(Jimin) Mobbed
Jimin's POV
"That's a big crowd," Taehyung commented as the car pulled up outside the airport. I looked at the window and my eyes went wide as I realised that there was indeed a lot of people. Hopefully they're all nice Army's and not sasaeng fans!
"Kook, stay in front of me alright," I said quietly as I turned to look at the sleepy Maknae. I don't know why but I've been feeling on edge since I woke up this morning and I can't help but feel like something going to go wrong. Jungkook seemed to realise that I was still feeling off because he nodded his head slowly before flashing me a quick smile.
"Is everyone ready? We need to stick together to make sure everyone is ok. Jin is going to be up the front with Sejin Hyung so everyone follow them. I'll be at the very back to keep an eye on you all but no mucking around alright," Namjoon said, looking pointedly at the two Maknae's. Taehyung who was giggle earlier nodded quickly, now completely serious.
"Everyone make sure we look after each other. We're family and family sticks together," Yoongi said, ruffling my hair slightly before pulling me in for a quick back hug. I grinned at the action as he doesn't usually show much affection. The door to the van door suddenly opened and we were met with screams and Sejin Hyungs head poking inside.
"You boys ready? We'll try and make it quick cos the flight needs to leave in an hour," he told us. We nodded and began to walk out. Jin and Hobi went first, followed by Tae, then Kook, then me and then Yoongi and Joonie. We made it almost halfway through the airport when things started to get a bit messy. The security who were originally holding back the fans seemed to get a bit too overwhelmed as the were outnumbered to begin with. I don't know why they didn't have any police or even just more security to begin with. A bunch of fans pushed past the security and ran towards us. My first instinct was to reach out for Jungkook and get him out of harms way but before I could, I felt myself being ripped back and pulled into a protective hold. Just in time it seems as a bunch of girls stampeded right through where I was standing earlier. Yoongi swiftly picked me up and managed to pull me back behind some security guards before I could even think properly.
"What the hell Hyung. Why would you do that," I asked quickly as I did my best to see if I could spot the other's in the crowd to make sure they also got to safety, especially my dongsaengs but I couldn't find anyone.
"What do you mean why would I do that? I had to get you out of there before you got hurt," he asked as I slipped from his grip and stood on my tiptoes to keep looking.
"But what about Kookie and Tae," I asked, starting to panic slightly as I still couldn't see them. All I could see was a bunch of girls heads and security trying to push through to get who knows where.
"They should be fine Jimin, they have Hobi and Jin," he said.
"But what if they got hurt," I asked. I was about to rush forwards so I could try and push through to make sure everyone was ok but arms wrapped around my waist and I was held back.
"Jimin don't be stupid," Yoongi whispered.
"But Yoongi one of them could be hurt," I said, desperately trying to get out of his grip.
"Joonie," Yoongi called out. A couple of seconds later, I felt stronger arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me to them.
"Jimin I know you're scared for them but if you run out there now, we can't stop you from getting hurt. Sejin was with them and so were other security. Hobi and Jin will look after the Maknae's, don't worry about it," Namjoon said softly. As much as I wanted to make sure everyone is ok, Namjoon was right, they're probably fine. He let me go and he and Yoongi rushed over to one of the head security guards. I was left just standing there for a minute or two before someone said something that caught my attention.
"Jimin! Jimin oppa, Jungkook's hurt." My head snapped in the direction of the sound and I saw a fan who was being held back by security and waving their arms to get my attention. I paused for a second, thinking maybe she was just trying to get attention but every other fan were still rushing in the direction the other four went and she was the only one trying to get past the wall of security shielding Namjoon, Yoongi and I. Plus, if there's even the slight chance that Jungkookie was hurt, I'd run to him in a heartbeat. I rushed over to her and nodded to the security to let her go. They obliged and stepped away from her
"What do you mean Kookie is hurt," I asked quickly.
"I don't know completely if he's hurt but he was crying and got split up from J-Hope, V and Jin. A bunch of girls were grabbing him and pulling him around. Me and some other people tried to help get him away but there were too many people," she said quickly in Korean. My blood went cold and my eyes went wide. Kookie is somewhere in that mass of people, scared and alone.
"What's your name," I asked quickly.
"Rheanne Martin," she replied.
"Rheanne do you have any idea where is right now," I asked.
"I have a vague idea yes. I'm sorry, I ran to find someone as soon as I could but there weren't any security guards," she said quickly.
