(Jimin) Seizure on Stage Part 2
Jungkook's POV
I was in the middle of dancing when I heard Tae scream Jimin's name. I turned around in shock and worry to see Tae standing there with fearful eyes and a shaking Jimin in his arms. Wait, shaking? Shit, he's having a seizure, oh my god. Before I could allow myself to panic at the sight of one of my Hyung's scared and another having a seizure, I shoved the fear to the back of my mind and rushed forwards to help, ripping off my jacket as I ran. I gently pulled Jimin from Taehyung's arms and placed him on the floor with my jacket under his head to make sure it wouldn't get hurt. I then turned his body to his side like I was taught to do if someone had a seizure. I also loosened his tie so it would be easier for him to be able to breathe during his seizure. I was vaguely aware of the other boys running over and kneeling down in front of us but I was too busy quickly looking around to make sure there was nothing close by that could potentially cause Jimin to get hurt.
"Keep track of the time and how long it's been," I said as I turned to Yoongi how usually wears a watch. He nodded and looked down at it.
"Is there anything we can do? Should we get him off stage," Jin asked.
"No. No definitely don't move him. Just wait it out, it's too dangerous to move him. I assume someone's already called an ambulance," I said, not moving my eyes from Jimin.
"Ok, just don't move. We don't want anyone videoing, Jimin will be embarrassed enough as it is," he replied.
"Will he be ok," Hobi asked worriedly.
"He should be, hopefully. It's no doubt from him reacting badly to the heat and his body temperature getting too high. We'll just let the paramedic's look after him when they get here, he's as safe as he can be right now," I said sadly as I watched Jimin. I silently willed myself not to cry as we need to focus on Jimin. I shuffled as close to Jimin as I could without touching him and leant closer so he would be able to hear me if he was still conscious.
"It's ok Jimin, you're doing great. Just hold in there Hyung it'll pass. You're doing so well," I whispered. I continued to whisper to him for about a minute before he stopped seizing, just as the paramedics rushed onto the stage. I backed away so that they could help him, as did the other's, except Tae for some reason. I grabbed his arm and quickly pulled him up and away from Jimin while the paramedics looked after him.
"Uh Tae, you ok." I turned around and looked at Tae at Yoongi's words. Tae was just standing there, staring blankly ahead with slightly glazed eyes.
"Hey, Tae. Talk to me Hyung," I said turning him to face me and waving a hand in his face. He wasn't reacting at all to anything I was doing though.
"Tae. What's wrong with him," I asked turning to Namjoon who walked over. He put his hands on Tae's shoulder and shook him slightly but he still didn't react.
"I'm not sure. Tae can you hear us," he asked.
"Is he even breathing," I asked. Everyone was quiet for a couple of seconds before I realised.
"Shit, he's not breathing. Someone find one of our ventilators," I said as I quickly scooped Tae up in my arms and rushed him backstage. Sure, I'm worried about Jimin but he's got the paramedics to look after him and Taehyung has clearly freaked out. When we got to one of the backstage rooms, Yoongi pulled Tae from my arms and sat down on the couch, placing Tae on his lap and rubbing his back gently. One of our medics rushed over to help out just as a manager came over.
"The paramedics are here and they said two people can go with them," the manager told us.
"Kook and I will go. You guys help Tae and keep us updated, we'll tell you what's happening with Jimin," Namjoon said, quickly grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. We followed the two paramedics who had Jimin on a stretcher to the ambulance. One got into the driver's seat and the other one pulled Jimin into the back and motioned for us to sit follow him. We sat down on the seats on one side while Jimin was in the stretcher on the other, with the paramedic next to him. I bounced my knee up and down anxiously as I looked at Jimin who had an oxygen mask on his face and his eyes closed.
"Is he going to be ok Sir," I asked quickly.
"We won't know for sure until he regains consciousness but I would say he's going to be fine. It appears that due to dancing and running in the heat, his body temperature increased too much. He's also probably a bit too dehydrated so we'll put him on some IV fluid," the paramedic, John said. I understood most of what he said but Namjoon also translated it for me.
"Ok, good," I said with relief. We were silent for about a minute before I heard movement and soft mumbling. My head snapped up and I jumped up, seeing that Jimin was moving. I placed a gentle hand on his should so that when he was more aware, he hopefully wouldn't get as scared knowing someone was there with him.
"Jiminie, you with us," I mumbled.
"His stats are stable, this is good. Talk to him a bit so I can see how he's reacting as he might not understand me too well," John said. I nodded and gently ran my hand through Jimin's hair. Jimin raised his hand and tried to take off his mask but I quickly grabbed it out of his hand and put it back on.
"Leave it on Hyung. How are you doing? Can you speak," I asked him. He blinked his eyes slowly and turned his head to look at me.
