(Jungkook) Wrongly Accused
Jimin's POV
"JUNGKOOK." I almost jumped and fell off my bed at the sound of Taehyung's yelling. He sounded made which isn't good, especially when it's directed towards Jungkook who he never gets mad at. I quickly ran out of my room and into the living room where the two Maknae's were along with Jin who was watching in confusion like me. The rap line were recording stuff in the studio.
"What's going on," I asked as I went over and stood next to Jin. Taehyung looked furious while Jungkook looked a little confused.
"Jungkook is being a brat," Tae said angrily.
"What did you do," Jin asked Jungkook.
"Nothing, literally nothing. I don't know what Tae Tae is going on about," Jungkook replied with a shrug.
"Don't call me Tae Tae, it's Hyung to you," Tae frowned. I noticed a hint of hurt and sadness flash through Jungkook's eyes and I would've given him a hug but I'm not sure what he's done yet.
"Taehyung just explain what's happened," I said quickly.
"Jungkook wanted me to go to the mall with him today but I said no as I wanted to spend some time to myself and maybe play some PlayStation. He was really annoyed but I said no. I just had a shower and I came back to my new controller on the floor in pieces," Tae told us. Oh, that's low. Why would Jungkook do that? It doesn't sound like something he'd usually do, maybe he needs a bit of a scolding.
"What? I didn't touch your controller, I swear," Jungkook said quickly.
"Kookie, that was a very petty thing to do. You are going to apologize and buy him a new controller," Jin said sternly.
"But I didn't do anything. I never even touched it," Jungkook said shaking his head quickly.
"DON'T LIE," Tae yelled as he rushed forwards and grabbed the front of Jungkook's shirt, pulling him forwards. My eyes went wide and I rushed forwards to pull them away, however Jungkook reacted quicker. The younger seemed to panic and quickly shoved Tae backwards. I could tell that he didn't mean to push so hard but sometimes the Maknae didn't realize his own strength. Tae went backwards and slipped on a magazine that was on the floor, falling backwards and clipping the side of his head on the coffee table.
"Taehyung," Jin yelled out as he rushed forwards too check on the dazed dongsaeng. I looked at Jungkook to see that he had tears in his eyes and his hands were covering his mouth in shock.
"GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW JUNGKOOK. I'll deal with you later," Jin said. Jungkook quickly brushed past me and I couldn't help but notice the tears streaming down his face.
"Tae, can you hear me," Jin asked softly as he gently helped Tae sit up and lean against the couch. I sighed and quickly knelt down next to them. Tae's eyes flicked to me and he grabbed his head with his hand frowning.
"Are you ok," I asked gently.
"Y-yeah. I've just got a bit of a headache," he groaned.
"You sure you don't have a concussion or something," I asked quickly.
"Yeah. I know my name and the date and everything," he replied.
"I don't know why Jungkook did that but he's going to get a firm scolding and I will personally make sure he apologizes and buys you a new controller bub," Jin said pulling Tae into his lap and wrapping his arms around him. Tae put his head on Jin's shoulder and let out a breath.
"I'll tell him off. It's worse when I tell him off because I'm usually quite calm with him," I said. Ok, so yes that's true but that's not why I said that. There is no way Jungkook intentionally meant for that to happen and he will already be beating himself up about it, the last thing he needs is one of his Hyungs yelling at him.
"Alright, I'll keep an eye on Tae until the other three keep home. They should be back soon," Jin replied. I nodded and rushed upstairs to Jungkook's room and knocked. When he didn't answer I slowly opened it and peaked inside, sighing at the sight. Jungkook was sitting on his bed that lies in the corner of the room. He was pushed up right into the corner with his knees to his chest and his head resting on top of them. His doe eyes were tear filled and looking over at me in fear and regret.
"Aish don't cry," I said with a sigh as I walked over sat down next to him. I went to wrap my arms around him but he pushed them away and cowered further into the corner.
"It was an accident Jungkookie. I'm not mad at you," I whispered softly. He looked at me apprehensively as I opened my arms for him. He paused for a second before shuffling forwards and melting into my embrace. I held him for a couple of minutes as he cried his eyes out before pulling away when he calmed down a little bit.
"Is Tae ok," he asked quietly.
"Yeah he's fine," I replied as he nodded.
"Do you wanna explain to me what happened though? I've heard it from Tae's point of view but not from yours," I said.
