(Jimin) Forgetting Isn't Good Part 4
Jimin's POV
I can hear them. Everything they say, I can hear. Every time they cry, I can hear their sobs. And it hurts, it really hurts. Being able to hear what they say but not being able to reply, hearing them cry but not being able to console them. Worst of all is when the Maknae's cry. I have learnt that the boys come in pairs, Namjoon and Yoongi, Jin and Tae and J-Hope and Jungkook. Namjoon and Yoongi usually talk or rap to me and it's quite comforting to hear their voices and their singing, it makes me feel safe. They sometimes cry but not very often, they usually keep it together. When Jin and Tae come I usually just hear Jin say and then sit down somewhere whereas Tae will sit by my side and talk or sing to me, but he usually ends up crying sadly. I hate hearing him cry, I'm always just itching to hug him and stop him from crying but I can't, I can't move. J-Hope and Jungkook just hold my hand and talk to me or play with my hair. They don't usually cry, they deal with it pretty well, at least that's what I thought. There was one time when the door opened and I heard crying, except it wasn't the usual criers, it was Jungkook. I was confused and even more desperate to move but I couldn't, I forced to do nothing and listen to Kookie's cries. I was confused because all the times that he came with J-Hope he never cried but know that it seems like he's alone, he's crying so much.
"It's Christmas today Jiminie Hyung. We were supposed to all come and see you later but I couldn't wait, I needed to come see you. I'm sorry for crying, I always try not to cry but I guess being all alone here was just too much. I'm so sorry Jimin. If you can hear me then I know you're going through hell, I know you hate hearing any of us crying and you'd want to help but you can't. So if you can hear me, just know that I'm ok, just being in the room with you and hearing your heart beating is enough to comfort me." What he said was so sweet and mature I don't know how but I felt something wet slip down my face, at first I thought it was Jungkook but his breathing hitched and I felt a soft hand on my face.
"Don't cry Jimin," he sniffed as I felt him wiping the tear off my face.
"I love you so much Jimin, just hang in there and come back to us, no matter how long it takes," he told me and I felt him place a soft kiss on my forehead. I've never had so much respect for the Maknae then I did in that moment, he was acting so much more mature than he usually does.
None of the times I listened to the boys were as hard as what I'm listening to now.
"Hey Jimin, it's uh. It's the 30th of December today, which means it's my birthday. I'm officially 21 today." It's Tae's birthday.
"I miss you so so much Jiminie. Christmas wasn't the same without you but." No, no, no. I can't miss Tae's birthday! I promised him I would throw him a massive 21st and instead he's here crying to me. I HAVE TO WAKE UP. I tried hard but I couldn't move at all still. That didn't stop me though, I kept willing myself to try and move, and to my surprise I managed to wiggle my toes a little.
'Come on Tae, pay attention.'
"We, uh. We promised we would have a huge celebration for our 21st but you aren't here." He stopped yet again and I heard him start sobbing again. Damnit why can't I just move! I felt both of his hands grab mine and squeeze them. I tried to squeeze them back but I couldn't.
"I love you so much Jiminie and I know it's hard but I'm begging you, please. Just show any sort of sign that you're gonna be fine, even just a little hand squeeze," I begged.
'I'm trying Tae, I'm trying so hard. Please don't cry,' I silently begged but of course, he can't hear me.
"I miss you Chim Chim. Your smile that makes your eyes look like little crescent moons, your laugh that makes you fall over because your little body can't handle the amount of power you use to laugh. But most importantly I miss the way that you always make me feel better. I don't even know how but if I'm ever crying and you come to console me, it always works. You're a literal angel Park Jimin," he said as he began to run his fingers through his hand. I was crying. Well not on the outside, but on the inside I was sobbing hysterically. I was now able to move my foot a bit and I was starting to have feeling spread through my body. Yes, come on I'm so close.
"I know it's not your fault that you're here Jiminie and I'm so sorry this happened to you, I'm so sorry," he said brokenly. He let go of my hand just as I was going to squeeze it. Seriously!? I heard some movement and then the bed dipped a little, the next thing I knew, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears wetting my neck and shirt but I didn't care. I mustered up all my energy and concentrated on trying to open my eyes. After a little bit I managed to slowly blink my eyes open. The light was blinding but blinked a few times and managed to keep my eyes open. I looked down slightly and saw Tae's shaking form wrapped around me. Come on, everything's working fine, I just need my stupid arms to move. I grinned in triumph as I moved my arm into the air. I could move, not just a little but I could move everything. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his waist and rub his back, breathing in the familiar scent of my soulmate. I was surprised that he didn't even react but I guess he was just too upset to realize, so he might need a little bit more of a nudge.
