Jimin- stuck in a storm
This was requested by @BTSJimins_lost_jams hope you enjoy!
Also I'm trying something new with POVs in this chapter, just to see if I like it, so let me know if y'all like it too!
It's always nice to get a break. We don't get breaks very often, but we've been given a month long break to go and see our families again, and stay with them for more than just a few days. I was meant to go back with Jungkook, since both our families still live in Busan, but I had some last minute business to attend to, that meant I have to take the next train tomorrow. Though with how the weather is looking at the moment, i don't think i'll be going anywhere any time soon. Theres a huge storm making its way over korea, but its hit the north first, so that means seoul is being affected first before it moves down south. At least i know all the others are safe. Namjoon and jin were the first to leave so they're safe at home. Hoseok was the next to leave so he's probably nearly home now and out of the way of the storm. Tae and yoongi went together, next, and kookie went after them, so im sure they're all safe. And im safe too, right? I mean we paid a lot of money for this place, im sure it'll hold up just fine in a storm...
By the time night comes, it's already pouring with rain, so much the streets are starting to flood, and wind is blowing so strong it looks like the trees might be blown over. Not gonna lie, I'm getting a little scared for my safety. There's a big tree right next to our house, and if it gets blown over it'll fall right onto the roof. If that happens, then, well, I might end up trapped in here. I hope I don't get hurt... I'm sure I'm just being dramatic. I decide to not sleep tonight. I don't think I'd be able to sleep even if I wanted to, with all the thunder going on. So instead I curl up in the couch with a blanket and some popcorn and attempt to watch a movie. I text the others, who I'm surprised are still awake, and they all worry for my safety. As much as I'd love to get out of town, that would be even more unsafe. So I'll just have to stay put for now.
Eventually I start seeing flashes from out the window. Not lightning too. As if this storm couldn't scare me any more. I text the others saying there's lightning, and I'm quickly flooded with messages saying "stay safe". Just a few minutes later, I see a very bright flash, and shortly after, all the lights in the house shut off. The tv shuts off. All the electricity is down. My phone is only on 20%. Shit.
I can hear my heart beating as I watch the tree blowing around precariously. Why did I have to be the last one to leave.
Suddenly a loose tree branch came flying through the window, glass scattered everywhere. I cowered under the blanket and then shakily looked up to so the broken window, letting in all the cold rain. The floor was covered in glass, and the stray branch laid on the floor too. My chest tightens and I can't help but sob. I'm in danger. And nothing can be done. I could call emergency services, but it would be difficult for them to even get to me without putting themselves in danger. Besides, what are they gonna do to help?
I need to find something to cover the window to at least keep some of the cold out. I stand up, before realising I'm standing on glass. I yelp and try to move away from the glass, but it's all stuck on the bottom of my feet.
"Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch" I say as I try and brush the glass off my feet. Though from the specks of blood on my socks I can tell the damage has already been done. I walk to my bedroom and find a spare box i had. I tore off a piece the size of the broken window, got a stapler and stapled it to the window. That'll do for now.
I curl back up on the couch, my heart still beating like crazy. I send the others a little voice memo. It may make me sound crazy, but i have to take precautions.
"I don't know how this storm is going to end up, but right now its not looking good. Its unlikely but... theres a chance i might not make it out of this alive. If that is the case, i want all of you to know how much i love you. I'm so thankful you all came into my life. Taehyung, thank you so much for being the best best-friend in the world. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Kookie, Thank you for always making me smile and laugh. You are the best maknae we could have ever asked for. Jin hyung, thanks for being the best hyung ever. You took care of me when i was ill, made me laugh when i was down. I can't thank you enough. Hoseok, you never failed to make me smile when i was down. I know our group wouldn't have lasted without you. I'm so thankful you stayed. Yoongi, im so glad i had you as a friend, to make me laugh, to help me with producing, and you always dealt with my clinginess no matter how much you hated it. Namjoon hyung, im so thankful we have you as a leader. You kept our group together, and i couldn't be any more thankful for that. And despite being a leader, you still were a good friend as well, and never failed to make me laugh. I know i'm probably being stupid and im not gonna die but honestly who knows what might happen. I hate that im apart from you all right now..." I start to choke up. "I hope i get to see you all again, but if i dont.... i love you all. Never forget that." And thats it. I send off the voice memo, and tears start spilling out of my eyes. What if this really is the end?
I look up and see the cardboard i used to cover the window is already soaked through from the rain. What am i going to do?
Before i have time to think, i see a loud flash and a loud crash, and the next thing i know i can see the tree, caught on fire, toppling towards our house. Time seemed to go in slow motion as the tree fell, and i was left defenseless, the best i could do was cover my head with my arms and just hope i managed to dodge the tree.
