(Jimin) Forgetting Isn't Good Part 2
Jimin's POV
It's been just under a week since we found out that Namjoon had pneumonia and we've all been doing our best to make sure that he's being properly looked after and getting all the meds that are needed. Jin and I have been the main one's looking after our leader and it's been very tiring. I only just realized that I haven't been taking my meds or eating properly since I started to look after Joonie. When I woke up in the morning I quickly went into my bag and rummaged through, looking for my meds. When I finally found them, I opened it only to find that it was empty. Shoot, I must've forgotten to get my refill because I was too busy focusing on Joonie Hyung.
"Hey Jiminie, thank god you're awake. Would you mind making some soup for Namjoon please," Jin said as he walked into my room. I was about to tell him that I had to go pick up some more meds but after seeing his face and how tired he was, I decide not to worry him.
"You ok Jinnie, you look so tired," I said with slight concern.
"It's ok, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping great lately," he said with a sigh.
"Why don't you rest today and I can take care of Namjoon. He's pretty much recovered by now anyway," I said walking over to him and rubbing his shoulder.
"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks Jimin," he said with a grateful sigh. We both walked out of my room, him turning left towards his room, me going right down to the kitchen. As I began making the soup Jungkook came down and sat at the bench just watching me.
"Are you doing ok Hyung," he asked suddenly.
"Yeah I'm fine, why," I asked confused.
"It's just you've been taking such good care of Joonie, I wanted to make sure you're looking after yourself and taking your medication," he said. I'm glad that I was facing the other direction as I was stirring the pot because there is no way I can ever lie to my Kookie while looking in his innocent eyes.
"Yeah of course Kook, there's nothing to worry about," I said with a small shrug.
"That's good Hyung. Do you need any help," he asked me.
"Yeah, can you go call out the other's please, except for Jin and Namjoon," I asked. He nodded and left, not even questioning why I didn't want Jin to come down.
"Oooh, what did you make for us," Tae asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Soup," I said with a giggle as his breath tickled my neck.
"You always make great soup," he complimented me.
"Aish, go sit down," I said shrugging him off gently. He chuckled and ran over to Kookie, tackling him into a hug.
"Looks good Jimin," J-Hope said as he peered into the pot.
"Can you please serve everyone else? I'm going to go give Namjoon his food. Jin is sleeping a bit longer because he hasn't been getting much sleep," I told him. Hobi nodded and began pulling out more bowls as I put Namjoon's bowl onto a tray and brought it upstairs to him.
"Hey, how're you feeling," I asked as I walked in to see him sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"Much better actually. I only have a slightly sore throat," he said flashing me a grin.
"That's great Hyung. I'm glad to see that you're feeling better and just in time it seems because this is our second last day off," I said walking over to him. I softly placed the tray down onto his lap and he mumbled a quick thanks.
"Are you feeling well enough to go to the lounge room," I asked him as he began to eat slowly.
"Yeah of course, I'll come down after I've eaten," he said.
"I'll leave you to it then," I said with a shrug.
"Are you feeling alright, you're looking a little pale," he said as I was about leave the room. I stopped and quickly turned around to him.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine Joonie," I said grinning. After seeing me smile he nodded and I left. I went into my room and got dressed before grabbing my prescription slip and putting it in my pocket. I was about to leave and go get it but Tae came into my room.
"Come play Xbox with me Jiminie," he said with a grin.
"Not right now Tae, I'm busy," I said shaking my head.
"Pleaseeeeeee Chim Chim. You've spent all your time looking after Namjoon Hyung and haven't spent any time with me. We hardly ever get days off," he said with a pout. Ugh, this kid and his pouting. I can never say no to him when he pouts, plus he's right I haven't spent much time with my dongsaeng's. My meds can wait another few hours, I'm feeling fine anyway.
"Alright let's go," I said giving in. He jumped up and down happily before grabbing my hand and quite literally dragging me downstairs, into the lounge room and throwing me down onto the couch (not roughly).
"You joining us Hyung," Jungkook asked, his eyes lit up.
"Prepare to lose," I said with a grin as he flashed his famous bunny smile.
"I dibs going first against Jimin," Tae said chucking me a controller. I chuckled but got positioned, ready to be my soulmate in combat.
Later That Night
I promised myself that I would just play with the boys for a couple of hours but before I knew it, it was already dark outside.
"You alright Jimin, you've just gone really pale all of a sudden," Jungkook said in concern.
"Yeah, I just realized that I suck at this game," I said with a convincing pout.
"Aww Jiminie, you can't be good at everything," Tae said pulling me into a hug.
"Unless you're Jungkook," he added as an afterthought, making the Maknae blush in embarrassment.
