(Jimin) Heart Attack Part 1
Jimin's POV
"I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW." I was awoken by this yell from down the hall, no doubt being Taehyung. Who knows why he decided to randomly yell and wake everyone up when we have practice so we need our sleep but it's Tae so who knows what goes through that kids mind. I coughed a little which wasn't a good sign. If I'm starting to get sick then practice won't be fun, not to mention the fact that I quickly noticed I was having slight trouble breathing. I just shrugged it off though because I need to start getting ready for practice and there's nothing I can do about feeling sick. I got up and shuffled out the door, muffling a couple of coughs into my elbow.
"Tae what're you doing? We still have an hour until we're supposed to wake up for practice and we need our sleep," I said rubbing my eyes slightly when I saw an energized Tae in the kitchen, standing next a smiling Jin.
"We get the day off Chim," Tae said running over to me and picking me up. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, so I was hugging him like that cute, grey Australian animal. I closed my eyes and put my head down on his shoulder.
"Are you ok Jiminie," he whispered quietly in my ear.
"Mhmm. Why do we have the day off," I asked tiredly. I don't understand why I'm so tired. Sure I wasn't supposed to wake up for another hour but it's only 6am, I'm not usually tired at this time especially when I slept well the night before.
"It's snowing a lot so they want us staying in the dorms so we don't get sick and they don't want us driving around," Jin replied.
"Ok," I mumbled, snuggling further down into Taehung's shoulder.
"Are you sure you're ok," he asked again, this time loud enough for Jin to hear.
"Yeah, you seem a bit off," Jin said walking over to us.
"M jus tired," I mumbled again.
"Alright, come on my little mochi. Back to bed for you," Jin said chuckling. I felt hands on my back and before I knew it I was transferred from Tae's arms to someone else. I quickly got back into the same position but leaned back to see who had me now. Jin smiled at me gently before placing his hand on the back of my head and moving it back onto his shoulder.
"Let's go get you some more sleep," he said as he walked to my room. He placed me down on the bed and tucked me on the bed.
"How're you doing, you sound like you're having a little trouble breathing," he said ruffling my hair in concern.
"I'm fine Jinnie Hyung," I said flashing him a small smile.
"Ok. Well you can sleep as long as you want because we'll be staying here all day. Call me if you need anything. Sleep well," he said before kissing my forehead and leaving. I drifted off to sleep pretty soon after that.
I was awoken from my sleep for some unknown reason but I shot up in bed before gasping slightly as I felt dizzy and black dots swam in my vision. I shook my head and it slowly went away. I must've just sat up to quickly. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that I had only been sleeping for about an hour. My neck and hands felt clammy for some reason and I sweat running down my back. Did I maybe have some sort of nightmare that also woke me up? Yeah, that must be it. I slipped out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, still a little dizzy and tired. Nothing a nice cool shower shouldn't be able to handle though. After the shower I wasn't feeling too much better but at least I wasn't as sweaty so I got changed and went out to the lounge room. Jungkook and Taehyung were both playing Xbox and from what I could tell Jungkook was winning as usual. Hoseok and Namjoon were both watching fondly as the two Maknae's bickered.
"Hey guys, where are the other two," I asked, making Hobi turn to me.
"Oh, morning Jimin. Yoongi is fixing up some music in his room and Jin is in the kitchen doing who knows what," he replied before looking straight back to the game.
"Thanks," I muttered before walking over to the kitchen to find Jin leaning against the bench on his phone.
"Hyung," I said quietly. He looked up and frowned when he saw me.
"Hey Jiminie. You doing ok? You're looking awfully pale," he said walking over to me.
"I dunno. I feel kind of weird. I think I'm getting sick again," I said with a sigh.
"Oh that sucks. At least we've got today off then, so you can rest," he said giving me a reassuring smile.
"I think I might just stay in my room for a bit," I said. I turned around and went to walk back to my room but I was hit by another dizzy spell, causing me to stumbled a little but arms were quickly wrapped around my waist.
"Let's go," Jin said as he picked me up and carried me over to my room, much like earlier that morning.
