(Taehyung) ADD Sensory Overload
Taehyung's POV
Having ADD can be hard sometimes, I can be very forgetful at times or just generally get distracted easily. Thankfully I have the rest of the members who look out for me and make sure I'm doing alright. A tell-tale sign that I've forgotten something or I've gotten distracted is when I go really quiet or keep to myself. A lot of people mix ADD up with ADHD and although they are quite similar, people with ADHD are quite loud whereas people with ADD tend to be more quiet. So when the boys notice me being a lot more quiet then usual or they see me distancing myself a bit, they will immediately come over to see if I'm doing ok or ask what I need from them to help me out. Forgetting things and getting distracted happens quite frequently so the boys are easily able to deal with it. One thing that they haven't seen before and have no idea what to deal with is a sensory overload. In my seven years of being a part of BTS, I've never had a sensory overload in front of them. Sure I've had them maybe once or twice during the years but they weren't bad and it wasn't in front of the boys. The only person who has ever seen me have one is Jimin, my soulmate as I used to have them during high school when things got too much and I was too stressed. It's been about two years since my last sensory overload and almost 8 since Jimin last helped me with one so I thought I was pretty much done with them, thought I had enough control to calm down before it got bad but I guess I was wrong. Sometimes stress and noise and everything just get's too much and there's nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately for me, I found that out the hard way and it just so happened to be a couple of hours before a big concert...
"Alright boys, that run through was great. You can have a quick 5 minute break," the dance instructor said. I nodded and went over to the very back of the room, plopping down onto the couch in the back corner and pulling my knees up to my chest. This immediately got the attention of Jungkook who quietly walked over and sat down next to me.
"You doing ok," he asked quietly. I looked over at him and blinked in confusion.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why," I asked back.
"Just wondering. You just seem a little closed off and you slipped earlier so I wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt," he said. Oh, I slipped? It must be one of those days where my ADD is a bit more noticeable. Having said that I have been feeling a bit off and tense since I first woke up this morning.
"Oh, yeah uh. No, I'm fine," I said shaking my head. I saw recognition shine in his eyes and he shuffled closer, putting a gentle hand on my back, rubbing circles. It was weirdly comforting and I found myself relaxing a little bit.
"I'm here if you need. Don't hesitate to come talk to me if you forget anything alright Hyung," he said softly.
"Thanks Kookie but I'm ok," I said giving him a small smile.
"I'm soooo tired," Jimin yelled out as he flopped down on my lap. I jumped in surprise and my hands flew to my ears at the loud noise. I quickly put them back down when I realised. Jungkook immediately slapped Jimin making him yelp and fall off my lap, landing on the floor.
"What was that for," he asked, rubbing his bottom. Jungkook crossed his arms and seemed to somehow talk to Jimin with his eyes because Jimin's head immediately snap to look at me and his face softened.
"Sorry Tae, didn't realise you were having one of those days," he said softly as he put his hand on my knee and squeezed it. I gave him a small smile and then shrugged.
"It's fine. I'm ok, really," I said quietly.
"You'll always say that Taehyung and I'll always reply with, I don't care, I'm still looking out for you," Jimin said with a bright smile. I chuckled slightly and pulled him up into my lap, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my chin on his shoulder, breathing in his familiar cologne. I closed my eyes in content and felt my heart slowly slow down.
"Kook, tell the other's that Tae and I are going to sit out for the rest of practice," Jimin whispered and my eyes snapped open. I quickly sat up, making Jimin yelp yet again and fall to the ground.
"No, I'm fine. Let's just go," I said raising my voice slightly. I didn't wait for them to reply, just quickly walked back to the front with the other's because if I didn't they'd probably force me to sit out. Sure, I'm feeling a bit worse than normal, I've been finding it hard to block out the small noise and sometimes get distracted and end up accidentally focusing on them but I should be fine.
30 Minutes Later
I most definitely am not fine. I'm trying my hardest to do all the choreo properly but I keep getting distracted or zoning out and I can tell the boys are starting to get frustrated as we keep having to restart. I mean I don't blame them because I am holding them back but it still hurts a little. They're usually pretty lenient and understanding but given how stressed everyone's been and how it's only a couple of days before the concert, I guess it's just getting on their nerves.
"Come on Taehyung. That's the third time you've stuffed that up. It's left, right, left, left, right. We should have finished this song ages ago," Hobi said angrily. I winced slightly as he raised his voice and fought back the urge to cover my ears.
