(Jimin) Mobbed Part 3
Ok so before you read, I would really appreciate if you could do one thing for me. There is a special guest in this story and I want to see if you can guess who it is off of 5 hints.
1. Born after 1999
2. In a 4th generation group
3. I'm pretty sure his animal is a Butterfly, not 100% sure though
4. He is a member of the Maknae Line in his group
5. Is a Pisces
Who do you think it is? It's either going to be really easy to guess or really hard to guess
Jungkook's POV
I silently cried and held onto Namjoon's hand as the doctor explained what was happening with Jimin. I thanked the lords that this man could speak Korean as I don't know what I how I would've coped if I was unable to understand what he was saying. I needed to know that Jimin was alright. I needed to know that I haven't killed my sweet Hyung. He NEEDS to be ok. I don't know what on Earth possessed the doctor to start off by telling us that Jimin died. I almost broke down right then and there but he followed up by saying that it was only 30 seconds and they managed to bring him back. My god, why would he terrify us like that.
"Is he ok now," Jin asked as he tightened his arm around Taehyungs crying frame.
"You'll be happy to hear that he made it through the surgery. There were complications and like I said, we did lose him for 30 seconds but that kid has a lot of fight in him. I will admit that the odds for him surviving the surgery, especially after the amount of blood he already lost, was not very high. But like I mentioned before the surgery, he should be able to make a full recovery given that he held on. The worst is over," the doctor said.
"So he's gonna make it," Tae asked, still crying.
"Yes, he's going to make it," the doctor replied. I heard everyone giving small sighs or sobs of relief after hearing those words from the doctor.
"Are we allowed to see him," Jin asked quickly.
"He is still unconscious however you are free to sit in his room and wait for him to wake up. It should only be another hour," he said.
"Follow me," he added before walking off. The other's all immediately rushed after him but I stayed behind, thankful that no one noticed that I wasn't following. I should be happy, relieved that he's going to make it and believe me I am but for some reason I feel trapped in this waiting room. I can feel my eyes well up with tears and there was a slight buzzing in my ears. I quickly ran out of the waiting room and began dashing down random halls until I collapsed to the floor in an empty one. I shuffled back against the wall and curled up, putting my head on my knees and beginning to cry. I don't know how long I sat there for, just sobbing into my knees for reasons I couldn't even understand but I suddenly felt arms wrap around my shoulders and a soft, warm body was cuddled up to my side. I was confused as the embrace felt mildly familiar but at the same time, foreign. It definitely wasn't one of the boys but it was someone I've hugged briefly before. I was too tired and upset to lift my head so I instead settled for shuffling closer to the person embracing me. They began to run their fingers through my hair and gently rubbing my shoulder at the same time. The presence was comforting and I felt myself relaxing and before long I was just quietly crying.
"You ok Hyung," a voice whispered. I voice that I recognize quite easily. My head shot up quickly and I was looking into the caring eyes of one of my favourite dongsaengs.
"Beomgyu," I said with surprise. I know that Txt was also in America at the same time as us and there was some crossovers between where we were performing but I was definitely not expecting him to be here.
"Hey Hyung," he said with a small smile. I looked down and noticed that he still had his arms wrapped around me, actually he was basically wrapped around me.
"What're you doing here," I asked him.
"Huening Kai tripped when he came off stage yesterday so we took him here to get an X-Ray just to make sure it wasn't too bad. He just sprained his ankle," he said as he sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. I tensed up slightly at the unfamiliar affection from the younger but given that he's usually one for skinship on the videos of Txt that I watch, I decided to just let him do whatever.
"Is he ok," I asked quietly.
"I think so. He was a bit bummed that he has to sit out for part of the tour but he can still sit on stage and sing so he's thankful for that," Beomgyu replied. I hummed in agreement and we sat in silence for a minute or two, still huddled up together.
"So what's got you all down Hyung," Beomgyu broke the silence. My mind drifted back to the recent events and I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears. For some reason my first thought of comfort was to pick Beomgyu up and reposition him so he was sitting on my lap with my arms wrapped around his waist. He let out a little squeak of surprise but didn't protest, instead leaning back against my chest and running his fingers gently over the back of my hands.
"Is it bad," he asked softly. I paused for a couple of seconds before replying.
"We got mobbed today, when we were going through the airport to get to our flight," I began. I saw him nod slowly, clearly waiting for me to continue.
