(Hoseok) Upset Part 2
Hoseok's POV
Our break finished a couple of days ago which meant we had to go back to practicing, which means the boys had to go back to putting up with me and my uselessness. I've spent the past few days trying to stay away from the others so I don't annoy them or become a hassle. I've also decided that I need to eat less and work out more to become better if I ever want the other's to like me and want to be at their level. Whenever the boys asked if I'm hungry I usually say that I just ate beforehand and I'm hungry anymore. No one really seems that concerned, which doesn't surprise me considering I found out how they really feel about me. I've actually started to notice the things I do and it's made me feel really bad for the boys for having to put up with me.
"Hey J-Hope hurry up, we've gotta go soon," Suga said as he opened my bedroom door.
"I'll be down in a second," I replied with a sigh.
"Hey Hobi, how's your hand feeling at the moment." I looked up to see Suga still standing at the door. His expressions are usually hard to determine but I'm pretty sure he was only asking out of courtesy.
"It's fine. I'll meet you out there," I said, turning to my bag to pack it. I heard some movement and then no noise, which meant that Suga had left. I started putting all my stuff in my bag which was quite hard to do as my hand was not in fact fine and I was trying not to use it. I huffed in frustration as I dropped my bag. I bent down to pick it back up but I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Suga bending down and picking up my bag. I stood up straight, confused as to why he was helping me and waiting for an explanation but he just silently packed everything in my bag and zipped it up.
"Come on let's go," he said as he put it on his back and walked out of the room. I followed him, still deeply confused.
Suga's POV ~Earlier That Morning~
I heard a knock on my door just as I was putting my shirt on.
"Come in," I called out. The door opened and in walked a nervous looking Jungkook.
"Hey Kook, what's up," I asked as he sat down on my bed and I quickly sat down next to him. I'm not quite sure why as it looks like something is bothering him and he usually goes to Jimin or Taehyung.
"Can I talk to you about something Yoongi," he asked quietly.
"Of course but can I ask why you're coming to me, don't you usually go to the other's for help," I asked him.
"I'm coming to you because I know you'll listen and not think I'm just being paranoid," he said. So it's something pretty serious? I nodded my head for him to continue.
"Well, it's about Hobi Hyung," he said slowly. What's wrong with J-Hope, well apart from the fact that his hand probably still hurts from when he slipped in the bathroom a couple of days ago.
"What about him," I asked.
"There's something wrong. And before you say it's probably just me reading things, just hear me out. When Jimin, Tae and I left the morning before he got hurt, he was fine but when I saw him next, he was sitting on his bed and staring at the wall, completely out of it. He didn't even react when I called his name about 4 times," he said quickly.
"Yeah, he was daydreaming remember, we all know how he is and he hurt his hand when he slipped so he was obviously going to be more upset than when you left," I pointed out.
"No, please just listen to me Yoongi. Something isn't right, I'm telling you. Something happened while we were gone and it upset him. I mean, he's been avoiding us for the past few days and he hasn't been eating," he said frustrated as he stood up.
"Alright Kookie, just settle down. What makes you think he isn't eating," I asked him as I grabbed his hand and sat him back down next to me.
"Have you seriously not noticed how every time we ask him to eat he always says that he already ate beforehand when I know for a fact that he never has," Jungkook said as he pulled at his hair roughly. Wow, this is really worrying him.
"Hey, come on settle down and explain more for me. I believe you alright but I'm a little confused," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling it away from his hair. He is right though, now that I think about it Hobi hasn't eaten with us in a while.
"Have you ever broken a mirror," he asked suddenly. Now he's lost me, what has me breaking a mirror or not got to do with anything.
"No why," I asked.
"Do you know how hard it is to break a mirror, especially when it's attached to the wall," he asked me.
"Well know but probably pretty hard," I replied with a shrug.
"Exactly. So do you honestly believe that he just slipped and his hand hit the mirror that has a sink sticking out in front of it with enough force to break it," he said looking at me. Holy. Crap. Jungkook has totally found me again, I understand what he is saying.
"He punched the mirror," I breathed out.
"Yeah but not just that, he punched it really hard, out of frustration or anger," he said.
"So he was angry at something," I asked.
"Or he was angry at himself," he replied.
"So what do you thinks wrong? What happened," I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I tried to figure it out.