"Happy birthday my Tae Tae," I whispered to him. I felt him freeze in my grip and slowly lift his head up, looking me in the eyes.
"Did you really think I'd miss my soulmates 21st," I asked. Tae burst into tears again and I couldn't help but cry as well. I grabbed his face in my hands weakly as I didn't have all my strength back. I wiped his tears away with my thumbs but they wouldn't stop coming. I chuckled slightly through my tears and pulled him to hug. So there we were, both cuddled up together, crying hysterically but enjoying each other's company. I think considering the fact that I've been in here for at least a month unconscious and am now awake, Tae should really be calling a doctor but I don't care. As long as I'm here comforting my fellow 95 liner, I'm alright.
"I'm ok Tae," I whispered.
"J-Jiminie," he sobbed.
"It's ok," I mumbled, placing a soft kiss against his temple.
"You, you're awake," he said sitting up again.
"Yeah, I'm awake," I said with a small smile. I tried to prop myself up but I didn't have enough energy so Tae quickly helped me sit up and lean back against the pillow.
"It's been so long since I've seen your eyes," he said shaking his head a little and wiping his eyes quickly.
"I know and I'm so sorry Tae. You have no idea how hard it was for me to hear you crying all the time. I tried so hard to say or do something but I couldn't," I said sadly.
"Y-you could hear me," he asked, his eyes widening.
"Yeah, I could hear everything. I am so sorry I put you through that," I said with a sigh.
"Jimin it's not your fault, there was nothing y-."
"It was my fault Tae. It was all my fault Tae," I cut him off.
"What do you mean," Tae asked, eyes furrowed in confusion.
"I didn't take my meds," I blurt out. I saw a flash of different emotions cross his face and one of those was anger. I looked down in shame, I put them all through unnecessary pain and now he's going to hate me.
"Don't cry. I know what you're thinking and I could never hate you. I know you didn't mean to have this happen. Like I said, you're a literal angel, you would never want us hurting," Tae said scooting over and wrapping his arms around me in a comforting matter. I started crying yet again and hugging him back.
"I'm sorry-."
"It's fine Chim," he cut me off.
"Can you tell me why you stopped taking your medication though," he asked softly as he leant back and looked me in the eyes.
"It was an accident. I promise it was an accident Tae," I said pleading for him to believe me.
"Shh, settle down it's ok. I believe you, just tell me what happened," he said.
"I uh. I started looking after Namjoon and it just completely slipped my mind. I was too focused on making sure he was ok to realize I was forgetting my meds. I realized in the morning, the day everything happened and I went to take my meds but I realized that I had run out and because I didn't check, I never picked up a new prescription. I was going to that morning but I got a little side-tracked so I was going to later but by the time I realized it was night. I was gonna go in the morning but then well everything happened I guess," I said. I noticed that he was no longer holding me and he had a blank look in his eyes.
"You ok," I asked tilting my head in confusion.
"I stopped you. You were leaving and I stopped you from leaving. This all happened because I wanted you to play video games," he said as his breathing quickened a little. Shoot, I forgot that happened.
"No, Tae no. It's not your fault ok it was my choice to stay. It's no one's fault ok so let's not try and lay any more blame," I said quickly. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"So you're 21 now," I said with a small smile. He chuckled and looked down.
"Yeah, I'm the same age as you again," he replied.
"I'm sorry I didn't get you a present," I said with a defeated sigh.
"Are you actually kidding me right now Park Jimin." My eyes widened at his sudden outburst.
"Uh, no," I said slowly.
"You're awake! Jimin that's the best birthday present ever. I don't need anything else," he said running his hand through my hair as I grinned at the feeling.
"How are you feeling actually? I'm so dumb I didn't even ask if you were ok," he said rolling his eyes as I giggled, causing him to flash his oh so famous boxy grin.
"I'm feeling fine honestly. I mean I'm a bit tired which is funny considering the fact that I've been asleep for like a month," I said shaking my head.
"How's your chest," he asked.
"Feels fine, I guess the surgery worked," I said with a simple shrug.
"You know about the surgery," he said in surprise.
"Yeah. Like I said, I heard pretty much everything," I said frowning slightly. His eyes suddenly widened and he quickly grabbed my hand.
"I am so sorry. I can't imagine how that would've felt, especially because you would've heard my blubbering and not been able to do anything," he said sadly.