"I got separated from the others and pinned against the wall, people kept grabbing at me and tugging my shirt, it was scary." Beomgyu had become complete silent by this point and his hands stopped moving, settling softly on top of mine.
"Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they," he asked concerned.
"I-I'm ok. They didn't hurt me too much, just gave me a little scratch on my face but I'm fine..." I trailed off.
"Does that mean, someone else is hurt," he asked me. I sighed and gently rested my head on top of his, nuzzling my nose into his hair softly. I quickly stopped when I realised what I was doing and quickly pulled back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't even realise what was doing," I said quickly, nervous that I made him uncomfortable. I'm used to doing that with other's as I have sensitive smell and it helps me calm down but this isn't one of my band members, this is one of my dongsaengs that I don't see much.
"That's ok Hyung. You can do that if you want, I don't mind. It's comfortable," he said looking up at me with a small smile. I gave him a sad smile back before he faced the opposite wall again and I rested my chin on his head. It probably would've been a funny sight if someone was to walk down the hall but there wasn't really anyone around whatever part of the hospital we were sitting in.
"Jimin realised I was in trouble and he ran back through the crowd to get to me and make sure that I was out of harms way. There were too many people so we had to leave the airport and drive back to the hospital, Jimin stayed hugging me close the whole time and making sure I was ok," I said as tears begun to fall down my face again. Beomgyu squeezed my hand gently and took a deep breath before continuing.
"I went the whole drive with Jimin comforting me, without even realising. What kind of brother am I if I can't realise if someone close to me is hurt," I cried.
"Shh, it's ok Hyung," Beomgyu said as he turned around in my lap and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"It's not ok Beomgyu. He, he was stabbed," I sobbed. Beomgyu tensed in my arms and the grip on my shoulder increased.
"Oh my god. Is Jimin Hyung gonna be ok though," he asked.
"He's going to be fine. They were worried about his chances of making it through surgery but he pulled through so they said he's going to make it," I said. I watched as Beomgyu visibly relaxed in my grip.
"That's good then. He's going to be ok," he said with a small nod.
"Yeah. But why do I feel so bad then," I asked, still crying. I feel like such a baby right now. Here I am, in the middle of a hall, crying my eyes out while hugging someone four years younger than me. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had much of a chance to get close to the younger idol group.
"Can I tell you what I think Hyung," he asked me as he shuffled off my lap and sat across from me and crossed his legs. I quickly wiped my eyes and mimicked his position before nodding for him to continue.
"Jimin got hurt when he was trying to protect you right," he asked and I nodded sadly.
"And he didn't say anything about it because he was with you and still looking after you, right," he said. I don't see how this is helping, if anything he's making me feel worse.
"Right," I said slowly.
"So you're guilty. You think it's all your fault that Jimin Hyung cares about you and protected you. Your fault that your fans can't be respectful decent human beings and leave you guys alone. That some horrible person committed a crime and hurt Jimin, which could've happened to anyone and if anything could've happened to you," he said, making me blink slowly as he got everything kind of right.
"Uh, well yeah. I guess," I said, rubbing my neck awkwardly.
"You've got nothing to be guilty about Hyung. It wasn't your fault, it was the person who did it's fault and the other people who don't know what privacy is," he said with a scoff at the end.
"But I'm the one who couldn't look after myself and forced him to come after me," I said sadly.
"No you aren't. You were probably in the most exposed place and if anyone else was where you were, they would've ended up the exact same position you were in. And in terms of 'forcing' him to come after you, Hyung loves you and would do anything to look after you, just like my Hyungs would and I would do for Kai and Taehyun, even for Yeonjun Hyung and Soobin Hyung. You're the Maknae of your group Hyung and the rest of your group practically raised you, they'd all rather die then let you get hurt most likely. I'm not going to say that you've got nothing to feel guilty about because it's for you to decide but I just want to make sure you know that you couldn't have stopped what happened," he said firmly. I mean what he said makes sense but that still doesn't mean Jimin didn't almost die for me.
"He almost died for me," I said with a sigh.
"As he would've done for any of the other's, hell Hyung probably would've done for me or the other's. That's just the type of person he is," Beomgyu shrugged. Now he's definitely right about that, Jimin always tries to look after everyone, sometimes a bit too much. I felt a little bit better knowing that I didn't almost kill my Hyung. Plus, he's alive and I've just got to be thankful for that.
