(Hoseok) Upset Part 3
Suga's POV
I feel bad lying to J-Hope but I needed to find a way to get him to eat and this was my only idea. I didn't actually ask anyone to come with me to the restaurant, I just wanted J-Hope to come with me. Unfortunately he declined my offer so I went to plan be. I acted like I needed someone to come with me, I know that he would do anything to look after the rest of us, no matter how upset he might be. As soon as he saw my mood change, he was immediately concerned and asked me what was wrong. I lied and said that I was feeling dizzy and wanted someone with me, just in case I fainted or something. That made him immediately agree to coming with me for some food. Now we're currently sitting down at the restaurant, looking at the menu.
"I'm not very hungry so you can go ahead and eat Hyung," he told me.
"Well I'm starving but we can go home if you aren't hungry," I said putting the menu down with a shrug.
"No, no. You've got to eat Suga," he said shaking his head.
"I'd feel weird if I ate along with you just sitting there. Please just eat with me," I pleaded, doing something that you will never hear me admit again. I imitated Jimin's signature puppy dog eyes look. I'm very glad that it worked, otherwise I would've been very embarrassed.
"Of course. I'll get some noodles. Just make sure you eat so you feel better," he said.
Later That Night
I successfully managed to get Hoseok to eat some food. Sure it wasn't a whole heap but it's the most I've seen him eat for a while.
"Yoongi, can you go check on the maknae's? They're supposed to be getting ready for bed because we have an early start tomorrow but I highly doubt they'll be in bed," Namjoon asked me.
"Of course, do I have permission to do whatever to get them to bed," I asked with an evil grin.
"Sure, do whatever," he shrugged. I quickly got up and made my way to Jimin's room, to see if the three maknae's were there but they weren't. I ended up finding them in the next room over, Taehyung's room. The three of them were laying on the bed, Jimin and Jungkook were watching Tv while Tae was cuddled up between them, his arms wrapped around Jimin as Jungkook ran his hand through his hair softly. Ugh, why do they have to always be so cute all the time? How does RM expect me to tell them off and get them to go to their own rooms when they look that cute.
"You guys are supposed to be going to bed, we have to wake up early," I whispered so as to not wake up Tae, making the other two look at me.
"We are going to bed, we're all sleeping here," Jimin replied.
"Isn't that uncomfortable though? How can all three of you fit on that bed," I asked shaking my head slightly.
"It's fine. Don't forget, we aren't as fat as you," Jungkook joked with a sly grin.
"Don't talk like that to your Hyungs Kookie," I said rolling my eyes.
"Alright, well turn the Tv off and join Tae Tae in the land of sleep," I said sternly.
"Yes Hyung," Jimin said grabbing the remote and turning off the Tv.
"Goodnight boys," I said turning the light off.
"Goodnight Yoongi Hyung," Jimin said softly.
"How'd it go," Namjoon asked when I walked back out to the kitchen.
"Yeah, they're all sleeping on Tae's bed," I replied.
"They're weird sometimes. I don't get why they don't just go to their own rooms and sleep in their own beds," he said shaking his head slightly.
"I dunno, but I'm going to go head off to bed as well," I told him. He nodded and I walked off towards me bedroom. I was about to open the door and go inside when I heard muffled sounds from the room next to me, J-Hope's room. I went over to his door and knocked quietly. There was the sound of shuffling for a couple of seconds before the door was opened, showing a very worse for wear looking Hoseok. I could tell immediately that he had been crying earlier but was trying to cover it up as his eyes were red and slightly puffy.
"Hey, you doing ok," I asked softly.
"I'm fine. What do you want," he asked with a slight edge to his voice.
"You keep saying you're fine, yet you don't look fine at all," I pointed out.
"Just go away Yoongi. You've never cared about me before, none of you have so don't bother now," he said. He went to slam the door but I quickly put my foot out to stop it from closing. I winced slightly at the pain in my foot but quickly shrugged it off.
"What are you talking about Hobi? I've always cared about you, we all have," I said confused.
"No you haven't, just leave me alone," he said shoving me back and slamming the door. I stumbled backwards and slipped causing my to head straight towards the wall but at the last second I felt arms wrap around me and hold me up.
"You ok? What was that about," Namjoon asked me.
"Uh nothing, I just slipped," I said quickly.
"Oh, alright. Why don't you head off to bed," he said.
"Yeah," I nodded and went into my room. I laid awake that night in bed, just thinking over what J-Hope said. Did he really think that we don't care about him? What would make him think that? Let's just say I didn't have a very good sleep that night.
Jungkook's POV
"Kookie, Kookie wake up." I slowly opened my eyes to see Suga standing over me.
"Go away Yoongi, I'm tired," I replied closing my eyes.
"Come on Jungkook, I need you to wake up so I can talk to you." I sighed and opened my eyes again.
"What time is it," I asked sleepily.
"It's 5am," he replied.
"What? Why am I awake now," I asked quickly. I'm not supposed to be awake for at least another half an hour.
"I need to talk to you about Hobi, I have a slight idea about what might be happening," he whispered. That definitely woke me up! I went to sit up quickly but Suga jumped forwards and put his hands on my shoulder, forcing my down roughly.