"It's fine. And for the record, your blubbering is what pushed me to get up. It was bad enough having Kookie crying on Christmas but you on your birthday was too much," I said.
"Kookie cried," he said sadly.
"He didn't tell you," I asked him.
"No, when we got here he was smiling and excited because it was Christmas," he said shaking his head slowly.
"Oh, well yeah he cried. I felt so bad, hell even I managed to shed a tear," I told him.
"You cried, and Jungkook saw," he asked leaning back a little and I could tell he was a little mad. Crap, I'm getting Jungkookie in trouble.
"He probably didn't notice, I mean he was bawling his eyes out and if he did he probably thought it was his own tear," I covered up quickly.
"Oh. I feel bad for letting him cry alone though," Tae said gloomily.
"He was fine. Very mature actually. He was worried that I could hear him so he said just in case, he wanted me to not worry and to know that he was fine," I said, remembering his little one-sided conversation.
"More mature than me I guess, it never crossed my mind that you could hear me," he said guiltily.
"It's fine Tae Tae. I would ask what I missed but you guys kept me surprisingly well updated," I said thoughtfully.
"So you heard about the comeback being pushed back," he asked.
"Yeah. Sorry about that," I said sheepishly.
"It's completely fine Chim. Army was ok with it anyway, the don't know what happened exactly but they know that you weren't feeling well and that's why we had to push it back a little," he said. 6 months isn't exactly a little.
"Shouldn't you really be telling the doctors that I've woken up from a 1 month coma," I asked with a slight chuckle.
"Probably, they told us that we were to call them if something ever happened but to be honest the minute you woke up it completely slipped my mind," he said smiling slightly.
"You're an idiot you know that," I said chuckling.
"Can I ask you one more question before I go tell them though," he asked me.
"Sure, go ahead," I nodded.
"How are you so ok with this? I mean you almost died and you've been asleep for over a month," he pointed out.
"Well first of all I've had a month to come to terms with almost dying and it-. Anyway secondly did you see me a couple of minutes ago, I was bawling like a baby," I said. I almost said that it wasn't the first time I almost died but I don't need to remind him.
"So was I," he said.
"I'm taking this so well because I get to see you guys again and I got to wake up to a hug with my soulmate," I said truthfully.
"Saranghae," I replied. He squeezed my hand gently before leaving to go get the doctor.
Jungkook's POV
I am a nervous wreck right now. It's been two hours since we dropped Tae off at the hospital and I'm worried about what we're going to come back to. You may be thinking, well why don't you go and check on him, we can't. We promised both Tae and ourselves that we would give Tae 3 hours alone with Jimin before we go back and pick him up.
"Kook, I'm sure he's fine," Hobi said squeezing my shoulder gently. Hoseok has been a great support for me during this past month, always checking up on me and making sure I was doing ok.
"I know, I'm just worried about him. He was devastated this morning," I said sighing.
"I know but there's nothing we can do about it except be there to pick up the pieces after the three hours are up," he said.
"Remember, we've got to be strong for him today," he added.
"He forgot his phone as well by the way. So if it gets too much for him, he can't call us to come get him," I said nervously.
"If needed he can use a nurses phone. Stop stressing out Jungkook," Yoongi said sitting down next to me on the couch.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it," I said with a sigh.
"We know. And it's great that you're worried and all but just relax a little ok," Yoongi said. I took a deep breath and nodded, giving them a small smile.
"Good. We've got less than an hour until we'll be there to pick him up," J-Hope said just as Jin and Namjoon walked in as well.
"You guys all good," Jin asked as they walked over.
"Yeah we're a-." Yoongi was cut off as we heard the front door slam open. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but they went wide as I saw Tae run into the room. I tensed, getting ready to run and catch him when he broke down but to everyone's surprised he was? He was, grinning? He had a full ear to ear boxy grin gracing his face for the first time in over a month.
"You ok Tae," Jin asked slowly. Tae turned grinned again and ran straight to me, quite literally jumping into my arms and wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"He's awake. Kookie he's awake," he said huffing a little as if he just ran all the way here, wait did he actually just run here? That's when I just realized what he said.
"He woke up," I asked in shock, leaning back to look at his face but keeping my arms around him. He nodded quickly.
"Guys, Jimin is awake," I yelled and all my other Hyung's faces lit up. Hobi ran straight up to us and threw his arms around us and the other three soon ran over and joined the group hug. We all started crying but for the first time in over a month, it was tears of happiness not sadness.
"Did you get to talk to him at all," I asked quickly.
