Hoseok - Stabbed
This was requested by Fortaetaeonearth.
This is a hurtfic (Yes, another one)
'Jungkook! Come on! We're gonna be late for the airplane if you don't get your butt up!'
Shouted Hoseok through Jungkook's door.
There was scrambling from the Inside, and then out of nowhere the door was flung open to reveal a messy haired Jungkook, holding a suitcase.
'Sorry Hyung..' He mumbled, running past Hoseok.
Hoseok laughed, and grabbed his own suitcase.
All of them quickly rushed to the van, and drove to the airport.
Throughout the journey, Hoseok kept on getting messages from a Sasaeng that somehow managed to get his number.
'I need to change my number, seriously..' muttered Hoseok, now slightly annoyed.
He typed out the last message, and blocked the number.
Honestly, he was sometimes scared of his fans.
He didn't know how they got all the information about him.
Time skip brought to you by Jin's Windshield wiper laugh
They were finally at the airport.
When they got out, that's when the chaos started.
Flashing lights everywhere, screams of fans, and even pushing.
Security quickly made room for them to run out.
Namjoon was the first one to get out, and then the others followed on.
Hoseok heard a scream he dreaded.
He quickly said 'Yoongi Hyung, can you hurry up? There's a psychopath waiting for me'
Yoongi nodded, and sped up.
'HE'S MINE!' Yelled the Saseang.
There were screams.
Everything stopped moving.
There was the girl, that apparently texted Hoseok, holding a knife.
Everybody backed away.
Hoseok was the first one to speak up.
'Miss, please do put down that Knife' He said.
She had tears running down her face, but she was smiling like a maniac.
Hoseok told the Security that it's OK, and that he could handle the situation.
The security protested, but Hoseok was already walking slowly forward to the fan.
'Please, put down that knife..
We don't want anyone to get hurt' Said Hoseok.
She shook her head.
'If I can't have my Oppa.
She stabbed Hoseok straight in the stomach.
Hoseok screamed in pain, and fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding stomach.
Everyone screamed.
Security rushed forward, and took the girl away.
The other members were pushed into the airport by the other security, but they tried to get to Hoseok, who was slowly losing conciousness.
The ambulance came, and took Hoseok away.
(Sope is about to come in, I warn, Sope is about to come in!)
Yoongi was panicking.
He wouldn't fly off to a country without Hoseok. Never.
The others wanted to get to Hoseok too, and were protesting.
The manager Shouted at them, telling them that they can't miss the concert.
'But we need have Hoseok too!' Shouted Namjoon.
They had never seen him so angry.
They were surprised he was shouting at the Manager, who was older than him.
The Manager was in a wreck too.
He was unsure if to reschedule the concert to some other day, or to go without Hoseok.
'Does Hoseok have a lot of Lines in songs?' He said.
'He has raps, and he is supposed to perform Boy Meets Evil!' Said Jimin.
The Manager decided.
'I'm rescheduling. There's no way the concert will go without Hoseok.
Come on, we're going to the Hospital'
They all were worrying for Hoseok.
Well, you can't blame them.
Their friend got stabbed straight in the stomach.
3 hours of driving to the Hospital..
They arrived at the hospital, and asked where Hoseok was.
'Mr Jung is right now having an operation, but his room is up on floor 6, room 60' Said the receptionist.
They nodded, and thanked her.
They had to climb stairs up to the 6th floor, because the elevator was broken.
They sat down on the chairs, and waited for Hoseok to come back from the operation room.
They all were worried sick.
But the one that was most worried, would have to be Yoongi.
He had his head in his hands, and he was tapping his foot.
Jungkook rubbed circles into Yoongi's back to calm him down like it always would, but nothing worked.
They heard a few voices, and a hospital bed being pulled.
They saw Hoseok on it, unconscious.
The doctors pushed him into his room, and closed the door.
They saw Hoseok wake up, and look around in confusion.
One of the doctors came out, and asked 'Are you family?'
Jin spoke up 'No, but we are his bandmates'
The doctor eyed them for a while, before letting them in.
Hoseok was there, no shirt on, and a huge bandage around his stomach.
He waved to them nervously.
Yoongi rushed to Hoseok's side.
'We..have To change your bandages, Mister Jung..' Said a nurse.
Hoseok's breathing sped up.
'No, No please' He said.
'We have to' She said, taking out a clean bandage.
'Hoseok, look at me, We are here, Okay? Don't look at the wound, and look at us. You can squeeze my hand when it hurts' Said Yoongi.
Hoseok Nodded.
The doctor started taking of the bandage.
Hoseok whimpered.
His grip on Yoongi's hand tightened.
'It's okay, It's okay..' Cooed Yoongi.
Jin was proud of Yoongi.
'He acts like a mother..' Chuckled Jungkook.
'Yah!' Said Jin, smacking the Maknae playfully on the shoulder.
Soon, the Bandage was on, and the old one was thrown away.
Jimin couldn't look at Hoseok's wound, so he hid behind Namjoon, who was the tallest.
Hoseok was extremely tired, so he immediately fell asleep.
'When will he be able to go home?' Asked Namjoon.
'Ah, He'll be able to go home in 2 weeks' Said The Doctor.
The Manager heard that, and was relieved.
'I'll reschedule the concert to next month, It won't be easy, But Hoseok matters more'
Thank you for the request!
You should go check out her SickFics, they're WAY better than mine!
Anyways, I hope you guys are okay!
Right now, I'm suffering with a stomach ache, which is NOT nice.
Anyways, 💜 you all!
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