Jin - Head Pt1
Jin woke up with a massive Headache.
He groaned as he pulled himself up.
'Why today?' He sighed.
He grabbed some painkillers from the bathroom, and when he straightened up, he nearly fainted.
He was really pale.
He.. He wouldn't be sick.. There's no way...
He went downstairs, and began preparing breakfast.
He had burned 2 meals already, because he couldn't focus.
He groaned in frustration, and focused hard on just cooking some eggs.
He finally managed to cook something without burning it.
He laid down plates on the table, and stumbled slightly.
A plate fell, and broke.
He sighed, and cleaned up the glass.
A peice of glass cut into his hand.
He winced, and quickly went to get the first aid kit.
He pulled out the glass, and put some alcohol on the cut.
It burned, but he quickly patched it up with bandages.
'Jin Hyung? Are you okay?' Said a familiar voice.
Jin turned back, and saw Taehyung.
'Yes, I'm fine. I.. Just cut my hand, that's all' He said, holding onto the table for support.
'Oh, Okay. Be careful next time though' He said, smiling lightly.
Jin smiled back, yet weakly.
He didn't feel the need to eat, so he dragged himself over to the couch, and plopped down onto it.
He felt dizzy, and just wanted to fall asleep.
'TaeTae.. Can you give me a glass of water.. Please?' Said Jin.
'Sure Hyung' He said, pouring Jin a glass of water.
He handed him it, and Jin shakily took it.
The others started piling in.
Jin was on the verge of falling asleep.
A piercing, sharp pain went through his head.
He yelped, and grabbed his head.
The others quickly turned to Jin, and immediately asked 'Are you okay?'
He couldn't talk, it hurt so bad.
Namjoon went over to Jin, and he said 'I'll call a doctor, you are in a terrible condition today'
Jin nodded, and lied back down, trying to ignore the pulsing pain in his head.
Hope you liked this! Second one is coming out tomorrow, or Thursday.
Sadly, I won't be able to Update on Sunday, as I'm going to Poland!
I'll put some pictures of me at the airport, in the plane, and that means showing my face...
I'll also show you some photos of Poland!
Cant wait, and Hope you all are healthy!
I'm all healed up, which is Gooood.
💜 You all!
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