"I need you to take me there," I told her.
"Are you sure? You might get hurt," she said.
"It's Jungkook we're talking about. Pretty much everyone knows how much I love and will do anything to protect him," I said. She quickly ripped off her beanie and put it on my head before shrugging off her coat and giving it to me. I am definitely going be thanking this girl later once I make sure Jungkook is safe. I quickly put the coat on and put my mask on as well before quickly grabbing her hand. Her face went bright red and I was worried she was going to freak out but she quickly composed herself.
"I need you to run and take me to him ok. I would tell security but I know they'll take too long to get to him," I said. She nodded before pulling my out past the security. I heard someone yell out but by the time they realised what was happening, Rheanne and I were already in the crowd. I kept a tight grip on her hand so I wouldn't lose her as she was the only way to get to Jungkook. Thankfully no one noticed me as they were paying too much attention to other things. It didn't take me long to vaguely figure out where Jungkook was as everyone was screaming and pushing towards one certain place. I let go of Rheanne's hand and started pushing my way through the crowd as quickly as I could. When I finally got to the front, my heart dropped! Jungkook was pressed against the wall looking petrified. His shirt was torn and there was a large gash on his cheek that was slowly dripping down. His arms were up trying to cover his face as a bunch of girls were practically clawing at him. I shoved past the last few people and began ripping people away from Jungkook. People starting screaming at me, probably thinking I was a fan as I was wearing a pink coat and purple beanie. When Jungkook saw my hands going towards him he whimpered and tried to back away further. I went to remove my mask so he could see me but gasped when I felt a sharp pain in my side. The pain went away almost as quickly as it came, just leaving a slight dull ache but I shrugged it off. I need to look after my little brother.
"Kook, Kookie it's me. It's Jiminie Hyung," I told him, lowering my mask so he could recognize me. The minute he heard me, his eyes snapped up and when he saw my face, he latched onto me. I winced slightly when he pressed against my side but quickly pulled him closer, as close as I could get him, ignoring the pain. I should probably get it checked out later. I began to tug Jungkook through the crowd, shoving everyone out of the way, even going as far as to slapping some people's hands out of the way. Usually I'm against touching women but they've hurt Jungkook and they can continue to hurt him if I don't get him out of here and I made sure not to slap them very hard. It took me about three minutes to get him through the crowd but it would have been longer had some of the fans not helped out to push other's out of the way and clear a path. When we got out of the crowd, we were immediately swarmed by security who pulled us over to Namjoon and Yoongi. I could tell the two of them were going to yell at me but the minute they saw Jungkook huddled up to me their eyes went wide and they kept their mouths shut. Security ushered us outside and over to where there were a bunch of cars waiting with Sejin Hyung standing out the front of them and police surrounding it as well.
"The other's are all in there, get inside," he said. I could hear the sadness and worry in his voice as he got a glimpse of Jungkook and I knew he would be beating himself up about this later. Jungkook and I got in first getting into the middle seats as he stayed clinging to my side. The other's rushed in and the doors were slammed shut, the van straight away driving off with Sejin Hyung in the passenger seat. I took a quick glance around to see the state that everyone else was in and make sure they're ok. Jin, Taehyung and Hoseok were in the back seat with Tae clinging to Jin, much like Jungkook was to me but he seemed slightly more at ease to the shaking Maknae. None of them seemed to be hurt, just pretty shaken up. Namjoon and Yoongi were in the row in front of us, looking slightly shaken up but overall the calmest out of us. They both turned around to face the rest of us.
"Is anyone else hurt," Namjoon asked quietly as Yoongi leant over and placed his hanky against the cut on Jungkook's cheek. He flinched slightly but then calmed down as Yoongi wiped the blood of his cheek and inspected it.
"It's not too deep, it won't need stitches," he said with a sigh before he gently ran his hand through Jungkook's hair to calm him more. I heard movement and turned my head to see Taehyung untangle himself from Jin and slip into the spare seat next to me. He shrugged off and held it out to Jungkook. Namjoon grabbed his hand and pushed it back softly.
"Wait til we get out of the van Tae," he told him. Tae nodded and settled by slipping his hand into Jungkook's hand.
"Is everyone ok," Namjoon asked. He got slow nods from everyone, even Jungkook who was a lot calmer than earlier.
"Did they hurt you anywhere else," Yoongi asked the Maknae.
