(Taehyung) Abused Part 2
Taehyung's POV
It's been a month since instructor Nim first started hitting me. Since then he's kept me back at least twice a week and by now I my whole is pretty much covered in bruises. They don't have a chance to heal before I'm back alone with him and they start to get worse. I can tell that some of the boys are starting to get a bit worried about me, I can see it in their eyes. I don't think they know that I'm in pain or anything, I think it's more that I haven't been as upbeat as usual and haven't been hugging the boys much as it hurts when they push up against my bruises. I'm just praying that my acting keeps them at ease and if I continue to smile they'll just assume I'm fine. Every time we finish our little 'sessions' he reminds me what will happen if I tell anyone, only now he's started to go into details about what he would do and it's so bad I've even gone home and thrown up in the toilet. Only to ironically have Jungkook walk in and take care of me.
Right now we're all getting ready for another dance practice and I'm not really looking forward to it.
"You alright Tae, you're looking a little pale," Jimin said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I accidentally jumped and flinched a little, not expecting him to be there. His eyebrows immediately furrowed and my heart started pounding in my chest. Please don't ask, please don't Jiminie.
"I'm fine, just a little tired," I said quickly.
"Go to bed early then," he told me with a small smile on his face. I let out a small breath, thankful that he didn't really seem to realize that I flinched.
"Are you guys all ready to go," Namjoon asked as he walked downstairs.
"Yeah, let's go," Jin said as we all walked out to the car.
Jimin's POV
I walked down stairs to see a pale and tired looking Taehyung standing in the living room, looking out the window. I've noticed him slowly closing off to everyone in the past couple of weeks and I want to know why. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"You alright Tae, you're looking a little pale," I said. He jumped and turned to me quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern as I noticed him flinch as if he was scared of me. Why would he be scared off me. I noticed his eyes go wide and his breathing started to quicken as if he was panicking. I didn't want him to panic so I decided not to point out right now but I'm definitely not going to forget it.
"I'm fine, just a little tired," he said quickly.
"Go to bed early then," I said, flashing him a small smile to try and calm him down. He seemed relieved after hearing me say that.
"Are you guys all ready to go," Namjoon asked as everyone else came back downstairs.
"Yeah, let's go," Jin said. We all went out into the cars and sat down. I was next to Tae so I decided to cuddle up with him because we haven't had a chance to cuddle for a while. I frowned when I felt him tense up before he loosely put his arm around my shoulder. I started noticing the little things, like how I heard his heartrate speed up as my head was on his chest and how his fist clenched around my shirt and went almost white with how hard he was clenching it. I lifted my head up to look at him and saw that his eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched tightly. He looked hurt, was I hurting him? I sighed before slowly sitting up, hoping to stop him from hurting wherever it is that is sore. He must've pulled a muscle or something in dance practice. His eyes snapped open and he looked over at me. I noticed that he had pain in his eyes, so it must really be sore. When he saw me looking he quickly smiled and any hint of him hurting just a few seconds ago was gone. I almost gasped in surprise and, well worry. The way he went from hurt too happy without even seeming to think about it made me wonder how many times he's done something like that before. He softly grabbed my hand in his and placed it in his lap, running his thumb over my knuckles gently. I looked out the car window sadly for the rest of the trip, not wanting anyone to see I wasn't as happy as usual. When the car stopped Tae went to move his hand but I gripped it tighter and continued to hold it as we left the car, all the way into the dance studio. That's when I noticed another thing, as soon as we got into the studio where the music was already started Taehyung tensed yet again and his grip tightened quite a lot. Just add that to the list of weird reactions he's been having lately. I don't get why he was suddenly so tense all of a sudden.
"Hello instructor Nim," Jin said. Tae's grip on my hand was almost unbearably tight. My eye flicked to his face and I followed where his eyes were looking and was confused to see that he was looking at our dance instructor. I was confused for all of five seconds before a thought crossed my mind. No, that can't be right. He wouldn't have hurt Tae, right? I looked the between the two before deciding to keep a close eye on Tae and the instructor throughout practice. I know I'm probably being far too paranoid because our staff would never hurt us but when it's a question of my soulmates safety, I'll be as paranoid as I want. I slowly pulled Tae over to the side where Kookie was stretching to try and see how his body language was when he was focused on someone else. He immediately seemed to relax and had a small smile as he talked to Jungkook. It was nowhere near the big smile he used to have but it's the biggest kind of smile he's been using lately.
"Alright everyone. Get into your positions for 'Fake Love' I don't want to have to go over this too many times today," our instructor said. Tae bit his lip and took a deep breath before walking over and getting into his position. Time for detective Jimin to go to work!
