Jungkook - A Terrifying Mistake
It was a dark, misty and wet night.
The street lights were on, illuminating the pathway and part of the road.
Rain drops fell on the window, making the whole glass wet and blurry.
You could barely make out the figures outside because of how hard it was pounding down outside.
A small child, around 13 years old, was pushing a box to the window so he could stand on it.
His window was so high up, even he, as a 13 year old, couldn't reach it.
His mother had built the window so high up, because she didn't want little, innocent Jungkook seeing the cruel world outside.
-Every morning Jungkook woke up, and went into the kitchen.
His mom wasn't there.
He never knew where she was, he just knew that one night she told him she would be back.
He didn't even realise that one night when his mother came home.
But she didn't even get to the front door.
Police cars were everywhere, and they were dragging the now limp with sadness mother into their car.
She didn't even get to say anything about her son.
Her son that meant the whole world to her.
Her son that was left all alone, in a street where no one was safe.
She hoped he would be OK.
If he was hurt already, at least when she'll come home, she'll end his suffering. -
He could now look out the window.
Alright, it was wet, that's for sure.
The water was everywhere, puddles littering their front garden.
He couldn't fall asleep, and sometimes looking out the window helped him take the worries off his mind.
Well, wouldn't you be worrying if your mother just left.
Didn't tell you where she went.
And didn't come back?
His mother every morning would say it was time for the 'medicine' that takes the worries off the mind.
She would take Jungkook to the kitchen, take a knife, and cut his arm.
No matter how much he would scream out in pain, telling her to stop, she'd smile at him, and cut deeper.
At times he would fall unconscious, and his mother would bring him to bed.
She'd close his door, and by the time he woke up, his sleeves were stained with blood.
Blood would be dripping off his hand, onto the snow White duvet.
He would cry at night, begging for help.
He was scared.
Scared of what was exactly happening.
But he was also confused.
Why was his mother doing this to him?
Aren't mothers supposed to protect, and love their children?
Was he different?
Did he need special treatment?
But he loved his mother.
So, so much.
Even though she was hurting him.
Hurting him in ways he didn't even know existed.
Some that would be physical, and it pained him on the outside.
Some that would leave scars all over his weak body.
And then.
Some that hit straight in the heart.
It felt as if his heart was being ripped out from his chest.
His mind seemed to shut off.
And it pained him.
It pained him even more than when she would hurt him physically.
The figures that were huddled outside were sitting by the street lamp, whispering darkly.
Jungkook found himself observing them, but he felt a dark aura around him.
A chilling breeze that sent shivers down his spine.
But, somehow he just couldn't look away.
He tried, but it was as if his body didn't want to move.
It was glued to the ground, his eyes staring right ahead at the people.
He felt the terror rise inside of him when he saw one of them turn around, their head going 360 to just look at him, like an owls.
He wanted to run, run as fast as he could, and hide, hide somewhere where they wouldn't find him.
But he couldn't.
His legs didn't seem to be moving at all.
They all stood up in unison, their heads looking at him.
They walked towards his window, before their faces were looking at him.
They didn't look exactly like faces.
They seemed more like burned down masks.
And they were all smiling.
Their breaths were fogging up the glass pane.
One of them starting humming a soft, lullaby.
Before they broke out into a song.
'Don't look around, little boy
You'll see what you won't unsee
Darkness will engulf you whole
And he will come and rise
After the moon shines down on you
He will rise up
And up
You'll say your last goodbye'
It fell silent.
He didn't want to turn around.
But his body was doing something else.
He started turning around, and then was faced with darkness.
It was silent.
And then out of nowhere, he felt something grab him.
He looked down, and saw a pale face, smiling happily.
'Say bye bye'
He screamed, and was dragged down into a dark basement.
He felt his body about to hit the ground.
When he woke up.
Jungkook woke up, cold sweat all over his body.
He was shaking and panting.
He looked out the window, and was glad to see he was in the BTS house.
And not that house.
He looked over at Taehyung and Jimin, who were both sleeping.
He drew a shaky breath, and then got up quietly.
He made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
He looked at himself in the mirror.