"Let's run through it again. And no mistakes," J-Hope said, looking at me pointedly. I felt a small stab in my heart but I gave him a weak smile and bowed my head in apology before getting place.
15 Minutes Later
I've spent the past 15 minutes using every ounce of focus I can to not mess up and it working well but it's draining my energy about 10 times quicker than usual. And because of that, I've been having trouble blocking out any noises. All I can think about as I'm dancing right now is the loud and irritating the sound of our shoes clanking against the floor, echoing in my head. I have to use everything in my to not react and to keep dancing but the more we run through, the worse the pounding in my head gets, telling me to run and find a quiet place, a safe place. We were about to begin running through DNA when a small whimper accidentally left my lips. The only person who heard was Jimin and his head immediately turned to me. His eyes looked me up and down before his eyes widened. He ran straight over to the speakers we were using for the run and unplugged them.
"What the hell Jimin. You know what, I'm DONE. If you guys don't want to take it seriously then DON'T WASTE MY TIME," Hobi yelled. I flinched when he yelled and suddenly it felt like the already 10 times louder noises were just doubled and I bit back another whimper but I felt my eyes start to well up. I squeezed them shut and took a shaky breath as I felt my hands start to shake slightly. I heard some of the other's start yelling and I went cover my ears with my hands but I felt small ones grab mine and tug me away. My eyes snapped open as Jimin tugged me out the room, through some halls and all the way over to a room that Yoongi used to use to produce his music before he got his own one. It was a cool soundproof room that had different musical equipment.
"Shh, shh Tae. It's ok, just calm down," Jimin said softly. I shook my head quickly and backed up to the wall, finally plugging my ears with my hands. It felt better for a few seconds and I let out a sigh but then I began to hear my own heart beating, like it was pounding on the inside of my head. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head on top of them and shrunk as far in on myself as possible but the noise wouldn't stop. I was about to begin to cry and start what would most likely lead to a panic attack when my hands were removed and my ears were covered with something different. About two seconds later soft classical music began to play. I recognized the song straight away, it was a part of a playlist Jimin made me back in high school and would play for me whenever I would start to get overwhelmed by everything. I thought he deleted it ages ago but given that I recognized the next song as well, I guess he didn't. I fought the urge to open my eyes and thank Jimin and instead settled for opening my arms and, hoping he would get the point. He did as only seconds later I felt him gently leaning back to lay in my arms. I repeated what I did earlier on the couch and wrapped my arms around his waist, rested my head on his shoulder and gently breathed in his cologne. I continued to listen to the music and focused on Jimin's gentle touch as he rubbed circles into the back of my hands. I don't know how long we sat there like that for as I zoned out a bit which isn't uncommon but when I finally zoned back in, Jimin was still rested in my arms I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at Jimin. His eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling in a steady rhythm, which means he's asleep and we've probably been here for quite a while. I slowly moved one of my arms so I wouldn't wake him up and used it to remove the headphones from my ears. I paused the music and looked back down at the sleeping Jimin. I smiled to myself as I heard his soft breaths and his nose twitched slightly. Somehow when Jimin sleeps he looks even more like an angel. I was glad to find that my hearing was back to normal and I was able to focus on the sounds that I wanted and block out the other sounds that trigger me. For example, I focused on Jimin's soft breaths and block out the annoying sound of the clock.
"Jimin, Jiminie, Chim Chim," I whispered as I ran my hand through his hair softly. I watched as he slowly stretched in my lap and a small yawn escaped his lips. His eyes blinked open and he looked up at me, giving me a soft smile.
"You feeling ok now Tae," he whispered. My heart swelled as I realised he was still treating me as though I was having a sensory overload and even the fact that he remember what to do from years ago.
"Yeah I'm ok now. You don't have to whisper," I said tracing my finger along his jaw softly as he sat up and turned to face me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I let out a small sigh and relaxed gently into the hug, savouring the first relaxing moment I've had in a while without anything stressing me out.
