Chapter 2: Moody Ocean
"THIS IS TERRIBLE THEY'RE PRACTICALLY TRYING TO KILL ME HERE!" Mista gasped very loudly at their spawn point. Mista screamed at the sight. They had spawned in the middle of the deep, dark ocean, on four, small, isolated islands. There was no mainland in sight. The islands were all fairly small, a few trees on each island. They could easily see the entrance to a cave on one. Bucciarati spoke up,
"This is what we have, This is what we'll work with." Mista glared at him. Abbacchio was slightly pissed off, but he always is.
Bucciarati split everyone into groups, some would argue with the pairings but oh well. They all looked over the islands, and were to report back to Bucciarati who would be waiting on the first island.
This made Abbacchio even angrier because he was paired with Giorno. Abbacchio respects his capo, but he has no idea why he had to be put with him, this brat. Giorno didn't really mind but he doesn't particularly like the names he's called and how he's treated by Abbacchio, but he's grown used to that. They were to check the third island, the one with the most trees. Giorno and Abbacchio got their work done quickly, their island was probably the second smallest. They were on their way back when Giorno decided to make conversation.
"Hey Ab-"
"Shut up brat, don't even try to start anything. I don't even know why Bucciarati put us together, so why don't you just make this as easy as possible for both of us and not start talking." Abbacchio crossed his arms.
"Or we could try to get to know each other more? Maybe you don't have to hate me if we get to know each other?" Giorno suggested.
"Don't even try Giovanna, I'm not revealing anything to you." Abbacchio shot him a glare, referencing his stand.
"Well, then I could tell you a bit about myself? Maybe you can trust me more once I tell you about myself." Giorno said.
"I don't want to know anything about you brat, just shut up already and stop talking back!" Abbacchio poked at Giorno's boob window and walked ahead of Giorno, who just wants to bond. But Giorno was determined and caught up with Abbacchio.
"Abbacchio can't I just-" Giorno was interrupted by Abbacchio harshly gripping his chin with one of his hands.
"Just shut up brat, I don't care and neither does anyone else-" Abbacchio was interrupted.
"Then why did Bucciarati-" There's a lot of interrupting.
"Don't interrupt me ever again brat, and I have no idea why Bucciarati would've brought you here and I wish he never did. And don't get fresh with me!" Abbacchio huffed and angrily walked and swam back to the first island.
They reached Bucciarati first, Or Abbacchio did. Giorno came trudging behind.
Fugo was having a horrible time. He was partnered with Trish on the second island. She would either go off about French mineral water or she just wouldn't talk at all. Their island, was entirely sand, yet it still had trees on it. They thought it must be a glitch. Which made it even weirder. Their island was sort of big, but it was still pretty small. It was probably the smallest, but it wasn't too small. It was quite cozy. Nice for one person to live on but they couldn't have one person living alone. It would fit cozily with two people, besides they could make a skyscraper or have a house expand over water, maybe for fishing or boating or swimming.
Fugo didn't want anything to become so extremely awkward but of course, Trish started talking.
"Hey Fugo, don't you think this island is cute?" Trish said, it was small and cozy after all.
"Sure, Trish." Fugo said. He desperately did not want to have a conversation with Trish.
"Do you like it?" Trish persisted.
"Well yea, it's cozy and probably a good place for a small house." Fugo responded.
"Would you want to live here?" Trish asked.
"Sure, but I guess it depends on who I'd live with. Sure living alone on a small island would be nice, but I like the company of someone else." Fugo said.
"What about you."
"I'd like a bigger island." She said. Fugo rolled his eyes and the conversation ended there.
Fugo and Trish arrived at the first island after Abbacchio and Giorno, which left the last group.
Mista wasn't that happy. He was with a fellow Minecraft expert yes, but they had way more knowledge and would not shut up. Their island was diagonal from the first, and it was the fourth one. But Bucciarati wanted Mista to get over his fear of the number 4, so he put him on the island with the most insufferable "child" ever. They occasionally talked about a shared knowledge point, but there wasn't much talking by Mista besides the occasional "Shut up" towards Narancia. They were on the island with the cave, so the two went in a bit until they found a deep hole, it would probably kill someone who jumped down. Narancia suddenly had a thought,
"wait are we only playing Minecraft because it got popular because of pewds?" Narancia said.
