Jimin took a deep breath as he saw Chanyeol sitting in the booth waiting for him. He moved his neck from side to side and made sure he didn't smell.
He even put on extra deodorant and brushed his teeth twice before leaving his house. Was he going to kiss him? Probably not. But was there a possibility he would? Of course there was.
Although this meeting was strictly for school purposes he couldn't not be prepared. Chanyeol willingly approached him after class and asked if he could study with him.
According to him, Jimin had the best score in the class and he wanted to learn. This was true, Jimin's average was the highest however he didn't think Chanyeol would ask for his help.
Though he was very smart he didn't like to brag about it or anything, but he had kept his score on the top highest. So when Chanyeol approached him for help how could he say no?
It felt like a blessing in disguise.
"Chanyeol! Hi!" He said enthusiastically.
He pretended to be comfortable and not act as awkward but his heart was racing at unreasonable speeds.
"Hello you." He grinned.
Jimin's heart skipped a beat then. Was this what it felt like to be in front of an angel? Was this what it felt like to be noticed by him?
"Sorry for being late. Traffic was terrible."
In fact he hadn't been late. He showed up on time but spent fifteen minutes in the Starbucks parking lot building the courage to go in.
It was unusual for them to hang one on one. During class they saw each other and at times had to work together, but this felt more intimate.
"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked as he took a sip of his hot coffee.
"Hot coffee during March?" Jimin chuckled.
"I'm a sucker for it."
"Me too. I'm going to order something really quick, okay?" He asked with a smile.
After ordering himself a coffee, they started studying. Jimin never thought it would be this fun but of course it only was because Chanyeol was there.
"These are amazing. You drew this too?" Chanyeol asked, pointing to the neatly set of lungs.
"Well yes but they're not that perfect." He replied a little embarrassed for being praised.
"They're perfect. These flashcards are very helpful. No wonder you have the highest score."
Jimin smiled, satisfied that Chanyeol thought so highly of him. It was truly heartwarming to actually be seen by him.
At moments they even laughed, getting a little side tracked from their studying. It almost felt like an authentic date until he turned to the right and spotted a familiar figure.
His smile suddenly faded once he met eyes with Jin who was in line. His heart dropped to his stomach as Jin analyzed Chanyeol.
Luckily, Chanyeol was deep in thoughts looking at the flashcards that he did not notice. Jimin quickly got up to block his view of the line.
"I'll be right back okay? I need to take care of something."
"Yeah sure." He replied casually, turning his attention back to studying. Jimin only hoped he'd stay focused on that.
He didn't think he'd feel this nervous but as he got closer to the serious Jin he grew nervous. Sure, if they fought he could take him but not without a beating.
Jin seemed like a goofy funny person until he wasn't. At the moment he looked pissed. The frown on his face and his stance alone projected that.
"Hi! Jin. Hey." He nervously grinned.
"Who's that?" He asked not to beat around the bush.
"Oh, him? He's...he's a classmate from school. I'm helping him study."
"Classmate?" Jin repeatedly glanced over at the guy.
Jimin looked nervous, he sounded nervous too. Nothing compared to the time he saw him at the dinner party.
"Yes. He's reading the flashcards see?" Jimin pointed out in a quiet tone.
"Okay great. Do you mind introducing me to him?"
Before Jimin could reply Jin was already walking towards him. In a panic episode, he grabbed his forearm and Jin scowled.
"Oh you want to go? Right now?"
"No, no, I'm not trying to fight. Can we just discuss this outside?"
Jin swung his arm away from him and groaned. It'd be chaotic to start a fight here. Plus, he didn't want to get banned from his favorite coffee store.
This Starbucks was the only one that had his sugar free vanilla syrup in stock and did his coffee just right. Losing that wasn't an option so he could just beat his ass outside and hope the cops wouldn't be involved.
"Alright." He replied with a sinister smile that sent shivers down Jimin's spine.
Jin was bawling his hands into a fist already. Jimin was so nervous that he didn't notice that Chanyeol saw him walking out.
Jimin was already coming up with a plan inside his head but it was rudely interrupted by Jin swinging at him. Luckily, his reflexes were fast and he managed to dodge. Not once but twice.
"Hey! Why were you so violent?" He screamed.
"Why? You're cheating on my best friend!"
"I know that's what it looks like but I'm not!"
"Then why won't you let me meet him? You want to hide the fact that you have a partner?"
"I...it's because Yoongi knows I'm here. He knows I'm meeting him. We're...uhh...we're trying to meet someone to uhh...you know we want to explore and try new things—"
Jin brought hands down, "Wait, what are you trying to say? That you guys are swingers?"
This is not what Jimin expected but he had no better excuse. It was either this lie or to confess to him the truth which Yoongi didn't want.
So, he nodded his head slowly as Jin stared at him with his mouth wide open. "That's not true. That's a fucking lie."
"No it's not." He stated with confidence.
"Yoongi...he's not that type of person. He...he wouldn't keep this from me. Plus, you two are three weeks in and it just doesn't make sense. You're moving too fast."
Jimin truly felt awful for lying to Jin because overall he seemed like a good person. Minus the histeria.
"Well he didn't tell you about us dating either."
Jin crossed his arms over his chest. It stung his chest and yet this was true. If Yoongi kept such a big thing from him, why would he tell him about this too?