"Do you want me to bring you up some food so you can eat because you need to have some breakfast," he asked as he put me down on my bed again. I nodded slowly so he left and came back a couple of minutes later with some toast. I went to grab it from his hands but me arms suddenly felt like lead. I blinked slightly in confusion as I tried yet again to move my arms again but I couldn't lift them very far. Jin raised an eyebrow at me.
"You ok," he asked, his voice laced with worry.
"I uh, yeah. I think so," I said frowning.
"You're starting to worry me a bit Jimin. Can you tell me what's wrong," Jin asked as he placed the plate on my bedside table and knelt down next to me.
"I'm not sure. I just woke up this morning with a cough and slightly out of breath and then when I woke up again I was all clammy and sweaty and I've also been having these weird dizzy spells. I think I'm just really tired because I can't move my arms much," I said with a half shrug. Jin's face turned more worried and he looked me up and down for a couple of seconds before standing up.
"I'll be back in a sec," he told me. I just sat and waited for a couple of minutes before he came back with a grumpy looking Yoongi. Yoongi took one look at me and his expression completely changed. He rushed over and bent down so he was eye level with me.
"My god Jimin you almost look like you're grey. Jin what did you say was wrong with him," he asked quickly.
"Uh, he was coughing, had trouble breathing, a bit clammy, dizzy and now he said he's too tired to move his arms," Jin listed off. Somehow what little colour that was left on Yoongi's face completely disappeared and it slightly scared me.
"Jin call an ambulance right now," Yoongi said. My eyes went wide and I felt my heartrate increase. An ambulance?
"What wh-."
"JIN CALL A BLOODY AMBULANCE," Yoongi yelled. Yoongi didn't need to ask again as Jin ran out of the room.
"W-what's going on," I asked.
"I don't want you to panic Minnie but those symptoms you describe sound a lot like those of a heart attack. I might be wrong but there's no way I'm taking that kind of risk with your life Jiminie," he said, speaking calmly. A heart attack. No there's no way I'm having a heart attack, I can't I'm too young. Right?
"But I'm only 24," I said as my hands begun to feel clammy again.
"Doesn't matter Min. It could happen to anyone, it's not just old people," he told me. I was about to reply when I felt the most unbearable pain in my chest. I cried out and clutched my chest, falling off the bed as I tried to get it to stop. It felt like someone had put a pile of brick on my chest and it was slowly crushing me to death.
"J-Jimin, talk to me," Yoongi said in a shaky voice.
"IT HURTS. IT HURTS SO MUCH, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP," I screamed as tears streamed down my face. I've never felt anything remotely like this before and all I wanted to do was curl up and die...
Suga's POV
I was in the middle of fixing up some lyrics for one of the songs I've been writing been Jin rushed in.
"I need your help with something," he said.
"I'm busy Jin, ask me later," I said shaking my head.
"No it's about Jimin, he's been acting weird and he isn't feeling great but he has a bunch of random little symptoms," he told me. I frowned but got up, I should at least see that Jimin's ok even if I'm annoyed about getting interrupted.
"Fine, hurry up," I said following to Jimin's room. As soon as I saw Jimin me heart sped up and my expression changed completely. He looked so sickly, his skin was almost looking grey. I then briefly remembered that grey skin is a common symptom of something but I couldn't quite remember what it was.
"My god Jimin you almost look like you're grey. Jin what did you say was wrong with him," I asked Jin quickly as I went over to Jimin.
"Uh, he was coughing, had trouble breathing, a bit clammy, dizzy and now he said he's too tired to move his arms," Jin said. My blood went cold as he listed off the symptoms as I suddenly realized exactly what this was.
"Jin call an ambulance right now," I said trying to keep my voice calm so as not to scare the younger in front of me. I don't think it worked very well though because his eyes went wide at my words.
"What wh-."
"JIN CALL A BLOODY AMBULANCE," I yelled. I felt bad for yelling at him but if I'm right and Jimin is having a heart attack who knows how long he has before it gets more life threatening and with the snow, the ambulance could take longer than usual. He listened after that and quickly rushed off.
