"So what are we doing exactly?" Namjoon asked, taking a sip from his orange juice cup.
Jin rolled his eyes, "Ugh can you pay attention to me?"
"Sorry. This orange juice is exquisite. It's freshly squeezed!" He said holding it out to Jin.
"Hooray. That's great now we have to come up with a list of our pros and cons and then Jungkook's pros and cons. We gotta figure out what we're missing that he has."
"I can think of a lot of things we're missing." Namjoon stated while adding cream cheese to his bagel.
"I think we have a little something." Jin said, giving him a look.
He opened up the notebook and a piece of paper flew out and landed on the floor. As he bent over to pick it up he groaned still sore from the intense workout they had been putting themselves through.
"I told you we should've started easy."
"Did Jungkook get that sexy body by starting easy? I think not. Now, starting with his pros."
"He's sexy, muscular, nice, has tattoos, pretty lips, pretty nose—"
"Okay, okay, damn. You're going too fast. Technically we can put the pretty lips and nose into the sexy category."
"Alright that sounds fair. He's healthy, athletic, a nurse and you know anything in the medical field automatically gives you points."
"Right. His voice is nice and he's easy to talk to." Jin added.
"He always smells good. Not intoxicatedly good but manly good."
"I think our list is getting too long. Let's start with his cons."
Namjoon sighed as he took a bite. On the top of his head he really couldn't think of a con. Not when it came to Jungkook he was literally picture perfect.
"Don't speak too fast, I might not be able to catch it." Jin sarcastically said.
"His only con is that he's seeing Taehyung which is making Hoseok sad but Taehyung is a great guy so therefore there's really no con."
"I can think of a few."
"Okay go on."
Jin's mind went blank. He could've sworn he had a million bad things to say about Jungkook and yet he didn't.
"He talks too fast sometimes. It's hard to understand." Jin mumbled writing it down though this wasn't the case.
"I feel like he talks normally to me. I actually like his word pace and—"
"Sometimes his clean scent is too overpowering."
"I don't—"
"I think I saw spinach stuck in his tooth once."
Namjoon hummed as he finished his bagel. Jin hadn't even touched him. He was too busy with the list that wasn't interested in eating.
"I don't think that's considered a con. It's normal."
"Fine! He has no cons!"
"How about we start our list?" Namjoon suggested in hopes this would help a little with their mood.
"Alright. Let's start with the cons because I have a lot for you. You don't know boundaries, you have dog hair on your clothes, you talk to others like you talk to a kindergartener, you have an an obnoxious attitude, your hair—"
"Seems like my con list is quite long."
Jin bit the inside of his lip, "Okay my bad. How about you tell me some of my cons?"
"Your laugh is loud, you spit when you're angry talking, your cologne smells cheap, that hair dye looks cheap, your—"
"Fuck. Okay."
"Don't feel too good right?"
"Let's talk about our pros." Jin said.
"I don't know if you're capable of saying something nice about me."
Jin looked at Namjoon. Truly looked at him and analyzed his features. He never stopped to see him and notice the little things.
Like the way his face was perfectly structured. How beautiful his golden skin was. How when he smiled he got a small dimple. How big and brown his eyes were.
"You have a pretty smile. Your voice is soothing. Your eyes are beautiful. You always smell good. You're tall and dress elegant."
"You think my voice is soothing and that I have a pretty smile?" He asked in shock that those compliments came out of his mouth.
"Not when you smile like that."
Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Here's your pro list. Your face is attractive. You can pull off long earrings very well. Your shoulders are strong and wide. You're committed. You have long slender fingers."
Jin's face heated up, "You fucking perv looking at my fingers."
"Why a perv? You can text faster that way."
"What did you think I meant?"
"Nothing, forget it." He murmured, still blushing.
"How does our list look?"
Jin looked at it, "Well, we have good things and bad things but unfortunately it does not add up to that sexy hulk fucker."
"Come on say it."
"Say what?"
"Curse come on. I know you've been wanting too. Let it out."
"I—I can't curse. I turn into an animal when I do."
"When do you curse?"
Namjoon kept quiet and his face turned pink. Jin raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer. "I can't say. It's not appropriate."
"Well the time is appropriate now. Say it! You gotta feel it." He says lightly punching his chest. Jin was surprised how strong it felt.
"Okay fine. Stupid....stupid freak...fucking shit. Fuck this shit."
"Yeah! I'm saying!"
Namjoon nodded because it felt good. He stood up feeling empowered as he flicked the air off. Jin's eyes widened.
"Yeah! Fuck this shit! Fuck it all! Fuck it all—!"
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The waiter said in a disapproving tone.
