Namjoon - Shot Pt 1
I'm not going in order, because honestly I have a very spicy idea for this chapter.
By the way, this is a hurtfic chapter!
Namjoon was currently at his studio, working on a brand new song.
The others were at dance practise, learning the new choreography.
Namjoon said he would join them soon, once he was finished Jungkook's vocal line in it.
He stretched, and yawned.
He checked the time, and saw that it was 3pm.
He should be getting back.
He got up, and put on his hoodie, and Jacket.
There was loads of snow outside, and he had to be careful while driving.
He drove back cautiously to the others.
Once he got there, he quickly locked up his car, and looked up.
He saw Jin at the door, gesturing for him to come.
Namjoon nodded, and started going to the door.
Suddenly, he heard a gun shot.
His head snapped to the sound.
Jin's head also went to where the sound came from.
Namjoon started slowly walking to the door, when he heard another loud gun shot.
He felt someone pin him to the ground, and start to root in his pockets.
'What the hell are you doing?! ' Shouted Namjoon, pushing the person off.
Jin was about to run to Namjoon, when there was another Gunshot.
Namjoon pushed the person off, and was about to punch him, when he heard another gunshot, and a piercing pain in his temple.
He fell to the ground, bleeding badly.
The members ran out, and quickly ran to Namjoon.
There was a pool of blood surrounding Namjoons head.
Yoongi called the police, and Taehyung called the ambulance.
'Jin...' Whimpered Namjoon weakly.
'Joon, come on, stay with me, come on, hold on, everything will be OK, Come on, stay strong' Whispered Jin.
Namjoon's eyelids fluttered.
They heard ambulance sirens.
'I - I can't..' Whispered Namjoon, his breathing speeding up.
'Joon, darling stay with us, they'll help you' Said Jin, tears falling from his eyes.
Jimin was comforting Jungkook, who was sobbing his heart out.
Hoseok was traumatised.
Namjoon couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.
He closed them.
Medics ran over, and started to examine him.
'SeyJin, he's breathing quickly!' Shouted one of the medics.
'No pulse!'
Jin by this point, was a sobbing wreck.
Yoongi was comforting him.
One of the medics put AEDS on Namjoons chest.
'One, two THREE!'
Namjoons body jumped when he received an electric shock.
'Pulse is back, quick, take him!'
They took him away, but when Jin wanted to go, they said no, as he wasn't family.
They quickly took Namjoon away.
Hope you liked the first part of this!
There MAY be 3 or 4 parts to this.
Joon is in a critical condition, thats all I'm saying.
Thank you for reading!
Love you all!
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