Story (english version)
She opened Tangerine's Instagram story as soon as she saw the notification. She was excited to see what it was, but there was someone else on the picture, standing next to the boy: a girl she hadn't seen before, smiling into the camera. He even tagged the stranger. She tried looking at her profile, but there were no posts to see.
Maybe his sister? Or a friend? She decided on questioning him about this mysterious figure that night. She knew Tangerine would text him: they hadn't spoken the day before, and he never let more than a day go by without checking in with her.
Tangerine: what up, Squash?
Pumpkin: For the last time, that is *not* my name...
Tangerine: doesn't matter.
Pumpkin: I'm going to block you XD
Tangerine: uh-huh
Tangerine: suuure
Pumpkin: Who's that really pretty girl in your story?
Tangerine: my girlfriend
Tangerine: have I never told u about her?
The world suddenly started spinning. Her stomach sank, she felt nauseous... for once she was glad they never spoke in person. The boy couldn't see her reaction.
Pumpkin: No.
Tangerine: we met on here
Tangerine: a little over a year ago
Tangerine: we got along pretty well, so
Tangerine: we decided to start seeing each other irl
Pumpkin: Who needs dating apps? lol
She always turned to jokes when her feelings got hurt. He'd known this girl for far longer than her. Still, he never mentioned anything about having a girlfriend... Maybe if she got to him first they would've been the ones to start dating? Although he never said he wanted to see her in person...
Maybe they didn't get along well enough. It wasn't all that common for people their age to be in relationships, why did the one boy she liked have to be taken? But she hasn't seen this girl in his stories either, until now... She opened the app again. Tangerine hadn't seen her last message. He disappeared without a word, like always.
Pumpkin: Hi! I really like the lyrics you post in your stories!
Tangerine: hi Pumpkin
Tangerine: thx!
Tangerine: cute name btw
Pumpkin: Thanks!
Tangerine: does it mean something? what kinda pumpkin? the jack-o-lantern one, or like a squash?
Pumpkin: It's definitely not Squash xD
Pumpkin: I go by Pumpkin
Tangerine: whatever you say, Squash
Pumpkin: ...
Pumpkin: Actually, I just didn't want people to know who I was, I'd much prefer my whole school to *not* follow me on here
Pumpkin: They tend to do that, regardless of whether or not they actually know me
Pumpkin: And Pumpkin is just my favourite word
Tangerine: I seeeeeeee
Pumpkin: Says the guy called Tangerine
Pumpkin: where did that come from btw?
Tangerine: you know, it rhymes with Pumpkin...
Pumpkin: That's
Pumpkin: so not true!!! XD
Tangerine: jokes aside, I was drinking orange juice when I made this profile
Pumpkin: But you're not called orange
Tangerine: true that
Pumpkin: ?
Tangerine: xD
Tangerine: tangerine is just a way funnier word tho
Pumpkin: mhmm
Tangerine: now you think I'm an idiot, huh?
Pumpkin: Nonono! I get it now XD
She checked his stories every day from then on. She took a screenshot of almost everything. She listened to the songs she didn't know, and she made a collection out of the boy's pictures. In almost no time at all, he grew from a small crush into her best friend, and then into a serious love interest.
And now it turns out he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend he'd met right here, on this app.
She curled up in her bed. She wondered about Tangerine's girlfriend, whether she knew how lucky she was. She would've done anything to be in her place.
She noticed the tears running down her face, falling onto her pillow. Did she really love him this much?
She checked her Instagram the next morning. Looking through the new stories, she finally got to Tangerine's. She tapped the like button, but she didn't take a screenshot. She'd heard that song before.
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