(Taehyung) Chest + Stomach Pains
Taehyung's POV
"Does anyone want to come out to get some Chinese with me," Jungkook asked excitedly as we got home from a very intense dance practice. I don't know how he has energy left because I'm exhausted, having said that I did go 2 hours earlier than the other's.
"Sure Kookie, why don't we all go," Hobi said with a small smile.
"I think I'll just stay here and go to bed, I'm not very hungry Hyung," I said running my fingers through my hair.
"Are you sure Tae," Jimin asked walking over to me.
"Yeah, I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed," I replied nodding.
"Ok then," he said, pulling me into a quick tight hug.
"Take it easy tomorrow Tae, we don't want you overworking yourself ok," Namjoon told me. I nodded and went upstairs to my room. I got dressed and a couple of minutes the door opened and I turned to see Suga standing at the front of my room by the open door.
"Are you doing ok V," he asked me, eyes narrowing slightly.
"Yeah I'm fine, why," I asked slightly confused.
"I just wanted to make sure. Joonie said to make sure you don't overwork yourself tomorrow but I wanted to make sure you didn't overwork yourself today. You're going to bed straight away and seem a bit tired," he said, shrugging slightly. I gave a small smile at this. Yoongi always shrugs stuff off and seems disinterested but we've learnt to tell when he's actually concerned and just doesn't really know how to show it. This is one of those times.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little tired is all," I replied, trying to reassure him.
"Ok, just if you aren't, you know up to scratch you can uh-."
"I'll come to you Hyung, thanks for looking out for me," I said giving him a very quick and soft hug, knowing he isn't one for a lot of physical contact. He nodded sharply before leaving the room. After that I went straight to bed.
The Next Night
We had more intense dance practice the next day and I was beginning to feel the exhaustion take it's toll but I didn't mention it to everyone, I can deal with it for now. When we got back home I ate quickly and went upstairs, falling asleep almost instantly.
I don't know how long I was asleep floor but I was awoken suddenly by a sharp pain in my chest. I gasped and clutched my chest, reaching over to turn on the light next to my bed. I'm glad that we're in the new dorms as we get our own rooms so I wouldn't accidentally wake someone up with the light and movement. After about a minute or two the pain past but I was then greeted by a bad feeling in my stomach. I only just managed to jump up and run into my bathroom before I gagged and was emptying my stomach into the toilet. The pain came back in my chest and it felt like had shoved a knife into it and was twisting it around. I let out a cry of pain but quickly put my fist in my mouth to try and muffle the sound, I didn't want to wake anyone else. The pain got worse, to the point of being unbearable and I fell back into the wall, tears streaming down my face. I sat there for about 5 minutes before the pain finally passed, but I was left still gasping for breath. I took a few deep breaths to calm down before shakily standing up. My head spun a little and I leant into the wall for support. Once I got to the front of my bathroom, I paused. My legs felt like they were jelly and I knew once I next stopped walking and sat down, I wouldn't have enough energy to get back up. I had a choice to make, either go back to my bed and hope nothing else happens or wake one of the other's up and have them worry. There's no way I would go to Jungkook as I didn't want my only maknae to be bothered by me, I'm the one who should look after him not the other way around. I won't be going to Jimin or J-Hope because they have been doing the most in the past couple of weeks, having to learn the choreo quickly and then teach the rest of us. Namjoon would be way too overprotective and baby me for ages, and force me to stop practicing. Jin would be ok but he would probably tell the other's anyway. That leaves one person and the only person I could probably go to in this situation. I struggled over to my door and swung it open, not bothering to close it behind me as I left. I stumbled over to Yoongi's room quietly closing the door behind me, just managing to get to the bed before I collapsed onto it. I didn't land on Yoongi but I felt the bed move and I knew it that I had accidentally woken him up.
"What the hell, go away I'm trying to sleep," he grumbled as he sat up and wiped his eyes gently.
"I'm sor-." I was cut off when the sharp pain came back and I gasped, clutching on to my chest again. I don't know where this pain has suddenly come from but I've never felt anything like it before. I rolled over, trying to curl into myself but I was too close to the edge of the bed so I began to slip. Luckily I felt Yoongi's arms wrap around me and pull me back onto the bed, letting me rest slightly on his lap.
"V what the hell, are you ok," he asked quickly as I continued to cry out. I tried to put my fist in my mouth again to muffle the cries but he quickly grabbed it and held it away.
"Taehyung, what's going on? You need to tell me what I can do to help you, please," he said, a hint of a plead in his voice at the end.
"I j-just. I'm o-ok," I said as the pain slowly went away and I relaxed in his grip.
"I don't understand, what was that he asked, helping me to sit up and rest against the headboard.
