Taehyung - Unlucky
Today, Taehyung seemed to have a really unlucky day.
He woke up, and banged his head on the shelf above him.
'Ow!' He said, rubbing his head.
When dressing, his shirt ripped.
'Really?! That was my favourite shirt!'
He groaned, grabbing a different one.
When he was brushing his teeth, the toothbrush snapped, and banged his teeth.
He whined at the pain it sent throughout his mouth.
He threw away his toothbrush, and groaned once again.
'Why today?' He whined.
He went downstairs, but obviously had to trip on the last step, and bang his head.
He went into the kitchen, and had to grab onto the table for support.
'Tae, Are you okay?' Asked Jin in concern.
'I- I don't know' He said, breathing heavily.
Jin was beginning to grow concerned.
Taehyung's breath was quick, and ragged.
What had happened to him?
Was it just because of a head bang?
Taehyung began to suffocate.
'H-Hyung, I-Can't B-Breathe' He choked out, dropping to the ground and grabbing his throat.
Jin's eyes grew wide, and He quickly called the Ambulance.
'Taehyung!' Shouted Jungkook's voice.
He ran over to him, and dropped down beside him.
'What's going on?!' He said in panic.
'I don't know! He just came down and said he couldn't breathe!' Said Jin, who was close to fainting.
Taehyung had passed out due to the lack of oxygen.
The ambulance finally arrived, and they rushed in, the medics pushing Jin and Jungkook away.
The others had now come down, and were frantically trying to get to Jin for explanation.
They put an oxygen mask on Taehyung's face, and they carried him away on a stretcher.
They weren't allowed to go with him, so they followed behind in a car.
Jin was driving, But Namjoon protested and said that he should drive, because Jin didn't seem to be in a good enough condition.
But Jin insisted, and Shouted at Namjoon saying he could drive, and even sneered at him saying he would probably break the steering wheel.
Namjoon's eyes flashed a sign of fear, before he nodded, and climbed into the back.
Jin felt a pang of regret, but now Taehyung mattered more.
They all drove in silence to the hospital, the air tense.
They finally got there, and they quickly rushed to the reception.
Jin asked where Taehyung was, and the Kind woman at the desk said that he was in room 2, on floor 2.
They thanked her, and went to his room.
He was unconscious, and he had an oxygen mask on his face.
Certain Iv's (? Think that's what those little tubes with medicine are called)
Were plugged up into him.
The Doctor let them in, and explained what happened.
'So, Mr. Kim here has got several cuts on his arms and legs, and his brain received something called "Brain shock". It is not dangerous, but his brain got a shock from, maybe a fall, and it caused him to pass out. He also had some trouble breathing, so we had to get him an oxygen Mask, we also gave him some ibuprofen to lower the fever he had. He will be able to come out Today, but he absolutely is not allowed to Run, or jump. That can cause another Brain shock, which can risk his life' He said.
They nodded, and they all sat down.
They talked for a while, but Namjoon kept quiet for most of the time. He sat down on the chair next to Taehyung's bed, and avoided Jin's gaze.
Jin felt a big pang of regret.
He shouldn't have Shouted at Namjoon.. Now he's scared of him.. And that has never happened before.
Taehyung woke up.
All of them smiled widely, and started bombarding him with questions like 'Are you Okay?' or 'Does it hurt anywhere?'.
'Guys, I'm fine!' Chuckled Taehyung.
They all talked for another while, before The Doctor released Taehyung.
He gave them the look that said "Becareful"
Namjoon nodded knowingly, and they exited the hospital.
They drove back, and when they were home, Jin pulled Namjoon aside.
'Hey, Joon' He said Softly, hoping to calm the younger.
Namjoon looked up at Jin, slight fear in his eyes.
'Y-yes?' He said.
Jin sighed.
'Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you... I.. Was just really determined to get to Taehyung, I kind of lost control. I should of known that you just wanted to help me, And I didn't catch on.. I'm sorry' Said Jin.
Namjoon smiled, his dimples showing.
'I understand, Hyung. And it's OK' He said.
They went back in, now comfortable with each others prescense.
They told Taehyung what he was allowed to do, and what he was not.
He pouted when he was told that he was not allowed to engage in any physical activity.
'Well, I guess its for the best' He sighed.
It was already 10pm, they had realised that they were a whole day at the hospital.
'Alright, we have to go to sleep. Will you be okay, Hyung?' Said Jungkook.
Taehyung smiled.
'I will' He said.
They all went up to their rooms.
Taehyung went to his room, and changed into his pyjamas.
He cuddled into the covers of his bed, and fell asleep, a smile on his face.
Hope you liked this!
I might do Jin, Jimin and Hoseok pt2 today 🤔
What do you guys think?
Does that sound good?
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