Namjoon - D.I.D pt. 3
Flashback to previous chapter:
"You left your phone. So I decided to check where that whole WinWin guy lives. Gone to see my oppa >:). See you disgusting rat!!"
Taeyong cursed out loud and quickly ran to the NCT house.
He literally slammed the door open when he got there.
All of the other NCT members were chatting.
"Where's WinWin?!" Taeyong exclaimed.
".. In his room. Wh—" Began Johnny, but Taeyong already ran off to WinWin's room.
He burst in through the door.
WinWin looked up.
Taeyong let out a sigh of relief.
"What's wrong?" Asked WinWin in confusion.
"Ah. Nothing. Just—"
There was a slam of a door.
"I have come to see you, Oppa!" came a voice.
"Oh fuck"
Taeyong quickly ran to WinWin and shielded him.
Na-so came into the room, panting.
"What did you do?!" Said Taeyong.
Na-so smirked.
Taeyong grabbed WinWin's hand and went to the living room.
Everyone was lying on the ground, groaning.
"S-She... I-is one... Fierce Woman" Said Doyoung, before he dropped his head down in exhaustion.
Taeyong glared at Na-so, who sent him a sweet smile.
A bitchy personality in his house.
What else could he want?
Taeyong had managed to lock Na-so into a room.
There was noise in there for the first fifteen minutes, but then after it went silent.
Taeyong told WinWin to stay in the living room, and he went to look inside the room.
Now Namjoon was there, silently crying.
Taeyong went to him.
"What's wrong?.." He asked.
Namjoon turned to him.
"Whats wrong? What's wrong?! I'm a monster! I hate that I let them take over so easily! That's what... I'm so sorry..."
Taeyong sighed.
"It's okay. But... Try stop them. You know they're dangerous, especially Jeongsin. It's hard, I know"
Namjoon nodded slowly.
Taeyong felt his forehead.
"You're hot to the touch... Probably after all those appearances" He mumbled.
Namjoon checked the time, and his eyes widened.
"I need to go back! Jin hyung will probably be mad" He said, quickly getting up.
Taeyong tried to get him to stay, but it didn't work.
So, the elder just left and went back to the Bangtan house.
Namjoon finally got home and he was met with silence.
He sighed in relief, closing the door and then heading to the kitchen.
He switched on the light and went to fetch himself some kind of food.
He settled on a sandwich, taking a glass of water along with that before switching off the light and going upstairs to his room.
Namjoon put the items down onto the bedside table, and then looked out his window.
It started lashing raining, the rain droplets pounding down onto his window.
The lanterns outside switched on, illuminating the dark pathways and roads, puddles already forming due to the massive storm.
After he was finished eating, he quickly changed and hopped into bed, snuggling down into his covers.
Soon, darkness engulfed him and he fell asleep, completely forgetting to take his medication.
The next morning, 8am
Namjoon woke from his sleep, having a terrible headache.
He groaned, rubbing it, before the realisation hit him.
That he didn't take his medication last night.
"Ah shit.." He mumbled, getting up out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom.
He rooted around for the container of pills, before he was hit with a terrible pain, making him pass out.
After a small while, his eyes opened.
They were now a light blue colour.
All the other BTS members had woke up, already down in the kitchen.
"What's Namjoon doing up there in his room for so long? He didn't even come down for breakfast.." said Yoongi, confused as he sat at the table.
Jin frowned.
"I mean.. I did tell him to stay in his room... Kind of acted harsh on him too.. Should I go apologise?" He said, looking at them all.
Hoseok shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe give him a while? I mean.. He did seem kind of upset, so maybe let's not pull the trigger more" He said.
Jungkook got up.
"I'm going to hyung. And no one's stopping me" He said.
Before the others could even protest, he was upstairs already.
Jungkook knocked on Namjoon's door, but there was no response.
"Namjoonie hyung?" He said, tilting his head a small bit.
He turned the doorknob, and the door opened to its accord.
He went in, and looked around.
What he saw, shocked him.
There was Namjoon, sitting on his bed, in a stitch onesie.
He was playing with what seemed like his Koya plush.
The elder looked up.
Namjoon grinned, and quickly got up, going over to Jungkook and hugging him.
"Kookie!" The elder exclaimed, in a slightly high pitched tone.
Jungkook was in a state of shock;
What the heck is going on at the moment?
He finally caught onto it.
Jungkook cooed and hugged back.
"Hi~" He said, with a smile.
"Joonie missed you!"
"Aww, really?" The younger said, bringing him over to the bed so he could sit on it.
"Uh huh! Not ownly I missed chu, I missed Jinnie, Kitty, TaeTae, Hobi and Chimmy!" He giggled.
"I missed Kitty most though.."
Jungkook perked up.
"Kitty is Yoongi hyung, yes?" He said.
"Of cowse silly! Who else would be Kitty?" Said Joon, as if the question Jungkook asked was the most ridiculous thing ever.
"Ah yes, sorry" The younger laughed.
There was a knock on the door.
"Hey, what's going on? Is there a child in Namjoon's room or something?" Came Yoongi's voice.
"Um- oh- well— technically, yes—"
Yoongi opened the door and stopped on seeing the two.
"Okay what the fuck"
Jungkook quickly ran to him and slapped his hand over his mouth.
"No! Joonie could —"
"Kitty! Fwinally you came! Awso, what's fuck? —"
"Joonie, no-"
Yoongi removed his hand.
"What the heck?! Can you explain?" Demanded Yoongi.
Jungkook sighed.
"I'm sorry, but you seem to have no brain in that head of yours. Hyung is in one of his personalities.." He said.
Yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after Joonie came running to him to hug him.
He decided to play along, and hug back.
"So.. He's a child now?" Said Yoongi.
"Kind of, yeah"
Namjoon looked at Yoongi with a grin.
"Kittyyy. Why won't chu expwain?"
"Oh shit—.. What do I do—"
"Oh shit!" Giggled Namjoon, running back to the bed and burying himself in the covers.
"Sorry! I couldn't help myself!"
They looked at the Namjoon that was now buried under his covers, chuckling as he played with his Koya plush.
Then they looked at each other with a confused look.
"What do we do?"
"I really don't think there's another option either than.. You know.." Began Jungkook.
"Jin Hyung"
Here's the awaited part 3 of Namjoon — D.I.D!
I hope you enjoy this chapter, and now. Peace out ✌🏻
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