Yoongi-stomach bug
Thanks to @12343273smas for the request!
Yoongi woke up to something unexpected. Not a nice welcome to a new day, that's for sure. He furrowed his brows angrily. Why now?
The flopped his hand on his bedside table, tapping it several times until his hand finally landed on his phone. He picked it up and winced at the blinding light of his phone, and struggled to turn the brightness down. When he finally managed to turn it down he glanced at the time, to see it was 4 in the morning. Ugh can't I just go back to sleep, I still have a few hours. He most certainly couldn't not go back to sleep. Not with his unexpected visitor...
He carefully slid out of bed, trying not to wake Jungkook, and made his way to the bathroom as quietly as possible. Once he got there he flopped onto the floor, clutching his stomach.
Little did he know, he had woken Jungkook up, and the maknae had followed him into the bathroom. Mainly just cause he realised he needed to pee when he was woken up, but when he saw Yoongi curled up on the bathroom floor dealing with a crippling stomach cramp, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.
"Hyung... a-are you ok?" He asked stepping in closer and tilting his head to see Yoongi's face, and it wasn't a pleasant sight (though of course yoongi is a beautiful human). His face was scrunched tightly in pain. It was rather traumatising for poor little kook.
"I-I'll go get Jin-hyung..."
He scuttered off to Jin's room to get him.
Yoongi was left on the floor, groaning in pain. The pain was so much he hadn't even realized jungkook was ever there. He was pulled out of it when the cramp turned into nausea. He quickly got up onto his knees and scooted to the toilet.
Jungkook didn't even bother to knock, barging straight into Jin's room and harshly shaking him.
"...what" Jin said groggily after being so forcefully awoken.
"Hyung, There's something wrong with yoongi-hyung..." jungkook said, not even trying to be quiet. Jin groaned and sat up, making his way to the bathroom. The sight he saw wasn't pleasant, that's for sure.
Yoongi was slumped over the toilet, vomiting up his insides. Barely getting a break to breathe between heaves. Jin carefully approaches him, sitting down next to him. He waits until Yoongi is finally done to speak up.
"Yoongi-a, are you ok?" He says gently.
"What are you doing here get out!" He replies, voice rough.
"I just want to help Yoongi..." Jin says softly, placing the back of his hand on Yoongi's forehead. He ignored anything Yoongi said. He knew that Yoongi secretly craved the attention, he just wouldn't admit it.
"Hmmm, you're quite warm. Is anything else hurting? Or just your stomach?" Jin asked a hand softly placed on Yoongi's shoulder.
"Just my stomach..." he mumbles, feeling awkward.
"Jungkook, you can go back to sleep. I got this from here. Don't worry." Jin said, looking up at Jungkook, who still looks like a deer in the headlights.
"You sure, hyung?"
"Yeah, don't worry, just go back to sleep." Jin said with a gentle smile. And jungkook sluggishly wondered back to their bedroom.
"Can I take your temperature?" Jin asks, while stroking Yoongi's hair. Yoongi decides to stop resisting the comfort. He nods and leans back against the wall.
"I'll be back in a sec ok?" Jin says softly.
Yoongi takes deep breaths, still feeling a lot of nausea. His eyes are scrunched closed and he didn't notice Jin come back in with a thermometer.
"You ok?" Jin asked, noticing Yoongi's deep breaths.
"Yeah, just nauseous." Yoongi's says with a sigh.
"You ok if I take your temperature? It won't take long." Jin asks softly. Yoongi just nods and opens his mouth slightly so the thermometer can go under his tongue. Jin crouched down and started stroking Yoongi's hair out of his face again, surprised that he wasn't retaliating or protesting. The thermometer beeped and Jin took it and read it.
"Hmmm, you have quite a high fever yoongz... 38.8"
Yoongi just lets out a hum, more like a groan, in response.
His hand rests on his bloated stomach, and his mouth hangs open as he pants through the nausea. His stomach really wasn't being kind to him right now. Jin has already grabbed a flannel and wet it, and just as he was about to put it on Yoongi's forehead, Yoongi lauched forward, bringing up another round of stomach acids and last nights dinner. Jin shuffled to his side and held the flannel agains his forehead and a gentle hand working circles on his back.