~Time Skip~
Ok, my sickening theory is becoming less and less of just a theory. Since I started to actually pay attention to how Tae was acting throughout the practice, I've started to see how hard of a time he's been going and how nervous he seems around our dance instructor. I don't fully know what's happening but I definitely know for sure that Tae is scared if him for some reason. I've done my best to try and keep Tae away from him so he doesn't have to worry too much but whenever the instructor talks to him or touches him, you can see the worry in Tae's eyes.
"Alright everyone, time to pack up now. Good job," instructor said.
"I'm just going to duck to the toilet, don't leave without me," I told Yoongi before running off.
Taehyung's POV
I've noticed that for some reason Jimin has been hanging around me a lot more than usual this practice session which is odd but it was actually quite nice and comforting considering everything that's going on. Once practice was over however, Jimin left almost straight away. I was half hoping he would say with me or not let me stay back alone. I was so close to asking him for help but stopped when I remembered what instructor was going to do Jungkook if he found out I told someone.
"Ask to stay back and practice more or else you know what's going to happen," the instructor whispered to me as he walked past. My breath hitched and blinked a few times to keep the tears that were threatening to spill at bay. I don't know how much longer I can keep putting up with this.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna stay back and practice some more so can you save some food for me please," I asked.
"Are you sure Tae? You've been staying back a lot lately, maybe you should take a break," Namjoon said to me. Yes, please keep trying to convince me, maybe then the instructor will let me have a day off. I flicked my eyes over to the instructor and he narrowed his eyes at me before slowly looking towards Jungkook who was laughing at something on his phone and licked his lips. My heart sunk and I almost gagged but held it in.
"NO. I mean I don't want to Hyung. I really want to be perfect for armies," I said, quickly covering up my outburst. Instructor just watch me and smiled sadistically as I quickly looked down.
"Alright but don't push yourself too hard," Jin said ruffling my hair as he walked past.
"I won't," I said forcing a smile. Everyone waved goodbye before leaving. I slowly turned to the instructor who was leaning against the table watching me.
"Let's spice things up a bit this time shall we," he said slowly drawing out the words. My face paled and I backed up a few steps, scared about what he might mean.
"Shirt off," he told me. I looked towards the door as I briefly thought about running.
"If you even take one step towards that door, I'm paying Jungkook a visit," he said roughly. I immediately started crying, worried about what he might have in mind. I mean why would he want me to take my shirt off.
"Off, NOW. I want to be able to see my beautiful artwork," he said chuckling. I was way past being disgusted by this guy, he is literally the creepiest guy I've ever met. I can't believe PD Nim actually hired this guy. I wiped my eyes quickly before slowly lifting my shirt over my head, showing my purple littered torso. I wrapped my arms around my waist trying to cover up a little.
"Now, here is your decision for today Mr Kim. Either you can be whipped with this belt 10 times, Jungkook can lose his V-Card or I get to punch you 20 times," he told me.
"L-lose his v-card. Like you'd, you would r-."
"You have 10 seconds to answer or I'll do all three," he interrupted me.
"Punch," I said quickly, not wanting to even think about the 10 seconds being over. He made his way over to me slowly and I just stood there feeling so small and worthless. Closing my eyes and waiting for the pain to come. And it did come, boy did it come, just not where I expected. His fist collided with my face and I stumbled back, slimming and slamming my head on the floor. My vision blurred slightly and my neck started hurting a bit but he didn't stop. His continued to punch me, not caring where it was. It was like he was trying to kill me. I just wanted it to stop, all the pain was becoming too much. I suddenly heard a door slam and I was confused, that was until I heard a familiar voice.
"You motherfucker, I'm gonna kill you." I let my head loll to the side and there I saw Jimin and Yoongi standing by the door to the studio. Yoongi looked absolutely furious and Jimin was looking at me with tear-filled eyes. My Hyungs are he to save me!
Jimin's POV
Once I was done with the toilet I washed my hands and walked outside to the front of the building where everyone was supposed to be waiting for the cars to pick us up. When I got there I walked up to Yoongi Hyung who was sitting down on a bench about 5 meters behind the other's who were mucking around.
"Hey Hyung," I said sitting down next to him. He looked up at me and gave a small nod before grabbing my hand and pulling me gently down onto the bench with him. I looked over at what all the other boys were doing. Jungkook was on his phone showing Jin something as the two laughed, Hobi was showing Namjoon some weird dance moves as Joonie tried to copy him and Tae... Tae wasn't there. I immediately stood up and started to panic, how could I forget that my whole aim of today has been about helping Tae and I completely forgot out him.
"Yoongi where is Tae," I asked quickly.
"It's Hyung to-."
"Where is Tae," I said more urgently. He seemed taken aback by my outburst as I'm normally pretty gentle.
"Calm down Jimin, he's just stayed back with Instructor Nim to practice some dances," he said. Oh god.
"Hyung we have to go find him," I said rushing of into the building. Just as I got into the foyer my wrist was grabbed holding me back.
"What are you doing Jimin," Yoongi asked me frowning and looking annoyed.
