Yoongi- stitches
The missing parts of my last chapter 👍🏻
Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin all go in the back of the ambulance, the rest of them following behind. Jimin spoke to yoongi, asking him if he'll be ok alone while everyone else is with namjoon.
"As much as a hate to take the attention away from him, I really don't wanna be alone while I'm having needles stabbed into my hand." Yoongi said, guiltily.
"It's ok yoongs. I'll go with you. The others can stay with namjoon. Don't feel guilty. You're hurt, you deserve attention too." Jimin replied.
"Yeah but... I feel bad. We all completely ignored Namjoon for so long. Heck it's how we ended up in this mess, and now I'm taking the attention away from him again."
"Yoongi, it's ok. He'll have the others, and I'm sure he'll understand when he wakes up." Jimin said, chuckling slightly.
They get taken into the hospital and Jimin goes back with Yoongi to a doctors office to get his stitches. Yoongi was clearly scared, so Jimin laid his arm around his shoulder for gentle comfort.
"You ok?" Jimin asked as they sat in the office waiting for the doctor to get back with all the equipment. Yoongi just shook his head, staring into the distance.
"You'll be ok. It'll just sting a little bit at first but after that you won't feel a thing." Jimin said, but Yoongi just hummed. He started feeling oddly dizzy, but not in the normal way. It felt more like he wasn't himself, like he was looking through his eyes at everything around him, but he was stuck in his head, watching everything happening around him. It's as if he was suddenly hyper-aware of every sense, everything, so much it was hard to take in.
The doctor came in, with all the necessary equipment, putting on his gloves in preparation.
"Ok, Yoongi can you just sit up on here for me?" The doctor says, motioning to the examination table. He emotionlessly stands up and walks over to the table and sits up on it. Jimin also gets up and sits next to him, holding his other hand.
"OK Yoongi just put your hand here for me" The doctor says, motioning to the small surface, covered in sterile fabric. The doctor starts unravelling all the bandaging, revealing the several deep cuts all over his knuckles.
"ok you'll feel a few sharp pinches but after that it won't be painful at all ok?" Yoongi nods, and turns away, hiding his face in jimin's chest. He whimpers everytime he felt the sting of the needle, and that was many times due to the many cuts he had, but after a few minutes it was finally over. He sniffs and wipes away the few tears that escaped.
"I'll be back in a bit once we're sure it's all completely numb." The doctor says, cleaning up the equipment and leaving for a few minutes.
"You did great yoongs. Nearly over." Jimin comforted, an arm still wrapped securely around his shoulders. Yoongi just nodded, keeping his head securely tucked in Jimins chest. Jimin plants a soft kiss on the top of his head with a chuckle, rubbing his shoulder.
The doctor came back a few minutes later. He gently poked around Yoongi's hand to test if it's numb, before preparing all the equipment for the stitches. He pulls the bandages away, and all the nurses crowded around, en guarde, ready to help. Yoongi felt overwhelmed, so many people all crowding around him. He hid his face in Jimins chest even more, wanting to just hide away and for it to be over.
"You're doing great yoongs, it's almost over." Jimin mumbles into his ear, as a form of comfort. Jimin watched as the doctor finished the last stitch, and breathed a sigh of relief.
"It's all over now yoongs, you did so well." Jimin said, rubbing his back gently. Yoongi breathed a massive sigh of relief, and finally looked up to see a fully stitched hand. The sight of the stitches was a little daunting, but at least it meant it was over.
"We just need to put some bandages over it to protect the stitches and we're done." The doctor said with a warm smile, scooting over to the draws and pulling out some fresh bandages before wrapping them around Yoongi's hand several times.
"Ok, you should be all good to go. I'll prescribe you some antibiotics to avoid infection, and you should stay away from intense physical activity or anything that could burst the stitches. Come back in a few weaks and we'll remove the stitches. Ok? Any questions?" The doctor asks. Yoongi shakes his head and so does Jimin.
"Ok then. You are free to go." The doctor says with a nod, motioning to the door. Jimin stands up and helps Yoongi stand up, and they both bow and say thank you and goodbye before leaving and heading to Namjoons room.
