"I don't think Taehyung is happy about this." Yoongi murmured as the elevator door closed behind.
Taehyung was staring mighty hard at them both making Yoongi nervous. He was pretty comfortable with his nurse but when he got serious it was quite scary.
"He's okay with it. We got clearance from your doctor and it's not like we're going out to the public. It's only the top of the building."
"Do I have to wear this?" He asked, pulling at his hoodie.
"Sadly yes. That's the only way Taehyung allowed this. He doesn't want you to get sick."
"It's May and hot as fuck. I'm sure it's not cold outside."
"Not cold but it can get chilly with the wind. How about this, you can roll up your sleeves."
Yoongi sighed, "Yeah. I guess that works."
"Come on! I'm very excited for tonight!" Jimin squealed, grabbing his hand and pulling him as soon as the door opened.
Yoongi ignored the jitters in his stomach as they got to the big white door. Jimin opened it up and stuck a bill between the door so it wouldn't lock behind.
The air was a bit chilly outside and now he was thankful that Taehyung had insisted on him wearing a hoodie.
He struggled to catch his breath with the wind hitting his face. It had a scent to it coming from the flowers and blooming trees.
He smiled looking around him. It was dark, eight to be exact, but the buildings around him were lit up and not to mention it was a full moon.
Finally, he slowly made his way to Jimin and that's when he noticed the telescope and a thick red blanket on the floor with a basket on top.
Yoongi's heart thumped excitedly at the view. It was so romantic and so sweet. Jimin always went above and beyond with his bucket list.
He didn't have to do any of this and he still did without asking for anything in return. It flattered him that Jimin truly cared about him.
Was this what it felt to have a partner? All of these emotions and adventures were new to Yoongi so it was hard to interpret them.
He couldn't tell if it was all in his head and if he was stupidly getting his hopes up. Jimin was simply being nice to him because he had a kind heart.
Jimin enjoyed charity work. He came to entertain sick kids and was even aiming for a career in medicine to help others.
Why would this be any different? At the end of the day, Yoongi was just a sick person who guilt tripped him into pretending to be his boyfriend.
"What's the matter?" Jimin asked after a long moment of silence.
The look on Yoongi's face was an unknown mixture he couldn't put into words. He seemed both happy and sad at the same time. Or was it just disappointment?
"Nothing. You just...you shouldn't have gotten a telescope. You really shouldn't have." He said with the biggest smile.
Jimin grinned satisfied with himself. "Oh, but I had to. How else would we see the stars up close?"
"Jimin you're...you're so kind. I...I don't want you to feel forced to do everything on my list. I appreciate it, but I don't want this to feel like homework—"
"Are you kidding me? I'm not forced to do any of this. I truly do enjoy being with you. Believe me when I tell that you it does not pain me to spend time with you."
Yoongi could see his sincerity and that's when it hit him. Jimin didn't see him as a weak, sick man. He saw him just like any other person.
Jimin didn't pay attention to the fact that he wore oxygen ninety percent of the time, nor that he had a feeding tube on the side of his body. He didn't point any of those things out and hung out with him so naturally.
Jimin made him feel human. Something he had struggled with his whole life. Always being treated like a fragile porcelain doll behind a glass door.
Yoongi reached over to pull him for a hug. It felt like the right thing to do. No words could describe his enormous gratitude towards him.
Jimin was startled, but he hugged him back. They hadn't hugged this close. They had for pictures yet it felt like their first authentic embrace and it was nice.
"Come on, it's not a big deal."
Yoongi didn't want to let go. Jimin was warm and it made him feel all fuzzy inside. His cheeks were red as he finally let go before his dick made things awkward.
"You've spent so much money on me. I'm going to owe you for the rest of my life."
Jimin grinned, "Don't worry you can always repay me by being my servant in another lifetime."
"Your servant? I think not." Yoongi chuckled.
"For sure. I can see it happening." He mumbled while tapping his forehead with his fingers.
"Yeah right!"
"On a serious note, you don't have to worry about the money issue. My dad actually owns this telescope. He loves to watch the stars. It was a hobby of ours when I was younger."
Yoongi sighed relieved, "Oh fuck that's a relief. I was seriously worried you bought a telescope solely for this. I was seriously thinking I might have to be your servant in this lifetime."
Jimin laughed, "Don't be so silly. Take a peak! Today's a full moon and the stars are beautiful. I wanted to be on a date that was not cloudy and lit up."
"Okay. How do I exactly do this?" He asked as he bent down to the telescope. He closed his right eye as he brought his left one to the small hole.
Jimin came closer towards Yoongi. Close enough that his warm minty breath was hitting the side of his neck.
This made Yoongi twitch which caused him to involuntarily jerk, hitting him on the nose with his head.
"Oh shit! Jimin, I'm so sorry!"
Jimin closed his eyes bringing his hand to his nose. It hurt bad enough that he could see little sparks with his eyes closed, but he also found it amusing.
"It's fine." He laughed.
