"Be right back. I'm running to the bathroom." Jungkook said, excusing himself.
"Sure thing."
Taehyung went back to his previous work until he suddenly felt someone standing in front of him. He chuckled, "I thought you were going to—oh. Hi Jimin."
"Well hello there. So is that the guy you're going on a date with?" He asked setting down a tray with two coffees and a small bag.
"It's not a date. We're simply going to see a movie."
"Alone." Jimin added while wiggling his eyebrows.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. He knew telling his friends was a mistake because now they wouldn't let it go. But after Jimin asked if they could hang out Saturday he had no other option but to tell him.
It's not like it was a date. It wasn't at all. They were simply going to see a movie as coworkers and that was it.
"Stop that. It's not a date. I've told you and Namjoon we are doing this only as friends." He murmured panicky.
Jimin suddenly dropped the playful tone, "Don't tell me you're still thinking of—"
"Drop it. Why're you here?"
"To see my boyfriend of course." He grinned.
Taehyung sighed, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't think it's a good idea that you keep on holding onto a past relationship either, but here we are."
Taehyung scoffed, "Nice come back."
"Always. For real though, I think this will be good for you. It can distract you and get your toes dipped into dating again."
"It's not a date. Now go on, just make sure to knock. He might be yanking one off in there."
Jimin's eyes widened, "No way. He's innocent."
Taehyung frowned, "Look at my face. Does it look like he's innocent?"
"He wouldn't...oh gosh. No. No, no. I don't want to taint my image of him. He's so pure!"
"Alright then. Believe what you want."
Jimin shivered and shook his head before knocking on the door. Yoongi opened the door and instantly grinned.
"Hey! You actually came back."
"Of course I did." He replied in an excited tone.
"That's good. I'm sure your schedule is super busy so the fact that you take the time to come see me is nice."
"It's not a problem. Plus, coming to see you gives me an excuse to drink coffee and eat sweets. It's a win-win for me." He smiled, putting the tray down.
"I'm going to owe you so much money by the end of this." Yoongi said, mortified. It felt odd to get Jimin to buy him food and to do this willingly without asking for anything in return.
Shit, he had never been into having sex to pay back but with Jimin? Yeah, that was a different story. In fact he would pay Jimin to have sex with him, not vice versa.
However, Jimin was a good person and he wouldn't ask for such things in return or maybe he was secretly in love with him and wanted to win his heart—
"Did you hear me?"
"Huh?" Yoongi asked, snapping back to reality.
"I said that this time I brought an Oreo frappe and a plain brown sugar muffin. It seemed quite popular. Don't worry I made sure it was made without any of the ingredients you're allergic to."
"Oh wow. Thank you. That's very nice." He said receiving the drink Jimin was handing him. They took a seat on his bed very close to each other.
Jimin didn't seem to mind being so close with him or maybe he simply didn't care because sitting next to Yoongi wasn't a big deal.
But, in Yoongi's mind it was a huge deal. Having Park Jimin being inches away from him was accelerating. Thrilling. Magical.
He was too pretty for his own eyes to catch every detail of him. Before he started staring too long he shyly started to peel his straw paper back. He was struggling while Jimin had managed to open his already.
"Wow. It's yummy." He said going in for another sip. He pulled away too fast and some of the whip cream landed on his beautiful plump lips.
The image sent Yoongi in a spiraling fantasy of having Jimin swallow his load of—
"You're struggling there?" He asked as he licked his lips clean.
Fucking shit he wasn't making this any easier.
"Ye—yeah." He choked out.
Jimin took his straw and carefully peeled the paper back enough for him to take it out. Once he did, he took a sip of the frappe in hopes it would drown his dirty thoughts.
As he was drinking the coffee Jimin smiled. He was innocently cute. Taehyung was just a pervert for trying to say Yoongi was dirty minded. There was no way.
"So what do you rate it?"
"Ten out of ten. This shit is amazing."
"Glad you think so." He chuckled, pulling out his phone and typing something in.
"Yes it's super good!"
"What about the muffin?"
Yoongi instantly took a bite and was delighted. He didn't get to have many sweets around here. The hospital food was good...but healthy.
Every now and then he craved something sweet and sugary. "Oh fuck. This...this is the shit. I like it better than the blueberry one." He murmured in between bites.
"Noted." Jimin grinned, satisfied with his choice.
They finished their muffins in silence. As soon as they were done, Jimin turned towards him. Yoongi almost choked on his drink.
Jimin looked so fucking cool with his sunglasses over his head. His plain deep orange t-shirt and black jeans. His ears were pierced though he wasn't wearing any earrings.
There were a few bracelets on his left hand and rings on several of his fingers. How could a guy this freaking cool be willing to help a loser like him?
Had the universe fucked up and accidentally made Jimin be nice to him for no apparent reason? Why would the universe give him Jimin to begin with?
"What is it?" Jimin asked. Yoongi hadn't said a word since they made eye contact. He looked like he was deep in thought.
"You're so pretty to look at."
When the words left his lips he inhaled like he'd been hit. Holy shit why did he say that out loud? He was so deep into his universe's bullshit theory that he must've not realized he was speaking out loud.
Jimin raised his eyebrows slightly confused at his compliment. He didn't hate it but it was just so random.
"I mean your face is...it looks so healthy. Your skin is glowing and shit. I need your skincare routine. That's what I meant."
"Oh. Okay. I just use a shit ton of sunscreen. It's supposed to keep you looking young or something like that." He laughed.
"Alright, I should get some sunscreen."
They grew silent again and Yoongi knew he should just drop the subject but he didn't want Jimin to be weirded out by his comment.
"I didn't mean to call you pretty. I mean you are but what I was trying to say is that you're so cool with your sunglasses and they're just so cool."