"Thanks Beomgyu. You know, you're quite good at this," I said with a small chuckle as his cheeks turned red.
"It's nothing, I'm just glad that I could help you feel better," he said.
"How did you find me by the way," I asked.
"Oh, I was supposed to go and buy some snacks but I got lost. I heard crying so I came over to see if I could help and then I noticed it was you. I didn't really know what to do because you're older than me and we aren't that close but I just did what I would do if Huening Kai was upset," he said shyly.
"You were great. I appreciate it, really," I said, patting his knee softly. His face lit up and I found myself smiling at the cuteness of the younger.
"Don't you think the rest of your members might be worried about where you are? You've been with me for a while which means that you've been gone even longer than that," I pointed out.
"No, I messaged them a while ago saying I got lost and I'm going to just have a walk around. Unlike you who I'm guessing didn't tell anyone where you are, seeing the fact that your phone was buzzing earlier," he said with a slight smirk.
"Wait, it was." I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked my notifications to see that the boys had all indeed messaged or called me, even Yoongi. The last message was from Namjoon saying that he understands if I want some alone time but if I'm in any trouble to call him. He said to take my time but Jimin was awake and wants to see me. I sighed when I saw the messages. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and want to see him but some stupid part of me thinks he's going to be angry that I made him go through that.
"You ok," Beomgyu asked me.
"Yeah. Jimin's awake now, seems like I've been gone for over an hour," I told him.
"So, are you gonna go back and see him," Beomgyu asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah," I replied slowly.
"You want me to come with you," he asked.
"That would be great," I said, replying before I could think. He seemed surprised that I wanted to come along but I quickly stood up and pulled him to his feet before putting my arm over his shoulder and walking down the hall.
"Who's your favourite from our group," Beomgyu asked me suddenly.
"Huh," I replied.
"Who do you like the most from TXT," he asked me.
"Well you of course," I said ruffling his hair gently. He blushed and smiled, ducking his head shyly.
"Because I helped you," he asked.
"No, you've always been my favourite," I told him. He giggled softly and I smiled fondly. Is this how my Hyungs feel when they look at me? If it is then I know why Jimin did what he did. I may not be one of the closest to Beomgyu but I know I would do almost anything to protect his tall, adorable self. It took us around 20 minutes to find our way around the hospital and follow the directions the doctor gave us to Jimin's room.
"You gonna go in," Beomgyu whispered from where he was standing next to me as we both looked at the door.
"Of course, I want to see him," I said with a slow nod.
"Yeah, and who are you trying to convince." I looked over at Beomgyu as he said that, he just held his hands up and shrugged.
"I like you but don't forget that I'm still four years older than you," I pointed out. He looked a little sheepish and worried so I gave him a quick smile to show that I was joking and he relaxed.
"The doors not going to open itself Hyung, with all due respect," he said slowly.
"I know, I just. What if he hates me," I asked unsure. Beomgyu rolled his eyes before opening the door and shoving me inside. I yelped in surprise and turned to tell him off but he already closed the door and was gone. I slowly turned back around to see all of my Hyungs looking at me curiously. I froze when I saw Jimin looking at me from where he was cuddled up in Taehyung's arms.
"I uh, I. Hi g-guys," I stuttered, unsure of what to do now.
"Where have you been Kookie, we were worried," Namjoon asked me. I didn't mean to make them worry, first I almost get Jimin killed and then I worry everyone else. Great, now I'm about to start crying again. I didn't even realise someone could have this many tears before today.
"I-I'm sorry," I whimpered. Everyone seemed surprised at what I said and I was immediately pulled into the arms of my eldest Hyung.
"No Kookie, no. We aren't mad at you baby. We were just worried about you and were wondering where you were," Jin said rubbing my back gently. He gently rocked me my back and forth until I stopped crying.
"Is Jiminie mad at me," I whispered in his ear. He quickly pulled away and wiped the tears off my face.
"Not at all. Why don't you talk to him," he said moving to the side. Jimin was now sitting up and leaning against the end of the bed and watching me with curious eyes. I slowly walked over to him with my head down, not wanting to look at him just in case he was mad.
"I'm ok," he whispered, grabbing my hand in his. I looked up and locked eyes with his, breaking down yet again. I climbed onto the bed and cuddled up to his side (the uninjured one), sobbing into his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
"I'm so sorry Hyung," I sobbed.
"What're you sorry for," he asked quietly.