The look of horror on Yoongi's face got worse when he saw the blood dripping from his nose. "I broke your nose with my big ass head. I'm so fucking sorry! I'll go get Taehyung—"
"It's fine! I have a sensitive nose. It bleeds for whatever reason and it's not even bad." He bent over a little while punching his nostrils to stop the bleeding.
Yoongi bit the inside of his lips nervously, "Are you sure it's not broken?"
"I'm positive it's not."
"I'm still really sorry. Do you want a foot rub?"
Jimin laughed once again. Yoongi frowned, "I don't see what's so funny. I made you bleed."
"It's the first time you pop a cherry huh?"
Yoongi's face turned bright pink, "Alright I see you're perfectly fine."
"I'm only teasing. The bleeding stopped, see?"
Yoongi felt a little better about the situation but he was still deeply embarrassed. Being around Jimin made him not be able to control body.
The hairs behind his neck stuck out and his skin got goosebumps almost like his body was saluting him for simply being close to him.
"Let's try it again." He said reaching over to grab napkins from the basket that was on the blanket.
Yoongi was trying to ignore the fact that the blanket was there because it made everything feel so intimate. Like a real date.
"Okay." He mumbled anxiously.
This time when he felt Jimin next to him he tensed his body so it wouldn't involuntarily jerk. Jimin smiled a little satisfied with the effect he had on him.
"Does having me so close make you nervous virgin boy?"
Yoongi turned his face slightly, already feeling the blush creep up. It was at this moment he needed to have a smart comeback to diffuse the tension, but his mind went blank.
Jimin quickly laughed to break the ice, "I'm only teasing! Go on and let me help you."
Yoongi went back to position, his hands all jittery. Jimin slowly moved the telescope pointing it to the direction he thought would be pretty to look at.
"Can you see anything?"
Yoongi really focused, but to him it looked like a big blob. If he was honest, he was quite disappointed at the sight.
He always envisioned it would be pretty to look at the night sky through a telescope but this wasn't pretty at all. However, he didn't want to disappoint Jimin.
"Oh yeah! Looks fucking great!"
"You're not seeing anything are you?"
Yoongi sighed, "No. Sorry. It's just so dark and confusing."
Jimin smiled, "It's okay. When I first started doing this with my dad it was the same for me. The thing about using a telescope is that you have to be patient. It took me a while before I could start star hopping efficiently."
"What's star hopping?" Yoongi asked, still looking through the telescope in hopes of seeing something.
"It's basically what it sounds like. You focus on a star and then hop from star to star to find a difficult target. It's easier when you learn the constellations."
Yoongi stepped back a little, "I thought it would be easy."
"Not quite. Give me a second." He said as he looked through the telescope himself.
Yoongi waited patiently until Jimin spoke up. "Ahh there it is. Take a look here."
At first, Yoongi didn't see anything specific or something that wowed him. Then he saw it. A bright beautiful star was close enough that he felt like he could touch it.
"Holy shit! I see Jimin! It's so pretty!"
Jimin smiled at his cuteness, quickly taking out his phone to snap a picture. It was a moment that was worth remembering.
They spent the next hour looking at different stars. Yoongi kept being mesmerized by the beauty and he was so glad that Jimin brought a telescope.
"I don't know about you but I'm a little hungry." Jimin said.
Yoongi nodded, "Me too."
"Come sit down. I brought us some food."
"Thank you." Yoongi said through a smile.
They sat on the warm fuzzy blanket and Yoongi watched as Jimin unpacked the picnic basket. He took out a few bottles of water and flavored juice.
At first Yoongi was smiling, but as he continued to pull stuff out he grew more confused. Bananas, bread and mayonnaise?
"I know what you're thinking. What the fuck is this Jimin?" He said holding up one banana in the air.
"Uhh...yeah...what the fuck is this?"
Was he trying to be suggestive with his food choice? Yoongi shook his head trying to stop his erratic thoughts.
"When I was younger my mom made me this sandwich that I think is the best shit in the world. It's bread with mayonnaise and sliced bananas. Super simple to make. Now the bananas have to be a certain color. They have to have a little green. I don't like mine too mature."
"You lost me at sliced bananas."
"Come on! Give it a try! It's seriously so yummy. Don't you like mayonnaise? I love mayonnaise. I could eat it for days."
Yoongi thought of something perverted to say but he hit his tongue to stop himself. Jimin noticed the teasing smirk on his face.
"Nothing. Nothing. I guess we can give your banana sandwich a try."
Jimin handed him the first one and waited anxiously as Yoongi brought it to his mouth. He took a bite and chewed slowly.
"So?" Jimin asked, leaning closer.
"That's fucking amazing."
"Yes! I knew it!" Jimin screamed satisfied.
"Okay, okay, it's not the best thing in the world but it's pretty fucking good."
"Admit it, it's the best fucking thing."
Yoongi smiled, taking another bite, "Fine. It kind of is."
Jimin made his sandwich next. It was nice to be here with him. They were doing anything special but it felt special.