(Now for the other one)
"Shut up will you! You don't need to argue. Yes I was in the wrong place, sorry, but you didn't need to push me Hoseok." Jin says, trying to resolve the argument. But it didn't exactly go as planned.
"Yeah Hoseok you shouldn't have pushed him! Are you twelve or something?" Yoongi said angrily. Hoseok turned around angrily and grabbed Yoongi's hand.... his bad one. He screamed in pain and held his hand, and he saw blood starting to bleed through the bandages.
"YOU POPPED MY STITCHES YOU IDIOT! NOW I HAVE TO GET THEM AGAIN!" Yoongi said angrily, storming out of the room.
"Nonono Yoongi wait-" Jin tries to stop him but can't.
"Look what you've done! You hurt two of us now! This is all you're fault!" Jin said angrily to hoseok, losing his temper that he was desperately trying to keep.
"None of this would've happened if Namjoon was here." Tae said quietly. They all stopped and looked at him, and sighed.
"You're right. If Namjoon was here none of this would have even happened. We can't even last a week without him." Jin said sadly.
They all stood in silence for a while.
"Jimin, can you go get Yoongi?" Jin said, breaking the silence. Jimin nodded and headed to the one place he knew Yoongi would be: his studio. He knocked on the door and softly called his name.
"Yoongi. It's just me. Can I come in?" He heard the beep and let himself in and saw Yoongi sat on the couch in his room with his knees to his chest.
"Are you ok? Jin asked me to come get you." Jimin said softly, crouching in front of him.
"No. Hoseok popped ALL of my stitches. Now it won't stop bleeding." Yoongi said. He revealed his hand, which was covered in bandages that were now completely blood stained.
"Oh my gosh Yoongi we need to get you back to the hospital, now!" Jimin said, pulling him up by his other arm.
"No no I don't want to go." Yoongi whimpered.
"Yoongi you have to. It's ok I'll come with you." He softly pushes.
"No I can't. It hurts." He whimpers again.
"I'm sorry Yoongi I'm not letting you bleed to death, come on let's go." Jimin says firmly. Yoongi gets dragged out of his studio and to the dance studio.
Jimin bursted in, dragging Yoongi in too.
"Guys, we need to take Yoongi to the hospital. his stitches have all popped and he's bleeding a lot." Hoseok has the most guilty look on his face as he sees the incredibly blood stained bandages.
"Ok come on let's go we can't waste any time." Jin says, standing up and rushing to the car.
"Cmon Yoongi lets go." Jimin said, but Yoongi was frozen solid. "Yoongi, come on we need to go." Yoongi still wasn't moving. He got that dizzy feeling again. Like he was floating away and watching everything happen from a third person perspective. To everyone else, it looked like all his emotions had drained away and left an empty shell.
"Yoongi are you with us?" Jimin said, waving his hand in front of Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi slowly nodded, and took a step forward, following Jimin to the car.
He sat in silence the whole way there, zoning out. It's something he did whenever he was scared. He would just zone out, completely out of his control. But unlike usual, he started feeling drowsy, like he had no energy left. When he looked down at the completely blood soaked bandage, it made him feel even worse. He held it with his other hand, only to pull his hand away and see it covered in blood. It would start dripping anytime soon.
"Jimin..." Yoongi mumbles out, just trying to get his attention.
"Yes yoongi?" Jimin responds softly.
"D-dizzy." He mumbles, while also showing his bloodied hands, to try and help Jimin to make that connection in his mind. It takes a moment, but Jimins eyes widen one's he realises what was happening.
"Oh god, ok, just- Hold your hand up, that's it, we're nearly there don't worry." Jimin assures with low certainty. Jimin helps hold Yoongi's hand up to try and stop the bleeding to an extent. They are nearly there, but Yoongi is getting worse. His vision went blurry and he started mumbling nonsense.
"I'm sorry Yoongi I can't understand you." Jimin said as they pulled into the hospital. Jin quickly jumped out and helped lift Yoongi out. Luckily he was light so Jin could easily carry him in his arms as he carried on mumbling nonsense. Jimin also hurriedly got out of the car and ran into the hospital so they could get help as quickly as possible.