"I didn't mean to hurt him Hyung, I promise. Please believe me, I would never intentionally hurt him," he said, starting to get worked up again.
"It's ok Kookie, I know. I know you would never want to hurt anyone. I'm just asking about what happened with the controller," I said, grabbing his hand gently. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve before replying.
"I wanted to go shopping with him earlier today but he didn't want to and got annoyed with me so I decided to just let him be. I only got back here about an hour ago and I never even went into his room. I went straight her and sat down on my bed because I was a bit tired. I don't know what Tae was talking about," he said shaking his head.
"Were you angry with him or something," I asked with a small frown.
"No. I would never be angry at him without a good reason and him being reasonable and wanting a day to himself is not a good reason," he told me sadly.
"Alright, I'll look into it some more but right now you just need to get some sleep ok. And don't feel guilty, it was an accident and if anything it was Tae's fault," I said with a sigh.
"Is he definitely ok," Jungkook asked quietly.
"He'll have a massive headache for a while but he'll be ok," I replied, giving him a small smile.
"Aren't you supposed to be telling me off Jiminie," he asked me in confusion.
"I told Jin I would so maybe act a bit down around me tomorrow but I don't think you need to be scolded. I believe that you wouldn't ever try to hurt Tae. Plus he's been a bit angry lately so I think maybe he just took it out on you. I think I'll have to talk to him later," I said, standing up. He nodded and I walked over to his door, turning the light of and going to leave.
"Hyung." I paused, hearing him call me Hyung when it's not as a joke or around others is unusual.
"C-can you stay here tonight please," he asked quietly.
"Kook, you're supposed to be in trouble and I probably shouldn't," I said with a sigh.
"P-please. I I'm scared. I could've really hurt hi-."
"Alright move over," I said interrupting him as I closed his door and walked over to his bed. Jungkook can be quite a softie and I know that he get's nightmares easily, which means there's a good chance that he could get one about hurting Tae and I don't want that. I can deal with getting in trouble about babying him tomorrow. He held up the blanket and I slipped underneath, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer to me. He rested his head on my chest and I gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head before closing my eyes.
"Go to sleep Kookie," I whispered.
"Thank you for believing me Jiminie. I love you," he said.
"I love you to, now sleep," I said with a chuckle.
Jungkook's POV
I can't deal with this anymore. It's been a week since Tae accused me of smashing his controller and pretty much everyone has been ignoring me since then. I tried to tell them that I didn't do anything but apparently since Jin was in the kitchen and Jimin was in his room, it had to have been me and since they think I'm lying they're ignoring me. Jimin is the only one that talks to me pretty easily and I know he believes me but there isn't much that he can do. I'm just thankful that he's not ignoring me like the other's. Tae's been the worst though, he won't even look at me and when he does, he's scowling or glaring at me. I haven't been eating well either, because it's really awkward when no one wants to talk to you or acknowledge you. I've been getting nightmares as well, that's probably one of the worst things, whenever I close my eyes I can see myself doing something to him, only this time he isn't fine. This time he's dead. I've decided to try not to sleep instead and it's working but now I'm really tired, and I keep making mistakes.
"Seriously Jungkook, that's the four time you've made the same mistake. Stop being lazy and do it properly," Hobi yelled at me as I yet again stuffed up in the middle of 'Boy With Luv'.
"I'm sorry Hyung," I said, struggling to keep my eyes open.
"Sorry isn't good enough, you-."
"Shut up," Jimin interrupted him, making everyone's jaws drop. He quickly walked over to me and grabbed my face in his hands.
"Kook when's the last time you slept," he asked softly.
"I'm fine," I said quickly as everyone look to me, even Tae who for once wasn't glaring at me, in fact he looked... concerned?
"Answer the question Kookie," he said. I sighed and looked down mumbling quietly.
"Speak up," Jimin said.
"About three days ago," I said a little louder. His eyes went wide and he gasped.
"Three days, how are you even standing," he asked as everyone had pretty much the same reaction as him.
"I said I'm fine Jimin-ssi, so back off," I said angrily before I could help myself.
"Stop being a brat Jungkook, he's trying to help you," Tae said stepping forwards angrily. Another thing he won't do is call me Kookie anymore and I miss it. I'm so tired of everything right now.
"I'm sorry, please just stop," I said with a sigh as I felt tears prick in my eyes.
