Yoongi- dentist
I know I'm meant to be doing requests but I couldn't help myself 👀 your in for a long one, so strap yourselves in. This is probably the longest I've ever written 😳
"Hey hyung! I brought food for you!" Taehyung said excitedly, inviting himself into Yoongi's studio, granting an evil stare from Yoongi.
"I put a lock on the door for a reason..." Yoongi mumbled.
"It's your fault for telling me the code..." tae says. "Anyway, I got you food. Eat it before it gets cold!" Tae says before dismissing himself, leaving Yoongi in peace. Yoongi chuckles and scoots over to the table and got the pots of food out of the plastic bags. Truthfully, it had been a while since he'd eaten anything, so he happily dug into the food. He shoved a huge mouthful into his mouth, and chewed once, before a horrible aching pain took over the right side of his mouth. His hand subconsciously came up to his right cheek, and he let out a sigh as he dropped the chopsticks. He tilted his head to the left and continued to chew.
"I'm sure it's nothing." He thought to himself, as he continued to chew the chicken on the left side of his mouth. Frankly, he'd lost his appetite now, but since taehyung went to the effort to buy all this for him, he continued to eat, chewing everything on the left side instead.
It took him twice as long to finish as it usually would, having to take a break from chewing every few seconds to deal with the pain. But when he finally finished it was getting late, so he scooted back over to his computer, saving the file before logging off and getting his things ready to go.
Even though he wasn't chewing on it, he could still feel his tooth throbbing, as if teeth could even throb. He cocked his head to one side, keeping his hand on his cheek as he drove home. "This definitely isn't nothing" he thought to himself. He knew in reality he should probably see a dentist, but even the thought of it sent shivers down his spine. Due to past trauma, he had developed a horrible fear of the dentist. In hindsight, it wasn't too traumatic, but the feeling of a needle in his gums and hearing the ripping sounds of a tooth being pulled out at a young age was enough to scare him away for life. If it weren't for his friends nudging him on, he would definitely go the rest of his life without seeing a dentist. He would always go through extreme caution around his teeth, making sure he cleaned them thoroughly, morning and night, and even in the day sometimes. He would avoid anything overly sugary as much as he could, and would always brush his teeth straight away if he ever did have anything sugary. This led to him always getting complements on how good his teeth are. Unfortunately, the idol lifestyle didn't allow for this strict ritual to continue. He would stay nights in the studio, meaning no sink to brush his teeth at. They would have to get quick energy fixes through their tight and rigorous schedule, meaning he had a fair amount of sugary things, without getting a chance to brush his teeth after. Luckily he was off the hook so far, but apparently it was starting to catch up to him.
As soon as he got home he dashed to the bathroom, about to vigorously brush his teeth to try and rid himself of whatever it is that is causing him this pain before it does any damage, though it should be clear at this point, the damage is already done. As the bristles glide over his right lower molars, he immediately feels a horrific pain in his tooth again, causing him to drop the toothbrush. He tries not to yell in pain and wake the others up as he holds on tightly to the right side of his jaw. He lets out a sigh as he picks up the toothbrush and tries again, being more gentle this time. But of course, it still hurts. A lot. He opens up the cupboard above the sink and grabs a couple painkillers, practically throwing them down his throat and heads off to bed, praying that this toothache will be gone in the morning...
But it's not. He is woken up by yet another throbbing pain in his teeth, causing him to toss and turn and groan in pain.
"You ok there Yoongi?" Jin asks, who was already awake, on his phone. Yoongi didn't even bother to answer, to afraid to even move his mouth in the slightest. He continues to groan, grabbing at his jaw again.
"What's up? You got a toothache?" Jin asks, getting up and kneeling in front of Yoongi. He didn't want to admit it, and he knew exactly what Jin would say if he did, so he didnt.
"No I'm fine." Yoongi says, mumbling, acting as if he wasn't just rolling around and groaning in pain a second ago.
"You sure? Didn't look like it to me."
"Yep I'm sure." Yoongi said, trying so hard to keep a straight face.
"Well if you say so. Don't come running to me when your teeth fall out." Jin says, getting up and leaving the room. Yoongi let's out an angry huff before getting out of bed and heading downstairs.
