Vkook - Fever
I decided to add in Little Kookie :')
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Jungkook woke up, yet not at 6am like always, but at 1am.
His head was pounding, and his stomach was turning.
He groaned, and rolled onto his other side.
He saw the window, and saw that it was raining outside.
There was a low rumble in the sky outside.
Great, a thunderstorm.
Jungkook whimpered as a particularly loud thunder echoed throughout his room.
He crawled under the covers, and Hid under them.
His stomach turned over.
He gagged, and quickly got to the bathroom.
He ran inside, locked the door, and threw up in the toilet.
Each heave he took, it hurt his back and his abdomen.
His throat was raw once he finished throwing up.
Suddenly, he slipped into his head space.
His lip quivered, and he burst into tears.
His body was in so much pain.
He just wanted his daddy.
He was too weak to get up, so he sat against the bathtub, and cried.
Jin woke up to, what he thought was, sobs.
He rubbed his eyes, and listened.
He was right, someone was crying.
He got up, and went to investigate.
He saw the light to the bathroom was on, and he went towards the bathroom.
He turned the knob, but it was locked.
He knocked on the door, and the sobbing stopped.
'Whose in there?' Asked Jin Quietly.
The lock was turned, and the door opened to reveal a tear stained, and pale - faced Jungkook.
'Jungkook, what's wrong?' Said Jin, putting his hands on Jungkook's shoulders.
'K-Kookie sick..' Said Jungkook, sniffling.
Jin realised, that Jungkook was in his headspace right now.
'Aww, is My Baby sick?' Cooed Jin, Hugging Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded, and whimpered when his stomach turned again.
Jungkook freed himself from Jin's grasp, and ran to the bathroom.
He threw up once again, this time more violently.
Jin caught on, and rubbed Jungkook's back to calm him.
Once Jungkook stopped, he sobbed once again, weak and painful.
'What's going on?' Said a Husky and rough voice.
Jin turned to see Jimin. He was shocked to see it was him, who had just spoke in that low and rough tone.
'Ahh, Little Kookie here is sick. Now that you're here, can you help me bring him to the living room? I'll get him some medicine to try and cure him up' Said Jin.
Jimin nodded, and went over to Jungkook, lifting him into his arms.
It was kind of funny to see Jimin, the shorter male, carrying a taller Jungkook in his arms.
Jungkook was soothed by the rubbing on his back.
They went to the living room, and Jimin put Jungkook down on the couch. He whimpered at the loss of the warmth.
'Shh, I'll get you your blanket, okay? Yes, the one with the stars' Said Jimin.
Jungkook nodded, and shivered slightly.
Jimin ran upstairs to get the blanket and Jin started to root in the covers for medicine.
'Kookie, is your head sore?' Asked Jin.
'Yes.. My Hwead is sore...' He mumbled Cutely.
Jimin came back down with the blanket, and covered Jungkook with it.
'T-Thank you, Jiminie..' Said Jungkook weakly.
Jimin smiled.
'No problem, Bub' He said, pressing a small kiss to the burning little's forehead.
Jin was back with Mint Tea, and 2 pills for Jungkook's Head.
'Take the pills for your head, and down them with the tea, OK?' Said Jin.
Jungkook nodded, and sat up.
He did as he was ordered, and then lied back down.
Jin felt the little's forehead.
'Aish, you're burning up' Muttered Jin.
Jungkook started to slowly doze off.
Jimin and Jin heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
They saw a sleepy Taehyung come in.
'Huh? What are you all doing?' He asked, clearly surprised.
'I could ask the same question' Said Jimin.
'I'm getting something for my head, it's been sore since yesterday' Grumbled Taehyung, rubbing his head.
'You too?'
'Well, Jungkook is sick. He's got a sore stomach and sore head, and even a temperature' Said Jin.
Taehyung's eyes widened.
'Kookie is sick?' He said.
Jin gestured to the now sleeping Jungkook.
Taehyung's eyes softened, and he went over to Jungkook, sitting down next to him.
'My poor Bunny' Said Taehyung, stroking Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook opened his eyes.
He saw Taehyung, and he said 'Daddyyy'
Taehyung smiled, and Hugged Jungkook.
'My Bunny is sick, Huh?' Said Taehyung.
'Yes.. I'm wery sick.. I woke up, and ish not fweeling well...'
They all Cooed at his cuteness.
'Don't worry, Daddy is here to take care of you, OK bub?' Said Taehyung.
Jungkook nodded.
Suddenly, Jungkook turned pale.
'What's wrong, Kookie?' They all said in unison.
Jungkook hunched over, and wrapped his arms around his painful stomach.
Jin quickly ran to the kitchen, and came back with a bin.
Taehyung took the bin, and put it in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook took it quickly, and got sick into it again.
Taehyung rubbed his back, Jin held the bin, and Jimin just stood there worryingly.
Soon, he finished, and leaned back into the couch, too tired to speak or even cry.
'Should we check his temperature?' Asked Jimin.
'Yeah, hand the thermometer' Said Taehyung.
Jin gave him it, and Taehyung took Jungkook's Temperature.
He gasped at the results.
'He has a really high temperature, I think we need to go to the Hospital' Said Taehyung.
'Alright, Go change and we'll go' Said Jin
Jimin and Taehyung nodded.
Taehyung lifted Jungkook up, and went with him to Jungkook's room.
He changed Jungkook, and then changed himself.
Jungkook was so weak, he couldn't even walk anymore without stumbling.
'D-Daddy...' Whined Jungkook weakly.
'Yes Baby?'
'W-Will I bwe OK?'
'Of course you will, bub. Don't worry, the doctors will help you, OK?' Said Taehyung, lifting Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded weakly.
Taehyung checked the time, and saw that it was already 2:30.
He lifted Jungkook up, and they went downstairs.
Jungkook had passed out once they got into the car.
Jin had left a note, Just in case, saying that they had gone to the doctor with Jungkook.
Jungkook cuddled into Taehyung's chest once they were driving.
30 minutes later..
They finally arrived at the Hospital.
They went up to the reception, and Jin explained the Situation.
Almost immediately, a Doctor took them away.
Once they were told that his temperature was 41°c, they whisked Jungkook away to a hospital room.
. 1 and a half hours later
They were finally allowed to go to him, and soon they saw Jungkook on the Hospital Bed, Iv's plugged up into him.
He weakly looked over at Taehyung.
'Daddy..' He drawled out, tears in his eyes.
Taehyung moved quickly towards him, and grabbed his hand.
'My baby' Cooed Taehyung, stroking Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook closed his eyes at the feeling.
Jimin sat down on a chair, and Jin did the same.
A doctor came in to check on Jungkook.
'Ahh, I see your temperature went down a bit. That's good...' He muttered, fixing up one of the Iv's.
They heard the door open, and they saw Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi enter.
'How's Jungkook?' Asked Yoongi.
'He'll be OK' Said Jimin.
Jungkook had dozed off.
'I hope he will be...'
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