"No, not really. I mean they grabbed at me and kinda ruined my clothes but the only place they actually cut, was my face," Jungkook said for the first time since everything happened. His voice sounded small and fragile and I pulled him even close, quickly hiding my wince. I know I should probably tell someone that I was whacked and hurt my side but I can suck it up, I'll deal with it later.
"Ok, that's good. Does anyone know what happened exactly," Namjoon asked.
"Not really. All I know is that people started running towards us and I went to grab Jungkook but people swarmed us and I lost sight of him, I almost lost the other's but I managed to grab Jin's hand at the last minute and he pulled me out of there. We caught up with Hobi and security managed to pull us away," Tae said.
"I'm sorry Jungkook," Yoongi said quietly and everyone turned to look at him.
"What for," Jungkook asked.
"Jimin wanted to grab you but I pulled him away before he could. I just, I panicked and just grabbed the closet person to me to get them out of harm's way. I'm so sorry Jungkookie," Yoongi said as tears began to run down his face.
"Don't cry Hyung, you did the right thing. I saw what happened. If you didn't pull Jimin away, he would've been trampled and it would've been worse because he's such a tiny boi," Jungkook said, giggling at the end. His giggle made everyone smile slightly, even me as I decided to let him get away with teasing me about my height.
"Are you sure," Yoongi asked. Jungkook nodded quickly and lifted his hand to wipe away Yoongi's tears.
"Jimin." I turned my head to look at Namjoon.
"Yes Hyung," I said nervously, worried that he was going to yell at me for running off.
"Can you tell me what happened from your point of view? When you ran off? I'm not mad or anything ok, you were looking after Jungkook and I would've done the same thing," he said, rubbing the back of my hand gently with his thumb.
"Um well when you guys went off to talk to security a girl ran up and said that Kookie was hurt so I went over to hear her out. She told me what was happening and helped me get to Kook, gave me her jacket and beanie," I said quickly.
"What if she was just trying to get close to you though Jimin, what if she was lying," Jin asked suddenly.
"She didn't even come close to trying to do anything, not even when I grabbed her hand. Her focus was on helping Jungkook and a good thing as well because when I got there he was pinned to the wall. Hyung he looked terrified," I said, placing a gentle kiss on the side of Jungkook's head when looked down. I saw Yoongi's jaw clench and he turned back to Jungkook.
"Baby I need you to be honest with me. Did anyone touch you anywhere private," he asked with a forced calm tone.
"No Hyung, I promise. They were mainly just trying to hold my hands and get my shirt off I think," Jungkook replied, making everyone sigh with relief.
"Boys, I need you to listen up." We all faced the front where Sejin Hyung was turned to face us.
"Alright, we're coming up to the hotel now. We're just going to stay at the same one we've been at for another night and see if we can either get an early or a late flight so there will be less fans around. I'd just like to apologize for what happened boys. I'm so sorry I couldn't prote-."
"You did absolutely everything you could Hyung. We'd like to thank you for at getting as many of us out of harm's way as possible," Namjoon said, quickly cutting Sejin off.
"When we stop, just head straight up to the rooms you were originally staying in," Sejin told us before turning back to face the front again. Once the car stopped everyone got up and walked out. Jungkook and I were the last to get out so I let him go first as he finally unlatched from my side. When I got up, I was suddenly hit by a way of dizziness and black spots filled my vision. I stumbled slightly as I got out of the van before another wave of dizziness hit me and I found myself breathing heavily and leaning against the side of the van, it being the only thing holding me up.
"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK! YOU'RE BLEEDING," I heard Jin yell out. I turned my head slightly and clutched onto the door as I barely managed to make out Jungkook's figure. He had blood covering his left side of his shirt and it looked like a lot. How did I not notice that he was so hurt? I watched as he replied to Jin, not being able to hear as I sounded like I was underwater but judging from everyone's reaction, they were confused. My brain felt all jumbled but I managed to get my feet to work slightly and I stumbled two steps towards Jungkook. I must've said something because everyone turned to me and I watched as Tae's face for some reason contorted into something that looked quite a lot like horror. Hehe, it was a funny look on him. That was my last thought before everything went black...
Hey guys, it's been a few weeks. I'm sorry for not updating very quickly but I don't have much time on my hands at the moment. Please enjoy this fic though and I'll update again as soon as I can.
Thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
I hope everyone is having a great day and if you aren't then pls accept a virtual hug from me!!
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