(Taehyung) Sick But They Don't Believe Him
Taehyung's POV
I woke up in a pool of sweat with a pounding head and groaned slightly. I'm definitely getting sick, if not already sick. I sat up in bed and turned to my alarm clock, seeing that it was only 4:30am. We didn't get home until 1am which means that I've only gotten about 3 hours of sleep. I looked to my left and just managed to make out the sleeping figure of Jimin on his bed. I would usually wake him up to get some help but given how little sleep he's gotten and how busy our schedule is, I want to let him get some rest. I quietly slipped out of bed and left the room going to the kitchen. I grabbed some painkillers and quickly swallowed them before heading back to bed. I tossed and turned throughout the rest of the night, not being able to get back to sleep until about 6:30am. I woke back up to the weight of someone lying down on top of me. I let out a small moan as my stomach was a little nauseous but it settled down after a couple of seconds. I let out a breath before rolling over a little and wrapping my arms around the person's waist.
"Time to get up Tae Tae," Jungkook whispered as he snuggled his head into my shoulder.
"I'm not feeling the best Kook. I didn't sleep much last night, do you think you could let me sleep a little bit more please," I asked quietly. I felt him lift his head up and I opened my eyes to see his bunny face looking down at me intently.
"Come on Hyung, we're all tired but today's really not the time to be doing this," he said.
"What do you mean," I asked confused.
"Just stop faking and get up please, you can't get out of doing stuff today" he said rolling his eyes as he got up and left. Wait what, he thought I was faking it to get out of our schedule today? I would never do that! I went to get up but winced when a sharp pain went through my head and my stomach turned. I clenched my eyes closed and waited for the pain to pass. I felt a soft small hand placed against my forehead and I quickly opened my eyes to see a tired looking Jimin kneeling next to my bed.
"Well you don't have a fever," he said as he moved his hand away.
"I'm not faking I swear," I said quickly.
"I know you aren't. What's sore," he asked me.
"I've got a headache and my stomach is a little sore," I told him.
"Sore as in I'm going to throw up sore or just a little ache," he asked softly.
"I don't think I'm going to throw up. Not yet anyway," I replied.
"Alright, well get up now and start getting ready so we aren't late. Take it easy today though and tell me if it starts getting worse ok," he said. I nodded and got up to get ready. Today we have two interviews and then a seven-hour dance practice. Once I was dressed I went out to the kitchen where all the other's were eating.
"You took your time, do you want some pancakes," Jin asked.
"Nah I'm fine. I'm not feeling the greatest," I replied.
"Are we still on that Hyung, stop faking," Jungkook said with a frown. I don't understand why he's getting so annoyed, I've never faked being sick so why would he think that I am now?
"He isn't faking Kookie, he's just not feeling great," Jimin said sticking up for me.
"What's going on," Yoongi asked looking between the three of us.
"Taehyung is faking sick to try and get out of working today and he's Jimin is helping him," Jungkook said.
"He is not," Jimin said frowning at the Maknae.
"Does he have a fever," Namjoon asked.
"Well no he doesn't but he said he's got a sore stomach and a headache," Jimin said slowly.
"Tae," Namjoon questioned, turning to me.
"Well uh, I mean I've got a slight headache but I must've just uh slept wrong," I said quickly. I didn't want there to be an argument and plus, I've got a pretty good pain threshold.
"Well if you aren't going to be eating then hurry up and get ready so we can go soon," he said. I nodded and got up quickly, stumbling a little as my vision blurred but I quickly covered it up as best as I could. I was first into the van, followed closely by Jimin who sat down next to me.
"Why did you lie Tae? It's clearly not just a slight headache from sleeping the wrong way. I saw you stumbling when you left," he said shaking his head.
"I don't want to start an argument and be a bother. I don't have a fever so I'm probably not that sick. I just, I don't get it Jimin. I don't get why Jungkookie doesn't believe me, I wouldn't fake it I jus-."
"Shh, Tae. Hey it's alright, don't cry," Jimin said, cutting me off and pulling me into a tight hug. I hadn't even realized that I had started crying until he said that. I relaxed into the hug slowly and took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down.
"Let's just try and get you through today and then get you better alright," he said and I nodded.
