"I hope you trip on your feet."
"That's not very nice." Namjoon frowned.
"I see no dog hairs today."
"I made sure to lint roll my clothes."
"Well great, you got all dressed up to lose today sucker!"
Namjoon smiled, "And you're telling me you're an adult?"
"You guys are good to go in." Jungkook announced after hanging up the phone.
"Great, uhh before we do, I need to talk to Taehyung really quickly. Namjoon you can't go without me." Jin warned with a threatening tone.
"I wasn't planning on it."
"Hey so I wanted to ask if it would be okay to have a little get together?" Jin asked. He made sure to stand in front of Taehyung's way to block his view from Yoongi's room.
Yoongi had plans to sneak out and of course being the good friend that he was, he was facilitating his escape.
"For what?"
"Well, Jeongyeon may or may not get a promotion. So we have to celebrate."
"She may or may not huh? Well you may or may not be able to. I have to clear it through his doctor. You know the protocol."
"Geez. I know but—"
"Don't talk to my friend like that." Namjoon butted in.
"Oh he's your friend? Taehyung and I are friends too, right?"
Taehyung scrunched his nose, "Ehh. Friends is a bit of an overstatement."
"He was my friend first. Are you trying to take him too?" Namjoon asked, a little paranoid.
"I don't even want him. No offense."
"None taken." Taehyung said uninterested in the conversation already.
"I don't appreciate you—"
As soon as Jin felt his phone vibrate, he knew Yoongi had been successful so he stepped away from the desk. Satisfied one of his missions was complete.
"Fine, fine. Taehyung since you're his friend then I suggest that you pick up his face off the floor because I'm going to mop him with it!"
Jungkook quickly stood up, "I cannot permit fighting in this facility. Especially not in front of Hoseok."
Jin flinched, grabbing onto Namjoon's arm. "Fuck, calm down hulk boy. We're not going to fight. I was trying to trash talk."
"You better not. Or I will take you out." Jungkook warned. Taehyung cracked a smirk because he was kind of sexy being so authoritative.
"Okay, okay. Fuck. Can we please see Hoseok mister sir?" He asked letting Namjoon's arm go.
"Mister sir?" Namjoon asked.
"You know what I meant."
"Yeah. Go on."
As soon as they turned around Jin scooted closer to Namjoon. "And you say I'm the one with anger issues."
"He's pretty scary." Namjoon admitted.
Jin adjusted his shirt and knocked on the door. Namjoon sighed trying to remain calm, but inside he was freaking out.
"Your tie is crooked."
"What? Reall—?" Before Namjoon could finish Jin had already walked through the door.
"Dang it." He murmured walking in after him. Jin already had Hoseok in his arms. He patiently waited for his turn to hug him.
Jin didn't seem content but he didn't say anything like he typically did. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Hoseok asked with a big smile.
The duo looked at each other briefly, "We wanted to speak to you about something." Namjoon said.
Jin was curling his toes and bawling his hands nervously. How was Namjoon so fucking calm when he felt like he could puke?
"Really? About what? Oh! By the way, the drawings are doing really well. I've gotten so many more requests but I'm still not done with my last one. I'm such a perfectionist. That reminds me, I got something for you guys."
"A present for us?" Namjoon asked excitedly.
Jin forced a smile, but he was still extremely nervous. He couldn't relax when he was about to ask Hoseok the most important question of his life.
"Yes. Here you go!" He cheesed, handing each of them a paper.
Namjoon grinned as he looked at the drawing of the three. "Ah! So pretty! Jin's scowl is spot on!" He laughed.
Jin felt himself relax a little, "That scowl is spot on."
"We're the perfect trio. We're really good friends."
That's when Jin tensed up again. Friends. Trio. What if he ruined it all for something he wasn't even sure of? Did that mean that's all Hoseok saw them as?
"Thank you! I love it! So, uhh I think we should get to what we came for. Jin and I wanted to—"
"See if you want more pictures of us to draw! Since it's going so well."
"Oh. Yeah. I would love that."
"No. That's not what we came for." Namjoon said, giving Jin a look.
"What's wrong?" Hoseok asked.
"I think it's better if you sit down." Namjoon said.
He chuckled, still slightly confused, "Okay."
As soon as he sat down, Namjoon kneeled by his side. This was the boost of confidence Jin needed because he too kneeled on the other side.
"Guys what's going on?" Hoseok asked this time, a bit scared. They were looking at him intensely making him a bit self conscious.
"Hoseok, I want to ask if you were willing to date me." Namjoon said, holding his hand.
Jin quickly took the other, "I want you to date me too!"
Hoseok's eyes widened and his face became a fiery red. "You guys want...want to date me?" He wondered, perplexed.
"Yes." They both answered in unison.