I can hear the crash of the roof coming down, and the next thing i know i'm waking up on the floor, covered in dust and rubble. A tree sits in my living room, exposing me to the elements. I'm freezing cold, already soaked from rain. My head hurts, i feel dizzy, and for a moment i was confused. My first thought was "where are the others? Are they ok?" until i realised they were all ok at their family homes. I was here, alone. My throat constricts with choked sobs. What am i going to do? I'm in danger. I look over and see my phone, that seems to be fairly unscathed. Theres a small crack on the screen and its covered in dust, but otherwise its ok. I reach out for it, and grab it, but at that point there is a bright flash and loud crash again. All i remember is seeing white, before i woke up again, on the floor, my arm burning with red scars branching out down my arm like veins, or tree branches. Its a terrifying sight. It doesn't look real. It looks like some crazy horror fx make up. But its not. Its real. I also see the remnants of my phone, now a black, charred mess. No way can i use that now. So i can't call for help, while im cold, wet, burnt, and injured. Well, i guess this is how i go out.
I couldn't help but cry when i heard jimin's message. I know he's probably fine, but seeing images on the news of trees being blown over and lightning burning down telephone poles and houses. He's right in the middle of that. I know we won't lose him. I hope to god we don't. But if we do, that voice memo would be the last words we ever heard from him. I feel so bad. I should have been the one stuck in that storm. Not him. He should be home with his family, not me. He deserves it more than me.
My mother comes and sits next to me, her arm wrapped securely around my shoulders.
"Aigoo namjoonie..." She says with her soft warm voice that brings me so much comfort. "It's ok. I'm sure jimin is just fine." I nod, though not with full commitment. There's still a part of me that feels like jimin is in danger. But i know it's probably just me being paranoid. He's fine.
"Let's turn this off honey. It'll only scare you more." My mother says as she reaches for the remote and turns the tv off. She gently rubs my back as i wipe away my tears.
"Lets get you upstairs to your bed so you can rest, and i'll make you a nice warm cup of cocoa. How about that?" I nod my head and stand up and head upstairs, while my mother heads to the kitchen.
I sit on my bed, clenching my phone in my hand. With a sigh i dial jimins number. All i want is for him to pick up. Thats all i want. But of course, after ringing for a little while, it goes to answering machine. I sigh and chuck my phone on my bed and flop backwards. At that point my mother comes in with a warm steaming mug, and places it on the bedside table.
"Get some rest joonie. Im sure jimin will be just fine." i nod again, though i still don't believe it. i feel like its some sort of telepathy, like i can just sense that somethings not right. Nevertheless, I ignore that feeling and try and get some sleep. I hope that if jimin is in danger, he will at least get some help quickly. I'm sure lots of people in Seoul are looking out for each others safety.
The next morning, the first thing i do that morning, is check my phone. To my horror, i still see no messages from Jimin, despite the others all desperately asking for him to respond. I call his phone again, but the only message i get is "This number is not available."... Somethings really not right. I message the others, saying that jimins phone must not be working since i couldn't call him, and it's clear everyone else is as worried about jimin as I am. I can't take this anymore. I need to know that Jimin is safe. I call one of our coworkers from the company, and ask them to go to the dorm and make sure jimin is safe. At first their hesitant because of the storm, but after i tell them all that happened like not being able to call jimins phone, they agree its worth going to check.
God am I glad he did.
At first I thought Namjoon was out of his mind. No way was I going out in the storm just to make sure Jimin was ok. But when he told me about all that was going on, I agreed it was worth checking. It was my time to be the hero. I get in my car, and drive slowly through flooded streets, keeping a close eye on the tree's around me and the flashes in the sky. The lightning hasn't stopped all night, and it doesn't show any signs of stopping. I grip the steering wheel tightly and breathe deeply. This better be worth it.
And it was. As soon as i turn the corner i can see the large tree that has collapsed and fallen on the roof. The building surrounding it has all collapsed. This isn't good. I don't give a second thought to the rain as i jump out of the car and up to the building. I call emergency services, while i start trying to find my way in. The first thing they say when they pick up is "We're limiting our services because of the storm, so please only continue the call if it is a true emergency." This is a true emergency. Jimin could be crushed under the rubble. Heck, he could be dead. I compose myself and start crawling through the rubble while trying to talk to the 119 operator at the same time. "A tree fell on my coworkers house, he could be trapped under rubble or something i don't know we haven't heard from it at all. I'm trying to find him but i need help. Please come." I beg. Jimin may only be a coworker, but he still treated me well, like a buddy, and never treated me any less. They may just be coworkers, but i care about these people.
"Ok we will send as many services your way as we can but it might take a while as they have to be careful driving, ok?" The operator assures me. I just say another ok, trying to find my way through the rubble. Eventually i find the tree, and im able to stand up just about. I recognise this as the living room. Its covered in dust and rubble. I keep searching, and duck under the tree to the other side. I look to the left... Then to the right. Then i saw him. What might as well have been a dead body. Jimin was lying there lifelessly, lips blue. He was cold and soaking wet. When i saw his arm, i jumped back in horror. It looked like something from a movie. I quickly relay to the operator.
"I've found him! He's really cold though." I say, giving jimin a small shake with false hope that he'll wake up and be ok.