"So you finally admit you did it," he said with a scoff.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry please just stop. I c-can't take it anymore," I said pushing away from Jimin and backing up against the wall, tugging at my hair slightly. Tae seemed taken aback and his face fell slightly, taking a step back.
"JUST STOP IT. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'M SORRY OK, I'M SORRY. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M SORRY FOR BUT I AM. SO PLEASE JUST STOP IGNORING ME. I CAN'T EAT, I CAN'T SLEEP AND NO ONE WILL TALK TO ME," I yelled, interrupting Namjoon as I fell to the floor and started sobbing. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I didn't care who it was, I just needed comfort. I threw myself into their arms, just hoping they would catch me which thankfully they did. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and hold me close to them as I continued to cry. I was so tired, and the embrace was so warm that I could feel my eyes slip closed. I tried so hard to stay awake but I couldn't help it.
"Hey Kookie." I turned to see a happy looking Tae smiling in front of me. My heart broke as I realized what was about to happen, what I couldn't stop.
"Go away Tae, please. I don't want to hurt you," I managed to force out quickly as I begun to feel my control over my body slip away.
"What do you mean? You would never hurt me Kookie, you love me too much," he chuckled. That's when any control I had faded away and could only watch and internally cry as I watched what happened next. My hands were wrapped around his throat within seconds and his eyes widened in fear and confusion. Before he could say anything though, I found myself flinging him back into a wall. He gasped in pain but I didn't stop. I started crying and trying to beg myself to stop hurting him but it didn't help anything. I found myself grabbing his head and smashing it into the wall repetitively. Bang. Bang. Bang. Before long there was blood sleeping from his head and the wall had a hole in it as he wasn't moving. I didn't stop though, I did it a good five more times before I finally stopped and he fell to the floor, limp. Please no, oh my god. His eyes were open but empty as he stared at me and his chest wasn't moving either and I knew he was dead. I had killed him!
Taehyung's POV
Jungkook is annoying me so much right now, he just stuffed up in the dance, AGAIN. Now Hobi was telling him off but Jungkook hardly even looked like he was listening.
"Sorry isn't good enough, you-."
"Shut up." I gasped as Jimin interrupted Hobi's scolding. I was shocked, he just did one of the rudest things I've ever heard him do. He never disrespects his elders!
"Kook when's the last time you slept," he asked as he walked over and grabbed Jungkook's face. I paused slightly, taking a look at Jungkook. He does look a bit pale and tired, has he not been sleeping.
"I'm fine," Jungkook answered quickly.
"Answer the question Kookie," Jimin said. Jungkook looked down and I saw him mumbling something.
"Speak up," Jimin said. Jungkook said something again but I still couldn't hear it. Jimin however gasped.
"Three days, how are you even standing," Jimin said. WHAT? He hasn't slept in three days!?
"I said I'm fine Jimin-ssi, so back off," Jungkook said. That made me completely forget my concern and I frowned at his rudeness.
"Stop being a brat Jungkook, he's trying to help you," I said stepping closer. His eyes flicked to me and I was a little surprised to see that his eyes were blank and dull.
"I'm sorry, please just stop," he said sighing. About time he admits that he's been lying and he did break my stuff. God he can be so childish some times.
"So you finally admit you did it," I said scoffing and rolling my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry please just stop. I c-can't take it anymore," he said as he push himself away from Jimin and backing up against the wall. He grabbed his hair in his hands and began to tug on it. I took a step back in shock as I saw how desperate he looked and how upset he was. What's going on and what can't he take?
"Jungk-." Before Namjoon could finish, he was interrupted by the said person.
"JUST STOP IT. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'M SORRY OK, I'M SORRY. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M SORRY FOR BUT I AM. SO PLEASE JUST STOP IGNORING ME. I CAN'T EAT, I CAN'T SLEEP AND NO ONE WILL TALK TO ME," he yelled as he fell to the floor and sobbed. My heart dropped and we all stood there dumbfounded. He hasn't been eating? Despite being angry at him for breaking my stuff and lying, I don't like seeing him hurt and crying. Yoongi was the first to move and he went over to Jungkook, placing a gently hand on his shoulder. Before anyone else could react, Jungkook basically threw himself at Yoongi who struggled but managed to catch him at the last second. The second eldest wrapped his arms around him tightly and didn't let go. We all stood there for a while in shock until Jungkook's sobs quietened down and then stopped completely.