"C-can I just please sleep please Hyung. I'm exhausted," I whispered with a sigh.
"Yeah, alright. Just get some rest and we'll talk about this in the morning," he said, lowering me gently down onto the pillow.
"Please don't tell anyone. I'll tell you what's wrong in the morning, I jus wanna sleep," I said as my eyes drifted close.
"Alright Tae, just get some rest," I heard him whisper. I felt something gentle and soft on my forehead for a couple of seconds before it disappeared and I fell asleep.
The Next Morning
I woke up in a different room to what I usually would with something small, soft and warm in my hand. I turned my head to the right and was met with the sight of a sleeping Yoongi. I looked down to my hand and saw that Yoongi's was holding onto it tightly. I grinned slightly, his way of showing he loves us is by holding our hands. I slowly and quietly managed to snuggle closer towards him without waking him up. I didn't cuddle him as I knew he would be uncomfortable when he woke up but I went as close as I could to him, keeping his hand in mine and drifting back off to sleep.
When I next woke up it was by someone shaking me. I blearily opened my eyes to see Suga standing over me. I was about to say hello when I felt the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. I jumped up and shoved past Yoongi, racing over to his bathroom and dropping down in front of the toilet. Before I knew it, I was expelling what little was left in my stomach into the toilet.
"V, I really need to go get someone to look after you," Yoongi said quickly as I stopped throwing up.
"No, please don't go," I begged, tears falling down my face as I knew what was coming next.
"Why not Taehyung, you're starting to really worry me," he said frowning.
"Just please hold me. I know you don't like to, but please," I begged him. He looked apprehensive at first but nodded and wrapped his arms around me waist, pulling me to his chest as he leant against the wall.
"Why do I need to hold you," he asked me.
"Because it's gonna hurt," I said just in time as the first wave of pain went through my chest. I gasped and tensed up burrowing as far into Yoongi as possible. His arms tightened round me as if trying to hold me together.
"What's hurting V," he asked, his voice a little shaky.
"Ch-chest," I gasped out. He immediately started rubbing over my chest area gently and in a soothing motion. It actually helped and the pain subsided slowly. I dropped my head onto his shoulder with a sigh and wrapped my arms around him. He tensed a little but rubbed my back nonetheless.
"Can you tell me what's going on now," he asked me.
"I dunno what happened, I just woke up last night and felt a sharp pain in my chest and then it settled down but next thing I knew I was throwing up in the toilet and the pain was back. When it went away I came here. I'm sorry for waking you up Hyung, I just didn't want to bother anyone else," I said with a small sigh.
"No, you're fine V. I said if you ever needed help to come to me and I'm sticking by that," he said running his hand through my hair.
"Thanks Yoongi, I think I'm good now," I said standing up unsteadily. He gripped my arms to help support me, only letting go when he could tell I was fine to stand on my own.
"I think we should tell the other's about this Taehyung, it could be something serious," he said.
"I'm fine Hyung, I think it was just because I was really tired. Please don't tell them, I came to you because I know you wouldn't make such a big deal about it," I said grabbing his shoulder.
"Fine but I need you to promise me that you'll come to me the minute the pain gets worse. I don't want the guilt of you ending up in hospital on my conscious ok," he said giving in.
"Of course," I nodded. We left the bathroom and headed downstairs to have breakfast with the other's.
Later At Dance Practice
The first 2 hours of dance practice went by quickly and I didn't have any trouble. Yoongi left after those first two hours as he needed to do some more stuff in his studio which just left the rest of us to practice. It was during the third hour of practice that I started to feel a slight pain in my chest that slowly began to increase.
"Hey guys I'm going to duck to the toilet real quick," I said, trying to discreetly rub my chest to ease the pain. Hobi nodded and I quickly ran off to the toilets, not noticing the questioning look I got from the one person I really didn't want worrying about me.
Jungkook's POV
We were about two and a half hours into practice when I started to notice Tae acting odd. He seemed to have some trouble breathing and he kept rubbing his chest. When I heard him tell everyone that he was going to the toilet I paid more attention to him, noticing him wincing slightly and turning away a little as he tried to hide that he was rubbing his chest more. When he left I turned to the other's and noticed that they were hardly paying attention.
"I think I'm going to go to the toilet as well," I said, not even bothering to wait for their replying. As soon as I made it out the door, I booked it towards the toilets. I was worried about my youngest Hyung as I've never seen him act like that. When I got closer I started to hear cries so I swung the door quickly, not caring when it slammed into the wall. I was met by the sight of Tae on the floor clutching his chest.
"Tae," I exclaimed, rushing to his side.
"Y-Yoon-gi," he gaped out.
"What about him, Hyung what's wrong," I asked not knowing to help him as he cried.