"I guess that's fair. I'm actually heading over to see him right now. You wouldn't mind me telling him you found the right guy?"
To this Jimin's heart raced either way he kept a smile on his face. "Of course not. Why would I mind?"
Jin glimpsed in his eyes briefly trying to see if there was any doubt or nerves. This was not the same Jimin that he had encountered five minutes ago. He seemed confident, content.
"Alright then. Later." He stated walking away. At this point he didn't even want to get coffee. He was far too curious to speak to Yoongi.
Jimin waved, watching him pull away. Once he was far enough he started walking to the restaurant confident but literally two seconds later he went to the nearest bush and threw up.
Sometimes when he lied it made him throw up. Not always but every now and then he would feel it built up in his stomach.
He quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin he had kept in his pocket and kept walking inside pretending nothing had happened.
He had actually gotten pretty good at puking without making a mess. It was truly disgusting but he couldn't help his body was this way.
As he approached Chanyeol he knew then they couldn't possibly kiss. Not after he threw up in the nearest bush.
Jin had unintentionally ruined his 'date' without him even knowing. He probably needed to run to Yoongi now and warn him.
However, looking at Chanyeol right in front of him he knew this was far more important to him.
"I have something to tell you." Jin rushed into Yoongi's room.
"No Starbucks today? That's a shock."
"No. It's exactly about that...well not that but Starbucks has something to do with it."
"Okay. What's up? I'm editing by the way so I'm listening but not really." He said sitting down on the chair.
He was clicking stuff on the computer truly focused on the screen. Jin took a seat on the bed. He was glad that Yoongi's back was toward him.
The look on his face when he told him the truth would shatter his heart. "I saw Jimin at Starbucks."
"Oh great, he's an addict for overpriced coffee too?"
"Ah! It's not overpriced. It's so good too, you just don't understand. I need to have my venti iced coffee, no classic, with five pumps of sugar free vanilla syrup, splash of heavy cream and cinnamon powder. It's a necessity and I'm literally shaking right now because I don't have it."
"You sound like you have a problem." Yoongi laughed.
"I don't—okay this isn't even about me okay? I saw Jimin and he was there with someone."
"Oh alright. That's cool I guess." He mumbled as he added background noise to the video.
"Hey, I think he's cheating on you." Jin whispered.
He held his breath briefly expecting Yoongi to turn towards him with instant tears in his eyes. However, Yoongi was too busy cursing under his breath for messing up.
"Yoongi did you hear me?"
"No sorry. I'm trying to add this background noise at minute one thirty but this stupid shit is not working."
"I said your boyfriend is cheating on you." He repeated louder.
"Okay?" Yoongi responded.
Jin got up from the bed and stood in front of him. "Yoongi are you not hearing me? I saw your boyfriend with a dude and when I tried to introduce myself he took me outside and told me you both were swingers. He's obviously lying and you're here like nothing."
Yoongi then caught onto his tone. Of course he was supposed to be hurt, but in reality he wasn't. He didn't feel anything for Jimin aside from a few inappropriate thoughts but that was about it.
So he quickly changed his expression and put his hand over his heart. "Oh fuck. That mother fucked he—he's cheating."
"Okay seriously what's going on? First you don't tell me about your boyfriend and now you're pretending to be hurt."
Yoongi sighed leaning back on the chair. Lying to his best friend was useless and it was difficult. Not to mention he was guilty about it too. He had to confess before the lie got too big to handle.
"Alright settle down. I'm about to tell you everything."
Twenty long minutes later, Yoongi had explained it all. Jin was left with utter shock on his face. He couldn't believe that this lie was solely to not disappoint his mother.
"You couldn't just tell your mom that it was about the zombie plushie I gave you?"
"I know it seems stupid but the look on her face...I just couldn't disappoint her any further. She has spent all her life caring for a sick child and I know she worries about me. I wanted to give her a brief moment of happiness."
"Oh Yoongi. I understand where you're coming from but don't you think lying will make it worse? What if you end up falling for him?"
"We're only going to pretend to date for a week or so."
"A week? You expect your mom to believe that you guys magically dated for three weeks and you break up conveniently a week after meeting her?"
"Fine, we'll make it two weeks."
"Yoongi, what if you fall for him?"
He chuckled like it was absurd, "Please me? Fall for him? Never. He's attractive don't get me wrong however I don't see myself falling for him. I don't even know if he's into guys."
"Clearly he's not against it if he agreed to fake date you."
"I suppose you're right."
"Are you going to tell Jeongyeon?"
"I was planning on it after we broke up."
"But it would break her heart."
"This was supposed to be a secret. Now you know, Hoseok knows and the whole world knows."
Jin chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Not even close. You know we won't say a thing."
"Ahh fuck it. Let's give her a call after I'm done with this."
"Cool. Cool."
There was a brief moment of silence before Jin spoke up again. The lingering thoughts in his mind wouldn't let him be.
"Aren't you a little bit scared things can get complicated? That feelings evolve?"
Yoongi turned back around and started focusing on his computer screen. "Nah. Doubt it. Jimin's hot but that's about it. Nothing else."
Jin laid back on his bed staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't help but worry about his best friend. Pretending to date a person and getting close meant opening the door to infinite possibilities.
One of them being love.
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