Namjoon brought his fingers down and noticed everyone looking at him. "Okay. Sorry. I'll leave right now. I'm so sorry."
"The check." He said.
Jin felt bad for making him show off so he took the check proving his credit card. The waiter took it, "Thank you. Sir please leave."
"I—okay. Sorry. Sorry everyone, I apologize." Namjoon said, grabbing his coat and bowing literally to every table as he went by.
Jin laughed as he waited for his card. Once he got it back he met Namjoon outside. "I told you! I told you I would go feral."
"Okay I wouldn't say feral. That wasn't that bad."
"I got kicked out."
"Okay. It was a little bad." Jin chuckled.
"That was pretty fun though."
"Yeah it was." Jin replied with a smile.
Namjoon sighed, pressing his back to the brick wall. "I'm heartbroken and all but I like hanging out with you. It's like having a new friend."
Jin watched the tall man standing awkwardly with his long coat in his hands though it was hot. He was awkward. Cutely awkward and as much as he hated to admit it he did like hanging out with him too.
"I have to go. Today is Jeongyeon's promotion party and I don't want to be too late."
"Sure thing. I have to trim Oreo's hair anyways. He's one of my loyal customers." Namjoon grinned.
"I bet he is. Goodbye Namjoon."
"By the way," Jin said as he started walking away.
"I am your friend."
Jin kept walking then not wanting to turn around because why was he blushing after saying that? He didn't have to turn around to know that Namjoon was smiling big and bright.
"You practiced the dance moves enough. I think you'll do great." Jimin encouraged him.
"I'm not nervous about that." Yoongi mumbled as he stuffed his face with mini bell peppers.
Jeongyeon had provided odd snacks for a party. Most of them were vegetables and he knew this was because of him.
Due to his health he couldn't really eat a bunch of junk food. He sort of felt bad for ruining the snacks for everyone.
"Then what are you nervous about?"
Yoongi swallowed the thick mouthful of peppers as he looked at Jimin. The whole night he had been up thinking of the party.
He wanted to ask Jimin to dance and he had spent hours trying to come up with how to do it. "I'm just nervous about the crowd."
"It's only a few people. Don't you know them?"
Yoongi looked around the room to the people Jeongyeon had invited from her job. It was a small crowd with maybe ten people.
"Not really."
"It's okay. I'm right here. Oh and look Jin just showed up."
"Oh thank God."
"How about I get you something to drink while you catch up with him?"
"Okay thanks." He said as he walked towards Jin.
"I need help!"
"No, hey how you are doing?" Jin asked.
"Hey Jin, how are you doing? I need your help."
"With what?"
Yoongi turned around and spotted Jimin by the fruit punch table. He was chatting with Jeongyeon and one of her female coworkers.
"I'm going to ask Jimin to dance but I need to know how."
"Have you forgotten that I suck at love? Hoseok doesn't like me."
"But you've still got experience. You have way more than me. You're a lady and a man's man."
Jin smiled proudly crossing his arms over his chest, "Yeah. I am. You're right. Okay so let me smell you."
Yoongi poked his chest out and Jin started sniffing him. "Damn. You poured the whole cologne on yourself?"
"What? Is it really that strong?"
"Fuck. What should I do?"
"Wet a napkin and scrub your neck a little."
"How about I supposed—"
Before he could finish asking the question Jin had already walked away. He came back with a wet napkin and he started rubbing his neck.
"There you go. What if he decided to kiss your neck or something? You'd poison him."
"Oh no. I don't want that!"
"So you ask him like this. You walk over to him and run your fingers through your hair."
"Okay. Like this?" He wondered.
"Yeah. A little like this. More aggressively and kind of bite your lip. Not too much. You don't want to be like Bella from Twilight."
"Okay. Subtle like Fifty Shades of Grey."
"Ye—no! Maybe don't bite your lip, just smirk. Smirk sexily and walk with confidence."
"Okay. I need to remove my oxygen then."
"No, do it with your oxygen. You've told me Jimin doesn't mind."
"I don't know if I can pull it off."
"You can. So as soon as you get to him spilling your sexy hormones you look him right in the eye and say 'May I have this dance?'"
Yoongi held his breath forgetting where he was and what he was doing. Why was Jin suddenly glowing?
"Holy shit. You do have game."
Jin smirked, "I know. I know. Just follow my ways and I'll get you straight."
"I don't want to be straight but thanks. I think I'm ready. We just need to set up the mood. I need someone to start dancing. Did Jeongyeon bring alcohol?"
"Yes but you can't drink."
"I know but everyone else can. That way they will have no other choice but to start dancing."
"Okay. Give me ten minutes and I'll get them fucked up."
"Maybe not fucked up but...okay. Thanks. You don't want to get them kicked out."