Hoseok didn't know what to even say. It was hard to think they both had feelings for him. Why would they like such an uninteresting person like him?
"We will all remain as friends no matter what." Namjoon added in hopes this would make Hoseok feel less guilty about his decision.
"Guys, I....I'm very flattered. Truly am. You both are amazing, but I can't accept either of you." The last words came out as a whisper. He could tell his face was getting redder as he spoke.
"Like Namjoon said, we will all be friends." Jin said. He didn't want to wonder whether Hoseok liked him or not. He needed to know.
Hoseok's hands were starting to sweat. Having them both hold onto him with so much need and want broke his heart to pieces.
"It's not that. I really hope we can still be friends. It's just that...I like someone else."
Jin's grip slowly loosened at the sound of that. "Someone else?" He asked quietly.
A soft knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Jungkook slowly peeked his head in. He saw them both kneeled next to him so he could imagine what was happening.
"Oops. Sorry to interrupt. I just came to drop off the vanilla pudding. I know you like it better than chocolate. I'll leave it here." He said before quickly walking back out.
Namjoon noted how Hoseok's expression changed as soon as his nurse had walked in. His eyes lit up and the prettiest smile painted his face.
It was a glow neither him nor Jin provoked. He slowly let go of his hand realizing who he had feelings for.
"I don't mean to be nosey, but please tell me it's not Yoongi or Jeongyeon." Jin whispered, terrified. If he had feelings for one of his best friends he wouldn't be able to handle it.
"No. I like Jungkook."
Jin's eyes widened, "Sexy hulk nurse? What?" He asked in disbelief.
"I am so sorry. I don't want to hurt either of you."
"Hoseok you do know that he's seeing someone else right?" Namjoon asked a bit worried he wasn't aware of the dates his friend and Jungkook were having.
Hoseok smiled sadly, "I'm very aware. Don't worry about me. I just can't accept either of the offers because it doesn't feel right to do so."
Jin finally let go of his hand, feeling his heart implode at the thought of kissing goodbye to the possibilities to have Hoseok.
That's all he ever dreamed of since the moment he laid eyes on him. How could ever let go of his biggest dream?
"I hope we can remain friends." Hoseok repeated, very embarrassed.
"I'll continue to be your friend." Namjoon responded.
Hoseok glanced at Jin who looked beyond broken and his heart sank a little. "I'll be your friend too." Jin added with a small smile after recouping.
But being friends was not enough.
After an awkward goodbye, they both headed out. Taehyung caught a glimpse of Namjoon who shrugged and shook his head disappointedly.
He knew Namjoon wouldn't talk about it now, so he gave him a comforting smile as he waved bye.
Jin was quiet as the elevator door closed. He finally turned to Namjoon who also looked very sad. He hadn't shown it so much in the room with Hoseok.
Maybe he was good at hiding his feelings. Jin was not. He showed how he felt without a shame. Even if he tried to conceal it, his body language told it all.
He sighed defeatedly, leaning his forehead on Namjoon's shoulder. "You said it would be okay." He murmured heartbroken.
Namjoon slowly patted his back, "In my defense I did think he would at least pick one of us."
Once the elevator door opened, Jin recomposed himself, stepping away. "I guess this is goodbye then. It was a nice fight and I applaud you for not stepping down."
"We can't be friends then?"
Jin pressed his lips together unsure of what to respond. A few people started walking in, so he slowly made his way through them.
By the time Namjoon got out Jin was out of sight. It seemed that he had not only lost his chance with Hoseok but his friendship with Jin.
Nothing saddened him more.
By the time Yoongi was able to sneak into the room, Jimin was almost done with the poppet show.
The kids heard him come in and all greeted him excitedly.
Yoongi brought his finger up to his lip telling them to keep it down. Nayeon smiled with a small wave from the corner of the room. He sat down at the very front like he usually did.
When Jimin was done, he clapped the loudest. He wished he would've been there before starting but Yuta had been in the room. If he would've seen him, he would've immediately gotten in trouble.
"The end!" Jimin said, getting up from under the table. His eyes widened a bit once he saw Yoongi sitting in the crowd of children but he smiled.
What a difference three months made.
The Jimin from February would've thrown a fit seeing Yoongi sitting there. "How did you guys enjoy the show?" Jimin asked.
A bunch of them responded at the same time making it hard for him to understand. They all sounded happy and excited so he took it like a good sign.
"What would you all like me to do next?" Jimin asked.
"Mmm...I think Yoongi should pick. He hasn't been here in a long time." A kid said.
"Ahhh...so we're letting Yoongi pick huh?" Jimin asked with a teasing smile.
"Alright Mr. Min. What do you want me to do next time I come?"
Yoongi's smile started off innocently, but then he smirked mischievously and Jimin's face dropped.
