"What did you think of the movie?" Jungkook wondered.
Taehyung thought of how to respond to this. He didn't want to offend Jungkook with his answer and why did he suddenly care what he thought?
"I think it was good. Not amazingly good but I'd rewatch it. What did you think?"
"I loved it! My eyes got teary in some parts. It was funny though."
"Really? It made you teary? It was sad when the little animal died but I didn't get that emotional."
"Ahh no. I'm a sucker for animals. Every time I see one of them die in a movie it breaks my heart."
"Oh really? To think you work with chronically ill patients. You seemed like a tough guy with a cold heart. I don't mean that in a mean way. I truly believe that for our profession we have to have a strong heart in some situations."
"It was hard for me to start my profession. I thought about quitting a lot of times and now that I've been assigned to only one patient it makes it harder for me. I feel for Hoseok. I want him to get better and get a set of lungs. It's tough to see him go through all those treatments."
"I understand what you mean. Having only one patient to take care of allows you to get closer to them in a level that's hard to explain."
"I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. Do you want to grab something quick to eat?"
Taehyung looked at his watch and then up at Jungkook. He was actually enjoying himself at the moment. The plan was to simply see the movie with him and then go separate ways.
"Great. There's a pizza place right over there. We can walk there if you'd like."
"That sounds good."
As they walked to the nearby pizza place, Taehyung analyzed Jungkook. Through the movie he couldn't really look at him like now.
The sun was bright in the sky, illuminating him perfectly. It was odd to see him outside of his scrubs. He dressed so stylish that it almost embarrassed Taehyung for his outfit.
He wore blue ripped jeans, black leather boots that had a slight platform, black tight t-shirt with an opened oversized one.
Taehyung had also been surprised to see a lip ring on along with his multiple ear ones. At work he didn't wear any jewelry of course but had he really overlooked him so much to not notice?
He was so emo and grunge and cute all at once. How was he this attractive but still a sweet soul? Why was he all of the sudden mesmerized by him?
"Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung smiled trying to play it cool. It was obvious being with an attractive person would make him feel this way. He hadn't dated or hung out with others aside from his friends so this was probably happening due to his lack of human interaction.
"Yes. I just really like your outfit."
"Oh yeah? I like yours. You look comfy."
Taehyung nervously laughed, "Yeah I dress pretty boho. I like comfortable oversized clothes. I hate our scrubs. They're so tight they're restricting."
"I like the scrubs on you."
Taehyung cleared his throat and Jungkook quickly spoke up, "They're a nice color. Navy and black really do look good on you."
"Thanks. It looks good on you too." He internally cringed at his awkwardness. What kind of response was that?
Luckily, they got to the pizza place so he didn't have to keep the conversation going. Eating and keeping his mouth full would stop him from acting so strange.
"Yum. It smells delicious. I've been here before and you get to make your own personal pizza. I can't wait to eat it. It's my cheat meal day today."
"Cheat meal?" Taehyung wondered.
"Yeah. I love working out. It's one of my favorite pastimes. I try to stay on a healthy high protein and low fat diet, but once a week I get to have one cheat meal. With restrictions of course. I don't want to over indulge either."
"Wow. How do find the time to go to the gym with our work schedule?"
"Yeah. When I work I get up extra early and hit the gym at the hospital. I shower and get straight to my shift. On my days off I go to my local gym."
"That's dedication. I could never."
"It's all about the mindset." He smiled as he turned to the employee. He ordered his stuff and then Taehyung did too.
Before Jungkook could pay for the meal he did because he had already paid for the movie tickets. It wasn't a date but it felt like it at this point.
"Thanks for paying for my meal."
"You're welcome."
They grabbed their drinks and sat on a table. They were handed a number and would get the pizza delivered to them.
"So what are your hobbies?" Jungkook asked.
"I read and hang out with my two friends. I'm trying to enjoy my time by relaxing since I start school again in the fall."
"Really? What are you going to school for?"
"I want to be a nurse practitioner. I feel that with my experience as a registered nurse it will facilitate things for me."
"That's awesome! Wow! Congratulations!" He cheered.
Taehyung smiled timidly but felt warm inside, "It's not a big deal."
"It sure is. It's a huge deal. So does that mean you'll stop working then?" Jungkook questioned. Although he was happy for him he couldn't help but feel sad.
"No, of course not. I can't leave Yoongi. I'd probably have to cut back on my shifts but most of it will be done online. It's not until later that I'd have to start missing work."
"Ahh and you said I'm dedicated, well I think you're super dedicated. I couldn't handle school and a hospital job."