Jimin's POV
I've been keeping an eye on Taehyung throughout practice to make sure he isn't too uncomfortable with anything after I found out he was having an off day today with his ADD. I would've made him sit out as soon as I realised how he was feeling but he's stubborn and wouldn't ever let us. Luckily over the years Tae has learnt how to calm himself down pretty quickly when things start to get to much for him but I still like to keep an eye out just in case. There's something called a sensory overload that can happen if there's too much noise and stress and he's unable to calm himself down. I used to help him through them back in high school but he hasn't had one in years. That doesn't mean that he won't have ever again though and I always keep myself vigilant as I never want him going through that alone. I still remember the first time he had one during class. He just ran out of the classroom and I followed to make sure he was ok but found in curled up in the bathroom, covering his ears and having a panic attack. I ended up bawling my eyes out and having to be comforted by Tae after he managed to calm down but I spent two hours talking to him and he explained pretty much everything about ADD and how to help him if I'm ever put in that situation again. I did end up having to help him through a few other sensory overloads and panic attacks but I haven't had too in ages. We made a special playlist together, full of calming music to help calm him down if his hearing was too intense and I've never gotten rid of it.
We were a little bit into practice and Tae kept making more mistakes than usual, causing us to restart a fair few times. I could tell some of the other's were starting to get annoyed but I didn't say anything. I kept a close eye on him and I could tell he was struggling but if I said anything then, he would just deny it and I knew it would make everything way worse.
"Come on Taehyung. That's the third time you've stuffed that up. It's left, right, left, left, right. We should have finished this song ages ago," Hobi said and it wasn't hard to hear the anger in his voice. I frowned as I saw the very slight wince that I managed to notice come from Tae. I watched closely but he didn't have any other reaction, just blinked slightly.
"Let's run through it again. And no mistakes," J-Hope said, looking pointedly at Taehyung. I bit back the urge to yell at Hobi and instead threw him a dirty look, which unfortunately he didn't notice. I saw Tae give a very half-hearted smile and bow his head in apology and I sighed sadly to myself. Sometimes that boy is far too nice for his own good.
Everything was going fine for the next 15 minutes. Tae wasn't making any mistakes and the other's seemed happier. Did that make me happier? No, the complete opposite in fact. I could tell that Taehyung was using a lot of his energy to stay focussed and that isn't good as there's a chance that he wont have enough energy to block out other noises or to even stay awake later. I stood by the side of the room with my hands on my knees, taking deep breaths before getting into position for DNA. The music began to play and we were about to start the choreography when I heard a soft whimper to my left. My head snapped to Tae and I looked him up and down. He was sweating heavily and his eyes were darting around, his face scrunched up in pain. My eyes widened and I quickly bolted to the speakers, ripping the plugs out so the noise stopped. I can remember the signs from miles away.
"What the hell Jimin. You know what, I'm DONE. If you guys don't want to take it seriously then DON'T WASTE MY TIME," Hobi yelled. I saw Tae flinch and whimper, his eyes filling with tears and that's where I snapped.
"Shut up Hoseok, he's in pain can't you see that," I yelled.
"Don't you be disrespectful," Namjoon said angrily, clearly not hearing what I said past telling Hobi to shut up. I ran to Tae as I saw him go to cover his ears with his hands and I quickly grabbed them in mine, tugging him gently but quickly out of the room and away from the yelling that had just begun. I continued pulling him along, all the way into an old room that Yoongi used to use to produce music before he upgraded rooms.
"Shh, shh Tae. It's ok, just calm down," I said softly as he continued to whimper. My heart broke as he shook his head and backed into the wall on the floor and covered his ears tightly with his hands. I watched as he brought his knees up to his chest and buried his head on top of them, into himself. I rushed and grabbed an old set of headphones that were on the desk and plugged them into my phone, quickly pulling up the playlist I had made many years ago. I raced over to him and moved his hands away, quickly replacing them with the headphones and pressing play on one of the classical songs that I know were one of his favourites. I could tell immediately that he recognized the song as his face relaxed ever so slightly. He seemed to have an inner battle with himself as he kept his eyes clenched shut but slowly opened his arms. I knew exactly what he wanted so I sat down on the floor and gently leant back so my back was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, resting his head on my shoulder. I leant my head a little to the right to give him more access to my neck as he may not realise but I know that he like to find comfort in the smell of my cologne that I haven't stopped using in 8 years. He took a slightly deep breath and I felt him relax just that little bit more. I gently started to rub slow circles on the back of his hands with my thumbs. I sat there for about half an hour just content as I listened to Tae's even breathing before I felt my eyes slip closed and I drifted off in content.
"Jimin, Jiminie, Chim Chim," I heard a soft voice speak as gentle fingers threaded through my hair. I stretched and yawned before opening my eyes and looking up to see Tae and flashing him a small smile.