"How many times do I have to tell you to shut the fuck up Narancia" Mista said, and then kicked him. This made Narancia fall in the hole.
"narancia fell from a high height"
(their usernames are their actual names but lowercase because haha)
The text ran across everyone's eyes, they're not sure how but it did anyways. They all sighed simultaneously and waited for Narancia to respawn. When he did they told him to go find Mista because he was alone on the fourth island. Narancia eventually found Mista chilling on the island surface.
"Hey Mista, lets go!" Narancia said to him.
"Nah dude, we can't until you get your stuff back." Mista said. Narancia hmphed, 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and decided to go back down in the cave. Mista snickered behind him. They eventually got to the hole.
"Hey Narancia, just jump down and go get it!" Mista said.
"Ok" Narancia jumped down again.
"narancia fell from a high height"
- a couple of minutes later -
They were all gathered on the first island. The sun was setting and they were all ready for what night has in store for them. They knew mobs would be spawning all over, so they needed protection. Narancia and Mista, who have killed thousands of each kind of mob, know exactly what's in store.
So they propose that everyone sticks together on top of a tree while Narancia and Mista deal with the mobs. For weapons, they have Stone things because they're taking things slow so everyone can get situated with Minecraft. But soon they will be getting iron, and gold, and lapiz, and Redstone, and emerald, and most importantly, diamonds. The two are Minecraft geniuses, so they can get diamonds in under an hour.
They really are good. But not everyone else is. And that's why everyone except Narancia and Mista is huddled up on top of a tree trying to stay safe from the mobs. They hope to not die at least on the first night, even though Narancia died within the first hour of playing. He can just be stupid sometimes, even with things he's an expert in. Which he is never usually capable of being.
As scheduled, this made Fugo mad. But he's also very proud of Narancia for beating and becoming an expert of the game on his own. Narancia can be smart sometimes, even though other times it shouldn't seem possible. He's just very easily manipulated by enemies. Sometimes by the others in the Bucci gang.
Narancia was interrupted in his conversation with Mista by getting shot in the ass, most likely from a skeleton. Narancia gasped and then angrily inhaled and went to go kill the skeleton, it was quite easy. The group on the tree is only supposed to worry about the spiders, they were all armed just in case. Zombies were easy to fight, and so were spiders. Not so many skeletons and creepers. And they hoped they wouldn't come across any phantoms, whatever those are. But the night goes by quickly, so they'll be done shortly, and no one will have to worry.
"Hey Mista, you ever wonder why they put these new features in the game? Some of them are completely useless." Narancia said.
"Not really. But some of them totally are usele- NARANCIA HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT" Mista screamed and summoned the Sex Pistols, but they couldn't do much because there aren't any guns in Minecraft unless you play modded or are Guido Mista. Also the Sex Pistols don't really even have mechanics in the game, why are their stands even with them? But anyways. Mista shot with his gun and did not miss, but it only provoked the mob further. It hissed.
"awwww man"
"narancia was blown to pieces by creeper"
The group on the tree laughed, even Abbacchio and Giorno.
- A couple of minecraft days later -
They all had learned how to build, craft, mine, and open inventory. Of course, Mista and Narancia already knew how, so they're basically guiding everyone through the game. They had devised how everyone would do things. They would use islands 1, 2 and 3. But they didn't need island number 4 for housing.
Narancia and Fugo claimed the smallest island, number 2. The sandy island where all you do is get sand in your asscrack.
Bruno and Abbacchio claimed number 3 all to themselves. The tree-filled island. It wasn't too small, wasn't too big. They were adults but still needed some growing big boy room.
Mista, Giorno, and Trish took island number 1, the biggest. There were going to be three people on one island, and they all needed room (mainly Trish). Giorno didn't mind, but judging by his old apartment before Passione, he didn't have much room and was probably acquainted with that type of lifestyle. Mista loved having space for his Sex Pistols.