Jin was already out mingling and Jimin was now approaching him. "Sorry. I was talking to your friend and got distracted but here's your punch!"
"Thank you."
Jimin took a sip from his cup, "Looks like they're getting the party started huh?" He chuckled as he watched Jin hand out Mike's.
"Yeah. Do you want one?"
"Maybe in a bit."
Jimin kept looking at the door and Yoongi seemed to notice. "Is everything okay?" He asked. Maybe his cologne was still too strong and he couldn't tolerate the scent.
"No, I'm okay. Sorry if I seem a little distracted."
"That's fine. How's school?"
"It's great. I'm super busy. As the semester is advancing the material keeps getting tougher. I picked a tough career but I wouldn't change it for the world."
"I really think you're going to be the best pediatrician in the world."
"Really now?"
"Yes really."
As the minutes passed, their conversation kept flowing. They talked about the most random things but to Yoongi it was perfect.
Before Yoongi knew it, the people were starting to get tipsy and therefore dancing. Jin and him locked eyes across the room. He gave him a thumbs up and Yoongi nervously smiled.
He cleared his throat as he turned to Jimin who was bopping his head to the music. He didn't know how long they had because he was afraid the hospital staff would cut the music for being too loud.
He finally looked at Jimin and ran his fingers through his hair like Jin had taught him, but he was beyond nervous.
"Jimin may—"
"Oh! He's here!" Jimin whispered.
"What?" He asked, turning around.
When he did his heart sank to his stomach. Chanyeol was right there in flesh and bones. He was even prettier in person.
"I hope you don't mind me inviting him. Namjoon and Taehyung are both working."
"No. That's...fine." Yoongi forced himself to say. It was hard to even speak. His heart felt so heavy.
"Come on. So you can meet him."
Yoongi swallowed the knot in his throat and glanced over at Jin who had this pitiful look on his face.
"Hey! Thanks for stopping by. This is my friend Yoongi. The one I've told you about."
Oh. Friend.
Chanyeol looked over at Yoongi with a bright smile. Yoongi wanted to disappear. He looked breathtaking in his simple black t-shirt and jeans.
His chest and abdomen were seen through the tight t-shirt. Yoongi must've looked deadly sick next to him. The confidence he had built up was washed away.
"Hey! I'm Chanyeol. I'm in Jimin's class. So nice to finally meet you."
Fuck, even his voice was perfect. He was so fucking perfect and Yoongi was everything but that. The way Jimin looked at him was unmistakable.
"Nice...nice to meet you." Yoongi's voice was shaky. Frail. He wondered what Chanyeol thought of him. Did he pity him?
"Do you want something to drink? Maybe we should go meet Jeongyeon first. She's the reason we're having this party." Jimin added.
"Yeah! I'd love to." Chanyeol smiled and Yoongi felt his world spin.
In what universe would Jimin like him if Chanyeol was perfection walking the earth?
He felt so pathetic for even fumbling with the idea of asking Jimin to dance. As they walked towards Jeongyeon her smile slowly faded. She knew exactly who this was. She glanced at Yoongi who had this awkward smile on his face.
After the very weird introduction, Jimin offered to grab a drink with Chanyeol. "Do you want to come with us Yoongi?"
"Ahh no go on. I'm going to speak to Jeongyeon for a bit."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'll catch up in a bit."
When they walked away, Jeongyeon stood in front of him. "You want to drink?"
"I can't drink."
"You can drink some punch. Same thing."
"Yeah. I suppose."
She held his hand and dragged him away. Jin met up with them in the corner. They tried to distract him from the fact that Jimin was in the corner laughing and chatting with Chanyeol.
Yoongi attempted to contribute to the conversation but was failing miserably. It was hard to pretend when your heart was at your throat. At one point Jin excused himself to use the bathroom.
"I need to get one more!" Jeongyeon screamed while holding her empty can.
"No way. You've met your limit. Taehyung said you could bring alcohol but don't push it."
"Yoongi! I'm not drunk!"
"Yes you are. You have a low tolerance."
She pouted, wrapping her arm around his neck. "Don't be a party pooper. I got promoted!"
As Yoongi kept bickering with his friend, Jimin happened to look over. He saw the way Yoongi had his arm wrapped around her waist and how she had her head on his chest.
For a split second, he thought about walking over and pulling her off his grip. It wasn't until Chanyeol spoke up again that he responded.
"Huh? Sorry. What?"
"I was asking if you liked the fruit punch."
"Oh yeah. Yeah I do." He responded with a timid smile.
He grounded himself again attempting to forget the slight frustration he had felt just seconds ago. He took another sip feeling the gross drink on his taste buds.
Jealousy was a sour thing.
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