Yoongi washed his hands extensively as sweat built up under his arms. He wiped his hands dry as he caught his breath.
His heart was still pounding loudly against his ears. He had taken off his shirt in the process because he had gotten too hot.
It felt like he was spinning a little and he was lightheaded. He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them up, staring at himself in the mirror.
For a minute, he started to fantasize about having Jimin in front of him. If his dream had been real, how would he have reacted?
"Did you like that Jimin? You sexy fucking beast. You're such a hot little bitch. Wait no, you're not a little bitch. You're a sexy bitch. No never mind you're not even a bitch you're amazing. I—you were so incredible and I can't wait to—"
"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi screamed so loud his throat felt scratchy afterwards. "What—what are you doing here?" He asked, paranoid.
"I kept calling your name but you didn't respond. Are you talking to yourself in the mirror?"
Yoongi scratched the back of his neck as he crossed his arms over his chest. Only to realize he was still shirtless. Had he heard him say Jimin's name?
"I was having a pep talk with myself, okay?" He said quickly, grabbing his shirt and putting it over his exposed torso.
"How—how much of that did you hear?" He asked, blushing incredibly hard.
"You were so incredible and I can't—"
"Okay, okay! Got it. I'm just reminding myself I'm fucking incredible. Nothing else."
"Alright, that's cool. By the way, I have a visitor here for you."
"A visitor?" He asked as he started putting on his shirt.
"Yeah. Jimin wants to see you."
"Ji—Jimin?" He shrieked, accidentally sticking his head in the arm hole.
Taehyung rolled his eyes moving his shirt to the correct hole. "What is wrong with you today? Do you just want me to tell him to come back another day?"
"No! It's fine. He can come in."
"Alright then. You better finish your pudding. It's still halfway full."
"Yeah, yeah. I will."
As soon as Taehyung walked out the door, Yoongi started pacing around shaking his clammy hands. What would he even do once he saw him?
How could he ever look him in the eye knowing that he just masturbated to his image? The sudden guilt he felt for being so unholy to his image brought a lot of shame.
This emotion only intensified when there was a light knock on the door. He couldn't tell if his voice was loud enough because it felt like it was but his heart was beating so loudly it was impossible to make out.
"Come in." He nervously said. His voice even cracked. For fucks sake, he was twenty-four and his voice was cracking?
"Hi! I'm here to fulfill one of the many duties. I hope you like this one."
"What duty?"
"Well, I figured while we faked this dating thing I could help you knock some things out of your bucket list. Number five was eat every sweet and drink every coffee from Sugary sweets. We've got a blueberry muffin and a vanilla latte. You aren't allergic to any of that right? I need a list of your allergies."
"I'm so sorry." Yoongi apologized, shamefully bowing his head.
Jimin was being so nice and so pure. He at least had to apologize for his unholiness. He put the tray down and was very confused.
"Apologize? For what?" Jimin wondered.
"For making you waste money." And for having perverted thoughts about you. He said, still bowing.
"Oh come on. It's not a big deal. Please don't bow. It makes me feel awkward."
"Okay but just say you forgive me."
Yoongi was pretty persistent in this so Jimin finally gave in. "Okay, okay, I forgive you even though there's nothing to forgive."
With a relieved sigh Yoongi straightened up once again. His face was still pink from the embarrassing thoughts.
"Thank you for the coffee and muffin. How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing. I'm doing it because I want to. Do you even have money to spare?"
Yoongi scoffed, "Excuse me, I work too you know?"
"Oh. I'm sorry. I just assumed..."
"I'm a YouTube editor. I get paid quite well. The guy I edit for has four million subscribers so he's pretty well known."
"That's good for you. It just occurred to me that I don't really know much about you."
"You know more about me than I know about you. All I know is you're studying to be a pediatrician and that you work as a tutor. I don't even know your age."
"Oh cool."
"I didn't want you to know much about me because I wasn't sure I'd do it."
"Then why did you?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin shrugged, "I don't know. Can I have that list now?"
Yoongi walked towards his counter and pulled out a paper from his folder. Taehyung had been nice enough to make several copies of his allergies, medications, and medical condition.
"It's quite a big list."
"Holy shit." Jimin said, scanning the list.
"I warned you." He replied a bit embarrassed.
"Chili? You're allergic to chili?"
"Yep, that's me."
"Wow. That's sad. Pecans, sour cream, carrots, garlic! Not garlic! That's what gives flavor to food!"
"Okay, okay, I get it. My body sucks."
"Sorry. Didn't mean to shit all over you. I will keep this with me just in case." He said folding it neatly and putting it inside his wallet.