"I'm the reason you were in the crowd and got hurt in the first place. I'm also the reason you didn't tell anyone about it. You could've died, you almost did," I cried. I heard him sigh before he lifted my head up and looked me in the eyes.
"No Jungkook, you did nothing wrong. It was just unlucky, you couldn't help what happened. If anything I should be saying sorry for not letting anyone know I was hurt. I didn't even realise how bad I was hurt. I felt it happen but it wasn't too bad so I thought I was just bumped. I guess it was the adrenaline," he said as he placed a quick peck on my nose.
"They said you died, they almost couldn't bring you back" I said sadly.
"But they did and I honestly feel fine right now. I mean I'm drugged up on painkillers right now but I'm gonna be fine," he told me.
"Are you sure," I asked.
"I'm sure. And it most definitely was not your fault ok Kookie," he said. I nodded and snuggled back against him.
"So, are you going to tell us where you were for an hour and a half," Tae asked me.
"I just needed to uh, cry for a bit so I went into an empty hallway," I said sheepishly.
"You were crying alone," Hobi exclaimed.
"Only for a little bit. Then Beomgyu came and sat with me. We talked for a bit, he's a good kid," I said, smiling softly.
"Beomgyu, as in Choi Beomgyu? Why's he here," Jin asked.
"Because they're also touring America at the moment," I replied with a shrug.
"Yeah I know that, I mean why's he in the hospital," Jin clarified.
"Oh, Kai tripped when he was coming off stage yesterday. They got his ankle checked out and turns out it's sprained," I replied.
"No, not Heuning Kai! He's my favourite person ever," Hobi said with a pout.
"Not at all hurt by that," Yoongi said rolling his eyes.
"So Beomgyu sat with you for a while," Jimin asked.
"Yeah, the kid actually gave me some good advice. He's quite a cutie," I said with a soft smile.
"We should really try and get to know those boys better," Tae said.
"I agree. Maybe since we're going to be stuck here for a while and they're also here for a few days, we can try and catch up with them," Jimin said.
"So what did the doctor say," I asked Jimin.
"They stitched me up and said it should take 10 to 12 days to heal but it's best to wait two weeks, just in case. There will be a scar but not too bad," he replied, ruffling my hair softly.
"So we're gonna be stuck together for two weeks in a hotel," I said with a cheeky grin. Tae and Jimin immediately caught on to what I was saying, as did the Hyung line as the four of them groaned when they saw our faces.
"No, no and another no. There is no way I'm going to put up with you three binge watching movies, playing video games, pranking us, screaming, having dance battles and doing karaoke. I cannot deal with that for two weeks," Yoongi said shaking his head.
"But Hyung, it'll make me feel better and we'll all have fun. We never get any actual time off to relax together," Jimin said giving Yoongi puppy dog eyes. The elder sighed and slowly nodded with a defeated look on his face.
"YASSSSSSS," Tae said happily, bouncing up and down as I smiled happily.
"GROUP HUG," Jimin said, opening his arms wide. Everyone immediately rushed over and joined the hug.
"Ouch, Hobi your elbows poking my ribs."
"Sorry Jiminie."
"Tae, that's my ear."
"My bad Hyung."
"Why're you even grabbing it in the first place, it's a hug."
"Seriously Yoongi? This is Tae we're talking about."
You know what, I think we'll be just fine. After all, we not just bulletproof, we're stab prove. Ok that doesn't have as good a ring to it but what I'm trying to say is we can survive anything, as long as we're by each other's side!
So I just want to apologize for the cliffhanger ending last chapter that may have made you panic but I hope this makes up for it.
I know this chapter didn't really focus a whole heap on Jimin and his injury but I wanted to write a bit of crying and comfort for Jungkook.
I hope you still enjoyed the ending even if it was a little rush. I apoligze if it wasn't as good as you guys wanted.
Also I would like some advice. I'm thinking about starting a KPOP sickfic book where I post requests for groups other than BTS. If this is something that you might like, I'd appreciate if you let me know. I won't start it unless I get at least three request so I have some ideas.
The groups I would include are, Stray Kids, TXT, ATEEZ, NCT and Seventeen because they're the only other groups I know a bit about. I know Stray kids the most and Seventeen the least.
Anyway, I'll shut up now and once again, I hope you're all doing well and if not just remember that you're amazing and deserve many good things in life. If needed, here's another virtual hug :) (I don't have a hug emoji)
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