Yoongi- appendicitis pt 3
After a long and tiring night, the boys were rudely awakened at around 4:30 in the morning, greeted by the sunshine nurse and her bright smile.
"Sorry to wake you up boys, but the surgeons are ready so we need to get Yoongi prepped for surgery." She says, looking at the boys whose eyes were still half closed. Yoongi was also awaken by the sound.
"I just need to do a few last minute tests to make sure everything is ok."
Yoongi had to have a blood test, which he definitely wasn't keen on. He couldn't hide his fear as he groaned after hearing the words "blood test". Tae just got up and held his other hand tightly.
"It's ok, I'm here" Tae said. Jin looked slightly confused, but he had no time to think about what was going on between the two, he was too worried about Yoongi and keeping him happy.
He grimaced throughout the whole procedure, and squeezed taes hand tightly. When it was finally over, he let a few tears slip out, and tae wiped them away with his thumb.
"It's ok. It's all over now." Tae said, looking sincerely into Yoongi's eyes, as the nurse left to send the blood to the lab. After a few sniffles, Yoongi replies.
"I-it hurts, t-taeh-hyung." He says stuttering. It was taking all his effort to not scream in pain.
"W-What does? Your stomach?" Tae starts panicking; he doesn't like seeing his baby in pain. Suddenly the nurse bursts in through the door.
"I'm sorry we need to get him to surgery. right. now. We think his appendix has bursted. We can't wait any longer." She said, sounding slightly panicked herself. She unlocks the wheels of the bed and rolls it out of the room with the help of a few other nurses.
"Wait what's happeni-" tae said, watching as Yoongi was rolled out of the room. Jin quickly grabbed taes hand to pull him out of the way.
"Stay out of the way tae. Let them take care of him. He'll be ok if you let them do what they need to do ok?" Taes eyes were wide with fear as he stared at Jin's eyes, which also had a hint of panic. They walked behind and followed the nurses as they hurriedly wheeled him to the pre-op room. They didn't even get to say goodbye before the doors were closed, leaving the two behind to stare with fear, uncertain as to what will happen to their friend. Two nurses came up to them with sympathetic expressions.
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of your friend. Why don't we take you to the waiting room. It may be a few hours." They say, motioning back the way they just came to a room full of other nervous friends and family members waiting to hear of their loved ones safety. The two find a seat and sit nervously waiting to hear that yoongi was ok.
Meanwhile, Yoongi was spiralling into a panic attack as all the nurses and doctors frantically work around him. He looked around, and couldn't see his beloved friends anywhere, making him fall further into panic.
"W-What-t's hap-penni-ing?" He asks, sobbing hysterically. The nurses and doctors have no time to reply, working hard to hook him up to several wires and tubes. An oxygen mask is placed over his nose and mouth while various wires were being attached to sticky pads that were stuck all over his chest, and a clamp placed on his finger.
"Sir, I need you to take deep breaths, and count down from ten." He looked at the doctor in front of him with blurry vision, thanks to the many tears brewing in his eyes. He decided to just comply and do what he said.
"10...9...8.....7........6..................5.............." He was knocked out before he could even get to one.
A few hours of agonising waiting later, a nurse walks into the room and calls Yoongi's name. Jin and tae immediately stand up, and walk, more like run, to her.
"Is he ok?" Jin asks, trying to sound as calm as possible.
"He is now. We were lucky, we managed to catch it at the right time, just as it bursted. Had we waited any longer, there could have been serious complications. But he is ok. He is recovering in his room right now." The nurse says, as nicely as possible.
"C-can we see him?" Tae asks shyly.
"Of course, follow me." She says with a warm smile.
She led them back to his room and carefully opening the door, stopping them before they walk in.
"He's still asleep so be careful not to wake him up. Let him wake up on his own. When he does wake up, press the button to call us." And with that she stepped aside and let the boys inside. There's Yoongi, lying lifelessly, hooked up to several wires. It was a sad sight, that's for sure.
