Jimin slowly walked towards the nurses desk. He took a deep breath extending his arm out trying to touch the furniture.
"Sir? Are you okay?" Chan asked, standing up.
Jimin closed his eyes briefly and the buzzing in his ears finally stopped. "Yes. I'm fine." He responded by opening his eyes again.
"What are you doing here? How did you get through?"
"I've got my ways." Jimin said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Sir, visiting hours are over. It's close to midnight." Chan pointed out. He recognized him of course but he still had rules to follow.
"I know but I need to speak to my boyfriend really quickly. Shit, my friend. He's my friend." Jimin murmured, rubbing his temples. He knew a headache would come any second now.
The alcohol was at its full effect. He felt it when he was leaving the restaurant. He felt it when Chanyeol offered to drive him to his apartment but he declined. He felt it when he got in the Ubers car and asked him to drive him to Health Bridge Hospital. He felt it when he cried at Vernon's desk asking to please let him in. He certainly felt it when he was being swabbed for a rapid respiratory panel before being allowed to go up the elevator.
The phone rang and Chan picked it up. "Yes Vernon. He's here. Oh. I see. Yeah. Okay."
"What?" Jimin asked, looking up at him. He didn't know if it was his pitiful face, but Chan seemed to have a softer expression. Maybe Vernon told him about his little spectacle downstairs.
"I can give you five minutes max. Only if Yoongi wants to see you."
Jimin nodded his head eagerly as he swallowed his mint. He didn't want to smell like alcohol. He hoped it wasn't too noticeable.
"Hey Yoongi—"
"Chan, I'm fine. I was fine three minutes ago when you called me. Let me try to sleep."
Chan sighed, putting his phone down. "He hung up."
"Please let me see him! I need to speak to him. Please."
Chan bit his lip, he was a sucker for a sad face. Vernon told him he had been crying at the front desk and that's why he got in. Jimin did look visibly upset.
"Okay but if at any moment he presses the button I'm coming to get you."
"Okay. Yeah."
Jimin stumbled a little as he got to Yoongi's door. Taking a deep breath knocked. The faint buzzing in his ears started once again. All of his senses were accelerated.
His pulse was thumping in his eardrums. It only worsened once he heard Yoongi's footstep and the door aggravatingly swing open.
"Chan I told you—" Yoongi froze and his angry expression disappeared. It was replaced by utter shock.
"Can I come in?"
Yoongi's throat tightened and the emotions he had been trying to hide were threatening to spill through. Stubbornly, he swallowed it down and moved aside to let Jimin in.
He caught a glance of Chan who was looking over at him. Yoongi nodded letting him know it was okay as he closed the door.
"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I don't like you being mad. I don't like not talking to you or seeing you."
"Jimin, no I'm the one that's sorry. I—I overreacted."
"So you're not mad at me?" He asked with wide eyes.
Yoongi looked at Jimin extensively. There was something odd about him but he couldn't tell what it was. He wore black pants, a black tucked shirt with a black belt. His boots were matching and had a small heel to them making him look slightly taller.
A blue Jean jacket wrapped around him beautifully. The plain gold necklace adorned his neck nicely exposing his pretty milky collarbones.
"No." Yoongi breathed. "How can I ever stay mad at you?"
Jimin looked so gorgeous. So incredibly gorgeous. Untouchable, unholy, godlike. Though his beauty was distracting he looked past that and kept trying to figure out what was different about him.
At the moment, Jimin seemed over the edge. His eyes were a little red and his face was a bit flushed. His energy was all over the place.
"Oh thank goodness." He sighed, wrapping his arms around his neck.
"I thought you were still mad because you didn't reply to my message." He whispered, pulling away from him but still keeping his arms around Yoongi's neck.
"I felt pathetic for my tantrum. I didn't know what to say. I was so childish."
"I can be childish myself." Jimin chuckled quietly.