"He's asleep," Yoongi whispered.
"W-what just happened," J-Hope asked.
"I don't know," Namjoon said.
"I do." Everyone looked to Jimin at his whisper.
"He didn't do it," he added. Everyone immediately understood what he was talking about.
"What do you mean. Of course he did. He was the only other one there and he was pissed at me," I said rolling my eyes. Of course he gives in when he sees Jungkook upset. Sure I was worried about him but that doesn't excuse what he did.
"I didn't tell him off that night. When I told you I would," Jimin said quietly, turning to Jin.
"What. Come on Jimin. You can't keep letting the Maknae's get away with everything or they won't learn. No wonder he doesn't learn," Jin said.
"I found him on his bed crying and scared. He didn't mean to push Tae that night, you just gave him a fright," Jimin said looking at me now.
"Well he broke my new controller and lied about it," I yelled.
"No he didn't. Where was your proof huh? He sounded genuinely confused about what I was saying," Jimin said.
"He was the only one there," I repeated.
"Wait, there's camera's in our rooms right. Why don't we just check on my tablet to see what happened because I have access to the recordings," Namjoon said.
"Are you kidding me?! You've had that the whole time and you didn't think to check and see if what Tae said was true," Jimin yelled. I saw Namjoon and Jin's eyes darken at how rude he was being.
"You need to calm down Jimin. We're still your Hyungs," Jin said frowning.
"Calm down? Calm down? Our Maknae just had a break down in front of us, he hasn't been eating or sleeping and you're telling me to calm down," Jimin yelled yet again.
"Jimin, please. We don't want you to wake him back up. I understand you're frustrated right now but let's just check the video and see what happened," Yoongi said quietly as he put his hoodie underneath Jungkook's head and walked over to us. Jimin still looked mad but he nodded so Namjoon grabbed his tablet and walked in the middle of us. After a few minutes he managed to find the video from that night. We always have the camera's in the dorms on when we're there so that staff can edit videos and uploaded them about us. There are none in the bathrooms though, as they want to respect our privacy.
"What time was it," Joonie asked.
"Around 9," I said rolling my eyes. I seriously don't get why we need to do this but whatever. Namjoon pressed play at the time I said and fast forward to when I went into the bathroom for my shower. Everyone saw as I put my controller on my desk next to the window before I left.
"See it's fine," I said.
"Just be quiet and watch," Yoongi said sternly. I sighed but didn't argue.
Oh no. No, no, no, no. I've messed up. I messed up real bad. Everyone was silent for a couple of minutes after watching the recording. We watched as a bird, a bloody bird flew through my window and around my room a little, knocking my controller off the desk in the process. Due to it being high up, it smashed on the ground and broke.
"Shit," I said quietly.
"Yeah shit is right. Are you telling me you made everyone pissed and ignore him over this," Jimin said angrily.
"It's not his fault Jimin. No one would have guessed that something like that could happen. It was pretty valid," Jin said shaking his head. To be honest I agree with Jimin, I have some serious apologizing to do. I can't believe I've put him through being ignored because I was in a bad mood and was quick to blame.
"No, it wasn't valid Jin. Neither was us ignoring him without properly listening to all of the facts," Yoongi said shaking his head.
"We have a lot of apologizing to do when he wakes up. We all know he looks up to us and loves getting hugs and laughing around. He's had to go a week without all that, without even knowing why," he added with a sigh. Hobi looked like he was going to say something but we all went quiet when we heard a small whimper.
I turned my head to see Jungkook with his face scrunched up and his hands clenched in fists, he was still asleep though.
"No, please. Please Tae I don't want to hurt you," he mumbled as I heard a gasp from next to me.
"Oh my god, I know why he hasn't been sleeping," Jimin said, rushing over to the Maknae.
"Kookie. Kookie please wake up. It's just a nightmare, you haven't hurt him," Jimin said trying to shake Jungkook awake. That's when I realized what he went. Jun-Kookie was having a nightmare because of what happened when he pushed me that night. It actually completely slipped my mind after my headache went away. He's always been so soft when it comes to one of us getting hurt and given that he was the one that hurt me, of course he would take that hard.
"No, no I don't want to. I can't stop. Please stop hurting him," he pleaded and tears started to slip down his face. My heart broke at the sight felt my own eyes well up with tears.
"Wake him up Jimin," I said quickly.