"What the hell Suga," I complained.
"Do you not even realize you've got arms around you," he asked with a slight chuckle to his tone. Huh? I looked down realized that I did indeed have arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to the left and saw a sleeping Taehyung with his head next to my shoulder and next to him was Jimin.
"Oh, right. Can you help me move him so he doesn't wake up," I asked, lowering my voice a little. He nodded and helped me slowly unwrap Tae's arms from my waist and turn him over. Tae moved around a little before repositioning himself and wrapping his arms around Jimin who also moved around and hugged Tae back.
"Are they still asleep," I whispered to Suga as I got up out of bed.
"Of course they are. You three really don't understand just how hard it is to wake you up," he said shaking his head. He grabbed me hand and pulled me out of the room, into his.
"So what did you find out," I asked him.
"Well after you guys went to bed I was going to go to sleep but I heard stuff from his room so I knocked on his door. When he opened it, it was obvious that he had been crying so I tried to ask what was wrong but he got angry at me. He said that none of us have ever cared about him before so I might as well not bother now," he said.
"What does he mean we've never cared about him? We all love him, we'd do anything to make him happy," I said confused.
"I know and then he tried to slam the door on me but I stopped him so he shoved me out the way," he said looking a bit deflated. I understand how he's feeling because I'm also shocked. Hobi has never put his hands on any one of us with anger, he's always so calm and friendly.
"Do you think maybe someone's said something to him," I asked, making him look up suddenly.
"That actually a really good explanation," he said as his eyes went wide.
"But how would we know if we're right or not," I asked with a sigh. He looked puzzled for a couple of seconds before his face went blank, meaning he thought of something.
"What," I asked him.
"I have an idea," he said slowly. Why does he seem like he's hesitating. Is he going to say something that's going to be a very bad idea?
"Go ahead," I said nervously.
"How long do we have until everyone's supposed to be waking up," he asked me.
"We have about 20 minutes," I replied.
"Good. We need to be really quiet and sneak into Hobi's room to find his phone. If anything is going to be able to perhaps tell us what's going on then it's his phone," he said. I frowned slightly at the suggestion, I don't know how smart that would be.
"You don't have to help me Jungkook but I'm going to do it. He really didn't look good last night and I'm getting really worried about him," he told me. He's right, if there's a chance it might help us know what's going on then we've got to at least try.
"Of course I'll help but we've got to hurry," I said. He nodded and we both left his room, creeping over to J-Hope's room.
"Maybe you should wait out here while I go grab it. Just make sure no one tries to come in and wake him up," I said. You might not know but Suga isn't exactly the most stealthy of us all.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea," he said. I slowly opened the door to Hobi's room and walked in. I crept past the bathroom and glanced around the corner, glad to see that he was soundly sleeping. I slowly tiptoed around to the far side of his bed where he usually keeps his phone. I got there no problem and gently lifted up of the desk before walking back towards the door. It was going fine but of course nothing ever goes how you want it as I accidentally knocked a small book of his desk. I inhaled sharply and stopped waiting to see if he woke up but thankfully, he didn't move. I quickly rushed the rest of the way out and closed the door behind me, turning to Suga.
"What was that noise," he asked quickly.
"I knocked a book by accident but he didn't wake up," I replied.
"Good. Uh, do you have any idea what his password might be," he asked me. Shoot we didn't think of that.
"Uh, um-."
"It's Bts boys for life. All lowercase, a z instead of the s and the number 4," both Suga and I jumped at the sound of the new voice.
"Jimin, when did you get here," I asked in surprise.
"Just then. Why are you trying to get into Hobi's phone," Jimin asked as Tae walked out rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Keep it down guys," I whispered quickly.
"What? Why," Tae asked confused.
"Alright, back into the room," Suga said quickly as we grabbed the other two and pushed them back into their room and closed the door, turning the light on.
"What's going on," Tae asked. I looked at Suga for him to give the explanation.
"There's something wrong with Hobi and we think he's been told something like, we don't care about him or something. So we trying to see if there's something on his phone that can give us an idea about what's happened," he said.
"So it's not just us that thinks there's something going on," Tae asked.
"Wait you noticed as well," I asked quickly.
"Yeah, we've been talking about it ever since we realized he wasn't eating. What makes you say he thinks we don't care about him," Jimin asked.
"Something he said last night. Anyway we need to hurry up and look before everyone else wakes up," Suga said. He quickly typed in the password that Jimin said which thankfully was correct.
"What do we look at first," Tae asked with a small grin.
"You're enjoying this way too much Hyung," I said shaking my head. He scoffed but didn't reply.
"Just look at the apps he had opened recently. I don't feel comfortable going through all of his messages," Jimin said.
"Alright let's see. He was previously looking at, Twitter. Should we have a look at that," Suga asked as he pulled up the opened apps list.
"Yeah," I nodded. Suga quickly pressed on it and the screen that we were met with, broke our hearts...
The Upset Hoseok series is coming to an end soon so I would really appreciate if someone would be able to send through some more requests.
Once again thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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