Jin nervously rang the doorbell while clutching the cookie container in his hands. Hearing the footsteps get closer to the door made him panic.
Should he just turn around? Leave the cookies at the doorstep with the "Get Well" card? Before he could even think of fleeing, Hoseok's mom opened the door.
She had a bright smile on her face which resembled Hoseok's. She greeted him with a big hug and the whiff of honey and flowers made its way to Jin's nose.
"Jin! How are you sweetheart?"
"I'm doing good Mrs. Jung. I—I brought Hoseok some cookies. I heard he's out of the hospital and he told me where you are staying until he is completely cleared. If—if he's busy you can just give him them—"
"Nonsense! Come in! He's going to be very happy to see you. Would you like something to drink?"
Jin hesitated before stepping in the apartment. It was plain, no bright colors like Hoseok's house but he imagined there were no real decorations considering this was only temporary.
"Water please. By the way, I got tested for flu and everything else before coming here."
"I know honey. You're always very careful. Hoseok's room is the last one down the hall." She commented, handing him a glass of water.
Jin thanked her and walked down the hall. His hands felt full with the cookie tray and the glass of water though they weren't heavy. Maybe because he was so nervous.
The door to Hoseok's room was opened. When he spotted Jin he excitedly waved and was starting to get up but Jin stopped him.
"It's not necessary. I'm coming." He said putting the glass of water down on a nearby nightstand.
There was a chair beside Hoseok's small loveseat so he took a seat because his knees were staring to feel like jelly.
"It's nice to see you. I'm sorry I didn't visit while you were at the hospital. I had been seeing Yoongi and I didn't want to risk carrying a bug."
"That's okay. I understand. It's nice to see you too. Different scenery huh?"
"Yes. I also brought you cookies because well,
I heard that some flowers or plants can steal your oxygen so you know considering..."
Hoseok laughed and winced a little from the soreness on his chest. "Don't worry. I appreciate the cookies. They're my favorites. You know that's a myth."
Jin then noticed the flower pot next to the window. He recalled Namjoon FaceTiming him the day before and asking what he thought of the flowers.
At the time, Jin didn't think much of it. Considering he was waking up from a mind blowing nap so he told him they looked fine. Now he knew why he had been asking.
"Namjoon came to see you?" He asked.
"Yeah! He stopped by yesterday."
"That little..." Jin murmured, bawling his fists on his lap. He took a deep breath and decided to change the topic, "I see you're drawing again."
"Yeah." Hoseok grinned while holding up a notebook.
It was a sketch of a man holding one of his hands over half of his face, it had no actual face, no nose, no lips, or eyes. However, the resemblance was there.
It was Jungkook.
Even without a face, Jin recognized him. He thought about all those times he complained of having to hold Namjoon so Hoseok could draw them.
He would do it again if that meant he'd be drawn by Hoseok.
Hoseok seemed to notice how fixated Jin was on the drawing so he closed his notebook and put it to the side. A small blush crept up his neck feeling guilty about this.
"How are you?" Jin wondered. It was better to keep the conversation going or it would make things more awkward than they already were.
"Oh I'm great. Never been better. I'm still very sore, but that's normal. It's nice to not use oxygen twenty-four seven. I don't recall remembering what it was to not have it."
Jin smiled big and bright, "I'm glad. I'm so happy you got a transplant."
"Thank you. I've been blessed. Yoongi will get his soon, I know it."
"Yeah. I'm sure of it."
"How are you?" Hoseok asked.
Jin's smile went thin. Emotionally, he could be better but now he could at least look Hoseok in the eye without falling to pieces which was progress. Physically, he was well. Working out actually made him feel better about himself.
"I'm okay." He finally replied after a brief moment of silence.
"Jin, I'm sorry."
"No you don't have—"
"But I do. I need to in order for me to move on and I think it will help you as well. I spoke to Namjoon about it yesterday."
"There's nothing for you to be sorry about." Jin murmured looking down at his feet.
As much as he hated to admit it, things had drastically changed between them ever since he attempted his absurd love confession. It sometimes made him regret doing it.
"You spilled your heart out to me and I'm sorry I can't replicate that. I'm sorry my feelings for you aren't the same. If I could...I don't know if I ever lead you and if I did I sincerely ap—"
"Hoseok, please don't. You are amazing. You are incredible. You never once led me on. You never gave me false hope. If I fell for you it was simply because you are fun, loving, and smart. I fell for you on my own. You shouldn't blame yourself for not feeling the same way."
Jin hadn't really stopped to think of how Hoseok felt about this situation. Being in his place wasn't easy either. Considering two people confessed to him and he had to turn both of them down at the same time.