Yoongi's tummy turned at the sight of this. He always heard of couples putting each other's pictures inside their wallet.
Sure, this wasn't his picture and it was his allergy list but the thought was still cute. At least in his eyes it was.
"You can have a seat. You don't have to stand there." Yoongi spoke up after sitting down on his bed.
"Alright thanks but can I first use your bathroom?"
"Yes of course."
"I'll be right back. Help yourself. I'm sure the latte and muffin are cold by now."
Yoongi nodded, getting up to grab the drink and muffin. He took a sip of it and concluded that it was delicious. He then took a bite of the muffin.
It was good but not great. The coffee was definitely better, but he was not going to complain about it. It was free food.
"Hey? Why're you leaving your dirty socks in the bathroom?"
Yoongi spit the mouthful of coffee that was in his mouth instant panic shooting through his veins. He got up so quick the muffin rolled on the bed. He put the coffee cup down, spilling some in the process.
"Jimin open the door!" He screamed, banging his fist on it.
"Fuck, Yoongi you startled me and now there's piss on your wall!"
"Please open the door!"
How was he so careless to forget his cum sock in the bathroom?
"I'm almost done, give me a second geez."
"Jizz?" He exclaimed horrified.
"Eww gross. I said geez not jizz you pervert."
"Don't—don't touch the sock Jimin. Open the door right now."
"I'm coming!"
"Coming?" He whispered with a blush face.
"I'm just cleaning my piss from your wall thanks to you."
Yoongi waited for five seconds and decided that was long enough. He started banging the door again dramatically.
"Alright Yoongi I heard you. I'm just washing my hands."
"Don't even wash them. I have hand sanitizer right here. Just open the door Jimin! Open the dam—"
Jimin opened the door with a frown on his face. Yoongi brought his hand down realizing he might've been overreacting but the thought of him picking up his cum sock was far worse.
He stepped closer towards yoongi. Though they were the same height, Jimin seemed to be taller at the moment.
"I heard you dog." He slowly said.
Yoongi cleared his throat getting random deja vu but from where?
"You act just like the one I have at home. Needy and impulsive."
Yoongi grew a little defensive and leaned closer to his face. "Alright and you're like a brat. I was a little dramatic. I just needed my sock because my foot is cold and I don't want to get pneumonia so yeah assface. Who's the ass now?"
"You're wearing socks." Jimin said, breaking eye contact. It had been a little weird to see him so serious.
"But I need that sock on specifically because if you haven't noticed my other one is over there by my bed. I was in the process of putting them on and then you came in interrupting my train of thought."
"Sure. Go get your valuable sock. Please do." Jimin responded by getting out of his way.
"Yeah I sure will. I'm putting it on because I don't want you to think it's dirty, okay? Okay?" He repeated but by then Jimin was already back in the room.
What if he had touched it? What if he suspected it was a cum sock? There was only one thing to do to make him think it wasn't.
So he took a deep breath and took off his fluffy sock sliding in the dirty one on. He almost vomited at the mushy wet feeling.
"See. I put on my sock so it's not dirty." He murmured slightly limping back to the bed. He didn't want to step on it because the feeling was absolutely atrocious.
"It was just a joke. Relax." Jimin chuckled, putting his phone on a stand.
Yoongi looked at the camera that was directly pointed to them. "What are you doing?" He asked moving out of the frame.
Out of instinct Jimin grabbed his hand and pulled him back in the frame. Yoongi felt tingles as he felt the connection of their hands together. Or maybe it was the jizz around his toes.
"We have to take pictures together. It's only a matter of time before your parents and friends ask you about it. By the way, how did the Jin situation go? I'm sure it was awkward to pretend to be swingers." He rambled as he let go of his hand.
He didn't seem to be faced by the fact that he had touched him. Unlike Yoongi whose heart was stupidly racing.
He blamed it on his isolation from the world. His body didn't know how to react when being touched by another person that wasn't his family or friends.
"Yeah about that he knows the truth and so does my other best friend. Oh and Hoseok, my friend next door."
"Well that kind of defeats the purpose of us pretending to date." Jimin said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I know but he caught me in the lie. When he told me he saw you with another person and that he thought you were cheating I guess my reaction wasn't normal. I didn't look upset at all so I ended up telling him the truth."
"He's a pretty violent person. He would e probably beat you up if you lied so good call."
"Violent? He's so sweet."
Jimin chuckled, "We're talking about the same person here?"
"He can be a bit defensive about those he loves but he's a good guy."
"Alright if you say so. I suppose we will break up then?"