"Ok, is he breathing?" I lean down to listen. I can hear very short, raspy breaths.
"Yes, but only just." I say in response.
"Can you find a pulse?" I feel his wrist. Its cold, but i can just about feel a weak, slow pulse.
"Yes but its weak and slow."
"Ok the ambulance is on their way just try to get him out if you can. Can you see if he has any other injuries?"
"He has a burn on his hand i... I think he must have been struck by lightning cause it.... it looks weird..." I say, not able to describe it in my blind panic.
"Ok, i think the ambulance are nearly there just try and get him out if you can." I grab him from under his arms and start to pull him out back the way i came, and i can hear sirens faintly in the distance. cmon Jimin, stay with me. I think as i hear his breaths getting raspier. I'm starting to feel cold and soaked from the rain too, but jimin is more important. I have to get him out.
They must have heard my grunts of effort as i try and pull Jimin through the rubble, as i soon hear people calling for me, and they're getting closer. I hear the shuffling of rubble being moved, and before long the paramedics are right next to me, helping me pull him out. As soon as we finally break out from all the rubble we all carry him into the ambulance and he's placed onto the gurney and wrapped in foil and blankets straight away to try and warm him up while also hooking him up to several monitors to measure his heart rate and O2 levels. One of the paramedics also hands me a foil blanket which i gladly take, and they shut the doors to keep us warm. Jimin is quickly intubated and once they can confirm he is stable enough, they head straight back to the hospital. It's safer there.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to message the others that jimin is alive, but because its been soaked in the rain it won't work. The other paramedic notices my sigh and says i can use the pay phone at the hospital to call them.
I wake up, alone in a hospital bed. All my muscles ache unbearably, and groan at the slightest movement. I have no recollection of what happened. The confusion makes me panic, before I hear the soft voice of a nurse saying im ok. I don't believe her. I'm not ok. I'm in so much pain. But at least im not completely alone anymore.
"W-Where's.... hyungs...and..." i mumble, not having the energy to finish the sentence. The nurse doesn't even reply. I guess she didn't know what I meant.
"You need to rest, jimin-ssi. Ok?" The nurse says, gently patting my hand. She plays around with the several monitors and wires attached to me, gives a soft smile, and leaves. All I can think about is where my family is. Where my friends are. Why aren't they here for me? Why didn't they come? Maybe they weren't allowed. But why wouldn't they be allowed?
Before I can think much more I'm pulled back into a deep slumber again.
-----------(timeskip cause authornim is lazy)----------------
After 3 more days, the storm is finally over and its safe for my family and all the others to come back and see me. I can't tell you how glad i was to see their faces again. because I nearly never saw them again. I've been told it was a pretty close call. If i wasn't found when i was, I would have probably died. Its scary to think about, but it didn't happen, and that's all that matters. I will forever be thankful for the guy that saved me.
One thing that has bugged me slightly is the scar on my arm. My whole hand is a pink colour, that then branches out like veins. Lightning scars are scary, but at the same time, they're also kinda beautiful. Unique. While it got me down at first, the others helped me to accept it. I was super nervous the first time i showed ARMY. I think it scared them at first too. But now they all go on about how much they love it, and i love it too.
okaaaayyyyyy A/N time! So i have a few things to say. First off: I want to do another little chapter, cause i haven't done one in a while, but i don't know which member to do, so if you have any suggestions, please comment. Also if you have any reccomendations on what it could be about, feel free to leave those too, BUT this is NOT me opening requests. Please. I just want one or a few ideas. I will credit the ideas if i do use ones you comment, but this isn't your cue to all start leaving requests. I want to finish off the list i already have before i open up requests again. I think theres about 10 things on my list right now, so yeah. And in your reccomendations please don't just comment "[insert member here] Sick please!" cause that means nothing to me. You might as well just comment "write a chapter". The ideas should be original and more developed than just 'sick'.
ok now thats out of the way now for the next thing i want to say, I'm going to go through and just clean this book up a bit, cause lets be honest, its a mess. I plan to go through and delete any A/N chapters that are no longer relevant or important so they don't take up space. Obviously i will keep the important ones, but if its just me saying "im taking a break" or whatever, i will delete it. If theres any A/Ns you want me to keep for whatever reason, just comment "KEEP THIS" on that A/N, and if enough people want me to keep it I will. But if just one person comments that I'm sorry i'm not going to keep it unless i understand the reasons why i should keep it. I'm already at some ridiculous amount of chapters its probably like 70-something at this point, and i want to wait as long as possible before starting a volume 2 so i don't loose readers. Cause i just know if i finish this one and make another one there will be people who don't read A/Ns who will just stop reading and not bother to find the next volume. But if i get to too many chapters then i will. I will also not do any tags at all any more unless they are exceptionally unique and not just the usual "answer these 10 basic questions about yourself" cause it will only be stuff you've already heard 1000000 times.
Otherwise, i think thats all I have to say! Thanks for reading, and i'll see ya in the next one!
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