"I'm sure you could. Like you said, it's all about dedication."
"Using my words against me I see." He smirked.
Taehyung cleared his throat with a chuckle, "Pretty much."
They soon got their meals and ate while having small conversations. By the time they were ready to leave l, Taehyung sadly dreaded doing so.
He didn't think he enjoyed being with Jungkook as much. He was a different person outside of work or maybe he just hadn't taken the time to know him.
As they walked back to their cars, they kept quiet. Taehyung could sense a form of tension building up that was making him sweat.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they made it back. He was glad he was leaving now since he was all sweaty and probably odorous even though he had extra sprayed himself with deodorant.
"Well it was nice to hang out. I guess I'll see you at work." Taehyung said as he dug for his car key in his pocket.
He stopped noticing that Jungkook was staring mighty hard. It was difficult to pretend he wasn't being looked at.
He smiled, "Nothing, I just have to say a few things."
"Well, first things first I like you."
Taehyung's eyes slightly widened at his bluntness. He had suspected this but kept telling himself that wasn't the case.
"I like you a lot and have for a while. I've just never had the courage to ask you out. I suppose you knew of my intentions when I asked if a late movie and dinner would work. You preferred the daylight to not make it a date. Am I correct?"
Had he really been that obvious?
"Do you think I'm attractive?"
"I mean...I mean you're not that attractive." He murmured nervously.
Jungkook laughed. This was something Taehyung would say. "Okay so I'm assuming that means I can proceed with my intentions with you?"
"I don't know. Maybe." He replied still as flustered.
"Last thing," he said as he walked closer to him.
Taehyung stepped back, pressing his back against his vehicle. "I really want to kiss you but I have pizza breath. I don't think it'll be a good first impression." He laughed.
"And this is not really a date." Taehyung added.
"No it is not, but we can have a date if you want. Until later." He grinned with a wave.
As soon as he left, Taehyung was able to breathe. He could feel his heart racing uncontrollably. Was it fear?
Or maybe it was just hope.
"Hello hello! I'm here bubba!" Jeongyeon screamed with her hands in the air.
"I have a problem. I need your help. Come sit, sit." Yoongi encouraged her as he took a bite of the beef jerky stick in his hand.
"I don't understand. I'm here. Shouldn't your problems already be gone?" She asked, still frozen in her jazz hand position.
"No. Sadly your out of the world presence can't help me with this."
"Oh shit. So it's a crisis, crisis. By the way I love the bright neon yellow shorts and your skin adds a shit ton of brightness. I can't stare at you too long though. It feels like I'm staring at the sun."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm not that pale."
"Ooh. These look y—"
"No! I'm sorry. I would offer you some but I need them all for me."
"For you?" She wondered, staring at the stacks of beef Jersey sticks, protein shakes, and sandwich bread.
"Yes I need to gain weight. I've been trying for days! I'm still the same motherfucking weight I was like fucking three months ago."
She took a seat on his bed adjusting her short blond pixie hair behind her ears. "What's the matter baby? You know with your condition it's hard for you to gain weight."
"I know. I just...I figured if I ate a bunch of protein it'll bulk me up a little."
"Who brought you these many snacks?"
"Jin brought me some. Then I asked my mom and this morning I asked Chan to get me some. I love it when he's here. He doesn't question me as much as Taehyung. Taehyung is literally up my ass and not in the way I want him to be."
She laughed, "Come on he just worries about you. He wants you to be healthy. Chan is a cutie though. He's so adorable. I want to shrink him and keep him in my pocket."
"Okay, okay, we're not here to talk about Chan being adorable and cute." He said as he put the wrapper on the table.
"Fine. What's this emergency? Why're you trying to bulk up?"
"Well, I called Jin first to see-"
Jeongyeon huffed, "Ah! So I'm the second option here because Jin couldn't be here?"
"No, you're not letting me finish. I was going to get both of you to come in but Jin has to do a tire rotation or some bullshit."
"Well fear not! I will help you."
Yoongi sighed, gripping his hands together. "How do I...how do I stop myself from wanting to fuck my friend?"
Jeongyeon smirked, "Aww. Bubba. I know I'm hot but we've talked about this. I prefer boobies and dicks that aren't from childhood friends—"
"Not you." Yoongi frowned.
"Then who else? Ahhh. Your boyfriend." She grinned.
"Fake boyfriend." Yoongi emphasized the fake part but it seemed that she ignored that part.
"I mean I get it. He's pretty hot. Gorgeous thing he is. That's kind of hard to control. You can't help that you're attracted to him."
"How do I stop it? How do I stop myself from wanting to tear his clothes off?"