The butterflies in Yoongi's stomach flooded his throat. They never once broke eye contact. There was something different about the way they were looking into each other's eyes.
Something passionate.
Then suddenly, something in Jimin's mood shifted. He put his playful mask back on and the intensity in his eyes was gone.
"I'm so glad you're no longer mad!" He screamed, pulling him in for another hug. Almost like he didn't want to see him eye to eye.
Before Yoongi could respond, Jimin pulled back and grabbed his face messily placing his lips onto his.
Yoongi's eyes widened in horror and thrill. He could smell the minty alcohol in his breath and then he realized Jimin was drunk.
Or he wouldn't be here in his room apologizing. Hugging him and kissing him on the lips. When Jimin abruptly stopped, he kept walking towards the bed like nothing happened.
Yoongi remained still trying to process what had happened. Technically speaking, this was his first real kiss as an adult. So why did he feel so empty?
Maybe because deep down he knew Jimin didn't mean it. Alcohol made people do strange things. At least that's what his friends always told him. Jeongyeon and Jin could get crazy when being intoxicated.
This was Jimin's case. He was erratic, impulsive, and touchy. Yoongi liked that. Yoongi liked being touched and kissed, but not when it left him aching for more.
"The room is starting to spin." Jimin groaned, kicking his boots off.
Yoongi slowly turned around and found Jimin laying on his bed with his palms pressed over his eyes.
He knew he was blushing badly. He could feel it. His face must've been as red as a tomato. The nerves made his hands all clammy. He gulped down the nerves and approached the bed taking a seat.
He adjusted his portable oxygen once the strap started sliding down his arm. "Jimin, what were you doing that got you so drunk? Did you drive here?"
Jimin laughed, uncovering his face and looking at him from his position. "I was out with my classmates. We were celebrating that we all passed this big exam. We have fall break approaching too so it was a plus. I'm not drunk Yoongi! I feel great!"
"Did you drive here?" Yoongi asked once again. Although Jimin was safe and sound he was concerned about how he'd get back to his apartment.
He attempted to ignore the stinging his chest when Jimin said he was out with his classmates. That must've meant Chanyeol was there. He wanted to ask but withheld his tongue afraid it would trigger another tantrum.
"No silly! No, I got an Uber." He grinned, waving his phone in the air.
"Maybe I should call Taehyung. He said to not bother him unless it's an emergency but I think this is a definite emergency."
Jimin quickly got up and crawled to the edge of the bed where Yoongi sat. He looked down at the phone in his hands and his face was almost touching his shoulder.
Yoongi's eyes scanned his plumped lips and then the rest of his face. His whole body felt on fire. He'd be blushing the rest of the time Jimin was here.
"Please don't! He will scold me for drinking too much. I know my limit and I should've stopped."
"Okay. Okay. I won't." Yoongi sheepishly replied, putting his phone up.
"Ahh. Got up too quick. It's hot in here." Jimin groaned, resting his forehead on Yoongi's shoulder.
His body tensed at his touch and his breath quickened. "I'm hot Yoongi." He whined, running his fingers through his hair ruffling it up.
"Yep. You are." Yoongi murmured, avoiding eye contact. A tingly sensation traveled down to his briefs suddenly making them tighter around his waist.
"I'm so hot." He kept whining.
Yoongi nibbled the inside of his cheek, focusing on the drawing Hoseok gifted him. Trying to think of something pure, something to stop his raging boner from erupting.
"Fuck it. I'm too hot for this."
Yoongi heard noises and as he turned his head towards Jimin, he held his breath briefly. Until his lungs allowed him too.
Jimin had taken off his shirt. Exposing his well built torso. His nipples became hard with the sudden whoosh of cold air hitting them. His piercing poking out like a sore thumb.
Yoongi could feel his mouth salivate. He wondered what it would feel like to run his tongue against Jimin's nipples. Would he whine? Whimper? Beg for more?
"That light is hurting my eyes." He said squinting them.