"Hey hyung! Want some breakfast?" Tae said excitably, holding a plate of pancakes in front of him. The smell alone made Yoongi start to salivate, but he knew he couldn't eat anything. At least not in front of the others, or they'll see him wince with every chew, and we all know what that would lead too.
"Uhhh I'm good thanks tae, I had dinner late last night so yknow, I'm not that hungry right now." Yoongi said making up a surprisingly believable excuse.
"But we're busy all day remember? We won't have much time to eat." Tae said, his head tilted to one side with a disappointed expression as he places the plate back down on the table.
"I'm not hungry." Yoongi said, getting frustrated that his excuse didn't work out.
"Are you feeling ok hyung? Are you ill?"
"No! I'm fine!" Yoongi says, with a clearly defensive tone. "...I'm going to brush my teeth." He says, trudging off.
"But you haven't even eaten?" Tae says, following him with his gaze.
"He has a toothache. Just won't admit it. You know what he's like." Jin says, matter-of-fact-ly. Tae sadly takes the plate of pancakes back to the kitchen counter, and sits back down.
"We gotta get him to eat something..." Tae says, resting his chin in the palm of his hands.
"I'll go talk to him..." Jin says, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
"Yoongi, do you want me to make you some soup or something you don't have to chew?" Jin asks through the closed door of the bathroom.
"No, I can't eat anything. It'll make it worse." Yoongi replies, accepting the fact that they all know he has a toothache.
"Is it that bad? You should see a dentist yoong-"
"NO!" Yoongi shouts, opening the door to the bathroom, revealing his truly petrified expression.
"Geez yoongs, you that scared to go to a dentist?" Jin says with a little chuckle.
"No!" He shouts defensively. "Maybe..."
"I'll come with you. I'm due for a check up too. I'll make an appointment for both of us. How about that?"
"I don't know..." Yoongi said, getting all shy.
"Let me rephrase that. I'll make an appointment for us both and you'll come. It's not really an option. Sorry Yoongi, but I'm not letting you suffer with a toothache forever when it can be sorted by a simple dentists visit. It's not that scary." Jin assured. Yoongi let out a sigh.
"It is though..." Yoongi mumbled.
"Are you really that scared? I understand being a little nervous but, are you really that scared that you'd go through all this pain just to avoid going to a dentist?"
Yoongi fiddled with his fingers, feeling embarrassed.
"...I guess I have bad memories tied with it."
"Awww yoongs it's ok. If we let them know you're scared I'm sure they'll communicate with you and let you take a break if you need to and stuff. They're probably very used to people being scared. Just tell them and it'll be fine." Jin says, about to leave again, when Yoongi mumbles something.
"But if I tell them I'm scared I'll look like a wimp..." Jin rolls his eyes.
"I know you love to look tough, but we all know deep down in there you're a sensitive soul. Why hide it anymore? At the end of the day, you've been traumatised, so it's perfectly reasonable for you to be scared. Besides, looking like a wimp should be the last thing on your mind. Anyway, do you want me to make you some soup?"
Yoongi shakes his head.
"Let me rephrase that, again. I'll make you some soup, and you will eat it. I'm not letting you starve all day." Yoongi whines, his head in his hands. He really doesn't want to have to deal with this.
"Come on." Jin says, taking his hand and leading him back to the table, and Yoongi sits down, his hands still covering his face, that is clearly flushed red with embarrassment.
(Ok let's just skip to the point cause I'm rambling 😂😂)
Yoongi had a huge lump in his throat already as he tapped on the windowsill of the car, staring at the buildings zooming past them. His heart was already racing. His poor heart was getting a workout today. He was feeling lightheaded from all the desperate deep breathing he was doing, which still wasn't really working.
All the while Jin was keeping a close eye on him to make sure he was ok.
When they pulled into the car park Yoongi froze, his tapping stopped and he stopped breathing.
"Yoongi, breathe." Jin reminded. He'd never seen Yoongi in such a state of fear. Not even before their debut performance was he this nervous. Yoongi let out a shaky sigh, turning to look at Jin with teary eyes.
"Why are you so nervous? you'll be fine! I promise" Jin insisted, though of course, that's just not how it works.
"I JUST AM OK? I don't wanna be here!" Yoongi sobs out.