Tae went and sat next to the bed, very carefully taking Yoongi's hand in his own. He let out a sad smile and whispered to himself "at least he's ok." He was alive, that's all that mattered. He watched as his chest rose and fell in regular rhythms, and his oxygen mask fogged up with every breath. As sad a sight that it is, he was also relieved. He was relieved that his baby was sleeping peacfully, not in pain, not scared, just peacefully resting. He was so lost in though that he didn't realise the words "I love you, baby" slip from his lips. Jin's eyes widened as soon as he heard those words muttered. But tae was still so lost that he didn't even notice jin's reaction. He still didn't even realise he had said those words out loud. Jin was going to say something, but decided it was best that he kept it to himself. He didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.
After an hour or so, a soft groan left yoongi's mouth, an inkling of a sound, just loud enough for taehyung to hear it. He quickly sprung up from his seat and ran over to yoongi, and watched as his eye lids fluttered, and his head moved to the side slightly.
"Yoongi?" He asked gently, leaning against the railings of the bed. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly at the sound, and he let out another sound, slightly louder this time.
"Yoongi? Are you awake?" Tae asked, still keeping quiet so as to not overwhelm the poor boy. With that, his eyes fluttered open, and his eyes scanned around the room until they landed on an enthusiastic looking taehyung. His eyebrows furrowed again in confusion. Meanwhile, jin had leaned over and pressed the button, after seeing Yoongi had woken up.
"Can you hear me? Can you see me?... Yoongi?" Tae asked leaning eagerly on the railings. Jin came over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Stop bombarding him with questions tae. He only just woke up." Tae pouted and stood up straight again. Yoongi's eyes were switching between the two, trying hard to make out what they were saying, and who they were, but he just couldn't. He didn't even know where he was, and it was frustrating him. Only soft groans managed to escape his lips, as he begged for the attention of the other two. He wanted to ask what had happened, who they were, but he couldn't. It was frustrating.
At that point, the doctor walked in followed by a few nurses. As soon as they saw that he was awake, they got to work, fiddling with his IV and various other things. One of the nurses took the oxygen mask off of his face, and he just looked at her with a face of pure confusion, which caused her to giggle slightly.
"He's still very loopy, huh. I think I'll come back once the anaesthesia has worn off." The doctor says with a smile. "If you need me for anything just press the button again. Otherwise I'll be back in an hour or so." He says, before bowing slightly and turning to leave. And so the two were left with a loopy Yoongi on their hands.
"wwwhhaassshhhhhaaaappppnnniiiiiiinnngggggggg?" He asks, slurring and dragging everything out you could barely understand what he was saying. His eyes kept wondering around the room, crossing every so often when he tried to focus on something, before shaking his head and moving on.
"What was that, Yoongi? I'm sorry I couldn't understand you.." Jin says, emphasising his words slightly.
"IIIIsaaaaiiiiidddd.... Whhaatttsss haaapppnnninngg?" He said, his intonation like that of a whining toddler who just had candy taken off them.
"You had your appendix taken out b-" he had to stop himself from saying the word 'baby'. It's not that yoongi would have paid any attention to it in his loopy state, it's that he didn't want to say it in front of taehyung, considering the connection the two seemed to have.
"It's ok, you'll be ok" He said, running his hands through Yoongi's hair.
After an hour or so Yoongi was finally back to his normal self(pretty much) and he was excited to hear that the rest of the members will be coming to visit. A huge smile plastered across his face as the other members came piling in.
"How are you feeling, hyung?" Jimin asks.
"Much better thanks jimin" Yoongi said with a smile. However it was only half true, yes he didn't feel the pain of his appendix bursting anymore, but he still felt another pain- the pain of the incision. It had been bothering him for a little while but he didn't want to mention it as he didn't want to worry them even more. They'd been through a lot emotionally over the past few days.
"It must have been scary being rushed into surgery like that, hope you're ok hyung..." Namjoon says, slightly shyly.
"...I don't even remember it." Yoongi says, slightly worried. Why doesn't he remember? Will he ever remember?
The guys were all hanging with Yoongi, talking and stuff, and he was baring with the pain quite well, but it got to a point where he couldn't handle it anymore. It was a sharp stinging pain where the incision was. He couldn't help but wince with every single tiny movement. He couldn't even breathe normally without it hurting.