"K-Kook, I. I n-need him. Please t-take me to him," he managed to cry out. I don't know why he wanted Yoongi Hyung but I didn't know what else to do so I quickly scooped him up in my arms and sprinted down the hall towards Suga's room. The only noise that I could hear was his cries, they were like a stab to my heart. I started pounding on Yoongi's door as soon as I got there as I didn't know the combination but he opened the door rather quickly, probably hearing Tae's cries throughout the hall. He immediately pulled me in his studio and grabbed Tae from my arms. He sat down on the couch and pulled Tae onto his lap as he started to rub the youngers chest softly. Tae's cries started to die down and pretty soon he was just crying into Yoongi's chest. To my utter surprise, Yoongi held the younger tightly in his hold and ran his hand through his hair as he whispered comforting words to him. I've never seen this side of Yoongi before as he isn't one for physical contact usually. I crept forwards and wrapped my arms around both of them, trying to provide more comfort. Neither of them objected, we just sat there until Tae stopped crying.
"Hey, shh, you're ok V," Yoongi said with a small sigh as Tae took a deep breath.
"What the hell was that," I asked looking towards my older Hyung.
"He was vomiting and having chest pains last night but he didn't want me to tell anyone about it because he said it wasn't too bad. He promised he would tell me if it got worse," he said running his hand through his hair and looking worriedly at the younger.
"I did Hyung. I did tell you. I was fine and then it suddenly just hurt," Taehyung said sniffling a little.
"Was it worse than before," Yoongi asked. Tae didn't speak, just nodded and closed his eyes gently.
"Jungkook I think we need to get him to a hospital. It may not be bad but he's having chest pains and it's getting worse," Yoongi said looking to me. I nodded and picked Tae up again as Yoongi got his car keys off his desk. We both made our way hurriedly down the hall, being stopped by our security as we went to go outside.
"We need to take him to hospital, he's been having really bad chest pains and vomiting," Suga explained quickly. The guard nodded and escorted us to the car.
"Would you like me to inform the others," he asked before we closed the doors. I was sitting in the back with Tae still wrapped in his arms.
"Yes please but don't make them panic. Tell them that it's nothing too bad just yet but we want to get him checked out anyway, just in case," Yoongi replied. He nodded and stepped away as Yoongi drove off.
At The Hospital
When we got to the hospital I carried Tae up to the front desk and they got him a room immediately. It's times like this when it's good to be famous. I probably didn't need to carry Tae but I felt more comfort in doing that and I'm guessing that he did to as he stayed cuddled up to me. Yoongi and I had to wait for an hour before they finished the tests and we were allowed to see him again. The rest of the boys arrived about 20 minutes after we did and Yoongi explained to them what had happened. At first Namjoon was angry that he didn't tell anyone but we all know Tae and how he can be when he's hurt or sick, I guess we were all just happy that he told someone.
"Kim Taehyung." We all stood up and walked over to the doctor.
"Did you find out what's wrong with him," I asked quickly.
"He's going to be just fine. His chest pains and vomiting were from overwork and exhaustion. All he needs is a weeks rest and he should be completely fine. Although I would advise you guys to make sure he eats properly and doesn't work himself too hard in future. And that goes for all of you, I've seen too many idols ruin themselves in exhaustion and overwork," he told us.
"Thankyou doctor. Could we please see him," Jimin asked.
"Of course. Room 18, down the hall to the right," he replied. We all said thankyou and walked over to Taehyung's room. There he was, sitting on the bed with a guilty look on his face but seeming much better than before.
"Tae," I said rushing over and pulling him into a tight hug.
"How're you feeling," I asked softly.
"I'm alright now. I'm sorry if I worried you. I never wanted you getting involved Kookie," he said sliding his fingers through my hair gently. I can't believe he's even worrying about that right now.
"It's fine, I'm always happy to help," I said moving back so the other's could see him.
"You are gonna be the death of me, you know that Tae," Jin said shaking his head but smiling fondly.
"Yeah, sorry Hyungs," he said sheepishly.
"But you're alright now? The doctor said that you just need some time off work," Jimin asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better," Tae nodded. Hobi smiled and sat down next to him on the armchair that was next to the bed.
"Thankyou Yoongi Hyung, for looking after me," Tae said flashing a boxy grin towards Suga.
"Anything for you. Saranghae Tae," he said giving the younger a small smile.
Here is another chapter, thankyou so much for waiting. I'm so sorry it took so long but my updates are going to be slower than usual as School and Basketball have started up again so I don't have as much time to write anymore.
Despite that I really hope you enjoyed it and once again thankyou for reading
This story was requested by @bts_armylove_xoxo I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted
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