Yoongi remained silent for a brief second. Was it bad he didn't want to end this fake relationship? His thoughts and emotions were all over the place making it hard for him to respond.
"Wait, maybe we should wait a little longer. It would be too suspicious if we break up right after I met your mom."
"So no breakup?"
"No not yet. Come here, let's take some pictures." Jimin murmured as he set up the ten second timer on his photo.
"I'm not really photogenic—"
"Ahh come on." He encouraged pulling him closer.
Jimin put his arm around his shoulders and Yoongi tensed his body. He didn't know how to relax next to him.
If he put his arm around his shoulder, they'd look like two five year olds. If he put his hand around his waist it was too intimate. They might as well take off their clothes and fuck.
Before he knew it there were two seconds left so he threw his hands in front of him knowing it was too late to change it.
Jimin quickly rushed to his phone to see the picture. He bit his lip trying to not laugh. Yoongi's smile was clearly forced and his pose was weird.
"Okay, okay, not bad, let's take another one."
"What's wrong with that one?" Yoongi asked peeking to see. He almost strangled himself with the tubing when he saw it.
"It's giving t-Rex but it's cute." Jimin added.
"Oh fuck. Why do I look like that?" Yoongi asked, horrified.
"Look, you just gotta relax. Relax your shoulders and just breathe." He encouraged patting his back lightly.
"Okay what should I do with my hands? I don't know where to put them."
"How about you wrap it around my waist."
Take off clothes and fuck. That's all Yoongi could think about but he nodded pretending to play it cool.
"Uhh yeah sure. Let me just take this—"
"You don't need to take it off." Jimin interrupted.
Yoongi froze with his hands on the tubing. "It makes me look more sickly. Shouldn't I look my best in the photo?"
Jimin smiled, "I think you look just fine. I can't even tell that you have it on. I'm so used to it, it doesn't bother me."
Yoongi dropped his hands and cleared his throat. "O-okay."
Jimin set his timer once again and Yoongi was hesitant at first but he finally put his arm around his waist. This felt very personal to the point he was starting to sweat. The cumsock was not helping with the feeling either.
"Is it okay if I put my hand around your waist too?"
Take off clothes and fuck.
Yoongi turned to look at him. Without realizing the timer had gone off and the phone had already snapped the photo.
"I don't have to do it if you don't want me to. It's okay if you don't. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Jimin said slowly pulling away from his grip.
"No it's not that. I just...the other day you felt my...my feeding tube and I know it's kind of gross so I don't want to put you through that for a picture." He admitted with a red face.
"Oh no. I was not grossed out. The only reason I pulled away so fast was because I thought it would make you uncomfortable."
Yoongi slowly fidgeted with his fingers without looking him in the eye, "So it doesn't gross you out?"
"No, of course not."
"Okay then. I guess you can put your hand around my waist." He nervously said.
"Perfect. Oh shit. Let me reset it. It had already taken the picture."
Before Jimin returned to him, he attempted to control his racing thoughts. The fear of getting a random boner or awkwardly smiling was a strong possibility.
"Alright cheese!" He grinned effortlessly, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Yoongi could feel his strong muscles underneath his shirt and he couldn't help being embarrassed of his boney frame.
Two seconds before the picture snapped he leaned over to kiss his cheek. It caught Yoongi by surprise because he didn't know what to do with himself.
Jimin then walked over to check out the results like nothing had happened. Yoongi was still semi hyperventilating about the whole thing.
"This is a good one. The kiss on the cheek definitely makes it believable. I will send you the pictures. What's your number by the way? We have to keep in contact just in case another situation arises."
"Oh yeah sure uhh my number is..."
"Here just put it in while I try my coffee. I got us the same thing:"
Yoongi took his phone and started typing his phone number. There was no way Jimin would ever message nor call him but he did it either way.
"Wow. This is yummy. How did you like it?"
"I liked it a lot." He responded as he was done editing his name. Once it was saved, it automatically went to his contact list.
There he saw that three names were marked as favorites. One of them being Taehyung's. His eyes widened a bit. What if he was the guy that Jin saw him with? But wouldn't Jin tell him then?
"Done?" Jimin spoke up.
"Yes. Here you go." He quickly responded by handing him his phone.
"I'll send you the pictures. I have to run. My class starts in forty minutes and I don't want to get caught in traffic. I'll come back soon." He said as he rushed out the door.
As Yoongi sat on his bed pulling off his gross cumsock sock, he thought of how good it had felt to be held by Jimin.
How satisfying it was to stand next to him and be touched. But then reality settled in as he disgustedly glanced at the dirty sock in front of him.
The only way he would ever have Jimin want him would be through his thoughts.
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