They had all used Oakwood, it was the only type of tree on the islands. Narancia complained about that, he wanted to make his and Fugo's house out of Birch on the all-sand island. It would look more fitting for the beach, but they could only use what they had. But Narancia did say the bright side was that they could make plenty of glass from their mini-desert island. Narancia just saying that made Fugo angry but he'd deal with it later. He'd get the forks out then. He also offered to help build the house but he didn't quite know how and Narancia thought Fugo just didn't have enough Minecraft experience as he himself had, which means he is going to build the best house. His experience of building was their advantage. Of course, no one else thought of it as a competition besides Narancia. Fugo and Narancia were looking to build a small, cozy house for the two to hopefully live peacefully together in. But they both needed some room for themselves and stands,
Narancia said he'd help Fugo get more acquainted with Purple Haze so he could like his stand, and himself better. Fugo has no idea why he agreed.
Bucciarati and Abbacchio weren't too thrilled about the idea of building their own house, but Bucciarati was quite open and sort-of excited to do so. They were two inexperienced Minecraft players attempting to build their own house. At least Bruno knows somewhat how to build. Abbacchio tried to help but he was just as clueless as Fugo was, neither of them caught on as quick as Bruno for how to build. On their island they had to farm the trees, which is all that Abbacchio did, he would just supply wood to Bruno and replant the saplings afterwards. Of course, all islands had some trees, but not as much as their island. So they had the head start in supplies, but not experience. They could always ask for help. The pair was hoping to build a house that suits both of them, with enough room for their liking, but not too much.
Mista, Giorno, and Trish had no idea where or how to start their house. They have the biggest island, so they have plenty of ways to build it. But they settled on building their own rooms first, and working from there. They hoped it would work out, they wanted a big and spacious house, and they'd somehow made it work. But they had room, and wouldn't mind stealing supplies from Bucciarati and Abbacchio. Mista already knows Minecraft building so they leave most of the building to him. But they are all willing to do interior designing. Mista was thinking of making a nice, long, carpet in the hallway their rooms are in, but they'd need wool for that, and they didn't have any automatic animals spawning on any of the islands so they'll just have to wait till they get any.
And while Mista, Narancia, and Bruno are off building their houses, everyone else was working on building a dock on the fourth island. They need to find mainland eventually, so they'll do it now. So Abbacchio, Giorno, Trish, and Fugo are off to find mainland.
Giorno is driving a boat with Fugo behind him, and Abbacchio driving a boat with Trish behind him. Both boats stuck together, even though Abbacchio is always reluctant to anything involving Giorno. The boats were far enough away for them to not hear the other boat's conversations, but close enough they can see each other, and signal if they found anything. Giorno and Fugo were quite silent the entire time, but Abbacchio and Trish were having a pleasant conversation about the Italian mafia hot topic branded lipsticks that Abbacchio has, and where to find them. They were a lot more expensive and exclusive than Trish thought they were.
- 3 hours on the sea later -
"Hey Giorno, I think it's time to turn around, we haven't found anything yet and it's getting late." Fugo said.
"Alright, We should get back home and see what Narancia, Mista, and Bucciarati have done with our houses." Giorno said. The two signaled to Abbacchio and Trish, who they thought got the message. Giorno started turning the boat around but stopped when the chunks generated.
"FUGO!! WE FOUND IT!" Giorno said. Fugo gasped and alerted Abbacchio and Trish.
Abbacchio and Giorno drove the boats to each other so they could discuss their next plan of action.
"Since we found mainland what are we going to do? Explore it? Or go back home and bring everyone here." Fugo said.
"I think we should-" Giorno was interrupted by a glare from Abbacchio.
"I think we should head back and tell the others." He finished.
"Sure, whatever" Trish bitched.
"Alright, then that's what we'll do." Fugo said. Abbacchio has no say in this. Even though he's an adult and none of the others are.
- They boat back -
The islands were in sight, and so were their houses. They all looked fairly good, but of course one stood out.
"Fugo your house looks stupid." Abbacchio said.
"Wow thanks for telling me, I couldn't even tell myself," Fugo said sarcastically. Abbacchio grunted in response. They pulled up to the island and got out. They each went to their respective houses.
