Chapter 1: Herobrine's Curse
"Hey Bucciarati can we play Minecraft?" Mista the epic gamer boy said.
"Well sure, but where can we get computers to play on?" Bruno said.
"Give me one hour and the car keys." Mista suggested.
"Ok" Bruno Bucciarati threw the car keys and Mista caught them perfectly. Mista opened the door and waved bye to Bucciarati, and out he went.
- one hour later -
"Hey Bucciarati! I'm back and I have seven $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store!" Mista yelled.
"Mouses? Like the animal?" Bucciarati asked.
"No, like the computer mouses!" Mista yelled back.
"Oh," Bruno responded.
Bucciarati came down the stairs and snatched the chrome books.
"Hey Bucci mommy what're you doing?" Mista child said.
"Shshshshshshsh, come with me son." Bucciarati mommy said. Mista followed mommy into a secret room in the house. The only way to get in is through Abbacchio's closet. Once they were in, Bucciarati showed Mista around. It was a singular room, but there were a bunch of wires and things all over.
"Bucciarati, what is this place?" Mista asked.
"You'll see" Bucciarati said. He took each of the $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store and plugged them individually into some sort of machine thing. There were VR masks on the ground so Mista assumes they'd play it in VR. It made him feel cool. But it must've been pretty expensive.
"Mista, please go get everyone else." Bruno said. Mista nodded and stepped out of the closet only to be greeted by Abbacchio.
"Oh hey Abbacchio." Mista said.
"Why are you in my closet, brat?" Abbacchio said. Mista went around Abbacchio and pushed him into the room behind his closet. While Mista was walking out of the room he hears Abbacchio,
"WHY IS THERE A SECRET ROOM IN NY CLOSET?!?" He yelled. Mista laughed and went to go find someone else. No one was currently out so everyone has to be somewhere. Mista walked the hallways, coming to a stop at the hallway closet.
Trish was in her closet, so Mista decided to go in there. He knocked on the door.
"Come in" Trish said. Mista opened the door and Trish was just sitting on the floor doing her nails or something. Mista waved hello to her.
"Hey Trish, I know this sounds weird, but go into Abbacchio's closet because we all need to do something and it's through Abbacchio's closet so go in there." Mista said. Trish gave him a questioning look but went anyway. Mista left after her, but went the opposite direction to find Giorno, Narancia, and Fugo. Mista checked Giorno's room, thankfully he was in there.
"Hey Digorno you gotta go through Abbacchio's closet. There's something on the other side and we're all meeting there." Mista said.
"Mista, I don't think Abbacchio would like me in his room in the first place, let alone his closet." Giorno said.
(don't know if that's an actual phrase but i've heard it before)
"I'll escort you." Mista said. Giorno nodded and got up from his chair. On their way there Giorno said,
"Hey Mista, you know you were just on the news for stealing seven $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store, right?" He paused, "But they didn't know it's you, I just know because you just brought home seven $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store." He finished. Mista stopped for a second.
"Wasn't me bro, must've been someone else who stole seven $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store, cause I didn't steal anything. I definitely did not steal seven $75 Chromebooks from the Google store and seven $30 mouses from the Google store!"
Mista responded.
"Then who was it?" Giorno said.
"Don't know Digorno" Mista concludes, He kept walking, Giorno trailing behind him.
"Plus, they only report on that kind of news the day after it happens, so someone must have just done it yesterday." Mista said. Giorno decided he would just go with it.
They walked together to Abbacchio's closet. Giorno was hesitant enough to go into the room but the closet he wasn't even sure about. But Giorno went in anyway, with a Mista peeking in just to tell Bucciarati that he only needed to find Narancia and Fugo. So Mista headed out to find them. It wasn't that hard, he could hear Narancia whining all the way from upstairs, he was probably in the kitchen or something.
Mista made his way downstairs, Narancia was in the kitchen, and so was Fugo. Mista walked into the kitchen and got a better look at what Narancia was whining about.