"You guys have been playing those games all day, come and have some dinner," Jin said as he walked into the lounge room. Namjoon seems to have perked up quite a bit and he was even walking around and laughing with the other's. Tae and Jungkook straight away jumped and sprinted to the kitchen, making me smile fondly. I sat up but immediately felt dizzy and fell back down. I blinked a few times and shook my head until my vision cleared again. I quickly brought my hand up to my forehead and noticed that I was sweating a little. Shoot. If the boys notice that I'm sweating a little then they'll start freaking out and I don't want them to stress more than they already have been because of Namjoon being sick.
"Hey guys I'm feeling a bit tired so I'm gonna head up to bed," I said with a small yawn to make it believable.
"What about eating," Hobi asked.
"I'm not very hungry," I shrugged.
"Oh ok. Make sure you take your medication before bed," Namjoon said. I just nodded and made my way upstairs. When I got to my room, I quickly closed the door and stumbled, grabbing my set of drawers for support. I don't know how I could get so bad so quick but one minute I was fine and the next I could hardly stand due to being so dizzy. It probably has nothing to do with my heart, I've most likely just caught something from Namjoon. With that being said, I really wasn't feeling great so I stumbled over to my bed and collapsed on top of it. My heart was pounding in my chest and I didn't have enough energy to get changed so I just closed my eyes and fell into a restless sleep...
Jungkook's POV
Jimin skipped dinner and instead went straight up to his room. I ate my food quickly before saying goodbye to my Hyungs and going up to my room. I stopped by Jimin's door on my way and decided to knock quietly. After receiving no reply, I quietly opened the door and peeked my head through. My heart melted at the sight of my second youngest Hyung lying across his bed asleep. He was still in his clothes and all the lights were on as if he just accidentally fell asleep. Accident or not, he definitely deserved the sleep considering how much he's been looking after Namjoon during the past few days. I slipped inside the room and closed the door quietly. I then went into Jimin's closet and quickly grabbed some pyjamas for him to wear before going over to him. I slowly and carefully undressed him and put him into the pyjamas. Just as I finished buttoning his shirt up his eyes blinked open slightly.
"Go back to sleep Hyung," I said softly, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled slightly and I gently picked him up, repositioning him so his head was rested on his pillow and he looked more comfortable.
"Night Kookie, saranghae," he mumbled as his eyes slipped closed again.
"Love you too Hyung," I whispered giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly placed my palm against his forehead. It didn't exactly feel like he had a fever but it was a little bit warmer than usual. I'll have to check up on him see how he's going, make sure he hasn't caught something from Namjoon even though they said it wasn't contagious. After tucking him in softly, leaving room to breathe, I quickly left turning the light off and going to get ready for bed in my own room.
Jimin's POV
When I first woke up, it was to see Kookie buttoning up my shirt.
"Go back to sleep Hyung," he whispered and I felt him run his hands through my hair. I almost fell right back asleep, it felt so good. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that he had gotten me changed into my pyjamas. He picked me up and moved me around so my head was resting on my pillow.
"Night Kookie, saranghae," I mumbled, letting my eyes close as I drifted off.
"Love you too Hyung." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.
The second time I woke up was horrible. I sweating so much and my hands were clammy. I had no idea what the time was but I knew that I definitely had some sort of fever. Despite the fever, I was feeling oddly cold so I pulled my blanket up, rolling it around my tightly like a cocoon. I coughed a couple of times and a sharp pain stabbed in my chest. By now I definitely knew that something was going wrong with my heart but by now there was nothing I could do. I could hardly move my head, I was that exhausted. I tried to call out for my Hyungs but all that came out was small whispers. I began to cry as I realized there was nothing I could do anymore, except let what was going to happen, happen. I don't know how long I cried for but after a while I fell back into a restless sleep.
Suga's POV
"Can you go wake Jimin up please, he missed dinner so I want to make sure he has breakfast," Jin said as I was the last person except for Jimin down stairs. I nodded and went back up to Jimin's room. I opened his door and walked inside, cooing at the sight of him. He was wrapped up in his blankets so all I could see was his little tufts of blonde hair sticking out as well as his little smooshed face. I chuckled and walked over, shaking his waist a little to wake him up but he stayed asleep.
"Come on Jiminie, time to wake up," I said shaking him harder but his eyes remained closed. I sighed before going to pull his blanket away from his head but gasped as my hand brushed his forehead.