"You feeling ok now Tae," I asked quietly, wanting to be sure he wasn't too sensitive to noise still. I saw a different emotion flash through his eyes before it vanished quickly.
"Yeah I'm ok now. You don't have to whisper," he said as he traced his finger along my jaw gently. I sat up and turned around to face him, pulling him into a tight hug to let him know I was here for him. I felt him completely relax and he let out a soft sigh. We sat there for a while, just hugging each other and savouring the relaxing moment before he pulled away.
"What's the time," he asked me. I checked my watch and saw that we had missed out on the last 3 hours of practice and another 2 hours.
"We've been here for 5 hours," I whispered. His eyes went wide and I immediately grabbed his hands and rubbed them to calm him down.
"We missed out on practice. Hyungs are going to be so mad," he said as he frantically made to get up but I quickly held him down.
"Shh, shh Tae it's ok. They won't be mad, I promise. And if they are then I will personally fight all of them to keep them away from you," I said with as serious of a face as I could muster. He smiled softly and let out a chuckle, making me grin to see him happy again.
"Wanna head back to the dorm or do you wanna stay here for a bit more," I asked him.
"Let's head back. We should probably let the other's know that we're ok," he said. I nodded and we both stood up, stretching our stiff muscles out. I grabbed my phone and we left the room, closing the door behind us before smiling at the sight before us.
"I'll grab him," Tae said with a chuckle as I smiled fondly. He bent down and picked up the sleeping Maknae who seemed to have fallen asleep guarding our room.
"He's cute," Tae whispered as we walked. I silently agreed, cooing as Jungkook cuddled up in Tae's arms and fisted his shirt in tiny.
We got a lift back to the door by one of the managers who didn't even bother to ask us why we were still at the studio and we thanked him when we arrived before getting out of the car. Jungkook woke up a couple of minutes into the drive but just gave Tae a small smile and held his hand, not saying anything. I wasn't annoyed at Jungkook as he didn't do anything wrong, neither did Yoongi, it was the other three who were getting annoyed and being rude when Tae was clearly out of it. I saw Tae take a deep breath before he opened the door and the three of us walked in. We immediately saw the other four sitting in the lounge room on the couches, Yoongi had one to himself while the other's were on the second one. We weren't inside for 5 seconds before Hobi sprung past me and engulfed Taehyung into a bear hug.
"I am so sorry Tae. I should've realised, I should've known that you weren't feeling well. I was tired and frustrated and I took it out on you and I'm so, so sorry that I did that. You didn't deserve what I said and I know I don't deserve it but please forgive me." I sighed as I heard Hobi begin to sob as he clutched to Taehyung, I never did like seeing anyone cry.
"It's ok Hyung. I'm fine, really," Tae replied softly, hugging Hoseok back and rubbing his back softly.
"Tae first of all, I apologise for everything I said as well. As your Hyung and leader, it's my job to make sure you're ok and I failed to notice today," Namjoon said stepping up.
"It's fine Hyung," Tae said, his eyes flicking to the leader.
"But in saying that Tae. Please tell us. We don't know much about how you feel, we need you to be able to tell us. To be able to say you need to sit out because it's getting to much, or that you need to go somewhere quiet with Jiminie," Namjoon said softly as he, Yoongi and Jin walked all the way over.
"I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for holding everyone back, I'll put in extra hours to-."
"No, no Tae that's not what we're saying. You were perfect, just not all there and there's nothing you can do about that. We shouldn't have gotten annoyed," Hobi said shaking his head as he pulled away from the hug.
"Do you understand baby? You don't need to do anything extra ok. You're doing just fine but we need you to tell us when you need a break," Yoongi said softly. Tae nodded slowly.
"We need a verbal answer please Tae Tae," he said.
"Ok. I promise I'll let you know when it get's bad," he said with a nod. We were all silent for a couple of seconds before it was interrupted.
"To finish off this sappy lil moment, group hug," Jungkook said, immediately latching onto Tae. I smiled softly and joined in and before long we were all in a big group hug in the middle of the hall. I was still annoyed at some of the boys and probably would be for a little while but Tae was ok and smiling and that's all I wished for in that moment.
This fic was requested by @calumsmbasss so I hope you enjoyed it.
Thankyou everyone for reading and I hope you liked it. I know it's been a while since I last updated but I'll do my best to keep uploading as soon as I can.
Hope you all have a great day!!!
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