"What's up Yoongi? You alright there? You keep wincing..." Yoongi wanted to reply saying he was fine, but he couldn't even breathe properly to make a sound. "...his breathing's off, hyung. What's happening?" Jimin said, panicking, talking to no one in particular. Jin just promptly pressed the button and turned to Jimin to say "it's ok Jimin someone's coming" Yoongi felt bad that he hadn't been able to hide his pain. A few tears slipped as he took short shallow breaths in order to feel as little pain as possible.
A nurse walks in, to see yoongi crying, frantically holding back sobs, that would definitely make his pain worse. She calmly walks over to the side of his bed, and leans forward to get into his view.
"Yoongi can you tell me what's wrong?" She asks sweetly.
"H-h...hurts..." He says, wincing as he says it.
"Oh, Your IV finished. I'll go get you more painkillers. I'll be back soon ok?" She says, smiling warmly. Yoongi feels relief wash over him hearing that he'll be free of the pain.
In just a few minutes the nurse comes back with more pain killers and hangs it on the IV stand before connecting to his IV.
"I think the wound could probably use cleaning as well, but I'll come back when you have less of an audience!" She says, sheepishly looking at all the members, before bowing and leaving.
After a few minutes the painkillers had fully taken effect, and yoongi practically melted with relief. So much so, that he couldn't help but drift of into a deep snooze. The members looked at him peacefully resting and internally sighed with relief.
"Well I guess we should get going then." Namjoon said, considering there wasn't really much to do now Yoongi was asleep. So the members slowly filed out after saying goodbye to Jin and tae.
Not long after the nurse comes back into the room to see Yoongi snoozing lightly. However the sound of the door clicking shut woke him up, since wasn't deep asleep.
"Hi yoongi! Sorry to wake you up but I think I need to change the dressing on your wound. Mind if I take a look?" She says, walking over to the right side of his bed. Yoongi nods and pulls the hospital gown up to reveal his heavily bandaged stomach, that was already starting to be stained red. She carefully peels off the bandages, causing him to wince slightly, and reveals his grotesque incision. The other two wince after curiously peeking at his wound.
"Sorry, this may sting a bit." She says walking back to the side of the bed with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. With that yoongi is already anticipating the pain, and he holds his hand out so Tae comes over and holds his hand. Even though the nurse dabbed his wound as gently as possible, Yoongi was still squeezing taes hand for dear life, and his face was scrunched up tight.
It lasted agonisingly long, him squeezing taes hand tightly the whole time. He felt immense relief when it was all over.
"Sorry about that yoongi. Hopefully it will get less painful over time. Remember to call me if you need anything!" She said before leaving the room.
(Sorry this is so long I promise it's nearly over😂)
It had been a few days and yoongi was finally allowed home. He still had to rest however, so he couldn't participate in any shows or anything. He sat at home watching his members on the tv, smiling sadly at their silly antics. If only I was there he thought. He didn't even realise the soft tear rolling down his cheek, until it fell onto his leg.
When everyone got home, they acted somewhat nonchalantly. For some reason Yoongi felt betrayed. He had missed his members so much all day, and they pretty much ignored him, in his eyes. He started crying, and couldn't help but let rough sobs escape.
"Yoongi!... are you ok?" Jimin asks after hearing his sobs. Tae immediately ran over to him and hugged him softly, and yoongi promptly hugged him back tightly.
"What's wrong baby?....pleas tell me" Tae says with a pout, while hugging his baby tightly as he sobs. All the other members were left in shock after hearing tae call Yoongi 'baby'. Namjoon was even thinking damn, they've got really close after this whole ordeal.
"I just missed all of you...*sob*... but you all ignored me." They all felt heart broken. Usually Yoongi wasn't one to want a lot of attention, so they assumed he wouldn't want tons of kisses and cuddles after just a day away.
"Aww I'm sorry baby, next time we'll make sure to give you all the kisses and cuddles, ok?" Tae said, softly rubbing his back. Yoongi nodded whilst sniffing and rubbing the tears from his eyes. The rest of the boys all came and sat on the sofa with him and gave him all the attention he could ever want until he was fully better.
Ok I guess it's over now 😂😂 I'm really bad at ending stuff. What an emotional rollercoaster this has been. I'm kinda glad it's over tbh 😂 hope y'all enjoyed this 3 part story. Hope it was good enough for y'all. Hopefully the next one won't take ages. If it does, don't worry it's probably writers block.
K bye
안녕!!! 👋🏻
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