Turns out, alcohol made Jimin super whiny. Not that Yoongi minded at all. In fact, he found it hot. His virgin hormones were going crazy inside of him.
"That stupid light—I have to get it." Jimin's speech was starting to slur. Possibly from the liquor crashing its full potential in his bloodstream.
"Jimin, what are you doing?" He shrieked once he got up and started swinging at the ceiling light.
It was useless. There wasn't a lightbulb he could hit and even if there was, it was too high to reach.
Yoongi scooted closer towards Jimin afraid he'd get dizzy and fall. He was still aimlessly swinging at the recessed ceiling light when suddenly he missed a step.
The next few seconds happened in a blur. Before Yoongi knew it, he was pressed against the bed frame with Jimin's crotch over his face. The room phone was ringing, it was probably Chan checking up on them but Yoongi couldn't move.
It's not like he wanted to either way. He could easily get out. Jimin was bigger and stronger however at the moment he wasn't well coordinated.
Jimin kept moving, rubbing all over Yoongi's face. He was so intoxicated he didn't realize what he was doing and he surely didn't seem to notice how awfully close his pinky was to the bed frame.
As soon as he jammed it by moving too fast, he cursed leaning over. "Oh fuck. Of fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck."
"I told you five—" Chan stopped midway. His face turned bright red witnessing the horrific scene.
Yoongi on the bed with a shirtless Jimin pressing his crotch over him. His back was faced toward him so he couldn't exactly see what Yoongi was doing.
He could only imagine since Jimin was cursing up a storm. He quickly got out and closed the door. Maybe he would leave them alone for extra time. Apparently five minutes wasn't enough.
"What was that?" Yoongi asked, panicking as he stuck his head away from Jimin's crotch.
"I hurt my toe!" He screamed dropping on the bed. He rubbed his foot, continuing to curse under his breath.
"No! I mean, I heard the door. Do you think Chan walked in?"
"I don't know Yoongi. I was too busy dying from excruciating pain from hitting my little toe."
"Oh gosh. What if he saw us? What will he think?"
"What do you mean? We weren't doing anything."
Yoongi's panic slowly simmered down. It had just occurred to him that to Jimin they hadn't done anything inappropriate. Which technically they hadn't but it still made him woozy.
"Oh. Right."
"Can you rub my foot?" Jimin asked with a pout.
Yoongi nodded his head slowly as he put his foot on his lap. He focused on the wall in front of him trying to not read into it much.
Internally, he was freaking out. He'd never touched anyone's foot before. He'd never touch Jimin this much. He tried very hard to not make it weird or sexual so he ended up tensing his body more than he wanted to.
"You seemed stressed." Jimin pointed out.
"I'm not. I'm great." Even Yoongi's voice sounded robotic.
Jimin hummed, "Why're you lying?"
"I'm not—actually, something is bothering me." He said breaking character. He rested his hands on top of his legs.
"What is it?"
"You kissed me Jimin."
Jimin's expression quickly changed. His face turned a hot pink and he slowly pulled his legs away from him. It was one of the few times Yoongi had seen him flustered.
"Oh yeah. Sorry. I—I don't know why I did that."
"Mmm." Yoongi replied, looking down.
"I'm sorry. That—that wasn't your first kiss right?"
The embarrassment settled within Yoongi. The tips of his ears turned red. "No! Of course not! I've been kissed before! I've kissed a lot!"
He didn't know why he got so defensive. Probably trying to cover his bashfulness except it only brought it more to light.
Jimin's playful mask reappeared and he leaned closer to him with a teasing smirk. The mood changes were drastic from the adrenaline and intoxication.
"That's what a virgin would say."
"I'm not—I've been fucked. Well, I have fucked. I have fucked hard."
"Oh yeah sure." He giggled, throwing his head back.
"I have—I have—"
Yoongi stuttered, only making his blushing worse. He wanted Jimin to believe him and for him to not think he was inexperienced and horny.
