(Jimin) Heart Attack Part 2
Namjoon's POV
After the paramedics took Jimin away, the rest of us were left in silence in the lounge room. I don't understand what was going on, just that Jimin was in pain and from what it seems his life could also be in danger. I felt like a failure as a leader as I was helpless.
"What just happened," Jin broke the silence. This set Kookie back off and the Maknae burst into tears again, being comforted with Hobi. I wouldn't mind knowing what was going on as well.
"Yoongi you need to tell us. I know you know what's happening, SO TELL US," Jin yelled at Yoongi. The younger just stood there staring blankly at the wall which confused me. Jin grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him.
"Seokjin stop it," I yelled ripping him away. Yoongi just continued to stand in place, not moving or even blinking. I looked at him in slight concern as Jin huffed.
"TELL US," the eldest yelled but still got no reaction. I suddenly felt someone brush passed me and I saw Tae run in front of Yoongi. When did he wake back up?
"Hyung. Hyung you need to breathe," Tae said, making everyone snap their head in their direction. Jin eyes went wide as he pushed out of my grip and ran to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around him. Any anger or frustration from earlier immediately vanished as he realized the other was in trouble.
"Please breathe Yoongi. It's not your fault, you've given him his best chance at surviving whatever it is but you need to take a breath for us," Jin said rubbing Suga's back. By now everyone could tell he wasn't breathing as his face was slowly turning red.
"Come on Yoongi, you're gonna make yourself pass out. Please breathe," Jin said as he let go of Yoongi and stood in front of him. He grabbed his head and connect their foreheads gently, looking Suga in the eyes even though the younger was looking down.
"We need you ok, so we can help Jimin," he whispered. At that Yoongi's eyes flicked up and met his only Hyungs. He looked into his eyes for a couple of seconds before he took a deep gasping breath. He dropped down to his knees and continued to gasp in air as his face slowly went back to it's normal colour.
"Are you ok now," Tae asked as he ran his hand through Suga's hair and for once I guess the older didn't mind the physical contact, in fact he embraced it. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Tae and pulled him onto his lap. We all waited a little bit as Yoongi held Taehyung's hand, running his fingers over the Tae's knuckles. It seemed to calm Yoongi down doing that for some reason so Tae just sat there and let him do it.
"He's having a heart attack," he spoke up suddenly.
"What do you mean," I asked with a raised eyebrows.
"Jimin. It's a heart attack, that's what's wrong with him. Before you say he's young, it doesn't matter. There is an extremely low chance of someone his age getting it but that doesn't mean that there's no chance of it happening and unfortunately he happens to be one of the very few unlucky people," Yoongi told us. Tae looked down sadly and I noticed his grip on Suga's hand tightened, his knuckles turning white.
"If that's the case, we should head down to the hospital and wait for any news from the doctors. He's a strong guy, we all know that. He'll fight and we'll need to be there to help him and give him support," I said firmly. The other's all nodded and quickly ran to their rooms to get changed into some warmer clothes as it was still snowing. Once everyone was ready to go, we piled into one of the cars and Jin drove us to the hospital where they took Jimin. Once we got there we walked inside and over to the front desk. The man who was sitting there stopped what he was doing and looked up at us.
"Hi, what can I do for you," he asked us.
"Our friend was rushed he after he had a heart attack, his name is Park Jimin," I told him. He started ruffling through some papers on his desk before nodding.
"I'm sorry but he's in intensive care at the moment so you're unable to see him. I will let you know that he is in a stable condition at the moment and he's got a good chance of surviving. You guys called just in time, any much longer and he probably wouldn't of made it," he told us. I let out a slight breath of relief hearing that he has a good chance of surviving, that's better than none.
"Thank you. Uh is there anywhere we can stay where people won't be able to recognize us," I asked quickly.
"Of course, we don't want anyone panicking that something has happened to BTS. My daughter is a major fan, I hope everything turns out alright," he said. I just nodded in thanks as he led us to a private waiting room.
"Now all we can do is pray and wait guys ," J-Hope said with a sigh. We all nodded and sat down, waiting anxiously.
Jimin's POV
The first thing I felt after falling into darkness wasn't pain like before but rather comfort and protection. I wasn't sure why that was though but I figured it out pretty quickly. I felt a familiar soft hand in mine and the smell of musk drifting from the same side. That right there is the sweet scent of my one and only soulmate Kim Taehyung. I smiled slightly and slowly begun to blink my eyes open. The room was dark but there was still enough light to see the six bodies that were in chairs around my hospital bed. I looked down at my right and saw Tae asleep with his head on the bed next to me and his hand gripping mine. My other hand was occupied by Yoongi who was leant back in a chair on my other side asleep. J-Hope was asleep on the couch with Jungkook cuddled into his side, Jin was on a chair near the end of my bed and Namjoon was on a different chair next to the couch. I looked around at all the equipment next to my bed and noticed that I had an IV sticking into my arm. My chest was still slightly uncomfortable and I was still having breathing troubles. Neither of them were anywhere near as bad as they were earlier that day. I remembered what happened during the time that I was at the dorm in pain. I know that I was hurting but for some reason it made me more aware of everything that was happening around me. I remember Tae trying to run to me but getting stopped by Yoongi, his pleading voice wanting to stop me from hurting (I'm pretty sure that hurt more than the already agonizing pain I was in). I remember Kookie sobbing and covering his ear with his eyes closed and I felt bad for putting the Maknae in a position like that despite me having no way to stop it. I also sort of remember someone saying that Tae passed out at some point so I'm slightly worried about him but he seems alright. After that, the pain was too much and the last thing I remember is being put on a stretcher before I must have passed out from the pain. That must've been hours ago because that was around 7:30-8am and it's already dark now. I leant my head down and placed a soft kiss on the top of his head before nuzzling my nose into his hair, trying to wake him up without waking everyone else up. He stirred a little and shook his head mumbling before linking his fingers through mine protectively.