"Jungkookie, what's going on," he asked quietly. He tried to sit up and his eyes darted around frantically. I quickly shushed him and stopped him from sitting up.
"It's ok Jimin, you're alright. There was an accident on stage and you got a bit too overheated. You collapsed and had a seizure but you're going to be fine. We're in an ambulance on our way to the hospital just to make sure you're doing ok," I said softly.
"D-did Army see," he asked nervously. I frowned slightly but sighed and decided it best wasn't to lie.
"They did for a moment but we covered you as best as we could. There's no need to be embarrassed Jiminie, it was just a freak accident," I said. He nodded and sighed.
"You scared me for a bit there though, please don't do that again," I said quickly, feeling my eyes well up as I felt my emotions start to come back up.
"Oh Kook, I'm so-."
"No, don't move Jimin, I'm fine," I said, once again holding him down as I pushed my emotions away again. He whined slightly but then just settled with grabbing my hand in his. I felt arms around my waist and turned to see Namjoon giving me a small smile. He pulled me back onto his lap so the doctor could examine Jimin more.
"I've let the other's know what happened and they said that Tae is calming down. He just panicked with what happened to Jimin," Namjoon whispered in my ear so Jimin couldn't hear. I nodded and we just sat and waited until we got to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital, Jimin was taken to have tests run on him just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong but the paramedic said he should be just fine given how well he was responding in the van.
"Any idea how Tae's going," I asked Namjoon.
"Seokjin just messaged me and said he's fine now and they're on their way over. Apparently Yoongi's been trying to figure out an excuse as to why he's not letting go of Tae's hand," Namjoon said chuckling slightly. I went to laugh but I had a sudden feeling of dread. Oh, right, here comes those emotions again. I looked down quickly, trying to hide my face from Namjoon as the tears started streaming down my face.
"Kook," I froze as I heard Namjoon's soft voice, his comfort voice. He always uses that voice when he knows I'm upset and it always sets me off. I quickly turned around and threw myself at him, burrowing my head into his shoulder and curling myself up in his arms.
"Oh Kookie, it's ok. You did so well baby, so, so well to look after your Hyung. I am so proud of you baby, you did exactly what you needed to do because none of your Hyungs really knew what to do," Namjoon said running his fingers through my hair. My heart swelled at his praise. He was proud of me, I looked after Hyung. I fisted his shirt gently and pushed myself as close to him as I could. I heard him chuckle, his chest rumbling slightly.
"You're such as cutie aegi," I blushed slightly before sniffling and moving my head, wiping my eyes slightly. Curse me and my silly tears.
"How long were you holding that in," Namjoon asked softly.
"Since it first happened," I said sheepishly.
"Aish kid, don't hold back your emotions so much, it' not good for you," he said ruffling my hair.
"But I needed to help Jimin. What if he hurt himself because he wasn't looked after properly," I asked, chewing my lips nervously.
"I know and I'm glad you did because I totally blanked out and didn't know what to do. Can I ask a question though," he asked. I nodded quickly.
"How did you know what to do," he asked me.
"Oh. I had a friend in high school who had epilepsy. I learnt what to do if someone had a seizure so I could help him out," I said nodding slightly.
"Another thing our Golden Maknae is good about. What did we do to deserve such a smart kid," he said making me blush.
"Stop Hyung," I whined, embarrassed at all the praises. All I did was just help someone out. He was about to say something when the door to the private waiting room we were sitting in and I turned to see the other boys walking in. I smiled to myself when I noticed that Yoongi was indeed holding Taehyung's hand still.
"Is he doing ok," Hobi asked us quickly.
"Last I heard he was doing fine. Doctor said that he was responding really well, they just want to run more tests on him. How're you doing Tae," Namjoon asked.
"I'm ok. I was just shocked I guess, I didn't even realise I zoned out," Tae said with a small smile.
"So did you two have a fight," I asked with a smirk.
"Huh," Tae asked confused.
"You and Yoongi, did you argue," I joked, pointedly looking at their hands. Tae giggled as Yoongi went bright red and quickly pulled his hand away. I felt bad because I immediately noticed that Yoongi looked more nervous and uncomfortable as soon as he lost the contact. I realised that he must've been holding it for as much his comfort as for Tae's but thankfully Tae immediately grabbed his hand again and held onto it.
"Have you been crying Kook," Jin asked as he walked over. The other three all looked concerned as they all rushed over.
"I'm fine. I was just scared and relieved," I said, smiling as Hobi gave me a big hug.
"Mr Park is done now. You're free to see him now," a doctor said as they walked in.