"Jin, I want us to be friends. I miss you. I miss you so much." Hoseok whispered with teary eyes. "But if being friends with me hurts you I can't ask you to put up with it for me. It wouldn't be right."
Jin's throat felt tight as the knot inside of him got bigger. "Hoseok, I never want to stop being your friend. I've missed you too."
"If it's painful please don't—"
Jin abruptly got up from his seated position and lunged himself towards Hoseok. He hadn't hugged him in months. He didn't know how to touch him without feeling too much.
"It's more painful to not have you in my life." Jin said.
Hoseok returned the embrace snuggling into his neck. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment. Truly, he had missed Jin in ways he couldn't explain.
Their friendship meant the world to him. He didn't want to ever lose that. To ever lose him. He didn't want to think about a life without Jin.
Once Jin pulled away he smiled. "I'm sorry for lunging onto you like that. I hope I didn't hurt you."
"Not at all. I needed that hug very much."
Jin nodded, the bittersweet feeling spreading over him. Hoseok didn't not romantically like him. He wouldn't either, but talking to him about it gave him the closure he was needing.
"I'm going to be okay. Do not worry about me. I will be okay." He assured Hoseok while simultaneously assuring himself.
Hoseok gripped his hand finally relieved to get that off his chest. Jin didn't pull away. He allowed himself to hold Hoseok's hand.
Sometimes there just weren't enough words.
"Here's to acing that atrocious exam!"
Jimin brought his shot glass to the center of the group. His classmate, Johnny, was the first to take his shot.
The rest of them followed his lead.
Jimin made an awkward face once the alcohol hit the back of his throat. He did consume liquor but typically not on a daily basis.
When he did drink with his friends, it was at home. His tolerance wasn't the best and he often experienced various mood swings when getting drunk.
"Let's get another round!" Johnny cheered as he got up to find their waitress.
"Johnny gets a little carried away huh?" Chanyeol asked while playfully nudging Jimin.
His heart skipped a beat once he turned to see the angel like Chanyeol next to him. He wasn't trying to read into things but he had picked to sit next to him when they had the freedom to sit next to whoever.
Not to mention, Jimin was one of the first ones to sit so the rest of the table was empty. Chanyeol choosing to sit next to him made his heart flutter.
The waitress brought another round and Jimin took it without thinking about it twice. He told himself that would be it for tonight. He still had to drive back home and the next day he had to tutor.
A hangover wouldn't help him concentrate on trigonometry. The rest of the class started socializing amongst them.
Jimin spoke to them all but he was closer to Chanyeol than the rest. He expected to contribute to the conversation with small replies however when his starstruck crush turned his full attention to him he was taken back.
"Jimin, do you have any plans tomorrow?"
The nervousness that erupted within him gave him a little nausea. Or maybe it was the two shots on an almost empty stomach.
Beef nachos wasn't a very nutritious fulfilling meal. He knew if he ended up puking it up, the jalapeños would be a nightmare coming back up.
"Well, I have to tutor this kid around one pm. Tutoring sessions usually last about two hours."
"Oh that's right. You tutor math and other subjects as your part time job."
"Yeah I do."
"How are you so smart?" He smiled while resting his face on his propped up arm.
He looked so stunning. His dark hair was styled perfectly to one side. The casual white t-shirt and black jeans was a simple look that only certain people could pull off.
Chanyeol being one of them.
He was so breathtaking and here he was talking to Jimin. Giving Jimin his full attention while asking him about his plans the next day.
He hadn't planned to do much that evening after grabbing a few drinks with his classmates, but if the opportunity arose he wouldn't mind leaving with Chanyeol.
"I don't think I'm that smart." Jimin laughed while holding the empty shot glass. He wished he could've had more or at least another cup of water to take a sip from.
"Of course you are. You are the best tutor I've ever had. If it weren't for you I'd be failing miserably."
"Oh well...you're smart yourself. You catch on quickly. You make my life as a tutor easy."
"You are the best I know." He winked.
Jimin's heart suddenly felt like it could implode. Was Chanyeol flirting with him? Or was he simply being nice?
This crush he had on him was seriously fucking him up. Jimin was so out of touch with reality that he didn't recognize if this was open flirting or simple kindness.
"Any more drinks?" The waiter asked.
Jimin finally looked away from Chanyeol cringing at how stupid he must've looked drooling over him. He could only imagine the puppy wide eyes he must've had.
"I'm getting a mixed drink. Want one?" Chanyeol asked, leaning in closer.
Jimin caught the scent of cedar and his fruity breath against his neck. He would need more than a mixed drink to not lose his shit.
"Sure. Whatever you're getting."
Luckily, Chanyeol moved away from him to order. It's not that Jimin minded being so close to him, it was the fact that he forgot how to breathe with his presence so close.