"Okokokokok just take some deep breaths, we can take it slow, they know you're scared so you can go as slow as you like. I just need you to get over this fear. I don't want you suffering with this fear for the rest of your life." Jin said, with secure hands on his shoulders. "Let's go in, we can tell them you're scared and they can go through everything with you to help you through, yeah?" Yoongi nods, wiping away the stray tears, and following Jin into the building.
(Mini skip)
Jin was sat back on the chair, fiddling with his own fingers as the dentist scraped at his teeth. It wasn't a comfortable feeling for sure, but it was fine. Yoongi sat back, his heart pounding just from watching. The sound of the dentist calling out random commands and lingo to the assistant filled the room, and though he had no clue what any of it meant, Yoongi still felt nervous for Jin. Then the dentist started doing some work, polishing a tooth or something, Yoongi wasn't paying enough attention to know what exactly was going on. He was too busy trying to absorb the sights, sounds, smells around him in order to get as comfortable as possible. But Jin was fine. He sat through the whole thing, holding his mouth wide open the whole time, happily twiddling his thumbs. If only it were that easy Yoongi thought.
The dentist finished up with Jin, who sat up and slid off the chair over to yoongi.
"Remember, deep breaths and relax. I got through it fine, see? So will you. I promise." Jin said, beaconing for Yoongi to take his place in the torture chair so Jin could sit at the side. Yoongi stood up with shaky legs and carefully, step by step, walked over to the chair like a baby deer taking its first steps.
"I understand you're nervous, min Yoongi-ssi, is that right?" The dentist asked with a pleasant smile. Yoongi just nodded shyly.
"Don't worry, we can go as slow as you like, take everything step by step. Nothing bad will happen. I will make sure you are as comfortable as possible in every situation, ok?" Yoongi nodded, feeling ever so slightly calmer after those words.
"Ok, just take a seat, do whatever you need to do to adjust, get comfortable." The dentist said as Yoongi carefully, still shaking, scooted himself up the chair and laid back, scooting about some more until he was in a good position.
"Ok?" Yoongi nodded. "I understand you've had some troubles recently with a toothache?" He asked and Yoongi nodded, his eyes tearing up, he was so nervous.
"Ok, could you tell me where?" He asked, and Yoongi just gently gestured to the right side of his jaw.
"Ok, I'll be careful I promise." The dentist said, grabbing his tools. "Open up." Yoongi hesitantly opened his mouth, still shaking.
"Just try and relax for me ok? I promise I'll tell you exactly what I'm doing all the time ok?" Yoongi nodded and let out a deep breath, before opening his mouth again.
The dentist placed his mirror against Yoongi's left cheek, examining his molars first. He scraped away at them with the scaler, and started saying things to his assistant.(like yknow when they shout out random numbers and stuff that makes no sense 😂😂) He slowly moved up to the pre molars, still scraping and inspecting them. Yoongi could hear his heart beating like crazy in his head, and he was clenching a stress ball Jin had given him.
"I'm just looking at your teeth ok Yoongi? All good so far. Nothing to worry about." The dentist continued to move around his mouth, scraping and inspecting his front teeth- all fine. Then he started moving to the right side. He had intentionally started from the left side, to avoid going straight to the painful stuff. Truthfully, he had already seen the hole of decay. He just didn't mention it yet.
Right pre-molars - fine. Nothing. Then he got to the first molar. He just touched it very gently with the scaler and it cause Yoongi to let out an unintentional yelp.
"Well I think we've found the problem."
"Well from what I can see you have a cavity. But please don't worry yourself, it's not a major procedure at all. It won't hurt a bit." The dentist said, and Yoongi could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. He lifted up a hand to block the light that had been shining into his mouth the whole time, and let out a soft whine, as he felt a dizzy feeling come on. This was too much for Yoongi.
"What's up? What's wrong?" Both Jin and the dentist collectively ask.
"Feel dizzy..." Yoongi slurred out, already starting to see the black dots build around his vision.
"Here, sit up." Jin says, helping Yoongi sit up, and he immediately puts his head down by his knees. "Have some water." Jin says passing him a water bottle that they just so happened to bring.
After a minute or so the panic subsided and Yoongi was feeling better. Well, as better as he could be knowing he had to get a filling. He was now sat with his legs swung off the side of the chair, sitting up, since it's clear Yoongi was done for the day.