He was pale, and there was dark bags under his eyes.
He closed his eyes, steadying his breathing.
It seemed so real...
He heard a knock on the door, and nearly screamed.
He did jump, his mind still not fully recovered from that nightmare.
'Jungkook? Are you okay?' Came Namjoon's muffled voice.
Jungkook looked at the time.
It was 06:34.
'Y-Yeah... I'm f-fine..' He replied weakly.
'There's no need to be lying. Come out'
Jungkook sighed, and went to open the door.
Namjoon came into view, his messy bed look still with him.
'Are you alright? I was going to the bathroom and I heard you stumbling..' He said, worry laced in his tone.
'I... Well... I had a nightmare... But I'm okay..' He said.
'That nightmare seems to be a problem lately. Is it the same one, all over again?' Asked Namjoon.
'Yeah...' Said Jungkook.
Namjoon frowned in thought.
'Look. Maybe if you have that nightmare again, try change it'
Jungkook looked at him in confusion.
'Change it? How?'
'Well... I read an article about nightmares some time ago.
They said to try change your continuous nightmare. For example. If there's a murderer involved in your dream, and you get 'murdered' by him every night, try to somehow change it up'
Jungkook frowned.
'OK. Thanks hyung'
Namjoon smiled reassuringly.
'Go downstairs. I have to go wake up the others, anyway'
Jungkook nodded, and made his way downstairs.
He went into the living room, and sat down on the couch, deep in thought.
He still had questions about where his mother had went.
Yes, it was true.
His mother had disappeared 9 years ago.
And up until the age of 14 he lived all alone in that house.
No one came to visit him.
He didn't even go to school.
It was as if no one cared for him.
But then one day when he was watching TV, he saw Namjoon performing.
He was so inspired, that he decided to join the entertainment Namjoon was in.
And, with luck, he ended up in the same group as him.
Who would have thought.
At first, he was so shy around Namjoon.
Now, he teased Namjoon more than ever.
He heard footsteps and chatter coming down the stairs.
He saw all the members piling into the room.
Jungkook looked up at them.
'Ayy, Jungkookie!' Said both Taehyung and Jimin.
They ran to him, and nearly crushed him with the hug.
Jungkook chuckled, and hugged back.
'You're acting as if you haven't seen him for 5 years' Said Yoongi.
'Oi, stop being so sour. Just because you had to wake up earlier doesn't mean you have to give out —'
'I'm not giving out. I'm just sharing my thoughts'
The others groaned at him, and the maknae line laughed.
Jin and Hoseok set to making the breakfast.
When all was done, they quickly wolfed their breakfast down, and went for practice.
Jungkook was sluggish at practice, barely doing anything right.
The choreographer shouted at him to up his game, but Jungkook just stared out the window.
He was not concentrating properly.
'Let's end practice earlier, guys..' announced Namjoon.
They all muttered an agreement, and went home.
They kept an eye on Jungkook.
They arrived home, and spent their day normally.
Until it was night, that is.
Jungkook started hearing whispers.
Whispers that were no good.
They messed with his mind.
He whimpered when a full on headache hit him.
And then, it was as if he lost full control over his body, and speech.
He got up, and grabbed Jin's car keys.
'Where are you going?' Asked Jin.
'None of your business' Replied Jungkook in a harsh tone.
He did not mean to say that.
'Yah! Mind your words!'
'Why? You're not important to me'
Yoongi came in.
'Whats going on?' He asked.
Jungkook turned his attention to Yoongi.
'Nothing. Go write your shitty music' He said.
'What? Jungkook, what the hell is up?' said Yoongi.
'How many times do I have to say!? Nothing!' He snarled, and headed for the door.
Namjoon came in, and grabbed Jungkook.
'Where are you going?' Asked Namjoon.
Jungkook growled, and pushed Namjoon's hand off his arm.
He seriously wasn't conscious of what he was doing.
'I'm going. I've had enough of everyone here'
He pulled the door open, and left.
Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok were watching, and they were really confused about Jungkook's behaviour.
'What's up with him?' Asked Hoseok, putting away the last dish into the dishwasher.