"Hyung I think our instructor is hurting Tae. Please, we've got to help him," I begged. He didn't think twice, he let me go and we both immediately rushed to our dance studio. As I got down the hall I was put a little at ease as I couldn't hear any noise until I remembered that the walls were sound proof. Yoongi grabbed the door handle and swung it open, making the door slam into the wall. The sight we were met with will never leave my mind.
"You motherfucker, I'm gonna kill you," Yoongi growled. There on the floor was Tae, his shirt was discarded in the middle of the room which left his stomach and ribs exposed. My heart broke as I saw the massive purple and blue bruises that covered his torso, there was hardly any skin that wasn't coloured and untouched. His nose was bleeding, as was his lip and he had a massive bruise on his cheek. Straddling him was the instructor nim who was frozen like a deer in headlights with his fist still raised in the air mid-swing. Tae's head flopped to the side and his eyes met mine. A small smile graced his lips for a few seconds when he saw me but it went away when his eyes slipped closed and his face went slack, clearly passing out. I saw movement to my right and before I knew it, Yoongi had tackled the instructor off Tae and pinned him to the floor, his fist pummelling into him at speeds I never knew Yoongi could reach. I ran over and collapsed to me knees next to Tae, tears streaming down my face. I gently grabbed his head and put it into my lap, gently using my sleeve to wipe the blood off his face.
"I'm so sorry Tae," I sobbed. I lifted my head up and saw Yoongi was still punching the instructor who wasn't moving, Yoongi's face was red with anger.
"Hyung stop, you're going to kill him," I called out. He didn't even hear me as he continue to punch and punch.
"Hyung," I screamed. The door was swung open and I heard gasps. I turned my head to see the rest of Bangtan standing by the door. Namjoon and Jin rushed forward, grabbing one of Yoongi's arms each and pulling him back.
"Yoongi STOP," Namjoon yelled, making Yoongi go limp in his arms with a blank expression on his face.
"Are you crazy, this is a low even for you," Jin said angrily as he checked on the unconscious instructor. I was confused but then I realized no one saw Tae as I had his head in my lap and my back was facing the door.
"Hyung," I sniffled quietly.
"What Jimi-." Namjoon stopped mid-sentence when his eyes found Tae and I. Jin looked away from the instructor to see why Namjoon stopped and his eyes turned to saucers. He jumped up and ran past me. I watched as he grabbed Jungkook and pulled the confused Maknae out of the room as he pulled his phone from his pocket and closed the door. Namjoon let go of Yoongi and rushed over just as Hobi stepped closer and let out a shocked gasp.
"W-what happened? Oh my god has he been beaten," Hobi asked as he put his hand to his mouth.
"H-he was on the ground and, i-instructor nim was on top of him so Yoongi, he-." I broke down crying and clutched Tae's unconscious body in my arms. Hobi and Namjoon both turned their heads slowly to face the passed out instructor. Both of their expressions were the coldest I've ever seen them and their eyes held anger.
"Hyung please," I begged making them turn back to me and their eyes soften. I kept sobbing helplessly until I felt a soft embrace from behind and I smelt the overwhelmingly familiar scent of pine. I turned my head away from Tae and buried it in my Hyungs shoulder, not wanting to continue looking at how broken my soulmate was, despite the image already being stuck in my head. I heard sobs from behind me and realized that Yoongi had started crying as well. I nuzzled my head further into his shoulder. I heard the door open again and there were multiple footsteps heard. I heard people talking but I didn't move my head from where it was. About two minutes later I felt someone tugging Tae away from me and I screamed, terrified that it could be the instructor who was trying to hurt him. I went to rip my head away from Yoongi but he pulled me closer and slowly removed my hands from Tae. I started to panic more but Yoongi spoke softly to me.
"It's alright Jiminie, it's the paramedics. They're going to help him, not hurt him," he whispered softly. At his words I found my grip on Tae slowly loosening and I instead wrapped them around my Hyung instead. I slowly peeked out from Yoongi's shoulder and saw that there were three paramedics and four policeman in the room. Namjoon and Hobi were standing with their arms around each other and talking to two of the policeman while the other two were standing beside the instructor who had one of the paramedics attending to him. The last two paramedics were gently strapping Tae into a stretcher. The two policeman nodded before Hobi and Namjoon walked towards Yoongi and I. Namjoon gently pulled me from Yoongi's grip and let me wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I tucked my head into his neck and started sobbing again. I felt movement which meant Namjoon was moving. About 30 seconds later I felt myself transferred into a different pair of familiar arms. I didn't even need to see him to know that it was the Maknae. Usually I would absolutely hate to have the Maknae seeing me cry and having him look after me but right now I didn't care. One of my dongsaeng's is hurt so I'm glad to have my other close to me.
Here is part two to the abused Tae series, there will be at least another one.
We got an angry and protective Yoongi in this one
Thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)
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