"Jimin," I said quickly shaking him more but he didn't move. By now I was starting to get panicked. I quickly ripped the blanket off him and threw it on the floor. His whole body was shaking but when I felt his forehead it was burning. I bolted to his bathroom and grabbed the thermometer before running back and taking his temperature. The number I saw made my breathing quicken and I could feel a panic attack coming on. I can't go through this again, it was 41°C (105° Fahrenheit). Despite wanting to panic I knew I couldn't because I don't know how long he's been in the danger zone of his favour.
"Stay with me, please stay with me," I said as tears streamed down my face. I heard rushing footsteps and then the door slammed open, showing a panicking Jin and J-Hope.
"Oh my god, what happened," Jin exclaimed, running over.
"He's got a fever," I said quietly.
"How bad," Jin asked.
"41," I cried out.
"Shit, Hobi go run and get as much ice as you can find. Yoongi help me get his clothes off," Jin said quickly. Hobi sprinted off and Jin and I quickly started peeling the clothes off Jimin. We got as far as unbuttoning his top when he suddenly started jerking.
"What's happening," I said freezing in confusion.
"He's seizing, back up," Jin said grabbing me and pulling me back. I started breaking down as I saw my favourite dongsaeng convulsing on his bed. I froze not knowing what to do but I watched as Jin moved the pillows in front of the headboard obviously trying to protect Jimin's head.
"Hyung what do I do. I dunno what to do," I said as my heart rate picked up.
"Yoongi, Yoongs please stay calm. NAMJOON," he yelled out. I just dropped to my knees on the floor as I watched Jimin slowly stop seizing but I still couldn't get the images out my mind. A couple of seconds later I saw someone's face in front of mine but my vision was too blurry to notice who it was.
"Yoongi. Come on Yoongi you need to calm down. We can't have you panicking, please take a breath," I recognized it to be the leaders voice. It didn't help much but then I felt I hand grab mine and move it. He placed it on his chest and I could feel a steady heartbeat thumping under my hand. Somehow, it took my mind off of what was happening and I felt myself tuning into the heartbeat. I lost track of time but after a bit my breathing slowed and my vision cleared. I must've been kneeling there for a while because when I looked up I saw that there were two paramedics rushing Jimin out of the room. I started to panic again.
"No, no they can't take him alone. He said last time he was scared when he was alone. Please don't take him alone," I begged as I tried to get up but was stopped by Namjoon who wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me down.
"It's ok Yoongi, he's not alone. Seokjin is going with him," he whispered. I started crying again and I could tell that Namjoon was as well. I could've sat like there forever and just cry until we were told whether our dongsaeng was ok. That's when a thought occurred to me.
"Oh my god, the Maknae's," I gasped out. How could I even forget about the other two younger one's. He isn't their dongsaeng, he's their Hyung and he's so close to those two. They're the Maknae line. Last time something happened with Jimin, Jungkook broke down and Tae would wake up with nightmares for a while unless he slept next to Jimin, knowing his soulmate was ok. Not many people know about his nightmares but I caught found him thrashing in his sleep one night and he confessed. I quickly jumped out of Namjoon's embrace and rushed downstairs. Jungkook was sitting on the couch staring blankly at the wall with tears rolling down his face, Hobi was kneeling in front of him trying to get him to talk. And Tae, poor Tae was curled up on the couch clutching desperately at the pillow he once bought for Jimin as he sobbed deeply. I rushed over and scooped him up, sitting down on the couch and putting him on my lap and hugging him tightly. He turned a little and quickly flung his arms around me tightly, clutching me as if it was the only way he would live. The pillow was pushed up against my shoulder but I didn't have the heart to try and get him to put it down.
"It's ok Tae, he's a fighter. He would never leave without saying goodbye ok," I said as I cradled the younger in my arms. He sobbed but nodded into my shoulder.
"Come on guys we need to go to the hospital ok. We can't leave Jin alone," Namjoon said quietly. No one looked like they were going to move but Jungkook stepped up abruptly, walking out the door. Hoseok looked confused but quickly got up and followed after the Maknae. I sighed before quickly standing up, keeping Tae in my arms. The pillow slipped out of his hands and fell onto the couch. I quickly grabbed it and handed it back to him before he could have the chance to start crying again.
"Hold onto it tightly," I whispered before carrying him out to the car. The car ride was silent and I kept a hold of Tae, not bothering to buckle in or put him onto a different seat. Right now he needs someone to hold him, I feel like the minute I let go of him, he's going to crumble. When we got to the hospital we still didn't say anything. People were giving me odd looks as I was carrying a 20 year old guy in my arms, his arms and legs wrapped around me like a bear but I didn't care. I'm going to continue to look after my younger brothers.
"We're here for Park Jimin," Namjoon said sadly to the receptionist.
"I'm sorry but you're unable to see him. He's currently in an emergency heart surgery," he replied in monotone. Emergency heart surgery?! Tae started crying harder so I quickly started hushing him softly and rubbing his back.