"Well um yeah we talked for a bit," he nodded nervously.
"Well what did he say," I asked again. I'm silently praying that he's ok and nothing bad has come out of it but the doctors said there would be risk of things like amnesia.
"He's been taking it quite well actually. He heard us, everything that we've been saying while he was in a coma," he said and my eyes widened.
"Everything," I asked slowly.
"Yeah, he told me about Christmas. You could've told us you know Kook," he said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and looked down guiltily. My plan was to just not tell the other's about my break down because they didn't need to be worried about me. I tried so hard not to break down when visiting my Hyung and I managed to hold it in when J-Hope was there but I just had to let it out eventually. That was also when I saw Jimin cry in his coma but I didn't tell the other's. I don't know why I kept it to myself but I've been all guilty since then. Now Jimin's gone and told Tae and he's probably going to be mad at me. I felt a tear slowly slip down my cheek and I tried to quickly hide it but Tae saw.
"Hey Kook don't cry, we aren't mad or anything," he said wiping my eyes quickly.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I said sadly.
"No, don't you dare cry Jungkookie. Jimin is awake now so we're all happy, no need for sad tears," Tae said shaking my shoulders gently. I smiled slightly and quickly wiped my eyes.
"What happened on Christmas," Yoongi asked confused.
"Jungkookie burst into tears on Jimin bedside," Tae said bluntly, making me cringe a little.
"What, why didn't you tell us," Hoseok asked walking over to me.
"Enough about me, Jimin is awake shouldn't we be going to see him," I pointed out.
"He's right, let's go guys," Namjoon said. We all got up and rushed to the car to go see Jimin.
"I do need to tell you that the reason everything happened in the first place was because he didn't take his meds," Tae said silently. What, why wouldn't he take his meds?
"Before you panic, it was an accident. He got too caught up in looking after everyone else that he forgot to take them but when he did realize he noticed that he had run out of medication and couldn't get any more until the morning. Unfortunately things happened before the he got the chance to get more medication," he said really quickly. That honestly doesn't surprise me at all.
"That's classical Jimin, always putting other's before himself," Namjoon said with a sigh.
"Let's just go see him. It's been quite a while since most of us have been able to talk to him," Jin said. We all nodded and fell into a comfortable silence.
Jimin's POV
After the doctors checked me over and told me that I had no side effects of the coma and that the surgery went really well, I expected Tae to come bounding straight back inside and cuddle up to me. But to my surprise no one came. I was a little sad but then I realized he was probably doing something with the other's so I just sat and waited. About 15 minutes later I heard the door open and I sat up to see my youngest dongsaeng sprinting over to me. I sat up further and leant forwards, meeting him on the edge of the bed and pulling him into a tight embrace.
"Jungkookie," I said softly as I buried my head in his shoulder. His arms embraced me firmly and I felt him take a deep breath before relaxing into the hug.
"I'm sorry if I upset you. I tried not to cry but I just missed you," he mumbled.
"I heard you Kookie. When you said not to worry, I didn't. I trust you," I murmured into his hair.
"I really don't want to break up this moment but I haven't hugged him in over a month and believe it or not, I miss giving him hugs," I heard Yoongi whisper. He may have tried to be quiet but it didn't work at all. Jungkook and I both chuckled and pulled apart.
"Come here Hyung," I said holding open my arms. All of my Hyungs immediately ran to me and gave me a hug together. Ahhh, this is the life. Hugging almost all of my brothers and feeling their comfort. I saw Yoongi stick out his hand and grab Jungkook, yanking him into the hug. Tae then followed suit and joined the hug as well.
"I'm sorry for worrying you guys," I said softly.
"We don't care Jiminie, we're just happy to have you back," Namjoon said with a small chuckle.
"Are you sure," I asked nervously.
"Yes we're sure Chim," Jin said.
"But it was my f-."
"We know what happened Jiminie but we don't care. You being ok now is all that matters," Yoongi said softly. I felt tears gather in my eyes but they were of happiness and I pulled my brothers closer, tightening my arms as much as possible. This is where I belong, in the arms of the one's that I love safe and sound without a care in
This is the last part to Jimin Forgetting his Medication. I hope you enjoyed reading and once again thank you for taking the time to read it in the first place.
As of now, I don't have anymore requests to do so I would really appreciate it if someone could send in one for me to do. I would prefer it to be someone other than Taehyung or Jimin but if no one else is requesting then I may have to do another one of them. Also you can have some where multiple members are hurt, sick or scared.
I hope everyone has a lovely day and is staying safe :)
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