(Jungkook) Low Blood Sugar
Jungkook's POV
Living with diabetes from a young age was always a bit of a problem for me and almost meant that I wouldn't be able to become a KPOP Idol like I dreamed of but I managed to get it under control when I was younger and learned how to keep it in check. The boys all know about it and so does PD Nim and some staff but other than that not many other people know, apart from my family of course.
We're getting close to our next comeback which means we need to be in the best shape possible. That also means that we've all been spending a lot of time going to the gym. Well, except Yoongi who said he'd rather die than go to the gym but we all know he does secretly work out. This past week I have gone to the gym every single day, whether it be by myself or with some of the other members. For some reason I've been getting very dizzy quite often and I'm not really sure why. I think I might be overworking myself and getting tired but oh well, I need to be perfect for the Army's.
"Jungkookieeeeee," Jimin whined bouncing up and down on my bed as I groaned tiredly.
"Go away Jimin," I said opening my eyes to see him pout.
"Come on Kookie, you promised you'd go to the gym with Joonie and I," he said sitting up and crossing his arms, looking down at me. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
"Sorry, I forgot. Give me about 10 minutes to get changed and then we can go," I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. He nodded and left the room quickly. I yawned before getting up and quickly getting changed into some gym clothes, grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to where Jimin and Namjoon were waiting.
"Ready to go," Joonie asked me and I nodded quickly.
"Great, let's go get some muscles," Jimin said bouncing up and down while flexing his arms as I chuckled.
~Time Skip~
It didn't take us long to get to the gym and pretty soon we were warming up and getting into our workouts. We all have pretty different workouts most of the time but we still prefer having someone at the gym with us. I watched as Jimin stretched and cringed internally at how much he can fold his body, he can literally fold in half and it's a little scary.
"Joonie let me help you stretch," he said bouncing over to the leader who was stretching. Where he gets all this energy so early in the morning, I have no idea. I saw Namjoon's eyes go wide and laughed at how quick he was to say that he had already stretched. Jimin pouted before shrugging and starting on his workout. I quickly went over grab a kettlebell so I could get into my squats.
20 minutes later and the three of us are all already sweating but we still have at least 40 minutes of work to do, if not more.
"Kookie, I can't reach the bar," Jimin said making me turn to him. He was standing below the chin up bar just looking up at it.
"Can you lift me up," he asked shyly. I chuckled at how much of a child he was being, he is a very good jumper and could probably reach it easily but oh well. I walked over and bent down grabbing just above his knees and lifted him up, holding him there until he grabbed the bar. He laughed before beginning to do his chin ups as I walked over near Namjoon.
"How're you going Kook," he asked me with a smile.
"I'm going great, I don't mind coming here, it actually gets kind of fun sometimes," I told him.
"That's good. Jin wanted me to tell you that it's your turn to wash the dishes tonight by the way," he told me, making me groan.
"I hate dishes," I said as I went down to the floor and began my push ups.
"Too bad, we've all got to do them at one point and today is your day of the week," Namjoon replied.
"Fine but everyone else better not make a mess at dinner," I huffed. I heard him chuckle before he walked off. I continued my usual workout easily until I had about 20 minutes to go. I suddenly started feeling really dizzy all of a sudden. I stumbled on my way to grab my water bottle and my vision blurred, making me blink slightly in confusion.
"You alright Kook," I blinked again and looked around not seeing much and not registering who it was that said my name. By now I knew that this wasn't just a random dizziness, it was something to do with my blood sugar.
"Are you alright, you're looking awfully pale." I whined lowly in the back of my throat as the dizziness increased and I couldn't do anything to stop the thumping in my head.
Jimin's POV
Namjoon, Jungkook and I have been working out for about half an hour and it's been quite fun. We have music playing quietly in the background and we've been helping each other out. My workout today isn't as intense as usually because I don't want to tire myself out too much. I was in the middle of doing some squats when I saw Jungkook stumble as he went to get his water. I immediately stopped and walked over to him.
"You alright Kookie," I asked softly as I put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't even register my hand just looked around the room with a blank look in his eyes, almost seeming like he was looking through me and I was confused.
"Joon," I said notifying the older who walked over.
"Are you alright, you're looking awfully pale," Namjoon said when he saw Jungkook. He really does look quite pale. I heard Jungkook make a small whine as he scrunched up his nose a little. I was confused at what was happening but I noticed him begin to fall and stressed out.
"JUNGKOOKIE," I screamed dashing forwards and catching him before lowing him to the ground and letting him rest against the weight rack.
"Joonie what's happening," I asked as I ran my hand through the Maknaes sweaty bangs. Jungkook immediately pushed his head further into my hand so I ran both hands over his face and in his hair softly to try and bring him some sort of comfort. I'm glad he hasn't passed out just yet but he seriously looks like he's about to.