Jin's eyebrows furrowed with concern as Yoongi heaves relentlessly, and it seems to go on forever. He hears Yoongi choke out "Hyung..." in between heaves and it breaks his heart. The poor thing is really suffering.
"You'll be alright yoongz, just keep taking deep breaths..." Jin said halfheartedly. He didn't really believe his words, he just wanted to comfort his dongsaeng somewhat.
"Hyung. I-" Yoongi chokes out again, spitting messily into the ever filling toilet. Honestly, he was terrified. He'd never been so ill in his life. The world was spinning wildly, worsening with each painful heave. He just wanted it to stop. He heaves one last time before his arms, the only things holding him up, give way and he falls back into Jin. His eyes close and his breaths are shallow. Jin wipes away the few tears that escaped his eyes, and starts trying to wake Yoongi up. He'd basically vomited himself dry at this point, and his skin was sickly pale, nearly green. Jin had never seen him in such a vulnerable state.
After failing to wake him up several times, jin decides to just pick him up and get him out of the bathroom at least. He walks into the living room, about to place yoongi down on a couch, when he sees jungkook sitting there nervously.
"Jungkook? What are you doing there! I thought i told you to go back to sleep." Jungkook looks up at him with doe eyes and stands up.
"I was worried... about yoongi hyung. Is he ok?" Jungkook asks, walking over to jin, holding yoongi bridal style.
"What does it look like..." Jin says with a sigh, walking past jungkook and placing yoongi down on the couch.
"W-what do you think it is? food poisoning?" Jungkook asks carefully edging closer.
"I can't think of anything he could have eaten. It might be a bug. In which case, it's best you stay away. We don't want you catching it too." Jin says sternly, looking up at jungkook, who took a step back at the stern look of his hyung. "Just go back to bed jungkook. I promise, I'll take care of him." Jungkook nods hesitantly and wonders back to his bedroom. It feels eerily empty without yoongi...
Jin readjusts the wet flannel on yoongi's forehead, and gets up to go get a bucket just incase for when he wakes up. When he gets back he sees yoongi shuffle a bit and his eyebrows furrow.
"Yoongi? can you hear me?" Jin asks, gently moving a strand of hair from yoongis face.
"Jin-hyung?" He says, only now opening his eyes, but only slightly.
"Yes it's me. You're ok. Do you think you can sit up? You need to drink something." Yoongi just manages to prop himself up on his elbow and jin helps him sit up fully. "Ok just hold on a sec i'll go get you some water." Jin says, quickly scurrying off to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"What happened?" Yoongi said groggily, his voice breaking slightly as if he's about to break into tears.
"You passed out for a bit." Jin said, stroking the hair from Yoongi's face with a single finger. He sniffed and his heart clenched. He doesn't even know why he's so emotional.
"Oh Yoongi it's ok." Jin said, placing the glass of water on the coffee table and reaching up to give Yoongi a hug after seeing him getting emotional. He can hear him sniffing and sobbing silently and his heart breaks. The poor thing is suffering a lot.
"Deep breaths Yoongi. You don't wanna make it worse" Jin says, patting and rubbing his back. It felt weird to see Yoongi is such a vulnerable and emotional state.
Yoongi eventually calms down after working himself up. Jin grabs the glass from the table and holds it towards Yoongi.
"Please drink a little bit for me. I don't want you getting dehydrated and passing out again..." Yoongi sighs. His stomach is definitely still not settled, and the thought of ingesting anything does not appeal. But he does what Jin says, and takes a few sips before he can't bare anymore.
"You ok?" Jin asks, even though it's a stupid question. Yoongi nods and goes to lay down again.
"I just want to sleep." He says, closing his eyes and curling into his signature sleeping position.
"Ok, I've just gotta go do some stuff so shout if you need me. But I'll come back afterwards don't worry." Jin says, stroking yoongis hair again before heading off to namjoons room.
Jin carefully sneaks into namjoons room without waking tae, and nudges a snoring Namjoon. After getting no response, Jin nudges him slightly harder and softly calls his name, which thankfully works.