Fugo was infuriated at what Narancia had built for them to live in.
"Narancia what the fuck is this" Fugo facepalmed. Narancia was on top of the house finishing it off. He jumped down and almost died but he landed on Fugo. Who went tumbling to the ground with Narancia on top of him. He started coughing.
"Oh hey Fugo, this is our house now. I know you'll probably think it's weird but you gotta see the inside, it's so cuuuuuute!!" Narancia said, getting off Fugo. Fugo sighed and got up. He dusted himself off and then went up to the stairs to the door. Fugo went inside and it was pretty small. It was a three-story house, but it didn't have much room on the inside. It was decorated pretty cutely though.
"When we get more supplies I'll do more decorating. Things like carpets, and flowerpots, and things like that." Narancia said. Fugo gave a small smile.
"This house may look like shit, but I'm proud of you Narancia. You're amazing, and at least you enjoy doing this. It may take time to get good at it though." Fugo muttered the last part.
"Really?" Narancia said, beaming with joy.
"Really." Narancia jumped on Fugo and gave him the biggest hug ever. Of course, Fugo hugged back because what is he, an animal? He also loves Narancia's hugs and savors every hug he gets. Hugs make you live longer, and he doesn't want Narancia's life ending anytime soon.
Fugo held onto Narancia's legs to keep him from falling, but he couldn't help but hug tighter. Narancia did the same in return. He nuzzled his face into Fugo's neck, he probably wasn't going to move anytime soon.
Abbacchio was actually quite happy with what Bruno built. It was very fitting for both of them. It wasn't too bold like what Narancia had built, but it wasn't as simple as what Mista was building. Abbacchio was sneaking up behind Bruno who was doing something with the doors.
"Looks great Bucciarati." He said. Bruno jumped, he's a scaredy boy.
"Don't sneak up on me like that!" He playfully hit Abbacchio's shoulder and laughed. Abbacchio leaned his arm on Bruno's shoulder. Even though he was only a small bit taller than Bruno.
"But thanks, Leone," Bruno said. They gazed at the beauty of the house Bruno built, leaning on each other.
"Come on in," Bruno said, leading Abbacchio into the house by his hand. As they stepped inside Abbacchio noticed how spacious it was. It was one of those houses that looked kind of small on the outside but was pretty big on the inside. It was a two-story house, but Bruno built a basement because he can. It was very well decorated, but he could see some places that needed more diverse decoration, which they will get while exploring the mainland.
"Bucciarati, this really is amazing, I didn't know you could be such a good designer," Abbachio said. Bruno led them upstairs, where their rooms would be.
"By the way, I had our rooms connecting, I just wanted to have a quick way to get to each other incase of anything bad. I hope you don't mind," Bruno said.
"I don't mind at all capo," Abbacchio said. Bruno smiled at the nickname.
Trish and Giorno weren't disliking the house, but not necessarily liking it. It was pretty simple, but it was oddly shaped. Probably to give everyone the amount of room they need.
If Giorno were to be honest, he wouldn't even mind living in a closet. He was basically living in a luxurious closet before Passione. So he didn't need much room. But in this house, it's pretty big. But Giorno would have to manage, he'd probably adapt to it anyway.
Trish was liking the extra space, it gave her room to do girl things. There could also fit a lot of people there, and with some italian leather and french carpet it would be a marvelous touch to the house and her room. It's just more fit for a girl.
Mista just likes his house because he built it and thought it was better than what Narancia built. He didn't really mind the space either. He was just excited to do some decorating along with the others.
All in all, everyone was moderately ok with their houses, maybe more than that. But if someone were to build the best house, i'd probably be Bruno.
Bucci gang decided to meet on island 4 so they could decide what to do next. The group that went out didn't know why they didn't tell anyone else about their findings, but they'll just do it now. So they all got together and waited for the news of how the expedition went.
"It went pretty alright." Fugo said.
"We were out going on one direction for quite a while, it was boring." Abbacchio crosses his arms, he still is annoyed at Giorno for going in his closet.
"We found mainland" Giorno said to the awaiting trio.
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