Later At The Interview
I survived the car trip but my stomach started churning and I started to feel like I was going to throw up.
"Alright boys, the interview will start in a few minutes so get yourselves seated and I'll be back in a minute," the interviewer said.
"You alright Tae, you're looking a little pale" Jimin asked me quietly but Jin overheard.
"He's fine Jimin, we all just look a little pale because we haven't slept much," Jin said, making the other's turn to me. Jimin frowned and went to say something but the interview came back so he kept quiet. He did however shuffle closer to me and wrap his arm around me shoulder, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder slightly.
"So I'm here with the well-known KPOP Idols Bts, how are you guys," he asked us.
"We're very good thankyou," Namjoon replied.
I managed to get through the interview as well but I kept quiet for most of it, Jimin helped me out by answering as many of the questions that were directed at me as possible which I really appreciated as I was starting to feel worse.
"What was that," Yoongi asked me angrily as the interviewer left. I held my breath slightly, Yoongi can be very scary when he's angry.
"What was what," I asked quietly.
"Cut the act Tae, we know you aren't sick. Are you seriously just doing this for attention? The armies are going to watch that and be worried for no reason, just because you're lazy and want to get out of work," Yoongi yelled as he stepped closer to me. Jimin quickly stepped in front of me and pushed me behind him.
"Leave him alone Suga," he said quickly. Let me just tell you something, Jimin may be a little ball of sunshine but when he's angry he can be scarier than Yoongi. And good thing is, Yoongi can be quite cold sometimes but Jimin is kind of his soft spot. He still looked angry but he took a step back.
"I agree with Yoongi, you gotta stop with the act. I know you're tired but we all are," Hobi said shaking his head. Not him too, Hobi is usually the nicest person out there, apart from Jimin.
"You hardly talked during that interview, manager nim won't be particularly happy with that," Jin said.
"I'm sorry," I said quickly. I felt a wave of nausea rush through my stomach and I fought the urge to gag.
"Cars here boys, let's go," someone yelled out. The boys started heading out and I went to follow but the nausea got worse.
"I gotta pee," I squeaked out quickly and ran off to find a toilet. I barely managed to find one and get into a stall before I was puking out last nights dinner. I started sobbing as I continued to throw up.
"I've got you Tae, don't worry. Take your time," I heard Jimin whisper into my ear as he wrapped one arm around my waist and started to rub my stomach gently and used his other hand to brush my hair from my forehead.
"I'm so-sorry, I c-can't help it," I sobbed as I heaved in a breath.
"It's fine Tae Tae, I know you can't. Just let it out," he said softly.
"I'm gonna make the boys angry for taking too long," I cried.
"I don't care. Your health is the priority," he replied firmly. I took a few deep breaths and wiped my mouth before falling back into Jimin exhausted.
"Are you done," he asked quietly. I nodded tiredly, sighing. He helped me up and let me lean on him as we walked back to the van.
"What took you so long," Jungkook asked immediately as we slowly got inside.
"Tae threw up," Jimin replied with a shrug.
"STOP WITH THE ACT," Jungkook yelled, shocking me and making my eyes snap back open. He looked furious and was standing up from his seat.
"Don't worry about it Kookie, just let them be difficult," Namjoon said pulling him back down into his seat. I heard Jimin sigh as he helped me over to the back seat.
"Go to sleep alright," he said moving my head onto his shoulder and stroking my hair in a soothing manner. I was so tired that I fell asleep almost instantly.
"Tae we're at the studio, you've gotta wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jimin smiling down at me, everyone else was gone.
"How're you feeling after having a nap," he asked me. Truthfully it did nothing to help, if anything I felt worse but I didn't want Jimin to have to keep getting in trouble from the others because of me.
"I'm feeling a bit better, thanks for looking after me Chim Chim," I said, forcing the most realistic smile I could. Thank goodness I've done acting stuff.
"That's great, let's go get ready," he said helping me out of the van. When we got inside, none of the others talked to me as we got ready.
"Alright let's start off with the choreography of 'Fake Love'," the dance instructor said. This is going to be torture but I can't let the other down any more then I already have today.