"You can come back another day to get that filling. I promise you it won't hurt at all. You'll be fine." The dentist assured.
"Will there be needles?" Yoongi asked, and the dentist let's out a sigh.
"Unfortunately so. But please don't worry about it too much. There will be numbing gel put on your gums so the needle shouldn't be painful. In the meantime, maybe just try and familiarize yourself with the procedure if you think that'll help. I'm sure there's videos on YouTube or something, if that's something you feel comfortable doing." The dentist suggested. Just the thought of watching someone get a filling was enough to send shivers down Yoongi's spine.
This wasn't gonna be fun.
A few days later and the day came for Yoongi to get his filling. Even worse, the only free time slot for the appointment just had to be the one time when none of his other members were free. So he had to go alone. No one to hold his hand and tell him it'll be ok while he's having a needle poked in his gums. Nope. Instead, he had to sit there and deal with it. On his own.
He managed to watch one video, though he was cringing and looking away the whole time so, did it really count?
He arrived at the dentist, and sat in his car for a while, gripping the wheel tightly. If he really wanted to, he could just go home and miss the appointment. But then, he'd have to deal with all the pain for at least another week. So he took a deep breath, and stepped out the car, and into the building.
He got checked in and sat nervously in the waiting room, his legs bouncing. The oh-so-lovely sound of drills and suction filled the air. That definitely didn't help. He nervously played with his hands and tried to take deep breaths, but quietly so no one would know he's nervous. Although it's very obvious anyway.
He nearly jumps out of his seat when the nurse comes into the waiting room and calls his name. He nervously shuffled behind her to the dentists office, where that torture chair greets him again.
"Hi Yoongi! How are you doing today? Take a seat."
"Good." He clearly lies.
"Well you don't seem it. You seem nervous. Am I right?" The dentist asks. Yoongi shyly nods.
"Well like I said, there's no need to worry. You won't feel any pain. I promise. And if you do, you can tell me and I'll give you more anaesthetic, deal?" The dentist said, and Yoongi nods shyly again, sitting back in the chair. The chair starts moving backwards till Yoongi is basically lying down, and the dentist grabs his tools, scooting over on his wheely stool, and switches the light on, moving it to direct at Yoongi's mouth.
"Ok. Open up. I'm just gonna do a quick check to make sure nothing changed since your last appointment, ok?" Yoongi nods, opening his mouth. He's shaking again.
"Relax for me ok? Just take a few deep breaths. It's ok I'll wait until you're ready." The dentist says, moving back a little, and Yoongi let's out a frustrated sigh. He just wanted to get this over and done with.
Even after a good few deep breaths, he was still a shaking nervous wreck. It was clear they'd have to try a different approach.
"Ok, I don't usually do this just for fillings, but since you're so nervous and tense, I'll give you some nitrous oxide, just to help relax you a little bit. Is that ok with you?" Yoongi nods. Hopefully some drugs would help. The dentist motioned to the nurse, who nodded and went to get the nitrous oxide.
She came back quickly, and placed the mask over Yoongi's nose. It was uncomfortable, but the moment he got that first breath of the gas, he felt himself relax. He was only on a low dose, but it was still working wonders.
"Alright Yoongi, feel ok for me to start now."
"Uh huh" he mumbles, not really able to nod.
"Ok. As I said before I'm just going to check it first ok?" Yoongi hums and opens up his mouth. The dentist puts his mirror up against Yoongi's cheek again getting a clear view of the hole in his tooth.
"That's quite a cavity you've got there Yoongi." The dentist said, getting one last good look at it before taking the mirror out of his mouth.
"I'm just gonna clean it a little bit first ok? This shouldn't hurt, but if it does just tell me. Signal with your hands or something, and I will stop." The dentist says, preparing his drill. The nurse grabs the suction device, holding it in Yoongi's mouth to dry off the tooth first. Then the dentist goes in with the drill. Despite the drugs, yes he was more relaxed, but he was still very nervous. The sound of the drill spinning certainly didn't help. He felt as though his lip and cheek were about to get pulled off with how much they were pulling it out the way. Then that sound of the drill started resonating through his head as it made contact with the tooth. Though the dentist was being gentle, it still sent a hot pain through Yoongi's lower right molars, and he lifted his hand to stop.