"I'm not leaving him so don't even bother Joonie. We made a promise in high school and I'm never breaking it," he mumbled. I grinned at his cuteness and remember the promise that he was talking about. We promised that no matter where we were or how old we were, if one of us needed the other, we would drop everything and be there for each other.
"Did anyone ever tell you that you're one of the greatest friends anyone could ever wish for," I said softly. His head immediately snapped up and his eyes filled with tears when he saw me. The next thing I know I was being engulfed in a tight yet careful hug.
"Don't be too loud Tae, everyone else is still asleep and don't move my other hand cos Yoongi is holding it," I told him.
"How're you doing, you passed out," I added. He lifted his head and looked at me with a face of disbelief.
"What," I asked defensively.
"You just had a literal heart attack and you're asking me if I'm ok," he said shaking his head but still smiling.
"Well you did pass out didn't you," I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah I did but I'm completely fine. You on the other hand, how're you feeling," he asked me.
"I'm doing alright. My chest is a little tight and my breathing isn't exactly up to scratch but it's nothing too bad. What did the doctors say," I asked him.
"Well they said it wasn't a severe heart attack but it was still quite dangerous. Apparently it was due to you having high blood pressure for some reason but you should be alright now. There could be side-affects like getting tired easier and you run the risk of having another one but they've given us medication for you to take to help out," he told me as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand.
"I guess I owe it to this grumpy bum here," I said nodding to my left.
"Yeah and Jin. I'm just glad they were there, you really scared me to death," he said as tears slipped down his face.
"Oh Tae Tae please don't cry, you know that's one of my least favourite things in the world," I said shaking my head. I pulled my hand from his grip and instead wrapped it behind his head and pulled him down slowly to my chest as he began to sob into my chest. I ran my hand through his hair gently and tried not to cry myself.
"I'm so sorry Tae, please don't cry," I said kissing his hair repetitively.
"Who's crying," Jin asked groggily as he woke up.
"Taehyung is," I told him. Jin straightaway got up and rushed next to Tae.
"Are you alright Tae, please don't cry. Jimin, why's he crying," Jin asked me.
"Jin you're a dumbass," Tae said lifting his head up and raising both eyebrows up at the eldest. I had to hold back a small laugh.
"Don't talk to your Hyung like that," Jin frowned.
"Jin, Jimin is awake, you were literally just talking to him you idiot," Tae said with a slight chuckle. As if just registering what Taehyung said, Jin turned back to me and his eyes widened.
"JIMIN," he yelled hugging me quickly. Well there goes my hope to let everyone sleep.
"Aish, don't kill him Jin," Tae said, making me laugh softly.
"What, that's Jimin's sweet laugh. Jimin." Jin was shoved out of the way by Jungkook who quickly embraced me. The other's all started to wake up and made their way over to me as I gave Jungkook a one armed hug.
"I'm so sorry for scaring you Jungkookie," I whispered in his ear.
"It's ok Hyung. None of that's your fault, I'm just glad you're ok now," Jungkook replied flashing me his bunny smile.
"You doing ok," Namjoon asked as he ruffled my hair.
"Yeah, I'm much better," I assured him.
"You're a fighter Jiminie but please never do that again," Hobi said smiling at me as he gave me a brief hug and grabbed my hand. I grinned as I looked at all my Hyungs and dongsaeng's before realizing that there was still one person who hadn't said anything. I looked to my left thinking he was still asleep but instead he was sitting there, my hand clutched in his tightly as he looked at the floor. I turned to Hobi and looked down at our hands. He seemed to get the message and let go of my hand. I slowly managed to push myself into a sitting position with the help of Tae. I reached out and put my hand under Yoongi's chin, turning so he was facing and his eyes met mine.
"Saranghae," I whispered to him. He was motionless for a couple of seconds before he finally burst into tears and wrapped his arms around me. He was clutching my tight, almost as if he thought I was going to disappear at any moment.
"I'm fine Hyung, you saved me," I said quietly as I rubbed his back.
"I know, I was just scared. The way you were crying in pain just really scared me. I really wish I never have to see you like that again. Are you sure you're ok," he asked me as he leant back and wiped his tears.
"Yeah, I'm good now. Sure there's a little discomfort as would be expected but I'll be alright thanks to you and Jinnie Hyung," I said giving him a smile.
"You should get some more rest Jimin, you've had a long day," Hobi said patting my head. I nodded and turned over a little. I grabbed Taehyung and pulled him onto the bed next to me, cuddling up to his side and closing me eyes.
"Hey Jimin." I opened my eyes and turned my head back to Yoongi.
"Saranghae," he said flashing my a gummy smile.
Here is Part 2, thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I made the ending a bit softer as the rest of the story was a bit angsty. I'm sorry if this was not what you wanted in your request but I hope you liked it nonetheless @rhecalma.
Please feel free to send through more request for any of the members as I'm out of requests now
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