"Shit, I think his blood sugar might be low," Namjoon said, quickly rushing off and bringing back Jungkook's backpack. What he said made a lot of sense and I was a little worried about Jungkook but Namjoon's usually pretty good at looking after him. He began to pull out all of Jungkook's stuff for his diabetes as Jungkook began mumbling under his breath. I tried to hear what he was saying but he was too quiet.
"Can you give me his finger please Min," Namjoon asked. I nodded and grabbed Jungkook's hand turning it around and holding his index finger up so Joonie could prick it with the lancet. Jungkook flinched when he got pricked but didn't cry out or anything. Namjoon quickly got a test strip and carefully put the blood in it. He then put the strip in the blood glucose meter and waited for the results.
"It's alright Kookie, we've got you," I said softly just in case he didn't realize we were here looking after him. After hearing a beep Namjoon quickly read the results before sighing and running his through his hair briefly.
"How bad is it," I asked him.
"It's not dangerous but he does have very low blood sugar, do you have any snacks in your bag," he asked me. I nodded and quickly got up, going to grab the skittles I have in my bag. Jungkook whined when we lost contact so I made sure I was quick. When I got back I handed Namjoon my pack of skittles.
"Kookie can you hear me," he asked. Jungkook slowly nodded his head slowly and looked up to meet Namjoon eyes.
"M tired," he slurred slightly.
"No, Kook you've gotta stay awake. Eat this," I said as Joonie opened the skittle packet and grabbed one, placing it next to Jungkook's mouth softly. After a couple of seconds Jungkook slowly took the skittle in his mouth and chewed for a while before swallowing. I then grabbed another one and did the same thing. We sat on the ground with Jungkook patiently doing that for a good 20 minutes before he finally seemed perked up. He still looked a little tired but he was no longer pale and was now able to talk better to us.
"You feeling ok," I asked him quietly.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for stopping your workouts," he said with a sigh.
"Don't you ever be sorry for something like that alright Kookie. I don't care what we're doing, if you're ever in trouble we will never hesitate to help you," Namjoon said firmly. I saw Jungkook's eyes fill with tears so I quickly pulled him into a tight hug, Namjoon joining as well. Jungkook cried quietly for a couple of minutes before pulling away with a little sniffle. I quickly wiped all the tears from his eyes and off his face as he gave me a small smile.
"Why're you crying," I asked him softly.
"I was just a little scared," he said going bright red and looking down shyly.
"How come," Namjoon asked him delicately.
"It just happened without warning and I couldn't even recognize your voices to begin with," he said fiddling with his fingers and biting his lip a little.
"Maybe we should get you to the doctors and have them check you out. Has this happened before," Namjoon asked.
"Well not this bad but lately I have been getting a little dizzy easier. I thought I was just overworking myself and it would pass," he said with a sigh. I put my arm back over his shoulder and pulled him closer to me, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.
Namjoon's POV
Jimin put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, scooting closer and allowing to Maknae to place his head on his shoulder.
"You should've told someone that was happening Kook. Even if it is just you overworking yourself, that's still not good," I said shaking my head.
"I know. I'm sorry," he said with a small sigh.
"That's alright bunny, just don't do it again," Jimin told him gently. Jungkook nodded and buried his head further in Jimin's shoulder. I internally cooed at the Maknaes cuteness.
"I think it's time we get you home and let you sleep a little," I said with a chuckle as Jimin grinned. I helped the two of them up and we grabbed our bags (I took Kookie's) going out to where the cars were waiting. The drive home didn't take too long and when we got inside we were found Taehyung and Hoseok watching a movie, Jin in the kitchen and Yoongi somewhere upstairs in his room. Jungkook slowly waddled over to where Tae was sitting on the couch and flopped down, cuddling straight up to his youngest Hyung. Tae seemed confused at the youngers actions and looked up at us with raised eyebrows.
"His blood sugar dropped suddenly at the gym and he almost passed out. We got it back up but he's really tired," I explained. Hobi gasped and looked over at the Maknae in concern as Tae hugged the Maknae protectively.
"Did you say Kookie almost passed out," Jin asked poking his head into the room.
"His blood sugar got a little low yes," I said with a nod. Jin frowned and walked over to the two youngest, placing a soft kiss on Jungkook's forehead. A couple of seconds later Yoongi walked downstairs with Jimin. He looked like he just woke up and was a little grumpy but he went over and sat down on the couch next to Tae and Jungkook. I'm guessing Jimin explained what happened to him.
"We should probably keep an eye on him for a little while so something like that doesn't happen again. Can someone book him a doctors appointment as well please," he said after looking over and making sure Jungkook was ok.
"I will," Jin said before getting up and leaving.
"Sleep well Kook," I whispered to him, placing a kiss on his cheek as he smiled gently.
This was requested by @calumsbasss, I hope it's what you wanted :) This was a bit of a short chapter but thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day or night everyone.
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