'I have a feeling it's something mixed with the nightmare he's been having' Said Namjoon.
'Since when does he have that nightmare?' Asked Jimin.
'Well.. He said its been about 2 weeks. Having the same, continuous nightmare. But I think it's more... It's starting to affect his daily life'
The others looked at each other in concern.
'We need to help him before it's too late'
Jungkook was in the car, driving.
Where to? He had no absolute clue.
His body was taking him somewhere.
He wanted to cry for help, at least look at someone out on the road to help him.
But his eyes were staring right ahead of him.
He started to realise, the longer he was in the car, the further it was taking him away from civilization.
Soon, there was no cars.
Soon, there was only a road. With nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
It was just a straight road, surrounded by a deserted area.
Weeds grew out of the ground, and the trees were bare, their branches sticking out towards him like claws ready to scratch him.
And then he heard it.
A low, whisper like song.
And, god.
It was the exact same one
'Don't look around little boy
You'll see what you won't unsee
Darkness will engulf you whole
And he will come and rise
When the moon shines down on you
He will rise up
And up
You'll say your last goodbye'
He felt his mind snap back into reality.
He lost complete control of the wheel.
He felt the wheel spin, and the wheels on the car slid, making a loud screeching noise.
He tried to push the brake to stop it, but it just kept going.
He felt the car drive straight into a tree, and he was pushed forwards harshly.
Glass flew at him, and lodged itself into his face.
Before he knew what had happened, he passed out from the pain.
Smoke sneaked out from the little cracks in the cars front, rising up into the air.
Blood trickled down the side of his head.
He was injured, and there was no one around him to help him.
Or at least he thought so.
'Guys! Quick!' Shouted Jimin.
They ran to him.
'What? what's wrong?' Asked Jin.
He pointed to the TV, and they felt themselves freeze.
'Famous member of BTS, Jeon Jungkook, was found out in a deserted area, his car crashed. He was immediately taken to the main hospital in Seoul, treated for the severe wounds he had'
'I knew it. I knew something was up! Come on, who's coming with me to the hospital?' Said Namjoon.
'I'll go' Said both Jimin and Taehyung.
They looked at each other.
'Fine then you two are coming. Can the rest of you stay here?' Said Namjoon.
They nodded.
They quickly rushed to the hospital, and asked about Jungkook.
'I'm sorry, but we can't give you information about him. You're not family' said the nurse.
'We're his bandmates. Please. We're so worried' Pleaded Jimin.
The nurse sighed in pity.
'Floor 3, room 67'
They thanked her, and quickly went to that exact room.
They saw through the window Jungkook lying on the bed, extremely pale, with a bandage around his head.
They went in quietly.
Jimin went to sit down on the chair beside Jungkook's bed.
He took his hand.
'Do you think he'll be okay?' Asked Taehyung.
'Of course he will be okay... Its Jungkook. He's strong. He's our strong maknae..' Said Namjoon.
It was silent in the room, except for the 'Beeps' that sounded at time to time.
To relieve them, and to assure them that Jungkook is still alive.
'I wonder what happened to him that he crashed the car' Said Jimin, frowning.
Namjoon scratched the back of his head.
'It might sound weird, but I really think we should take him to the therapist when he's all better. His nightmare isn't good' Said Namjoon.
The two of them nodded.
Jungkook started waking up, and they looked at him.
'Jungkookie?' Said Jimin.
He opened his eyes, and looked at Jimin.
He smiled slightly.
'Jiminie Hyung' He said happily.
Jimin smiled.
The doctors came in to check on Jungkook.
They gave Jungkook a paper, and left, grim faced.
'What's up?' Asked Taehyung.
Jungkook shook his head.
'Just medication papers'
They chatted for a small while, before they had to go.
'We'll be back tomorrow, Jungkookie!' Said Taehyung.
They bid their goodbyes, and left.
Jungkook looked back at the note.
He smiled, but a tear slid down his cheek.
'They can't know... They can't know my suffering will disappear, Forever.. Just like my mother'
Got this all written up in a day :')
This is the longest chapter I've written.
Thank you! 💙
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