4 Hours Later
Our instructor had to leave about an hour ago so Hobi has taken over the practice. I've managed to dance through all of the different choreographies even though I was a little sloppy and kept getting told off but now my stomach is churning and my head is killing me. I tried to drink some water in hopes that it would help but it only seemed to make it worse. And to add to it, I felt like I was overheating and I was sweating a lot more than usual. I stopped halfway through 'Mic Drop', causing everyone else to stop as well.
"Seriously Tae, what is it this time. You've been messing up a lot and it holding everyone else back," Hobi said angrily. He can get very angry when he's teaching us the dances, wanting it to be perfect.
"I'm sorry Hyung but I'm really not feeling great, can I please sit out," I asked quietly.
"Stop it Tae. I've been really patient with you today but now it's starting to get very annoying," Namjoon said.
"I'm not faking, I promise. Please believe me," I begged.
"Pull yourself together and stop being sloppy," Hoseok said walking back to the front and starting the music again as we all started to get back into position.
"Tae sit out, I don't want you making yourself worse," Jimin said quickly.
"It's a-alright, I'll be fi-fine," I said, wiping my eyes quickly and getting back into position. I saw him look at me worriedly but I started to dance. I danced as I hard as I could and succeeded in getting to the end of the song but felt very light-headed and like I was about to throw up.
"Ji-Jimin Hyung. I don't feel so good," I said looking to him.
"What's wrong," he asked walking over to me.
"I'm gonna-," I got cut out of by me collapsing and falling to the floor but I felt arms wrap around me, stopping me from hitting the ground. I went to say something else but I couldn't as I started to throw up all the water I had drunk. Pretty soon there was nothing left to throw up so I ended up gagging and throwing up stomach acid which was painful. The pain in my head increased and everything went black.
Jimin's POV
"Ji-Jimin Hyung. I don't feel so good." I looked over at Tae in concern, he never calls me Hyung because he doesn't need to.
"What's wrong," I asked, walking closer to him. He really wasn't looking great, his skin was pale and he seemed to be sweating way too much.
"I'm gonna-." I just managed to rush forwards and catch him before he hit the ground. The other's around me all gasped out in surprise, as if we hadn't told them all that he was sick and now they've pushed him to the point of collapse. To say I was furious would be an understatement but I have to look after Tae before I can yell at them all. I saw him try to say something but he was cut off when a thick stream of vomit came out and onto the floor. A bit of it got on me but I didn't care. He continued to vomit but pretty soon there must've been nothing left due to how he hasn't eaten and he was left just gagging and coughing out stomach acid. I whispered sweet nothing in his ear and ran my hand through his hair. He cried out in pain, tears streaming down his face and I felt my heart break. After a couple of seconds I felt him turn into a dead weight in my arms, clearly passing out.
"We need to get him onto the couch," Namjoon said walking towards us. Is he for real?
"NO. No, you say away," I yelled angrily, making me freeze.
"I've got you Tae Tae," I whispered.
"Jimin we need to help him get somewhere comfortable," Jin said.
"No you guys aren't going anywhere near him. You've done more than enough," I said shaking my head quickly. The other's all looked hurt at my words but they deserve them and I'm definitely not done yet.
"He tried to tell all of you that he was sick and you all reprimanded him saying he was faking. Like what the hell? He's never faked before and he would never do that, he care's too much about being perfect for the fans. He started playing it down because he didn't want you guys to be mad and didn't want to start an argument. Because of you guys he's had to suffer the whole day and now he's probably going to have to go to the hospital. And Jungkook, you were the worst. He told you and you straight away said he was faking, and you convinced EVERYONE ELSE THAT HE WAS FAKING," I yelled furious. They all took a step back and I could see tears streaming down Jungkook's face. Usually I would be upset about this and go to console him but he doesn't deserve it.
"The ambulance is on their way," Hoseok said quietly as he walked back inside the room. I didn't even realize that he left but he must've still heard my yelling. I sat there with Tae in my arms until the ambulance got there. The other's all stayed at the back of the room, not wanting to upset me more I guess. When the ambulance got there they asked me what was wrong and I told them what had happened to the best of my knowledge. They loaded him up onto a stretcher and put him in the ambulance. I was allowed to go in with them while the other's al had to drive up themselves. The doctors checked up on Tae and told me that he was just very dehydrated and had the flu. The gave him an IV and some painkillers before letting us in to see him. I went straight over to his bedside and sat in the seat next to him, grabbing his hand. Yoongi sat down on his other side but didn't do much, just looked down at the floor. The other four stood near the door. Jungkook took one look at Tae before sobbing and running out of the room.
