to do.
"Is Steve here?" He mumbled. "He is" I said and he closed his eyes. "Do you remember him?" I asked hopeful he did. "Yes" was all he said.
"Kyla did you find anything?" Steve asked through my com device. "Yeah, you're gunna wanna get down here." I said back and looked at Bucky. "I'm going to get you out of this, you can trust me." I said and he nodded.
"How did this even happen? Did someone do this to you?" I asked and he shook his head yes. "They were fast and strong and they left me here a day ago." He said.
"Steve hurry, this is a trap!" I said and examined what was holding Bucky's arm. "It seems to be a huge magnet?" I said and he nodded.
I knelt down in front of him again and pushed more hair behind his ears. "Are you hungry? Or thirsty?" I asked and he nodded. "I just want to get out of here." He said and I broke even more for him.
"Steve will help, he has missed you." I added and he sighed. Steve walked in and looked so happy. "Buck, do you remember me?" He asked and slowly approached.
"Your mom's name was Sarah, you used to wear newspapers in your shoes" he said quietly and Steve smiled. "How is this a trap?" Steve asked and walked over.
"Bucky told me that someone brought him here, so let's get him out and go." I said and Steve nodded and walked to the back of this huge machine. I knelt down in front of Bucky and wanted to comfort him and hug him but it would be to weird of me.
Steve pulled the machine with his strength and ripped it out of the wall and it powered down. Bucky's arm fell and he knelt down on the ground. I put an hand on his back and gently patted it for him. Steve helped him stand up and I did as well.
"Leaving so soon?" A familiar voice called. "Get him out of here." I whispered to Steve and turned around. There was the evil ex-Shield agent, Brock Rumlow
"What an unpleasant surprise." I called and took out my gun and fired at him quickly, I thought he died. He jumped out of the way and I used this time to run away from him. I was not dealing with this now, I needed to get Bucky out of here.
I ran up the stairs as quickly as I could to get to the roof and heard the doors behind me open, sending more guards in.
"Steve! Where are you?!" I called. "We are on the roof, but they blew up the ship!" He said. "Fuck!" I yelled and found Bucky and Steve fighting off guards together and our ship in pieces.
"Sam! Get us help! Our ship is gone." I yelled to him through the com and and he answered soon after. Bucky was fighting as best he could but he was weak. So I have him a gun, "Barnes!" I called and when he looked I passed him the gun.
"Steve we need to jump!" I said and he looked at me like I was crazy. "Sam has a ship, just trust me!" I yelled and looked at Bucky who was obviously tired, sore, dirty, smelly, greasy, hungry, thirsty. He deserved so much better.
"Bucky!" I called and grabbed his hand and jumped off the roof with him. Steve followed right behind us
We all hit a hard surface, which was Sam and the ship. I climbed over and opened a small hatch at the top and let Bucky climb in first, then me, then Steve. I walked to Sam and thanked him for saving our asses for the thousandth time.
"Not a problem, I'm actually getting used to it." He laughed. I walked back to Bucky and grabbed a water and a granola bar, I know it's not much but it's all I had.
"Here, it's not much but you'll feel better, I promise" I said and handed him it. "And there's the bathroom" I pointed and he nodded.
He got up and walked to the bathroom and I scooted over to Steve. "How do you feel?" I asked and he smiled. "He's not the same as before, he needs our help, but he's with us now, and safe, which is all I really wanted." He said and let a few tears fall.
I hugged him and sat there with him until Bucky came back out. I moved back to my seat and he opened the water and chugged it in like three seconds and at the bar very fast as well. "Bucky, if you don't mind, can I look at your arm? I need to make sure you're gunna be okay" I said and he nodded.
I felt very awkward asking this but needed to do it. "You're gunna need to take off your shirt, so I can see the whole thing." I mumbled quietly and blushed. He nodded and started taking off his jacket and shirts. I turned around until I heard him sit down again.
I knelt down beside him and grabbed his metal hand. "Can you lightly squeeze my hand?" I asked and he did. I then moved up to where he arm connected to him. I looked at the scarring and he looked down. "I'll be back in a few minutes when you're done." Steve said and left us.
"Does this hurt" I asked and ran my hand alongside skin. "A little" he mumbled. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that Bucky. You of all people, Steve always talks about how great you were and I'm sorry" I said and he smiled.
"It's over now though, so don't feel sorry, I'm glad it was me so no one else had to go through it." He said and I admired him even more after that.
"You're so sweet." I said and he blushed a little. "So, are you a doctor?" He asked while I examined his arm.
"Well, I went to college a few years ago so yes." I said and he nodded and I looked at his arm closely.
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