"Hmm, I guess that tooth must be extra sensitive. Don't worry though. I'll just administer the anaesthetic now." The dentist said, the nurse already helping him to gather the equipment.
"I'll put some numbing gel on your gums so you shouldn't feel the needle too much." The dentist said.
The nurse handed him a cotton swab, which he swiped over yoongis gum. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but hey at least it'll numb it. He laid there for a little bit, his mouth still held open, which the dentist prepares the shot.
"Now do you want me to give you warning? Or just do it?"
"Just do it." Yoongi says, taking advantage of the fact that there's nothing in his mouth at that point in time. Not that it would last long.
"Ok." The dentist said, and Yoongi could see him flicking the syringe a few times to get the bubbles out. His heart was pounding in his chest just from that. He opted to just close his eyes and take a deep breath through his nose, breathing in more of the drugs. He held his mouth open, and waited.
Eventually he felt a gloved hand pull on his lip and cheek once again. Then he felt a weird sort of pressure in his gums. Not really painful, maybe slightly, but for the most part it just felt like a weird, slightly achy pressure. It stayed that what for what felt like hours as the dentist slowly injected the anaesthetic.
Now that that part was over, Yoongi felt like he could relax a little more. The needle was the main thing he was worried about. The rest of the time he just sat there with his eyes closed, only the feeling of certain contraptions in his mouth allowed him to have any idea what was going on. And the sound of the drill, of course. That horrible sound. Other than that, all he could go off was the sounds and feeling of contraptions being moved around in his mouth.
It seemed to go on for ever, until he was finally told it was done. The contraptions all came out of his mouth, meaning he could finally close it. Though a mix of the dryness and the chemicals left a funny taste in his mouth. They sprayed some water in his mouth to relieve him somewhat of that horrible taste, and he was finally allowed to go.
"Only soft foods for the next 24 hours. It may hurt a bit once the anaesthetic wears off, but just some over-the-counter pain medication should do the trick. Ok? Any other questions?" Yoongi shakes his head and he's finally free!!!!!!!!!!!
He drives home triumphantly, a proud grin on his face.
"I did it!" He thought.
As soon as he got home he was created by all his band mates coddling him.
"How'd it go yoongz?" Jin asked, placing a careful hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah it was fine." Yoongi said with a shrug, pushing past him to go lay on the sofa after that exhausting time. He was so tired after all the exercise his poor heart got today.
"You hungry?" Jin asks, and Yoongi nods.
"I can only have soft foods though." He mentions.
"Yeah I know. I'll make you some soup or something, don't worry." Jin said, wondering off to the kitchen.
Ahhh, it's finally over.
4133 words. Oof. That's the longest I've ever written I think. If it's not it's sure close to it.
Anyway, did you like it? I loved writing it. I'm not keen on the dentist myself, but I guess also the adrenaline of it is kinda attractive? 😂😂 I got a letter from the dentist yesterday saying I need to go again, but my mum says I don't need to go (though I probably should cause my wisdom tooth is coming through). Kinda sad cause I lowkey wanna go cause im a weirdo. I've never had a filling before. I've always had pretty good teeth. The closest I've had to a filling I guess is getting sealant on my molars cause the crevices were too deep or something 😂😂 I'm pretty sure I've had sealant nearly every time I've been to the dentist lol. He's also put flouride on my teeth the past few times and OMG IT TASTES DISGUSTING 🤮. Oh yeah also the bad thing about getting sealant is that you're so used to that crevice in your tooth that once it's filled up it legit feels like you have a massive lump on your tooth. But then it goes away by the next day. Anyway enough ranting about dentists.
I'm sosososo sorry to those who have requested stuff that I haven't done yet. I promise I have them all written in a list, I just haven't gotten to them yet. I promise I will do them.
Also FYI the next chapter will be above this one, ok? Cool.
I think that's about it for today.
Did y'all have a good christmas? Oh yeah I have to tell you my story about getting a nosebleed while skiing... I'll write it in a separate chapter I keep getting distracted I need to end this one already. I bet you're so sick of my a/ns by now haha 😂😂😂
See ya in the next one!
안녕!!! 👋🏻
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