"Hi uhhh," Jimin said, out of breath after running straight to the main desk. "My friend had a bunch of stitches on his hand and they've all popped and he's bleeding a lot and he's started acting strange he needs help quickly." Jimin rambles, panicking. He didn't want to have to wait for hours for him to get help. He was in no state to be able to wait that long.
"Where is he?" The receptionist asks, wanting to see how critical his state was. At the perfect timing, Jin walked in, holding Yoongi in his arms. His bandaged hand was now dripping and his eyes were half closed.
"Oh gosh ok I'll put you higher up on the waiting list to make sure he gets seen as soon as possible ok?" The nurse says, and the two thank her sincerely before going and sitting down. They wait nervously as Yoongi's hand is dripping more and more each second, and Yoongi has basically passed out now. 5 minutes had passed and they were getting impatient. They were getting worried about just how much blood Yoongi had lost at this point. He wasn't responding to anything anymore, and his breaths were getting shorter minute by minute. Jimin looked around worriedly, wondering how much longer this was going to take. He softly holds Yoongi's other hand, that was hanging lifelessly, with a sad smile.
Finally a nurse calls Yoongi's name, and they both run over. The nurse leads them back to a room, and Jin lays him down on the bed. After some discussion, they decided the best option would be to give him a transfusion. Jimin sat nervously biting his nails as they waited for the blood to come. All Jin was wondering was why it was bleeding so much. It didn't bleed that much before, so why was it bleeding so much now? The nurse came back and quickly hug the blood on the IV stand and inserted an IV into his arm. They then got to work, looking at his wounds to see them back up. That's when they found the problem.
"One of the lacerations has reached a main vein. We need to get the vascular surgeon in here." The nurse said to no one in particular. One of the other nurses ran out of the room to get someone.
"Will he need surgery?" Jimin mumbled under his breath, just speaking his thoughts, but the nurse answered anyway.
"Hopefully we'll be able to just stitch up the vein. A proper surgery would be risky in this state." She replies.
"Will he be ok?" Jimin says shakily, starting to panic.
"Yes he'll be fine. The vascular surgeon here is good at what he does. Don't worry." The nurse says, working hard injecting all kinds of medications into his hand to numb it and to slow the bleeding down. The vascular surgeon appears and starts assessing the situation. The room was incredibly crowded now, so a few nurses told Jin and Jimin to wait outside or in the waiting room. They were hurriedly thrown outside and left in a state of shock; so much was happening.
"This is all Hoseoks fault." Jin mumbled with a dark tone.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it Jin. You know he has a short temper." Jimin says, trying to cool the situation.
"It was still his fault! If he hadn't grabbed his bad hand we wouldn't be here right now!" Jin says, louder.
"Look, I'm sure he regrets what he did. And put it this way. If it wasn't for Namjoon and what happened to him, we definitely wouldn't be here. It's not all Hoseoks fault. Let's just accept this for what it is and move on, ok?" Jimin assured. He always knew exactly what to say.
They went to the waiting room and sat their patiently, waiting to hear about Yoongi. Jin's leg was bouncing with anxiety and Jimin was biting his nails. All they wanted was to hear was that he was safe. The general nervous energy coming from all the other nervous family and loved ones wasn't helping. A nurse walked in and they perked up, only for the nurse to call someone else's name, and they both let out a sigh of disappointment.
"It's taking them so long I'm getting worried." Jimin says with a sigh.
"Jimin it's only been 5 minutes. It takes longer than that to redo a bunch of stitches." Jin says with a slight chuckle.
"But what if Yoongi woke up? And he's all alone in there panicking! You know he doesn't like needles." Jimin says, holding his head in his hands.
"He'll be fine Jimin. Those nurses seem great. If he's nervous they'll calm him down. But considering he passed out from blood loss, I don't think he'll be waking up for a little while." Jin says, being blunt. Jimin sighs and sits back in the chair with a childlike pout. He wants his Yoongi back to normal. He wants everything back to normal.
Finally after 20 minutes of waiting, they're allowed back in.
"We just have a few more stitches to do and we'll be done ok?" The nurse says, as the two sit down again in their previous spots. Yoongi was still unconscious, just as Jin had predicted. At least it made the stitches easy to do. After a few minutes of the constant sound of snips of scissors cutting the thread. They were finally done. Yoongi's hand looked good as new.... well not quite.