"He isn't waking up. JUNGKOOK," he yelled shaking him harder but Jungkook only screamed. Namjoon rushed past me and grabbed a glass of water. He ran back over to Kookie and Jimin before dumping it on the Maknae's face. He immediately gasped and woke up, eyes looking everywhere frantically. His eyes met mine and his they welled up again.
"Tae Tae, I'm mean Taehyung. Y-you're," he clenched his eyes closed and took a shuddered breath. I was confused as to why he corrected himself before I remember how I yelled at him for using my nickname.
I felt the tears slip down my face and I rushed forwards, pushing past Namjoon and Jimin before grabbing Jungkookie in my arms and pulling him as close to me as I possibly could. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders tightly.
"I'm so, so sorry Kookie. I've been such an ass and I never meant to hurt you. I love you so much Kookie. I know you would never hurt me," I cried. I heard him sob and he hugged me back.
"Please forgive me Kook. I promise I'll look after you ok, I promise," I said running my hands through his hair.
"I killed you," he whispered.
"No, no you didn't. You would never do that ok," I replied.
"I'm so tired Tae," he said quietly.
"I know you are baby, I know you are. You can get some sleep ok, I'm gonna be right here. I promise I won't let anything hurt you ok. You can rest," I whispered. I felt him relax and nod in my grip.
"Promise," he whispered again.
"I promise," I said. I felt arms around my waist and the next second I was dragged backwards until my back was against the wall. I silently thanked Jimin and leant back, pulling Jungkook onto my lap, repositioning him so he was comfortable. He moved his head onto my chest, just fellow my chin and curled up with his hands fisting my shirt softly as he let out a breath.
"He's quite tired we should let him sleep. Will you be fine sitting there with him," Namjoon asked.
"I'll be fine. He definitely deserves it anyway. I'll just sit here and watch you guys practice," I said with a nod, keeping my arms protectively wrapped around my dongsaeng.
Jungkook's POV
I felt something wet on my face, making my eyes snap open and me wake abruptly. Thank god that nightmare was over. My eyes flicked around until I saw Tae, he looked worried but nonetheless, alive.
"Tae Tae, I'm mean Taehyung. Y-you're," I clenched his eyes closed and took a quick breath. I didn't even want to finish that sentence. I watched in confusion as tears started to fall down Tae's face. He suddenly ran forwards, pushing past Namjoon and Jimin who were in front of me. He grabbed me and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He's hugging me, I'm in his arms. I suddenly felt much safer and more at easr.
"I'm so, so sorry Kookie. I've been such an ass and I never meant to hurt you. I love you so much Kookie. I know you would never hurt me," he said. Hearing him call me Kookie and speak softly to me made me sob and hug him back tightly. He isn't ignoring me!
"Please forgive me Kook. I promise I'll look after you ok, I promise," he said and I felt his fingers run through my hair softly.
"I killed you," I whispered, remembering my horrible nightmare.
"No, no you didn't. You would never do that ok," he replied. I continued to cry out of relief and pure exhaustion.
"I'm so tired Tae," I said quietly as I struggled to stop myself from falling back asleep.
"I know you are baby, I know you are. You can get some sleep ok, I'm gonna be right here. I promise I won't let anything hurt you ok. You can rest," he whispered. As worried as I was that he was lying I could hear the sincerity in his tone. I relaxed slightly and gave a small nod
"Promise," I asked again, just in case.
"I promise," he said. I felt myself been dragged along in Tae's arms and despite being confused I didn't care, as long as I was in Tae's arms and not being ignored or glared at. I felt Tae pull me onto his lap more, moving me around I little. I quickly responded by placing my head onto my his chest and curling me up with my hands gently gripping his shirt. I let out a breath, feeling calmer as I smelt his familiar cologne that usually calms me down.
"He's quite tired we should let him sleep. Will you be fine sitting there with him," I heard Namjoon asked.
"I'll be fine. He definitely deserves it anyway. I'll just sit here and watch you guys practice," Tae said, nodding and pulling me closer if it was even possible. I smiled to myself at his protectiveness. Sure he was angry at me and ignoring me for I reason that wasn't even true and I have no idea why he's forgiven me now but I don't care. I have my brother back and he'll look after me well!
Please enjoy guys, I hope you liked it and thankyou for reading. Feel free to leave comments, feedback is welcome!
Have a lovely day and stay safe!
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