"I've got him," Namjoon said, rushing after him. I sighed in frustration as I felt worry pool in the pit of my stomach. I'm worried about Kookie, but I shouldn't be worried about him because he deserves to be guilty. I felt a gently squeeze of my hand and looked up to see Tae slowly opening his eyes.
"How're feeling," I asked softly.
"Like shit," he said but giggled so I knew he was feeling a bit better. I moved forwards and wrapped my arms around him softly so I didn't upset his stomach.
"Gave me quite the scare there," I said as he hugged me back.
"Yeah sorry about that," he said with a nervous chuckle.
"You promised you would tell me if it got worse," I said as I felt something wet slide down my cheeks.
"I know and I'm sorry. Please don't cry Jiminie," he said wiping my eyes.
"Tae." We both looked up to see Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi standing together, looking guilty. Tae narrowed his eyes slightly but sat up more.
"We're so sorry Tae. I don't even know why were like that, we know you'd never do anything like that. I guess we were just really tired and fed up with everything and I know that's no excuse but please forgive us," Hoseok begged.
Taehyung's POV
I sighed after hearing Hobi's apology. I saw Jimin's eyes narrow even further if that's possible and he clenched his fist. It's nice to know that he cares about me and wants to look after me. I understand where the others are coming from though and as I annoyed as I am, we all haven't been having much breaks and we're exhausted.
"It's alright guys, just promise not to do it again," I said with a small smile.
"Are you kidding Tae-."
"It's fine Jimin, I'm ok and they've learnt their lesson. No need to be angry anymore, but thank you for sticking up for me and taking care of my," I said reaching up and ruffling his hair. He relaxed a little and gave me a gentle smile.
"I forgive you guys, stop being so uptight," I said chuckling as I saw the three of them still standing awkwardly at the door. That's when I realized that we were missing two members.
"Where's Joon and Kookie," I asked confused.
"Uh, Jungkook ran out crying and Namjoon went to make sure he was ok," Hobi told me. I was sad at the thought of my only dosaeng crying but I'm glad that Namjoon was with him. The other's came over to my bedside and we were talking for a bit, Jimin finally stopped being so uptight and forgave them as well. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Namjoon walking in with Kookie hiding behind him, tears still streaming down his face.
"Oh Jungkookie, come here," I said softly. Namjoon moved and Jungkook reluctantly made his way over with his head held down.
"Chim," I whispered to Jimin. He immediately got up and hugged Kookie who broke down crying.
"It's ok Kook, he forgives you and so do I, don't cry," he said comforting the crying Maknae. I sat up further as Jimin pulled Jungkook over to me. I lifted my arms up and wrapped them around Kookie, bringing him down onto the bed with me.
"I'm so so-sorry T-Tae. I was just so tired and I d-didn't want to have to deal with you. I'm so ho-horrible Hyung," he sobbed into my chest.
"I forgive Kookie. I know we're all tired so I get how you're feeling," I said rubbing his back.
"I don't deserve you Tae," he whispered sadly.
"Yes you do. Right now, we should all get some sleep," I said looking over at the others. They all nodded quickly.
"Move over so I can lie down," Jimin said, poking my side lightly. I scooted over and moved so I still had Jungkook cuddled up to my side and Jimin hopped next to me, wrapping his arms around both Jungkook and I. Hobi moved onto the end of the bed and cuddled up near my feet, Namjoon and Jin sat together on the couch and Suga sat on a chair next to the bed, leaning his head on the side of the bed. I fell asleep, feeling better and safe, having my Hyungs and little Maknae surrounding me and finally looking after me.
First of all thankyou for reading and I'm sorry that this one was rather long, I hope you still enjoyed it though.
I really need some request so I would greatly appreciate it if someone sends one through, and I'll write it as soon as possible.
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