"Well you know you could...." She mimicked a hand job and Yoongi disgustedly stared at her.
"I'm running out of socks Jeongyeon. Out of fucking socks. I'm too embarrassed to put them in the laundry basket because I can't have the staff wash my nasty ass cum socks. I throw those bitches away after wrapping them in a ton of toilet paper. I'm killing trees from this horrible shame!"
"Wow. Okay, so masturbating is not working well."
"No. It's not working. I feel like a hormonal teenager who gets a thousand boners a day. At this rate, my dick will fall off."
"Woah. You're going into too much boner detail."
"Oh come on. We're so close I was there when you got your first period."
She shrugged, "Ehh. I suppose you're right."
"How do you control it? Tell me the secret."
"Well you see, arousal for women is different."
Yoongi stared at her in awe with a completely serious face waiting for her to continue. He didn't know how this was related to his problem but he was patient enough.
"Because we don't have dicks." She added.
"Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Women's arousal is more emotional for the most part. Well, actually I'm lying. It just depends because sometimes when it gets to that time of the month we just want to be choked—"
"Eww. Gross."
"So you can talk to me about your dick but I can't talk to you about me?"
"I just need your help. How do I stop this?"
"You could try to pinch yourself. Yeah! That's it!" She screamed getting up. "That's a great idea. Inflict yourself with so much pain that you don't think about getting him naked."
"Pain?" He whispered not liking the idea.
"Yes! Look I can even give you my earring and you can stab yourself with it if you have those thoughts." She said, handing him her earring.
He looked at the pointy thing and then back at her. "What if that doesn't work?"
"There is a possibility you might like pain and it might turn you on even more."
"But the possibility of that is slim to none. Who likes to experience pain when being aroused?"
"I don't know! What if I do? I don't know what I like!" He panicked.
"Okay, okay. Calm down. It's going to be okay. I'm sure that's not the case."
Yoongi grabbed another stick of beef jerky and started eating it. She looked at him slightly concerned. Yoongi liked to hide the fact that he was insecure or hurt by making jokes about it.
"Is he coming over? Is that why you're binge eating and wearing bright ass neon yellow shorts?"
"We're going to go swimming. He asked my mom to let my doctor know and apparently I'm stable enough and my feeding tube is completely healed so I'm allowed to go swim."
"That's so sweet! He's trying to distract you and help you do fun things."
"Yeah but..."
"Have you seen me? I'm skin and bones. I'm so embarrassed that he's seeing me half naked."
"I think you're cute." She said with the sweetest smile.
Yoongi sighed, laying back on his bed with his arms spread open. "You're forced to say that because we were almost set up for an arranged marriage by our parents."
Jeongyeon laughed while laying in bed with him. "That's a lie. I think you're handsome and cute just the way you are. You will be okay. Jimin doesn't seem like the judgmental type. He seems sweet and kind. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing any of this. There's no way to stop your feelings for him. Your attraction to him is inevitable. Once you try to stop it it'll only add more to it. You might be able to hide it until you can't anymore. Unfortunately that's the thing about love."
"Love?" He shrieked, turning to look at her.
"To fall in love there has to be attraction." She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Who says I'm falling in love?" He screamed paranoid.
"Your actions tell me you are." She accused.
"No Uh!"
"Yes Uh!"
"Stop it. I will shove you off my bed."
"I will snatch your tubing off your nose."
"Ah! Foul play!"
They started fighting and bickering, unaware that Chan had entered the room with Jimin. They watched as Jeongyeon wrapped her leg around him exposing her panties. Jimin's eyes widened and he looked up at the ceiling out of respect.
Chan blushed uncontrollably, also looking away, "I don't think we should be here."
As they were about to head out, he accidentally bumped the door, getting their attention. Yoongi got up quickly as he noticed it was Jimin.
"Sorry. We could come back—" Chan stuttered.
"Not at all. She was just leaving."
Jeongyeon adjusted her hair and skirt as she got up from the bed. "Rude, but yes I was just leaving."
"We could always reschedule." Jimin said.
The slight panic that Yoongi experienced that moment was almost laughable. Why did he care so much about seeing him anyways?
"No, no, I was truly just leaving. Bye bubba, remember what I gave you." She said winking before hugging him.
Yoongi cleared his throat and hugged her back. As she left the room and it was only Jimin and him his heart felt like it was at his throat.
There he was looking sexy as hell with his red swimming trunks and loose white t-shirt. All Yoongi could think of was tearing them off his body.
Maybe he'd have to use her earring a lot more than he anticipated.
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