He pushed him back on the bed crawling on top of him. Jimin stopped laughing once Yoongi pinned his arms above his head.
If Jimin would've been sober, he would've been able to pull away but at the moment the room was spinning. His breath was quick, his heart pounded so loudly he wondered if Yoongi could hear it.
Yoongi looked at Jimin's lips. Tempted to close the space between them. To feel him. The tension between them was delicate.
Breathtakingly fragile.
They were both so afraid to move. Afraid of doing something impulsive. Jimin swallowed hard, moving his hand.
Yoongi unpinned his right hand thinking that he wanted to move away. He was about to get off him when Jimin pressed his fingers against his cheekbone not bothered by the oxygen tubing.
He slowly moved his fingers over Yoongi's pale skin. Tracing Yoongi's throat then moving to his clavicles and shoulders.
He was slow, gentle with his fingertips almost like he was afraid of brushing Yoongi's soft skin too hard. He might've been drunk but he knew he wanted this.
To touch him. Touch him in sinful ways one would only touch a lover.
Yoongi moved his shaky hand and put it on top of Jimin's jaw. Was he dreaming? Was this what heaven felt like?
Carefully, Yoongi's hand moved over to his cheek. Pressing it softly. He could feel Jimin's warmth on his palm.
Jimin leaned his face against it for a moment.
He was so starved for touch. Yoongi could tell by the way he pressed his face into his large hand.
Within seconds, Jimin started tracing along his body once again. The contact made Yoongi move into him like a cat. Until now, he hadn't realized how badly he wanted to be touched this way.
Yoongi starved for it too.
"Yoongi," Jimin whispered.
"Yes?" He asked, his breath hitching. Jimin's touch sent shivers down his spine making him feel like stars were dancing across his skin.
"I don't know what's wrong with me." He admitted. His fingers kept moving down Yoongi's throat into his chest.
"Sometimes I get the urge to touch you. To kiss you."
"I feel that way too." Yoongi whispered with a red face.
Jimin started leaning closer until their lips were brushing against each other. "We shouldn't do this. It could ruin our friendship."
"We shouldn't." Yoongi repeated. If they did this there was no turning back. Seeing Jimin as a friend wouldn't be possible. And yet, he couldn't resist it.
They both crashed their lips together at the same time. It started slow, gentle, but the tension had built up so incredibly high that the need to feel each other was too strong.
Yoongi pulled the cannula off his face along with the portable oxygen. He wanted all of him to touch Jimin without anything in between them.
He wrapped his legs around Jimin's waist while Jimin held him down. His fingers gripped Yoongi's hips as they rocked into each other.
The friction was incredible. It made Yoongi moan into Jimin's mouth. His body writhed uncontrollably. He had never experienced something like this.
The new sensations in his body were thrilling. His skin had goosebumps and his heart skipped a beat every time their bodies collided.
Yoongi put his hands behind Jimin's neck, gripping his hair to pull him closer. He wanted to feel as close to him as possible. He could feel all of Jimin underneath him.
Jimin pulled away from his lips, sitting up so that Yoongi was still straddling over him. He started kissing down Yoongi's neck. When he began lightly sucking the soft fragile skin he arched his back unable to stop himself from whimpering.
He embarrassedly covered his mouth, biting on his inner cheek. He didn't know how not to be loud. How not to let these sinful noises from escaping his lips when Jimin made him feel so fucking good.
Jimin pulled his hand l away from his mouth without moving away from his neck. Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut until he saw stars.
Jimin's needy hands started crawling up Yoongi's shirt massaging the lower part of his back. Then he moved his fingers up his back and around his stomach.
At first, Yoongi tensed. Afraid that Jimin would get disgusted with the feeding tube but he didn't seem to mind. It's not like Yoongi wanted him to stop either way.
He pulled his oversized t-shirt down exposing his collarbones and shoulder. Jimin's lips kissed along the bones and then slowly licked them. In a sensual teasing way.