When the waiter brought the mixed drinks, he immediately took a big gulp of it. You could barely taste the alcohol in it. The flavor was nice, smooth, and fruity.
"Do you like it?" Chanyeol chuckled, noticing his eagerness to chug it down.
"Yeah. It's so good." Jimin gushed while taking in another sip. It tasted more like juice than alcohol.
"Yeah, be careful though. It sneaks up on you and before you know it, it has you fucked up."
"Oh right. Yeah, well I do want to take it slow."
Chanyeol was nudged by Nancy, one of his other classmates, and he turned around briefly. Jimin took the opportunity to check his phone.
It had been almost two weeks and he hadn't spoken to Yoongi since then. Not because he didn't want to, but because Yoongi was not responding.
Jimin was left on delivered twelve times. He hadn't tried to call him, afraid that Yoongi would lash out on him again.
Though he was having a lot of fun and enjoying his time with Chanyeol, in the back of his mind Yoongi was there.
Taehyung was sick of him asking how Yoongi was doing. Vague answers were all he got until eventually Taehyung told him to simply ask Yoongi in person.
But he was so afraid of making him upset again.
"Is everything okay?" Chanyeol asked.
Jimin locked his phone and smiled, "Yeah. No." He admitted.
"Yes or no?" He chuckled confused.
"A very close friend of mine is mad at me. I'm not sure how to make it up to him."
"Hmm. What made him mad?"
"I..." Jimin's voice trailed off. Unsure of what to reply. To Jimin it felt like Yoongi had been jealous of Chanyeol.
Maybe not in a romantic way, but in the sense that Jimin could do more things with Chanyeol since he was not stuck in a hospital.
Then Hoseok getting his transplant didn't make it better. It had affected Yoongi in so many ways even if he didn't like to admit it.
"I think I didn't take his feelings into consideration. I think I bragged about doing things that he thought were sacred between us."
"Ahh. I get it. Sometimes I've been jealous of my friends getting close to another person."
"Yeah but, the other person I was doing these things with...I like them romantically." He whispered looking away while holding his glass cup.
Chanyeol hummed, "You could always tell him how you feel."
"What?" He shrieked.
"I mean your friend. Tell him that you're doing things with this person but that you like them romantically. I'm sure your friend would understand. Unless he likes you too."
Jimin's face instantly turned bright pink, "No. He doesn't like me that way." But the thought often crossed his mind on the regular.
"Then there's nothing to worry about." Chanyeol smiled supportively.
"Right." Jimin laughed nervously.
They continued chatting, before Jimin knew it he was done with his beverage and moving on to the next mixed drink.
He had set a limit for himself, but he was drinking with Chanyeol. Laughing with him and if he stopped drinking he would revert to being shy and awkward around him.
His confidence radiated through him, he was determined to make his move tonight. Who knew, maybe Jimin would even end up leaving with Chanyeol after all.
"Chanyeol do you maybe want—?"
A sudden vibration interrupted his sentence. He abruptly stopped and reached for his phone hoping it was Yoongi.
The deep disappointment that fell over him was evident. It was only Taehyung. Telling him that Yoongi was fine for the hundredth time. So why was he not responding?
"Your friend?" He asked.
"No. Well, yes. It's my friend."
"Not good news I'm assuming."
"Not so great."
"It'll be okay. Try not to stress about it." Chanyeol beamed. He put his hand over his shoulder and lightly squeezed it.
"Okay." Jimin said with an almost breathless sigh.
His heart erotically beat at his touch. Chanyeol moved his hand and got up. "Running to the bathroom really quick."
"Sure. I'll be right here."
Once Chanyeol left, Jimin took a deep breath. He rubbed his clammy sweaty hands over his pants. His breathing was a little off.
"Chanyeol. Would you like to go out sometime? Not tutoring. Just us two together. Would you like—? Yoongi I really like yo—" Jimin gasped loudly.
Yoongi's name escaped his lips without even thinking about it. He covered his mouth afraid he'd say his name once again.
"Huh? Did you say something?" Nancy asked.
"Oh. No sorry. Sorry." He whispered with a flushed face.
He started tapping his fingers on the table while his leg started shaking underneath. He meant to say Chanyeol. He really did. So why was Yoongi in his mind all of the sudden?
A loud vibration caught his attention. He looked down at the table. Chanyeol's phone lit up with a message from someone named 'peanut'.
The message said, "Can't wait to see you tonight. You better be glad I love you."
"Do you want another shot?" Johnny asked.
Jimin's eyes flickered from the phone to Johnny show was very upbeat at the moment. He had told himself he wouldn't drink anymore.
"Yes. Double shot." He said with bitterness.
It was going to be a long dreadful night.
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