"I see you made new friends." My mom says as she puts a breakfast plate in front of me. "Yes I did." I smile proudly.
"I'm glad baby. See moving here wasn't too bad. Now when school starts you'll have friends to socialize with."
She sits down beside me putting her plate down as well. "I'm guessing daddy had to go to work early?"
"Yes baby. It's because it's his first day." She grabs my hand and we bow our heads as she whispers the prayer.
"Will he be home for dinner?" I ask as I grab the jelly from the center of the table. "Of course honey." My mom replies as she begins to eat her toast.
After we're done eating I start washing the dishes. I'm almost done and then I look up and see Kim Taehyung walking down the street.
He's by himself.
He's not with the smiley dude today.
I finish washing the dishes and wipe my hands on my shorts. "Mom, can I go buy candy to the store down the road?"
"You barely eat candy." She says looking up from her book. "My friend Jimin told me the candy is really good there. Can I please?"
She looks undecided, but then I give her the sad face and she gives in. "Fine. How much do you need?"
"A couple bucks." I reply. She hands me a five dollar bill. "Be careful! Come straight back. Okay? Don't talk to strangers!"
I nod my head obediently and rush out the door. Once I'm out I make sure to walk slowly so Taehyung doesn't think I'm following him.
After a few minutes I see him reach the store. Before I enter I wait a few seconds.
"Two packs of bubblegum please." He says. He's already chewing gum. The lady smiles handing him two packs.
Before she even tells him the price he hands her a twenty dollar bill. "Keep the change." He says taking the gum.
He turns to walk out and almost bumps into me. He's literally so close to my face it makes me queasy.
Up close he's prettier than I thought. There's a small mole on the tip of his nose making him prettier.
"What're you looking at?" He snaps as he obnoxiously chews gum. I look away embarrassed. "Sorry I was just ..."
"Who are you? I've never seen you around." He says completely changing the topic. I finally get the courage to look him in the eyes.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I just moved down the street."
He blows a bubble and looks at me. "Jungkook?" He repeats. I nod my head. "Yes, Jungkook."
"That's too long. Ima call you Kookie for short. Okay?"
I nod my head again. "Okay that's fine." He blows another bubble with his gum. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I live way over there. Do you like bubblegum?"
"Oh yes." I reply. He smiles big and it makes my tummy flip flop for some odd reason.
"Great! Want a piece?" He offers me a piece of the gum. I take it and unwrap it carefully. I don't know why Jimin said he was obnoxious and rude.
He's very sweet.
"Want to go to the mall? I'll show you something cool."
"The mall? Is it far from here?" He shrugs, "About fifteen minutes. I'll call the chauffeur to come pick us up."
He must really be rich like Jimin said. I've only seen those in movies. He pulls out a phone and dials a number.
It looks like an expensive phone. Phones and technology don't catch my attention much. Not yet anyways.
"He will be here soon. I hope he doesn't bring my babysitter." He rolls his eyes. "You have a babysitter?"
"Yeah. According to my parents I need one because we have money and some people might try to take advantage of me or whatever. I always manage to sneak out from her though."
I put the gum in my mouth and he watches me as I chew it. "So how is it?" He asks excitedly. A horrible taste suddenly reaches my tastebuds and it makes me nauseous.
"It's great." I reply fake smiling. Its way too sweet it's nasty. It's truly awful. I hate it. But if Kim Taehyung likes it so do I. "It's my favorite! Blueberry." He says kissing the packs of gum.
"So how old are you Kookie?" He asks. "I'm nine ... but, I will be ten soon!" I add before he thinks I'm a little boy.
"Oh cool. Im eleven." He says as we walk outside the store. A few minutes go by of me chewing the awful gum when a fancy black car pulls up. "Let's go." He says getting in.
Before I get in I remember my moms words. She told me to go straight back and to not talk to strangers.
Then I glance at Taehyung who's sitting down waiting for me to get in. So I get in because my body and mind want to.
Like Taehyung said we there in about fifteen minutes. I'm freaking out thinking of my mom and how she's probably worried by now.
The chauffeur walks with us inside, but then Taehyung stops him. "I'm going to be over there with Kookie. Stay here okay?"
My heart flutters at the nickname.
Taehyung then signals me to follow him and I do. He sits on a bench and smiles. "What are we doing here?" I ask sitting beside him.
"Waiting." He replies grinning. "Ohhh." I reply even though I don't know what he means. He notices me fidgeting with my fingers and he looks at me.
"What's wrong with you?"
"N-nothing I just - I forgot to tell my momm- my mom where I was going." I correct myself before I use the word mommy.
He hands me his phone, "Just call her and tell her where you are." He gets up from the bench. "Be right back I gotta wee!" He runs to the bathroom and I watch in amazement the way his hair flips while running.
Then I call my mom. "Mommy? ... yes I'm okay! Don't worry ... I'm sorry .. I stopped by my friends house. I promise I'm okay! I'm so sorry mommy. I didn't mean to scare you. I will be okay. Okay. Okay. I love you too."
By the time I hang up Taehyung is back. "Ooh! Here it goes!" He says clapping his hands excitedly. "What?"
I hand him his phone back and he smirks pointing to a group of teenage girls. "Watch. When they go up the stairs we get a perfect view of their panties."
My eyes widen. "What?" I repeat. "Just watch." He says as the girls in mini skirts start going up the stairs.
We both look up and in fact we get a perfect view of their panties. Taehyung sighs, "Woah. That was hot. Sometimes I get lucky because they don't wear panties."
I nod my head still shocked. "What? Didn't you like it?" He asks. I clear my throat. "Oh yes. That was very ... nice."
"We can come again tomorrow if you'd like. We might get lucky." He winks. I nod my head again unsure of what to say.
Truth is I didn't like it.
I didn't like it at all.
I'm not sure why.
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