It felt like something straight out of a movie. He couldn't believe that Jimin, the insanely hot Park Jimin, was here with him eating a banana sandwich under the stars.
"What's your favorite color Jimin?" Yoongi asked out of the blue. He wanted to know everything about him and everywhere he ever went.
If he wasn't caged behind his hospital room he could do so much. Be more fun to be around and maybe get Jimin to truly notice him.
"Hmm. I don't have one. I truly like all the colors. Yours is yellow right?"
"One hundred percent."
"What makes it so special?"
"I'm not sure. I like looking at it because it cheers me up. It's kind of like you. You're yellow in human form."
Jimin raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Yellow in human form?"
"Yes. I don't know how to explain it." Yoongi admitted keeping his eyes glued to the sky.
"Well, I hope it's a good thing."
"It is. Do you have any siblings?"
"I have one younger brother. You're an only child, correct?"
"Yeah. My parents got pretty busy taking care of me to have another child. Sometimes it makes me feel bad. I know they wanted more kids."
"It's not your fault. Plus, I think they're fine with having just you."
"I suppose they have no other choice." Yoongi chuckled. "Do you want any kids?" He added.
"Uhh...that's a tough one for me. I want to but then I don't. It sounds selfish but I like my freedom. Having a child is a lot of responsibility. Something that's with you for the rest of your life. I think after I'm done with my career, maybe travel a little I would consider it. I want to travel a lot. Go to places I've never seen before. Places I can't even imagine are real."
Yoongi smiled, "That sounds fucking awesome."
"What about you?" Jimin asked with curiosity in his tone. He looked over at Yoongi who hadn't moved his eyes from the stars.
He sighed exhausted, "No. I don't think I want kids. I don't think I have a future at all."
Jimin gulped his breaking heart from his throat. "Yoongi don't say that. Your treatment is keeping you stable. You'll get a transplant before you know it."
Yoongi cracked a smile. One he always did when he was in similar situations. One that he attempted to mask his pain through.
"Hey, I believe you will get better." Jimin said, propping himself up a little.
"Thank you." Yoongi responded.
Jimin wanted to say so much more, but what could he say? What could he say to make it better? To help him feel better?
He quickly propped himself up leaning closer towards Yoongi who was still laying back. "I'll tell you what. You and I, we will travel the world together. Once you're out of here we could do it all."
Yoongi finally looked at him. His enthusiasm sounded sincere and he truly seemed happy about it.
"Do you mean that once this is over you will still be my friend?"
"Of course I will. We will be friends forever."
"Forever no matter what?" Yoongi whispered. His fear was that one day he'd wake up and Jimin would realize that being friends with a loser like him was not worth it.
What if he never got his transplant and Jimin kept having to come see him here at the hospital? What if he did get his contract and afterwards things were weird and they stopped talking?
"Forever and always." Jimin said, extending out his pinky.
Yoongi looked at his hand slightly confused, "You want to pinky swear? I haven't done that since I was like five."
"It's sacred."
Yoongi chuckled, wrapping his pinky around his, "Fine, here goes nothing."
"I swear to be your unconditional friend until the end of time." Jimin said.
"I swear to be your annoying needy friend until the end of time." Yoongi responded.
"There it's sealed. You can't break it off or—"
"Your pinky will fall out."
"Exactly! I wouldn't break it if I were you." Jimin said letting go and laying back down.
Yoongi kept a smile on his face being reassured once again. This meant Jimin wanted him in his life in one way or another. That was enough for him.
As his beating heart kept racing he closed his eyes briefly, getting the urge to feel him. What would that feel like? To be confident enough to hold Jimin close?
Without overthinking it, he slid his hand across and intertwined his fingers around his. He opened his eyes once he felt Jimin turn to look at him.
He didn't dare to look back and kept his eyes fixed on one star in particular. His cheeks were a fiery red, but he was so very happy. Jimin's hand was warm and his skin soft.
He wished he could kiss it, kiss him, feel him. He quickly tucked those thoughts behind telling himself it was the fact that he was a virgin and Jimin was hot.
"Is this okay?" Yoongi asked, his voice a bit shaky.
Jimin couldn't help but he was faced by his touch and he grew nervous himself. He could feel his face heating up too.
It's not that it felt wrong, it didn't. He didn't mind holding Yoongi's hand but in the back of his mind he could hear Taehyung's scolding and warning him about this.
The last thing he wanted was to hurt Yoongi. Their friendship was authentic but their relationship wasn't.
By the way Yoongi held his hand, it didn't feel friendly at all. It felt intimate.
Almost like they could make love but without physically doing it. It was strange to process and yet he couldn't dare to hurt his feelings.
"Yes. That's fine."
He bit the inside of his cheek fighting off a smile. Because Jimin hadn't pulled away! While Jimin laid next to him puzzled and confused.
Yoongi had made up his mind he would try to hold his hand again. Maybe next time Jimin would feel the way he did.
Maybe, he just needed to try one more time.
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