"Maybe you went in too strong." Jin says.
"No. He has balls unlike you. You did great Kookie." Jimin says giving me a thumbs up with a smile.
"Um, not so great considering he said no." I frown.
"You're very dedicated. You've been into him for like four years. That's dedication I swear." Jimin says.
"Jimin can barely commit to dressing up." Jin jokes.
"It's not dedication it's love." I say defensively. "Woah. Love is a strong word." Jin says while Jimin nods.
"Yeah, you're only fourteen Kookie. That's a big word to use." Jimin says. "I love him though!" I reply frustrated.
"Okay. Okay. Let's change the topic. I see you dyed your hair back." Jin says trying to make things less awkward.
"Oh yeah. I just need for it to grow back." I say rubbing my hair. I really hate it and I wish I wouldn't have cut in the first place.
The whole point was for Taehyung to notice it, but he never did.
"It'll grow back. Eventually." Jimin says with a smile. "Are you going to eat that?" Jin asks pointing at my untouched chicken sandwich.
"No." I say wrinkling my nose. "Can I have it?" He asks his eyes lighting up. "Yes sure." He quickly grabs it and stuffs it in his face.
Instead I take a bag of chips and start eating them. I'm crunching on some Doritos when I see Hoseok walk by.
I haven't seen him talk to Taehyung in a while. It's weird because they've been best friends since they were young. The last time I saw them talking to each other was eight grade graduation.
Hoseok starting hanging out with a tall boy who has very cute dimples.
"Hoseok is lowkey hot as fuck." Jimin mumbles as he sees him walk by. "Wait never mind hes high key hot as fuck."
"I think his friend is cuter." Jin says smiling as he looks at the tall thin boy beside Hoseok.
"Have you noticed he doesn't hang with Taehyung anymore?"
"Yeah." The both reply.
"I wonder why." I say with a small shrug.
"Maybe they got in a fight." Jimin suggests.
"Or maybe they just went their separate ways. You know what they say some friendships don't last in high school." Jin says.
"Our friendship has lasted ... well so far."
"It'll survive forever." Jin says.
"It better." I say and we laugh even though it's not funny.
I stop laughing once I see Taehyung walk in and he's not alone. He's with a pale boy that has dark black hair.
Taehyung is laughing while telling him something. I feel a deep jealousy right away. How I wish Taehyung could talk to me like that.
How I wish he would laugh with me like that.
So I can't help to feel a burning sensation in my stomach as I see them sit down together at a table. "Who's that?" I ask in disgust as I stare at the ghost face boy.
"Min Yoongi. He just transferred here." Jin says with a mouthful. "Min Yoongi?" I repeat still disgusted.
Jin nods his head,"He's in my art class." I smack Jin's sandwich out of his hand. "Aw! What was that for?"
"Why didn't you mention this Min Yoongi guy before huh?" I ask angry. "Because you didn't ask me."
"You do realize his with Taehyung right? Right?" I ask paranoid.
"And?" Jimin asks. "And? And? And he's gorgeous!" I reply freaking out. I start breathing heavy and I grab my chest.
"Snap the fuck out of it, Kookie!" Jimin says shaking me. "Taehyung is not gay so don't worry. It's okay." Jin says grabbing my shoulder.
"What if Min Yoongi makes him gay?"
My throat starts closing up and I can't even look up. "Min Yoongi is not going to make him gay."
"Look at him! Just look at him! If I met him and I wasn't gay I would turn gay!" I say covering my face with my hands.
"Kookie calm down. It's okay." Jimin coos. "Taehyung will stop talking to him eventually. He's probably just talking to him because he's new. By tomorrow he will stop talking to him." Jin says with confidence.
"You think so?"
"Oh yeah. For sure."
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I'm in English class staring at my book. Ever since lunch I can't stop thinking about Taehyung and why he's hanging out with pale face.
I'd much rather him hang out with Hoseok.
I'm too into my thoughts that I don't feel someone sit beside me. When I see him from the corner of my eye I get startled and flinch.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." The boy says. I'm mesmerized by his face. He has similar features to Taehyung which makes my heart skip a beat.
His hair is messily on his forehead and he smiles at me timidly. "It's okay." I finally reply realizing I've stared for too long.
"I'm Baekhyun. I just switched to this class because the other English class was too full."
"Oh. Im Jungkook. Nice to meet you."
The boy smiles again and I return the smile. Then I realize I've seen him talk to Taehyung. They don't hang out much, but they do talk to each other in the hallways
"I like your name Jungkook." He says bluntly. "T-thanks. I like your name too." I mumble. He keeps looking at me and it makes me self conscious.
I look away and stare at the white board in front of us, but I can still feel his burning gaze on me.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
you have soft straight hair
a perfect mole on the tip of your nose
a baby face
pretty brown eyes
i think i love you more in every breath i take
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