The fucking polka dot clown costume. He couldn't do that shit again. He was terrified of clowns and not to mention it was hot as hell in that thing!
"I say you teach them how to finger paint."
Jimin sighed relieved, "Oh yeah. I can do that. Great. Well, I'll see you guys next week. You take care now!"
Nayeon approached the group of kids to lead them out. "We have to play hide and seek soon!" One of the kids said.
"Yes we do. I will try to convince Taehyung to do it, okay?"
"Okay. Bye Yoongi!"
As Yoongi said goodbye Jimin walked towards him, "I'm so glad you didn't say clown. I couldn't have done it a second time."
"What's wrong with clowns? They're awesome."
"Awesomely creepy. Who's that happy all the time while wearing a literal onesie and a thick ass wig?"
Yoongi laughed, "I think they're cool. I really enjoyed seeing you dressed like a clown. That's one thing I have to see again."
"Never." Jimin quickly responded. He shivered with the icky clown image in mind and changed the topic. "So? What brings you to see me today? You haven't been back since you forced me to give you that balloon giraffe."
"Forced? You have it to me willingly."
"Ehhh...willingly no. I was forced. What kind of dick declines that offer in front of a bunch of eight year old kids?"
"You're right." He chuckled, "But I came to see you because it had been a while. I enjoy coming to see them. Plus, you always go see me so it's my turn right?"
"Right, but you know we can't be here long."
"Yeah I know. Are we still seeing the stars tomorrow?"
"You bet we are. Before I leave I have to show you something though." He said, grabbing his book bag and putting it over his shoulder.
Yoongi waited for him to show him, but Jimin headed towards the door. "Come on, let's go. We have to sneak back to your room?"
"You want to come to my room?" He asked, a bit surprised.
Seeing Jimin twice in a row was a blessing. It was like opening up a late birthday present. Joyous and thrilling.
"Duh. Come on."
Around ten minutes later, after Jimin had successfully distracted both Taehyung and Jungkook, Yoongi opened the door pretending to wake up from a nap.
"Oh Jimin! Hi! What a surprise!"
"Looks like he's awake." Jimin said.
"He always convintently wakes up when you arrive." Taehyung murmured, squinting his eyes towards Yoongi's direction.
Yoongi simply smiled and waved at him. "Don't give him a hard time. By the way, we have to meet up with Namjoon. He told me what happened."
"He didn't have to tell me. I witnessed him walk out of Hoseok's room with gloom painted all over his face."
"Maybe your next day off."
Taehyung nodded, "Sounds good."
"Okay. See you later!"
"Hoseok doesn't look too happy either. Maybe he didn't want to pick one to not ruin the friendship." Jungkook commented.
"Looks like we might need to reschedule our plans." Jungkook whispered.
"Yeah." Taehyung whispered slightly disappointed. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he enjoyed spending time with Jungkook.
"We can always talk through the shifts and maybe have lunch together. Ahh how about you come work out with me?"
"Yeah right." Taehyung replied, shaking his head.
Jungkook laughed, "I figured I'd give it a try."
As the two continued to talk, Jimin was now in Yoongi's room opening his book bag up. Yoongi attentively and anxiously waited to see what the surprise was.
"Look at these babies." He grinned, pulling out two matching Twenty One Pilots shirts.
Yoongi's eyes lit up as he held one of the shirts in his hands. It was tie dyed with their new album logo printed on it.
"I love it so much!" He was mesmerized.
"Right? It's so cool looking! I figured since the concert is coming up I had to be prepared. I can't go without merch. It would just be offensive. I got you one to match with me."
"You did?"
"Jimin, why are you truly doing this?" Yoongi questioned.
"Well, I told you I can't go to the concert—"
"No, that's not what I meant. I know you're really nice and everything, but the fact that you are willing to help me with my bucket list is strange. I can't give you anything in return. You're not accepting my money and it makes me question why help me? Are you just trying to get points with you know who?" He asked, pointing up the ceiling.
Jimin tilted his head slightly, "Points with who?"
"You know? The maker? I'm sure helping a terminally sick man has to give you entry to heaven."
Jimin's mouth dropped open, "You think I'm doing this to go to heaven?"
"I mean..."
"Holy shit. I. I—okay at first I felt guilt tripped into this. You were kind of a bully and constantly put me on the spot in front of the crowd. I tend to be socially awkward at first and that's why I was so weird around you, but as I got closer to you I started to enjoy your company. I want to help you live and enjoy your life to the max. I'm not doing it for an entry to heaven. I'm doing it because you're my friend."
Yoongi felt a warm sensation spread across his chest. It was happiness spreading all over him. "I didn't bully you." He said to break the silence.
"You kind of bullied me into wearing that clown costume."
Yoongi laughed, "Maybe a little."