"Unfortunately because the stitches came undone there's likely to be a lot more scarring in those areas, and it will take longer to heal, but other than that all should be ok. We'll just keep him in here until he wakes up and we know he's stable." The nurse explains.
"What about the vein? Was that fixed ok?" Jin asked.
"That was stitched up just fine. They used a dissolvable thread so it will just dissolve over time as it heals. There shouldn't be any other problems with that." She replies. Jin says a simple "ok thank you" and she bows and leaves, leaving the three of them to ponder alone. Jimin glances down at his phone to see Namjoon sent a text; quite a long one at that.
Hey jiminie! How's Yoongi doing? Is he ok? I heard what happened. Hoseok seems to be pretty torn up about it. He won't come out of his room. It might help if he hears that Yoongi's ok. Will you be home soon?
Jimin sighs, and Jin notices.
"What's up jiminie?" Jin asks sweetly.
"Namjoon sent a text. Just read it." Jimin said, handing the phone to him. Jin also sighs after reading it.
"I guess Hoseok does feel guilty huh?" Jimin hums in response.
"I guess I should reply. I wish I could lie and say he's ok." Jimin says, as he starts typing.
Hey joon. Unfortunately things didn't go that well. One of his vita ripped open further into a vein, which made it bleed a lot. He lost a lot of blood and had to have a transfusion, but they stitched it all back up. We're just waiting for him to wake up now since he passed out. Maybe don't tell Hoseok this though. Just say there was a long waiting time or something. I don't want to tear him up even more.
And with that, he sent it off, staring at the message he sent for a little while as he picked at his phone case.
Oh, ok. Hope he gets better soon. Everyone is so quiet. I'll tell Hoseok the truth. It's ok he'll handle it. Tell us when he wakes up. See ya soon x
Jimin let's out a sigh. Hoseok almost definitely won't handle it. He'll have a breakdown if he finds out how much damage he caused Yoongi.
Suddenly both Jin and Jimin perk up, after an inkling of a sound came from Yoongi. His head turned to the side and his brows furrowed as he let out audible breaths. Both of them jumped up from their seats and ran to Yoongi's side. Jin was running his hands through Yoongi's hair and Jimin had grabbed his good hand. After a minute or so of gentle stroking Yoongi's eyes finally peeled open with a soft whine.
"Hey yoongs. You ok?" Jin asked. Jimin had already jumped up to get someone. Yoongi let out an incoherent sound in response, not quite able to form words yet. A nurse came back and started checking his vitals, like his heart rate and blood pressure, to see if he had enough blood, or if he might need more, and she concluded that he was fine to go home. Yoongi started waking up more, and finally managed to speak. A doctor came with the papers for them to sign and they were let free, ready to go home. They also gave Yoongi a sling to keep his hand up and out of the way to avoid hurting it even more. The car ride home was quiet and calm; everything was over.
When they got home, Namjoon immediately jumped up at the sound of the door opening, and was glad to see that Yoongi was ok.
"Hey yoongs, you ok?" Namjoon says, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Yoongi nodded and Jimin led him to his room.
"He needs to rest for now." Namjoon nodded understandingly and followed them to his room.
Jimin tucked Yoongi into bed and he and Namjoon left, closing the door carefully behind them.
"I'm gonna go talk to Hoseok." Jimin mumbles, heading to his room. Namjoon chuckles, and says:
"Ok, let me know how it goes."
Ooooooof that was a long one. I didn't mean for it to be that long. Aaanyway. As much as I want to apologize for taking a long time, I haven't really taken a long time 😂. This fanfic community has gone rather quiet recently, understandably cause school and stuff, and I'm the same. This past week as been, well, one of the worst weeks of my life I'm not gonna lie to you. May have had a mini breakdown 👀🤷🏻♀️ and I mean I'm still not doing amazing but I'm much better at least. I can tick crying in a bathroom stall off my bucket list now 😂😂😂 but yeah, hopefully more will be coming, but also I have a lot of work which I should be doing right now but... I'm not. Do your work kids. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Oh wait also this is the 40th chapter, which is pretty cool. Let's just ignore the fact that half of them are A/Ns 😂😂😂
K see ya in the next one!
안녕!! 👋🏻
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