"W-what's going on," Jimin asked shakily. I felt so bad about worrying him but even though I may seem calm on the outside, I am freaking out completely on the inside.
"I don't want you to panic Minnie but those symptoms you describe sound a lot like those of a heart attack. I might be wrong but there's no way I'm taking that kind of risk with your life Jiminie," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. I saw the conflict in his eyes as he tried to understand what was happening.
"But I'm only 24," he said, fiddling with his hands a little.
"Doesn't matter Min. It could happen to anyone, it's not just old people," I said softly. He opened his mouth I assume to tell me something but he suddenly cried out. He grabbed his chest and rolled of the bed, his face scrunching up in pain. Oh my god, no.
"J-Jimin, talk to me," I said shakily as I realized what was happening.
"IT HURTS. IT HURTS SO MUCH, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP," he screamed. I started sobbing as it hurt so much to see my dongsaeng on the floor in so much pain. I saw rushing footsteps as the other's all rushed in.
"Jimin!? What's wrong with him," Tae asked as he rushed towards him. I quickly jumped up and wrapped my arms around him, stopping him from going any closer as Jimin's cries rang out through the room. Everyone else just stood there frozen.
"No Yoongi, he's hurting. We have to help him, let me help him," Tae cried as he struggled in my arms. It broke my heart but I kept my grip tight around him. We need someone who is thinking rationally to help Jimin as much as we can and Tae wouldn't be able to do that when it's he's soulmate hurting so bad. I heard another set of sobs and looked to my left to see Jungkook with his eyes squeezed closed and his hands clamped over his ears.
"Hobi get him out of here," I said quickly. J-Hope immediately wrapped his arms around the Maknae and pulled him out the door. I felt Tae collapse in my arms as he sobbed while Namjoon and Jin tried to help Jimin but weren't couldn't do much.
"MAKE IT STOP. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU. IT HURTS SO MUCH," Jimin screamed out again and Tae went completely limp in my arms.
"Tae," I said shaking him a little but he stayed unmoving. He's passed out.
"Jin how far away are the ambulance," I asked quickly as I held Tae up as best as possible.
"Uh. They said they'd be 5 minutes because of the snow. Yoongs they wouldn't tell me what's wrong. What's happening to him," Jin said as he hurried tried to wipe the tears away from his face.
"Doesn't matter. Right now we need to try and help him as best as we can before the ambulance get here. Jin I need you to take Tae out, he fainted," I said, avoiding the question. Jin nodded and swiftly grabbed Tae from my arms, rushing him out.
"I don't know how to help him. I'm the leader and I can't help him. Jimin please stop," Namjoon begged as the tears fell down his face as well. I wiped my eyes and shuffled over to Jimin, scooping his head up and putting it in my lap.
"Hang in there Chim Chim. I know it hurts but just please bear it a little longer," I begged trying to tune out his cries but it wasn't working.
"Yoongi, please. I am begging you please make it stop. It's hurt so much Hyung," Jimin begged quietly as his tear filled eyes met mine. This hurt so much more than his screaming. All I saw in his eyes were pain and his voice sounded so weak and pleading. I broke down and put my head to his forehead as he started crying and sobbing again.
"I'm sorry Jiminie, I promise it will get better," I whispered. I heard a couple of noises coming from the front of the house and a couple of seconds later two men in paramedic uniform rushed into the room, guided by Seokjin. They didn't waste any time, they injected something into Jimin that made his cries start to lessen, loaded him onto a stretcher and rushed him out of the room. They didn't even wait for one of to follow them, they just loaded him into the van and sped off.
The other six of us were left standing in the lounge room, unmoving. Apart from Tae who was still passed out on the couch.
"What just happened," Jin whispered, breaking the silence. Jungkook burst into tears again and Hobi quickly engulfed him in a hug.
"Yoongi you need to tell us. I know you know what's happening, SO TELL US," Jin yelled at me.
This fic was requested by @rhecalma. Part 2 will be up very soon. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
Also thankyou so much to everyone who reads my fics. This story has officially passed 500 reads and I'm so happy and excited as I've never had that happen before. Thankyou everyone for all your support and I hope you continue to read!!
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