Yoongi - Accident
This was requested by ArmyGirl777.
This may not have been how you wanted it to be, because honestly it was kind of hard to put everything together. Sorry! I'll try better next time for you all!
'CANNON BALL!' Shouted Jungkook, jumping into the water and creating a huge splash.
The others laughed, but Yoongi scowled.
He certainly didn't like water.
Just.... The touch of water made him shiver.
It felt so.. Strange?
But today, they were shooting pool photos, so obViously he would have to get into the water.
He shuddered.
'Come on, Yoongi Hyung! It's nice in the water! You'll get warmed up for the photos' Said Jimin.
Yoongi shot him a glare.
Jimin instantly backed away.
'Alright, first up, Jungkook!' Said A female voice.
Jungkook went into his position to pose for the pictures.
Then it went to Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and finally Yoongi.
Yoongi cautiously got into the water, shivering at the touch.
He started posing for the pictures.
He was glad to have his sunglasses, as the sun was very bright today.
The camera lights flashed as every picture was taken.
Finally, when Yoongi was finished, he was able to get out of the cold water.
Jin was called up, and Yoongi went to quickly change from his wet clothes.
When he changed and went out of the cubicle, he saw a group of teenagers, smirking at him.
They came up to him, and said 'Hello, there mister. Not seem to be the water type, Huh?'
'Yes, and what is that to got with you?' Said Yoongi calmly.
'Well, we'll teach you how to be the water type. NOW!' One of the boys shouted.
Yoongi, being confused didn't know what was happening.
The boys pushed him into the water.
He immediately started panicking.
He wasn't able to swim.
He trashed around under water, desperately trying to reach air.
Meanwhile, at the other boys view..
Jungkook was looking around for Yoongi.
He hadn't been seen since he went to the cubicle to change.
He scanned the area, and saw something weird in the water.
He realised, that it was his Hyung trashing around in the water.
He quickly jumped into the water, and swam to where Yoongi was.
He had already went unconscious due to the lack of oxygen.
Jungkook quickly pulled him out of the water, and saw that he wasn't breathing.
'Jimin Hyung! Come quickly! Yoongi needs CPR!' Shouted Jungkook.
Jimin quickly rushed over, and started doing CPR.
But, then something went horribly wrong.
Jimin and Jungkook heard a slight crack.
The looked at eachother in fear, and then heard Yoongi cough.
He was whimpering in pain.
'It hurts.. So bad..' He whispered.
Soon, all the members showed up, and Jin was the first to call an ambulance.
Yoongi was breathing again, but it was clear that he was in a lot of pain.
Jimin felt extremely guilty.
He had done something to Yoongi's ribs.
Soon, the ambulance arrived, and they took Yoongi away.
Hoseok stood his gaurd, and said that he was going with Yoongi, whether they like it or not.
'It's my fault! I did something to his ribs' Sobbed Jimin.
'Jimin Hyung, it's OK, you still did CPR and saved his life' Said Taehyung.
The others comforted Jimin when he was in utter despair.
'Come on, we have to go to the hospital' Said Jin.
They drove there, and when they got there Namjoon asked the receptionist where Yoongi was.
She asnwered in English 'Ah, he's up on the third floor, room 2
They said Thank you, and went to find his room.
They saw his room, but he wasn't in it.
' You must be here for Min Yoongi? ' Said The Doctor.
They nodded.
'He right now is having surgery on his rib. It is broken, and he' ll be out soon' He said.
They sat down, waiting for him to come back.
Half an hour later, They saw Yoongi on a hospital bed, an oxygen mask on his mouth, being pushed into his room.
'You'll be able to go in in a minute' Said The Doctor.
They nodded sadly.
After 5 minutes, the doctor called them in.
They saw Yoongi, still unconscious, and a bandage around his chest.
'He must not do any physical activity, like your dances, sports, ect.' Said the doctor.
'He must take this medication for pain, if he obViously has pain' Said the nurse, handing Jimin a tub of pills.
'He' ll be able to go home in a week'
I welcome Requests by private messages! Thank you, and love you all!
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