"You know, I won't ever hurt you again. And if I do, you can do whatever is necessary to stop me." Bucky said when they closed the door
"You won't hurt me."
"You don't know that."
"Yes I do, it was that asshole who said one word, and it triggered it."
"How come you aren't scared of me? You were at the Triskellion, you saw what I did. I've killed hundreds, I'm an assassin. Why aren't you scared?"
"Because.... I've dealt with worse. You actually have a heart, and you didn't want to hurt anyone. You don't scare me. It's just I've know people who wanted to hurt others but you don't. I know it sounds weird, but you don't."
"Even when I was strangling you... You weren't scared I would kill you."
"I was a little nervous you were gone for good, but I wasn't terrified you'd actually do it." This was true, I wasn't scared of Bucky Barnes, I was scared of the Winter Soldier
"I don't.... I don't get you, I just don't understand."
"Well you don't have to understand it." I said and he sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and scoffed.
"Let's just eat breakfast." I said and walked to the kitchen. There was toast and some eggs. "So, are you going to tell me about those other people you talked about, who are much worse?"
"No, not now anyways, a time will come."
"Well, I'm always gunna be there for you. Like you are for me, so know you can talk to me."
"I already know that." I said and he hugged me.
'He's a great hugger' I thought to myself. Bucky laughed, "Did I say that it loud?" I asked and he nodded. "It's true, I remember all the girls told me that."
I let go and shoved him gently. We both walked to the couch and started talking. "So, what else do you remember? Were you always this annoying?" I laughed.
"Hey! If anything Steve was annoying, I always had to drag him out of fights, not that I was complaining."
"You are such a good friend."
"I was." He smiled and looked down.
"You still are." I said. "I guess."
"No, you are, I mean, if I saw you being beaten up I wouldn't know what to do."
"Well, I'm pretty sure you could take on anyone, if anything you'd be beating up the bully. They wouldn't be able to touch you." He laughed.
"But you are a good friend to Steve, he never shuts up about you." Which is so true, he never would stop... But it really shows how much he cares for Bucky.
"Only good things, I hope."
"Of coarse, I wish I had a friend like that growing up."
"Did you have any friends?" Bucky asked. "Yeah, but I never had a best friend."
"Why?" He asked and starred at me with those deep blue eyes, I had to answer when he looked like that.
"Well my family was always the embarrassing obnoxious one, kids didn't like hanging around. And if I got one friend, my family would scare them off."
"How bad could it have been?"
"Well, very bad, I was always the kid who was laughed at because I didn't have the newest clothes, or gadgets. My family wasn't poor but wasn't rich. We lived in a nice house but in the bad part of town. And they always embarrassed me, we were the loudest most annoying family ever."
"I would've been friends with you.." Bucky cheekily smiled.
"You're something else Barnes..." I said and threw a couch pillow at him. I hit him and he leaned back and knocked something off the couch.
It was his backpack...
He picked it up and I never knew what was in it, obviously not clothes.
"Bucky, what's in the bag?" I asked and he opened it.
There were about twenty notebooks, with random papers coming out of it, "It's everything I can remember.... In case anything happens and I forget again, I now have it all here." He said and handed me one.
(Credits : @romanianpizza from Instagram)
"Can I open it?" I asked, I felt like I was intruding on his privacy. "Yes, I want you to read this one."
I opened up to the first page and there was a news paper article from the day when Shield fell, the collapse of the Triskellion.
The Fall of Shield, was the title, it explained everything that happened that day from his point of view, then there was a paragraph on me.
I had broke her arm, I didn't know her name at this point but I had hurt her. She was only trying to help Steve, but I didn't see that. She has blue eyes, and she's shorter than me and has brown hair, that looks red in the light. From what I can tell, she is dedicated to her work and she did the right thing.
After I punched Steve, and he said that so familiar sounding line, she ran over to him and looked so hurt. What did I do? The platform we were all standing on broke and Steve fell, but for some reason I grabbed her. I didn't want her to die, she was different and made me feel different.
I couldn't kill her. She asked and begged me to help save Steve, and she's the only person I actually wanted to listen to. So I listened and helped save Steve. And it was all because of her.
She was human, not on any super soldier steroids or anything so she would've died if she hit the water so I pulled her to my chest and I hit the water first, it hurt my back so bad, but she was alright; that's all that mattered.
I found Steve and dragged him and her to shore. They were both unconscious until I felt her cough up water on my back. I picked her off my shoulders gently and placed her on the shore.
I then dropped Steve and she crawled to him, he was alive. I stared to walk off, I've messed up so bad. Now I can finally be free, so I stared walk off
She walked over and grabbed my metal arm. "Where are you going?" She asked and I didn't know, I don't know what to do. I wish I had stayed with her instead of running. Running is never the answer no matter how hard it seems.
I snapped at her and have regretted it, she was only trying to help me. Then she was so nice and helped me out, even if her friend Steve wouldn't approve
"I know we will meet again, so take this, it will get you by for a few weeks" she said and handed me a small wallet. "Let it dry, it's around 3,000$ in cash." She said and I took it, she wasn't so bad as I once thought
"What's your name?" I asked, because I never wanted to forget her.
I haven't forgotten her since and wish I could've helped her more and I wish I didn't hurt anyone
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