"Are you also wanting to see Kim Seokjin," he asked. Huh, Jin?
"What's wrong with Jin," Hobi asked voicing our confusion.
"He passed out in the ambulance and is currently in room 27," he told us. I looked at Namjoon and he nodded before walking towards the direction of the room, the rest of us followed. When we walked in, we saw Jin unconscious on the bed. There was nothing but a heart monitor attached to him. A nurse walked in not long after us.
"Can we please ask what happened," I asked her.
"From what I heard, the patient in the ambulance went into cardiac arrest and Mr Kim had a panic attack before passing out," she said softly.
"C-cardiac arrest," Jungkook said fearfully, speaking up for the first time since everything happened.
"Before you panic, yes Mr Park did go into cardiac arrest and his heart almost gave up but they managed to bring him back. He had to get rushed straight into surgery because his heart is weak and we're worried it will give out if he doesn't have this surgery. As of now he is in a stable condition but we will keep you informed as time goes on," she said reassuringly. Big thumbs up to this nurse, she's done a relatively good job at trying to help our fears with what's happening.
"Thank you. We're very grateful," I said truthfully. She nodded and walked out, just as Jin started stirring. I quickly bumped Tae up as he was slipping a little and walked closer to Jin, as did the other's. I noticed that J-Hope was holding onto Kookie's hand gently.
"Jimin. Guys Jimin he-."
"Shh Jinnie. They brought him back. He's having an emergency surgery and is stable so far," Namjoon quickly interrupted him.
"So he's still alive," Jin asked, his eyes full of fear.
"Yeah, he's still alive. Right now we all have just got to stay healthy, pray and let the doctors work their magic. We all know how strong Jimin is and he's a fighter," Namjoon said firmly.
"Is he ok," Jin asked sadly, nodding up to Tae.
"Yeah, he's just taking it really hard," I said running my fingers through his hair.
"Are you feeling better now," Jin asked me. I just nodded and sat on the edge of the bed with Tae still in my lap.
Later That Night
We've all been sitting in Jin's hospital room for about 6 hours waiting for news on Jimin. Jin doesn't exactly need to be in the room but as we are Idols and they've got a lot of available rooms they decided to let us stay here. Everyone but Jungkook and I are asleep. Tae is still in my lap as I'm sat on the couch in the corner, still clutching the pillow. He won't even let it go in her sleep. Jungkook is seated next to me with his head on the shoulder that isn't occupied by Tae and he is holding my hand. I'm a little squished but as long as the Maknae's are being comforted, I'm fine with it. There was a loud knock on the door and everyone slowly woke up. Jungkook went over and opened the door, turning on the light. A doctor walked in and everyone sat up, suddenly more awake. Tae stayed in my grip but turned his head to face the doctor.
"Is he going to be ok," Jin asked quickly.
"He is alive," he replied and everyone let out a breath.
"There's a catch though isn't there," Jungkook said sadly.
"Unfortunately there is. His heart is doing much better now and he's stable but he's fallen into a coma," he said shaking his head sadly.
"Will he ever wake up," Hobi asked.
"He should wake up but we're not sure when. I couple be day, weeks, months, even years. I know that not very reassuring but it's the best we could do. For now if you're willing, I'd just say to visit him whenever you get the chance and try talking to him or doing anything that might feel familiar with him to try and get him to wake up," he said sadly.
"Can we please see him," Tae asked, in a broken voice. It's the first time I've heard him speak at all since Jimin was taken to hospital.
"Of course, he's four doors down on the right," he told us. We all nodded and everyone got up to make our way over there. I was about to stand up when Tae put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly looked up at him in confusion.
"I can walk Hyung," he said quietly. His eyes were red and puffy but he was flashing me a small smile.
"Ok," I said with I nodded. I turned and walked off, assuming he was following me. A few seconds later I heard quick feet pattering towards me and a hand slipped into mine. I flicked my eyes to the right and saw that Tae had grabbed my hand, obviously wanting some comfort. We all stopped and took a deep breath before entering Jimin's room. I was surprised to see that Jimin looked, well like Jimin. If it weren't for the oxygen mask, heart monitor and other little things attached to his body, he would just look like he was sleeping.
"He looks so peaceful," Hobi said quietly. I let go of Tae's hand and he walked over to Jimin, grabbing his hand and sitting down next to him as tears streamed down his face. it didn't go unnoticed that he was still clutching onto Jimin's pillow...
Here is part 2, there will be at least one more part. Like promised, this one was longer than my last couple. I want to thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Once again, request are open. Preferably not Jimin or Tae for now though
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