(Hello let's be real this is what they would look like at the dance lmao bye-)
Ned and Angela entered the dance, despite the fact their teammates had their eyes on them. They sure were nervous as hell, but they tried their best to put the nerves aside.
"Is that Angela and Ned?" Michelle asked her teammates. They turned around, looking at them, and they truly weren't surprised.
"Oh, god." Flash groaned. "Ned landed a date with Angela? Jesus Christ, the simulation is glitching."
"Hey guys!" Angela waved to her teammates. She then turned to Michelle, who was looking quite proud. "Hi MJ."
"Ah, it's finally happening." She said and let out a sigh of relief.
"What is?" Angela looked at her confused.
"You and Ned, obviously." Flash interrupted.
"Oh, no. We just came as-"
"Look, it's Liz!" Both Ned and Angela turned around, and wondered where the hell was Peter. Shouldn't he be with date?
"Hey, Ang." Ned said to her quietly enough to be heard over the music. "Can I talk to you for a sec? Privately?"
Angela sure as hell knew what this would be about. She somewhat feared and impatiently waited for this moment. So, she said yes. "Yes..."
The two walked over to a spot where nobody stood, and Ned took a deep breath. This was it. He was finally going to tell Angela how he felt. He kind of felt like he was going to be sick, but that was just the dozens of butterflies in his stomach.
"Angela." Ned paused, not sure how he couldn't form the words after practicing this sort of scenario in his head for the longest time. "I've been meaning to tell you this for... a long time."
"What is it?" She asked obliviously. As this was happening Peter finally entered the dance, but he didn't look so good. Little did Ned and Angela know he was going to make a very quick exit.
"I... like... you..." He FINALLY admitted. "I like you Angela. Like, like like. Does that make sense? Yeah. I like you. I have for the longest time."
Now that this confession was being thrown at her, she had to face the facts. Did she like Ned as more than a friend? Of course she did. Angela didn't want to admit it, but now it feels right knowing that Ned actually likes her too.
"I like-"
"Ned!" Peter ran up to them, brutally interrupting the long awaited moment. "I need your- Oh my god, did you tell her? High five dude."
The two looked at him, Ned with disappointment in his face and Angela looking pissed. Peter noticed this, but he desperately needed help. "Sorry, but I need you to be my guy in the chair."
"You want me to be your guy in the chair?" Peter frantically nodded and started running off. "Hurry."
"I'm so sorry, Ang. He needs me." Ned apologized to her. She understood him though. This was pretty important. He quickly kissed her on the cheek and ran off to help Peter.
"Great." Angela said to herself. "The guy I like abandoned me to help out a superhero."
"Angela?" It was Michelle, who noticed the sad face on Angela. "You good?"
"I think I'll live." She sighed. "Ned and Peter abandoned me."
"Something is up with them, but whatever. Let's have some "girl time." Is that what girls call it? Let's just hangout without all the guys for the rest of the night." Michelle proposed.
Angela wasn't opposed to the idea, so she agreed. "Yeah. Let's do that. Wanna go to Sadie's with my mom after the dance?"
"I'm down. I love their cotton candy soda." She replied.
And so Angela and Michelle spent the rest of the dance goofing off and roasting Flash. Apparently Spider-Man "stole his car", which made Angela crack up more than she should have. The two should've became friends a long time ago, they got along pretty well, and Angela really appreciated having a girl friend.
After the dance, the two walked up to her mom's car, and she noticed there was no Ned. "Who's your new friend? And where's Ned?"
"This is Michelle, but she likes to be called MJ. Ned... had some important business to attend to." Angela wasn't wrong about the "important business", but she couldn't just blatantly admit about the whole Spider-Man thing.
"Uh, okay then." Angela's mom frowned, but quickly changed that frown to a smile. "Well hop in the car MJ! We're going to Sadie's!"
Once they all got to the diner, Angela and Michelle sat at a booth by themselves while her mom sat at the counter. Angela got over Ned leaving her very quickly, since luckily Michelle pushed past her whole "I don't have friends" thing to be a decent human being, which worked out for her. There was definitely a blossoming friendship there.
"So Ned told you he liked you?" Michelle asked her. They were currently talking about what went down between her and Ned, and it sure was fun to talk about. Who doesn't love spilling these types of details?
"Mhm." Angela replied. "But I couldn't get the chance to say it back."
"It's about time he told you." She laughed. "It's not everyday that you find a girl who will build LEGO's with you. Sucks that you couldn't tell him you like him too."
"Oh god, I like a guy who has an entire LEGO Star Wars collection." Angela groaned. She knew there was definitely going to be a lot to talk about tomorrow.
One chapter left on act one 👀
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