"You're a good guy Yoongi. I've just done a lot of self reflecting since meeting you. The things on your bucket list aren't crazy. They're normal things I can do any day and I want you to at least experience some of them."
He timidly looked at the floor, "You say they aren't crazy because you haven't seen my whole list."
"Well maybe one day you'll show me."
"Maybe. Thank you Jimin."
"No need to thank me. Come on. Let's try the shirts on and take a picture. I'm sure your mom would love to see it."
"O-okay." Yoongi shyly responded. He had forgotten about the t-shirts and he definitely didn't want to try it on in front of him.
Like usual, Jimin took off his shirt like nothing. It's not like it was fault, he didn't know any better. He didn't know the tsunami of emotions he provoked when he did things like that.
Yoongi avoided staring too long before his hormones got all wacky. He slid the t-shirt over the one he wore. It was an adult small and it was still oversized on him.
He didn't mind it being too big. He wore big comfy clothes all the time. It felt perfect to him and not to mention it was his favorite band in the whole entire world.
"Why did you try it on over your shirt?" Jimin wondered.
"Uhh...just because."
He teasingly smiled, "Do I make you nervous, perverted virgin boy?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Yeah right."
"I don't see why else then."
"Well, have you ever seen Breaking Dawn Part one? The vampire movie?"
"Uhh...very off topic but yes. Surprisingly I have. Namjoon's a big fanatic though I don't see the hype."
"It's very good, thank you very much." He snapped quite offended. He didn't know Namjoon but he knew he had good taste.
"Alright if you say so."
"Anyways, you know the part where she's laying in bed after literally birthing her vampire child?"
"Uh huh." Jimin slowly responded, not sure where this was leading.
"And you know how we once took that dinosaur picture and you told me it was giving t-rex?"
"Cute t-Rex." He corrected feeling slightly bad for the comparison.
"My body gives Bella in Breaking Dawn Part 1 after birth. Except I'm not carrying an immortal child that's sucking me dry. I'm just literal skin and bones."
Jimin sighed and stepped closer to him. He popped him on the forehead not hard but it definitely startled Yoongi.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"I don't like it when you talk bad about myself. My comparison to your pose in the picture is totally different from yours to your body. You shouldn't be so cruel to yourself. Your body is your home and even though you don't physically harm it you're emotionally damaging it with your thoughts and your comments. I think you're perfectly fine the way you are."
Yoongi shamefully looked at the floor with his face flushed red, "That's easy for you to say. You're so pretty and have a body anyone would die for. You wouldn't understand."
Jimin grabbed his chin and forced him to look up. The eye contact was intense, piercing straight to his soul.
Yoongi would've typically melted and looked away but this conversation was different. The look in Jimin's eye was serious, not playful. It was serious and mysterious.
Something Yoongi couldn't quite grasp. He wished he could have read his mind right then and there to know what he was thinking.
"So do you assume because I have a pretty body that I don't get insecure? I am, I have been in the past. I'm trying to indulge myself in healthy habits and to take care of myself. I don't want you to beat yourself up for something that's not your fault. Your condition affects your body and you shouldn't feel bad about it. I really do mean when I say you're perfectly fine. Don't you believe me?" He asked quietly as he took his hand in his.
Yoongi's heart started racing uncontrollably. His face was still red from embarrassment and thrill. Jimin drove him mad.
Fucking mad.
"I believe you." And he did. He believed every word that came out of his pretty mouth. His words were sweet like honey dripping from his lips. It was gentle and soothing to his soul and damaged heart.
"Good. Should we take that picture then?" He asked, stepping away.
Jimin set his phone up at an angle where they were both in frame. Yoongi put his hands at his side not wanting to do the t-rex pose again.
"How about you throw a peace sign?" Jimin suggested. He could tell how anxious it made Yoongi to pose in front of a camera.
"Yeah that works."
Jimin leaned closer to him, throwing a peace sign as well. The timer ticked down and it finally snapped the photo.
Yoongi was nervous about seeing the end result. He hoped his smile didn't seem too forced and that his fingers didn't look crooked.
To his surprise, it looked good. Yoongi smiled at their picture together. Anyone would assume they were a couple with matching band t-shirts.
This sent him spiraling in his thoughts. He could feel himself walking on clouds as his imagination took off.
Deep down he knew this was bad. It only meant the fall would be worse when he stopped daydreaming. So before he continued to grow his snowball of thoughts he decided to ground himself.
"Hey Jimin. How's everything going with Chanyeol?"
"Huh? That's random, but good. We have another study session coming up. He likes coming over to my house. I am hoping to get the courage to ask him out soon."
Yoongi smiled though it pained him. This is what he needed to step down from his cloud. The ground was cold and painful as the snowball slowly crumpled.
"That's very good news Jimin. I'm very happy for you."
But it hurt to know Jimin's happiness was his own suffering.
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