Maknae Line- Concert Trouble
This Sickfic was requested by Btsismylife2019. Go check out her SickFics, they're way better than mine!
Taehyung had been sick for already a week. He had gotten Jungkook sick, and Jungkook got Jimin sick.
Yet, they all hid their illnesses from their hyungs, as a big concert was today.
They all were really sick.
Jin and Namjoon had asked the 3 if their OK numerous times, but they always replied with 'Yes, we're fine, why?'
The others had realised that the Maknae Line did seem a bit off.
'Guys! You are not OK! What's wrong?' Said Yoongi, now irritated.
Taehyung shot Yoongi a glare.
'We're fine, how many times do we have to tell you?' He said through gritted teeth.
'That is no way to speak to someone older then you, Taehyung' Scolded Jin.
'Sorry...' Mumbled Taehyung.
Jimin felt a wave of nausea overcome him.
'I'll-Be right back' He said, rushing upstairs to the bathroom.
The Hyung line narrowed their eyes at him as he ran off.
Jungkook hadn't spoken all morning.
His throat was really sore,
And he felt as if he talked, he would throw up.
Taehyung was the same.
Soon, it was time to go to the concert.
Jimin had come down, wrapped up in warm clothes.
'Jimin, it's warm out, you don't need all those layers of sweaters' Said Hoseok.
Jimin shrugged weakly.
'It's cold for me' He said.
Taehyung helped Jungkook walk, as he was a bit more sick then Taehyung.
It did look suspicious, but they ignored their hyungs.
Finally, they got there.
The three were feeling really weak.
They got fixed up, and they got their clothes changed for the concert.
They were feeling very dizzy because of the roasting temperature.
Then, it was their time to perform.
They went out, and of course, did their small before - Concert speech.
Army's realised how pale the maknae line looked in the lightning.
They started performing.
Blood, Sweat and tears came on.
Jimin felt extremely dizzy.
When he was in the back, he closed his eyes, and fainted.
The Army's screamed.
One of the medics ran in, and took Jimin.
The Army's were still a bit shocked at Jimin's fall.
After Blood, Sweat and Tears, Came Fire.
This time, Jungkook felt extremely dizzy.
Hoseok realised Jungkook became paler, and pulled him backstage quickly.
He then, Fainted.
This time, the members were watching Taehyung intently.
He was dancing, slightly off tune.
After Fire, was Idol.
They prayed to God Taehyung didn't faint.
He didn't.
But, his Voice was even more deeper (If that's possible) due to his sickness.
They danced to three more songs, and on the fourth one, Dna, that's when things went downhill for Taehyung.
While he was singing, his voice, it seemed as if it didn't work anymore.
He couldn't get any sound out.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea over came him.
Yoongi saw this, and quickly pulled Taehyung back.
Army's were starting to wonder, where the rest of the members were.
Yoongi came back, while Taehyung was throwing his guts up behind the stage.
From exhaustion, he fainted.
Medics came running over to him, and they put him into a cool, nice room.
They checked him for any damage, and saw that there was none.
Yet, his voice was gone.
After the concert, Namjoon had to explain to the now extremely worried Army's, that the maknae line were sick, and that's why they had to go off stage.
They went backstage, and saw Medics treating Jimin, who was sleeping.
'Fever, Upset Stomach, that's whats wrong with him' Said one of the medics sadly.
'Jungkook is slightly worse, High Fever, Flu, sore throat and Upset Stomach' Said another medic.
'What about Taehyung?' Said Jin.
'Well, High Fever, Stomach Flu, and, he lost his voice due to his sore throat' Said one of the medics.
'They will be OK, right?' They Hyung line asked.
'Of course they will, they just need to rest'
Hope you liked this :D
I'm going to update Masks today, sooo yeah :D.
Thank you for the request Btsismylife2019!
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