Jimin's POV
I feel really bad for what happened. I know they were saying that it wasn't my fault but it kind of was as I obviously didn't take good enough care of myself. I even scared Jungkook, made him almost cry and try to hide it from me. After the doctors ran some tests on me they said that they're confident enough that I would be fine but they put me on an IV and said that they were going to keep me overnight. I nodded and waited as they walked off to go get the other boys. The door opened and the first person to come in was unsurprisingly Taehyung. He ran over to me and jumped onto the bed, cuddling into my side and not saying anything.
"Tae be careful," Jin said but didn't stop him in any way.
"You ok," I asked the fluffy hair that was peaking out from my shoulder.
"He reacted a little badly to what happened," Yoongi told me softly with teary eyes.
"Oh right, I'm sorry Tae," I said patting his hair softly. Wait, did I say teary eyes? My head snapped back up and sure enough Yoongi was standing there, slightly behind the others now and he had silent tears rolling down his face. I could tell he was trying not to let anyone see because he was turning his head to the side but I could clearly tell that he was crying. Did I really make Yoongi cry? If I wasn't worried about him, I'd actually feel really touched because it takes a lot to make him cry.
"Please don't cry Yoongi Hyung, you're going to make me cry," I said frowning. Everyone else turned to face Yoongi, even Tae lifted up his head and Yoongi looked like a deer in headlights.
"Well I'm sorry that I care about my dongsaeng," he said rolling his eyes before wiping them.
"Come here," I said, making grabby hands towards him. He chuckled before walking over to me and joining Tae on the bed next to me. Now this surprised me, as he's never one to initiate big cuddles like this but it made me happy. I wrapped my arm around his waist and felt him tense before relaxing and resting his head on my shoulder.
"Hyungs gone soft," Tae giggled, making Yoongi shoot him a glare that immediately shut him up. The other's all walked over and sat down around the bed smiling slightly.
"I'm sorry to put you guys through that, I should've taken better care of myself and no doubt Army is going to hate me," I said with a sigh.
"That's nonsense Jimin. We're all fine. Sure it scared us but you're ok now and that's all that matters. As for Army, they've already got #getwellsoonjimin and #weloveyoujimin trending on Twitter," Namjoon told me. Aww that's sweet, I really do love Army.
"Oh. So what happened after I, you know," I waved my hand slightly.
"Uh. You fell into Tae's arms and he yelled out to us. Jungkook grabbed you and turned you on your side, loosened your tie and did all of the other things that people can do to look after someone in that condition," Namjoon started.
"We sat in front of you so you'd be shielded from the fans cos we know how you are and waited for an ambulance," Jin finished. Oh, that's really nice.
"Thanks guys, and Kookie," I said giving him a small smile. He grinned back at me and placed his hand gently on my leg.
"What happened with Tae by the way? You said he reacted badly but no one said what happened," I said, remembering what was said earlier.
"Well we don't exactly know it was like half panic attack, half dissociation kind of thing," Hobi said.
"Oh," I said, slightly confused.
"He just zoned out completely and then didn't realise he wasn't breathing so we gave him so oxygen and sat with him until he came back round," Yoongi told me softly. He stop breathing?
"I'm so-."
"Don't you dare apologize. I'm seriously sick of you saying sorry today. If I hear you say sorry one more time, I'm going to suffocate myself with your pillow," Tae said sitting up and frowning down at me.
"Well that got dark quickly," I said with a chuckle.
"I'm being serious," he said raising his eyebrows.
"Oh right, sor-ting it out now," I said quickly correcting myself, making the other's chuckle.
"How are you feeling now though," Jungkook asked me.
"I'm feeling fine now, really. I was feeling a little off earlier today but right now I'm feeling completely fine, just a little tired," I said with a yawn, just suddenly realising how tired I was.
"I bet you are, I'm actually surprised that you're still awake," Kookie said with a fond smile.
"Mmhm," I said yawning yet again. Damn, I really am tired, why am I only just realising this.
"M, I don't wanna sleep. Need to talk with you guys," I said blinking quickly to try and stay awake. I felt the bed move and turned my head to see Tae getting up.
"It's fine, you can sleep Jiminie, we don't mind," he said smiling softly.
"You sure," I asked.
"Yes. Sleep," Yoongi said. I was about to argue when Yoongi suddenly shuffled closer to the middle of the bed and turned me around, pulling me to his chest so I was almost laying on top of him. I smiled happily and burrowed as close to him as I could, putting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist, sighing in content as my eyes finally slipped shut.
"He's so cute," I heard Namjoon say.
"I'm never ever, ever letting you live this down Hyung." Obviously Jungkook.
"Just be quiet and let him sleep or I swear I will kill you," was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep to the feeling of soft hands carding through my hair.
Here is part 2, I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Thankyou for reading and I hope you have a great day!!!
Thoughts on who said the last part, although it's pretty obvious?
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