Yoongi was so overwhelmed he thought his heart could burst. He inhaled so fast that he almost choked. Then it hit him. The adrenaline was making his heart pump more blood therefore making his lungs work faster.
The pleasure was undeniable but what was also undeniable was the painful anxious feeling he got struck with from his lungs trying to work.
"Yoongi what's wrong?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi got off him and reached for his portable oxygen. His hands were so shaky that he could barely get it on.
He was wheezing, coughing, and he kept trying to let Jimin see him. This was humiliating. The phone rang and Jimin panicked.
"Hello? Yeah! I don't think he can bre—"
Yoongi snatched the phone from him, "I'm fine Chan. Took off my O2. I'm fine. Please don't come in." He struggled to get the words out but the last thing he needed was his nurse to walk in and catch him with a raging boner.
"Can you breathe now?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi nodded, pressing his hand on his hot cheek. "Yes. Sorry."
"Oh fuck. You scared me." He murmured, taking a relieved breath.
Yoongi's eyes brimmed with bashful tears. He blinked them away sternly not wanting to make a bigger fool out of himself.
"Sorry. I should've known better."
"It's—it's okay." Jimin said, patting his back.
The fragile tension between them was broken.
Reality settled in even in Jimin's intoxicated brain. What they had done—what they were going to do was something they weren't going to be able to take back.
Yoongi felt a vibration and when Jimin didn't make a noise he turned his face slightly. He caught him staring at his phone screen with a sick expression.
After a few moments, he locked his phone and gulped. "I don't feel too good. I think I'm going to be sick." He said quickly getting up and sprinting towards the bathroom.
Yoongi stayed in bed and heard him vomit in the toilet. Was it regret for what he'd done? For touching him?
Jimin's phone went off again. He saw it light up just a few inches away from where he was. He dug his fingernails into his palm trying to fight the urge to look.
At last he couldn't stop himself. He picked up the phone and saw a message from Chanyeol. Yoongi's eyes got teary again.
"Did you get home safely Jimin? I've been thinking about you. I hope we can meet up tomorrow after tutoring. I have something important to ask you."
The reason Jimin had gotten sick wasn't solely because of the alcohol. It was because of this text message. Jimin realized that he had fucked up. That he shouldn't have touched him and made out with him.
It suddenly made sense. Yoongi hadn't expected that Jimin would like him physically. He had never given signals that he found him attractive.
Yoongi was scrawny. Pale. Hollow. He'd seen himself in the mirror and there was no way anyone would ever see him differently.
Another unwanted thought came to him. Jimin could have anyone. He had just been lonely and drunk and wanted someone who'd touched him because Chanyeol hadn't.
A lump welled up in his throat, and this time he couldn't swallow it down. His hands stilled, and he fought to breathe without crying. The oxygen had finally started working and now he could feel his chest tighten again.
When he heard the toilet flush and sink turn on he quickly put Jimin's phone phone. He turned back around and wiped his tears with the back of his hands.
Moments later, Jimin stumbled out of the bathroom plopping himself into the bed. Yoongi finally controlled his tears and he slowly laid back.
Jimin's eyes were half closed. It looked like he was struggling to stay awake. He reached over to touch his face, catching a tear on his fingertip.
"Yoongi why're you crying? Did I make you feel bad?" He murmured, still half asleep.
Yoongi couldn't say anything. He just closed his eyes and wept quietly against his hand. It stung. It hurt. It was an ache he couldn't stand.
"I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm so sorry. Please don't...cry." His words were slurred and he could barely get them out.
Yoongi didn't want to weep. It truly was embarrassing, but he was so emotionally fucked that it was the only way to express how he felt.
Jimin's hand dropped from his face when sleep finally took over him. Yoongi took his hand and held it as he kept crying.
He felt pathetic for crying so much, but he truly couldn't contain his emotions. He cried and cried until he was emotionally drained and his eyes were bloodshot red.
Finally, he too fell asleep.
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