Fugo was just cleaning a wound on Narancia cheek, with that disinfectant thing that is really painful. It was probably just Fugo getting angry and stabbed Narancia with a fork again, it happens all the time so everyone's used to it, but Fugo still helps Narancia clean and dress the wound because he feels guilty. So there they were, Narancia was sitting on the counter and Fugo was between his legs so he could get a better angle to clean the wound and stuff. It wasn't bad, but it was bleeding and pretty painful.
"Hey guys, when you're done come find the rest of us in Abbacchio's closet." Mista said. The two looked at Mista and then back at each other and then back at Mista and then back at each other and on and on with increasing speed. But they eventually stopped.
"We'll be right there, Mista." Fugo said and turned back to Narancia. He started putting more disinfectant and Narancia started whining again. Mista sighed and walked away.
When he got back to the room everyone was waiting, Bucciarati probably explained it to them already. Trish and Giorno were talking and Bucciarati and Abbacchio was still kind of mad because Giorno went in his closet. He'll eventually get over it.
"Hey Bucciarati, Narancia and Fugo will be here soon, they're just getting dressed-" Mista was interrupted by overprotective-parent mode Bucciarati.
"Dressing wounds." Mista said.
"Thank fuck." Bruno responded.
"I should have worded that differently, sorry Bucciarati, but why are you so worked up about that? What if they were getting dressed? Together?? hMMMMMMM?" Mista teased. Bucciarati gasped in response.
"I'm just very protective of my children and if they're doing anything they must tell me first." Bruno mom said, crossing his arms on his boob window.
"So if we wanna fuck we should tell you first? I know you just want us to talk to you about our feeling but isn't that a little too overprotectiv-"
"No!" Bruno said.
"Just drop the topic already!!"
"Ok MOM, fine." Mista said mimicking Bruno's stance.
A couple minutes later Fugo and Narancia showed up. Narancia had a bandage on his cheek and Fugo had some dried blood on his fingers. But no one really cares about the blood, people show up in a lot more blood all the time, no big deal.
Anyways, Bruno decided it was time for them to start.
"Ok guys, so this is kind of like VR, but I brought you here because Mista suggested it so we're doing it because team bonding exercises yea! But anyways all we have to do it beat the game and we'll be done. There's just one catch." Bucci mother said.
"And that is?" Fugo said.
"We can't leave the game until we beat it." He said.
"What does that mean?" Narancia said.
"It means that we can't exit the simulation or anything, our minds are stuck until we can beat the game. You see, this entire thing is a stand. It's called,
<H E R O B R I N E S C U R S E>
and it's the reason we're going to be stuck in this game." Bruno said. Narancia and Mista gasped really loudly.
"H-HEROBRINE??!!?!" They said in unison. They grabbed onto each other for safety and security.
- we pause for a no homo -
"no homo" Mista said.
"no homo" Narancia said.
- time starts moving again -
"HEROBRINE'S IN OUR WORLD?!?!??" He followed up. Narancia passed out from shock.
"I'm a certified minecraft expert/pro, I learn all about it in my free time" Narancia boasted, awakening from the depths of sleep.
"NANIIII?!?!?!" Fugo screamed.
"Uh oh" Narancia said. Fugo and Narancia then fully engaged in a fist fight that Fugo won because he can strangle Narancia with his meaty thighs.
"Guys stop!" Bruno screamed at them. Fugo and Narancia immediately stopped and got up, dusting themselves off.
"Sorry Bucciarati!" They said in unison. In the blink of an eye they started profusely apologizing to each other. They hugged it out adorably.
"Ok are we ready to go in? Any last questions?" Bucciarati said.
"I gotta pee" Narancia said.
"Then go" Fugo said.
"Ok" Narancia started unzipping his pants and then was stopped by everyone.
Giorno stayed quiet.
"Oh ok" Narancia responded. He left the room and then peed in Abbacchio's closet bathroom. Abbacchio sighed.
When he came back everyone was ready. Bucciarati helped get everyone set up, then himself.
Before they knew it, they were in the game, Minecraft.
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