"Jin-hyung? What are you doing up?" He says groggily.
"Yoongis really ill. Like really really ill. He's been vomiting, and he even passed out for a bit earlier. Do you think you could call our manager so that at least he, if not more of us, can get the day off. There's no way he'll be ok to practice tomorrow." Namjoon nods and sits up, feeling around for his phone.
"I hope he's ok. It's not food poisoning or anything is it?" Namjoon asks, concerned.
"I don't think so. I can't think of anything he could have eaten. It might be a bug, so I suggest you stay away from him for now. We don't want it spreading to the rest of you." Jin says, just about to turn back to yoongi.
"What about you hyung? What if you get ill?" Namjoon says, stopping Jin in his tracks.
"Don't worry about me. It's better one or two members get ill than 7 ill members." Jin says, sending him a soft wink and leaving the room. Namjoon looked flustered for a second before going back to calling their manager.
Jin quietly walks back into the living room and quietly shuffled towards yoongi to see he's sleeping semi-peacefully. He smiles a sad smile, happy that yoongi is free from the pain for now. Jin carries on down the corridor to see if jungkook was asleep.
Of course, he wasn't. He was sat up on his bed, wide awake.
"Kookie, I thought I told you to go to sleep?" Jin says as he walks over to Jungkook. His head is hung low as he grabs at the fabric of his bedsheets, clenching his fists.
"Kookie? You ok bud?" Jin asks softly, bending down to see jungkooks face. Jungkook starts shaking and breathing heavily, the panic building and building.
"Woah woah, kookie it's ok. Ssshhhh breathe kookie." Jungkook obeys, and manages to take several deep breaths, calming him down before he ends up having a panic attack.
"What's upset you kook? Are you still worried about Yoongi?" Jin asks, a hand resting in his shoulder. Jungkook nods and sniffs, wiping away a tear.
"It's ok, really. Yoongi's ok. He's asleep right now. I know you want to see him and make sure he's ok but I don't want you catching whatever he's got. Just trust me, I'll take good care of him, ok?" Jungkook nods and sniffs once again.
"Now you should get to sleep. Don't worry kookie, it'll be ok." Jin says as he tucks Jungkook back into bed. He plants a soft kiss on his head and leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
Jin wonders back over to the couch, where Yoongi is curled up in a light sleep. Jin sits cross legged on the floor in-front of him, watching his every move closely. Before long, Yoongi is sat up in a panic, breathing heavily, Jin holding a bucket underneath his chin. He upchucks even more, as if there was anything left in his stomach. Luckily it's not quite as violent this time, and he is granted the privilege of being able to breathe in between each heave. That doesn't mean he doesn't have tears rolling down his face at the end of it though.
Jin softly rubs his back and whispers sweet nothings to him. He then takes the bucket from Yoongi, who was gripping it for dear life, and goes to clean it up. Yoongi whines, scared that Jin is leaving him alone. Jin quickly steps back reminding him that he'll only be in the kitchen? He's just across the room. He washes it out as quickly as he can, replacing the horrible smell of vomit with a much nicer clean smell. He quickly got back to Yoongi and carried on with his gentle comforting.
But unfortunately Jin was getting tired. He couldn't stay up all night looking after Yoongi. His eyes were getting heavy. It took all his effort just to stay awake. He knew he needed to get help, just so he could sleep for at least an hour. Just a bit of sleep is all he needed. But at the same time, he didn't want to risk another member getting sick. So instead he decided to just suck it up and deal with it. Yoongi was already lying down to go back to sleep. Jin decided he would go to sleep himself once Yoongi was asleep, so he just sat, comforting Yoongi until he was lulled into a deep sleep. Jin sighed a sigh of relief and walked over to the other couch, collapsing onto it, and fell asleep in seconds.
I may do a part two to this, cause idk it feels a bit unfair to end it here, so yeah but idk tell me what y'all think. And just FYI I haven't really proof read this so if you see any mistakes then sorry, feel free to point them out. Also I'm still open to requests! I need some more ideas right now cause I've run out 👀
Anyway, see ya in the next one!
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