"You think my sunglasses are cool?" He asked, trying to get past the fact that he got called pretty again.
"Try them on." He said taking them off and handing them to him.
"What? Me? I couldn't pull them off." Yoongi immediately declined the offer.
"Come on, just try them." He insisted with a smile.
Yoongi couldn't resist and making Jimin basically beg him to try on his shades didn't seem right. So, he took them and put them on. There was an immediate embarrassment he experienced realizing that the attention was now on him.
"They look great."
"Yeah I don't think so."
Before he could take them off Jimin grabbed his forearm and pulled him towards the bathroom. He turned on the light and Yoongi looked at his reflection, noticing his blushed face.
"I look so awkward." He murmured, petrified of his own image. All he could focus on was his scrawny appearance and noticeable portal oxygen.
"Not at all. They suit you well. With your hair it looks cool. It's getting longer by the way. Can I touch it?"
"Touch my hair?" He asked with wide eyes. Good thing he still had the sunglasses on.
"Uh sure."
Jimin ran his fingers through his hair sending shivers down his neck to the point he almost arched his back. It was definitely odd to be touched by him.
He didn't feel this way when he was touched by his friends or even by his sexy nurse. Maybe it's because he didn't want to fuck them.
Well, Taehyung he wouldn't mind but definitely not his friends. This feeling that Jimin evoked in him was consuming.
"Your hair is so fluffy and long. The wavy mullet is hard to pull off but you do it effortlessly."
"You...you think so?"
"Yes of course. I think you should keep the shades." He said letting go of his hair.
Yoongi shook his head in disagreement as he took them off, carefully handing them back. "No way. You need them more than I do. I'm not exposed to the sun at all."
"You can still keep them so when you've got your transplant you won't have to buy any."
Yoongi smiled, "That's sweet but I think I have a while until then. Keep them in the meantime."
"Fine. I'll give them to you one day though."
"Okay." Yoongi cheekily smiled. This was another sign of commitment. Did this mean they would talk even if he got his lung transplant?
"Now let's get to work real quick before I leave."
"Yes. We have to cross things off your bucket list."
"Like what?" Yoongi questioned following him back to the room. Jimin took a seat on his bed once again pulling out his phone.
"Well, we have to get tickets for a twenty one pilots concert of course."
"What? But...but you don't even listen to them. I can't ask you to go to a concert. That's a lot of money and Ic could never force yo—"
"It's your number one thing. It's a must. Plus, I've listened to their albums and I quite enjoy them."
"You listened to their albums?" Yoongi was breathless. His heart was racing uncontrollably and there was this immense joy he couldn't explain.
"Yes. I really do like them."
"Really? You're not just lying to me because my lungs suck and you pity me?"
"No silly. I actually like them. I think my favorite song has to be Holding On To You."
Yoongi gasped covering his mouth, "Holy fuck. I love that song too."
It was a pleasure to have someone enjoy the music he liked. It was an amazing thing to be honest.
"I had done some research and according to this they're going to be close."
"You really don't have to do this."
Jimin looked at him, "I want to. It's going to be fun. This is about two months away. Should I get two tickets?"
"Who would you take with you?"
"You. Duh."
Yoongi smiled disappointedly, "I don't think I'll be out by then. Even if I have my transplant the recovery is extensive."
Deep down Jimin knew this was the case but it still felt wrong to not include him. This was his dream after all.
"Maybe you can take someone else with you."
For a split second the thought of asking Chanyeol crossed Jimin's mind but they weren't to that level yet. They weren't out of the friend/classmates phase.
"Nah. I'll just go alone."
"What about Taehyung?"
Shit. Jimin wasn't aware that he knew they knew each other. So he quickly thought of something to say.
"Well, I saw you guys talking like you're friends so I assumed..."
"Oh yeah we are friends. Very good friends indeed but with his work schedule I doubt he'd have time for this. My other close friend is also staying busy with the summer coming up. He had to plan ahead for next year's class. I'll just go on my own and stay on FaceTime with you the whole time."
So that meant there were only two options for his potential lover. Namjoon and Chanyeol, according to Hoseok he knew Namjoon and doubted it was him.
However, he couldn't pry on his privacy and asking him up front was just wrong. "Are you sure you don't mind going by yourself?"
"No, of course not."
"Wow. I wish I had that confidence."
"Why? You don't need to have confidence to enjoy something. I bet if you could go you'd do it even if you were by yourself."
They smiled at each other and suddenly Yoongi felt a spark. One he couldn't explain. He quickly drowned the illusive thoughts that were coming to mind.
"Alright so I'm coming back probably Saturday if that's okay."
"Yeah sure I have nothing planned."
"Great because I do."
"Really? What?" Yoongi asked, feeling very hopeful.
Typically, he had nothing to look forward to except seeing his parents or friends which happened daily but this was something new and exciting for him.
Jimin opened his backpack up and handed him a plastic bag. Yoongi opened it up and pulled out a pair of bright yellow swimming shorts.
"I don't understand."
"According to number eight, you want to go swimming! Come to find out the hospital has a pool. Can you believe that? I spoke to your mom, I hope you don't mind, and asked if she could speak to your doctor to see if it was okay to take you to swim. We got the clear and I've made special accommodations for us to have the pool by ourselves."
"You...you don't have to check every single thing off the list. I—we don't have to—"
"It's okay. Your doctor says it's safe for you to swim with your feeding tube. He will check you out that morning though just to be cleared."
"Jimin I—" his face was bright red at this point. He would be seen semi naked and go too it off Jimin would be semi naked too!
"I'll see your Saturday! Running late!"
Yoongi went into full panic mode as he stared at his yellow swimming shorts. The spark was long gone and instead was replaced with something far worse.
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