Yoongi - Beat Up
Yoongi right now was in his studio, trying to write lyrics.
The keyword here is trying.
No inspiration.
No lyrics.
He sighed, and got up, pulling on his coat and exiting his studio.
He checked the time, and saw that it was 10pm.
He walked around for a while, soon starting to lightly drizzle.
He had a bit of inspiration now that he had gone out to get some fresh air.
He felt as if someone was watching him.
He looked around, but saw no one.
He shrugged, and proceeded to walk to the park.
He looked around at the nature, and slightly smiled.
He heard footsteps.
Yoongi turned back, but saw no one.
What the hell was going on?
He decided to go home, since it seems as if someone was actually following him.
Yoongi wasn't the one to get scared extremely easily, but today, he just had that nervous feeling in his stomach.
He heard footsteps behind him.
He quickly glanced back, and saw a black figure, following him.
At this point, he was terrified.
He didn't even Fasten his pace to a brisk walk, he fully in went into run mode.
He could hear the running footsteps start to near him, yet they were slightly stumbling.
Suddenly, he smelt alcohol, and something burning.
He just ran faster.
He felt a weight press on his back, and he fell forwards, hard.
His head hit the gravel ground.
'Get off of me!' Shouted Yoongi, as a person started to assault him.
Yoongi was trying to defend himself, but the man was way stronger.
He got punched hard in the head, and jaw.
Yoongi hit his leg hard off the metal pole next to the bench in the park.
And he was also kicked somewhere where he won't say.
Yoongi kicked the man in the stomach, and he groaned, falling back.
Yoongi got up weakly, and started running, even though the pain was killing him.
The man got up, and started running at him again.
Yoongi, his temper overboard now, pulled his fist back, and punched the man extremely hard.
He immediately fell unconscious.
Yoongi looked at his hand in horror.
He had just injured someone.
There was bruising on his knuckles.
The pain was really bad, so he decided to get home, and seek help from his Hyung.
He hurried home, even though in pain, was at full sprint.
Each step he took, sent a wave of pain through his body.
He finally got to the dorm, and opened it as quickly as possible.
He felt so weak, and so sore, he just dropped down onto the ground in pain.
Hoseok, hearing the slight "Thud" sound, went out into the hallway, and spotted Yoongi on the ground, groaning in pain.
'Yoongi Hyung! What happened, are you okay?' He said, rushing to his side.
Too weak to answer, he just whimpered.
'Jin Hyung!' Shouted Hoseok.
Not even one second later, Jin came running.
'What happened?!' He said, rushing to Yoongi, and helping him get up.
Yoongi gathered up some strength, and said 'I got.... Beaten up.'
'Who the hell beat you up?! Here, come. I'll try to patch up those wounds you- Aish, you have a black eye' He muttered in concern.
Hoseok was heartbroken to see Yoongi in such a state.
He was also extremely angry at the person who did this to Yoongi.
If he found them, let's say they wouldn't live to see the next day. Heck, they wouldn't live to see the next minute.
He went into the kitchen, and saw Yoongi sitting on the counter, Jin applying something to his bruises.
'If it hurts, tell me, alright? No need to be embarrassed' Said Jin quietly to Yoongi, who was hiding his face behind his hands in shame.
'Why the hell did I have to go that way?..' He grumbled, weakly.
'Look, Go sleep. If anything hurts, tell me or Hoseok, since you both sleep in the same room, and I'm like next door with Namjoon' Said Jin.
Yoongi nodded, and started to get up to go to bed.
'Go change' Said Jin.
Yoongi groaned, and went to grab himself his pyjamas.
He changed in the bathroom, and brushed his teeth (Painfully).
He went to bed, and scooted closer to the wall, since he preffered sleeping next to the wall.
He was about to fall asleep, when
He heard footsteps, and then a door close.
There was a yawn, and Yoongi felt the bed dip down.
'Huh?' He groaned.
'Just sleep..' Said Hoseok's voice, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist gently.
Yoongi didn't hesitate, and fell asleep immediately.
Yeah, hope you liked this :D
I'm not stressing that much anymore, since I have such great friends to cheer me up.
Yes, I mean you all 💜💜
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