"I'm not sure but I needed to tell someone about it so I could have some help looking out for him to make sure he doesn't end up getting hurt. I don't know what to do Yoongi, what if there's something really wrong and we can't help him." His voice broke at the end and tears pooled around his eyes.
"It's ok Kookie, we'll figure it out. I'm sure it's nothing too bad, we'll both just have to keep an eye on him," I said quickly as the tears started falling down his face. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back gently to calm him down. Jungkook is a real big softie when it comes to his Hyungs and he gets very emotional when something is wrong with any of us. I was about to say something else when the door opened and the two of us pulled apart as he wiped his eyes quickly.
"We're leaving soon, are you guys ready," Jimin asked us.
"Yeah we'll be right there," I said nodding.
"Alright le- Have you been crying Kookie," he asked softly as he rushed forward and put his hands on either side of Jungkook's head, forcing the younger to look at him.
"I'm alright Jiminie, I just had a nightmare and I was worried about Suga but he's fine," Jungkook replied. I've gotta hand it to him, he thought of that very quickly. Actually that kind of worries me for future instances when we're worried about him.
"Oh Kookie, it's ok," Jimin said pulling Jungkook into a comforting hug and squeezing his shoulder gently.
"Can you go get Hobi and tell him to hurry up please," Jimin asked turning his head to me. I nodded and left him to look after Jungkook, going over to J-Hope's room.
"Hey J-Hope hurry up, we've gotta go soon," I said as I opened his door.
"I'll be down in a second," he said sighing.
"Hey Hobi, how's your hand feeling at the moment," I asked softly. If what Kookie and I are thinking is right then J-Hope is probably hiding just how much it hurts from us.
"It's fine. I'll meet you out there," he said before he started to awkwardly pack his bag, very clearly trying not to use his hand much. I could tell he was trying to get me to go away but I couldn't understand why he was doing that. I heard Jungkook and Jimin leaving my room so I walked back to take a quick look at Jungkook and saw that he was alright so I walked back into the room. I watched as Hobi struggled with his bag and dropped it, grumbling in frustration as he bent down to grab it. I quickly went forwards and put my hand on his shoulder, making him turn to me. I quickly bent down and grabbed his bag before putting everything into his bag as he stood up and looked at me confused.
"Come on let's go," I said zipping up his bag and putting it on my back before leaving the room. I heard him follow behind me and we met up with other's out the front.
"Finally, we've been waiting for ages, let's go," Jin said with a sigh as he opened the front door and walked out. I saw J-Hope's face fall slightly at Jin's word so I quickly slung my arm around his shoulder and walked with him out to the cars.
J-Hope's POV
Yoongi has been confusing me today. Ever since this morning he's been hanging around me every chance he's gotten. On breaks he'll sit with me and try to chat, during the dance practice he'll give me hugs or pat my back whenever I walk past. I don't understand why he's suddenly acting like I'm not the disgusting person everyone knows I am.
"Hobi, I want to go get some noodles from the nearby restaurant, can you please come with me," Suga asked as he walked up to me once practice was over. See, this is what I mean.
"I can't, I'm busy," I said shaking my head. I need to put some more hours of dance practice in so that I can keep up with the other's.
"Please Hobi, no one else will come with me so I was kind of hoping you would," he said.
"You can go by yourself," I said shrugging. I was surprised when I saw his face fall, he looked almost nervous and scared. Usually he's good at hiding his emotions and keeps a pretty neutral face.
"O-ok, sure. I'll see he later," he stuttered.
"Are you ok Yoongi," I asked quickly. I know the boys don't actually like me, but I still care for them and I wouldn't want anything to happen to them.
"Yeah I'm alright," he said quietly.
"I'm just gonna go," he added turning around. I quickly jumped up and grabbed his arm so he couldn't leave.
"You don't seem alright Yoongi and that's saying something because you almost always seem fine," I said raising an eyebrow.
"Look I know it's silly but um, I'm feeling a little dizzy so I wanted to have someone with me just in case something happens," he told me.
"Oh. Sure I'll come, just give me a minute to put my shoes on," I said quickly going over. I slipped on my shoes and Suga bent down next to me, tying up my laces. I gave him a small smile and followed him out the door.
Here is part 2 of the upset Hoseok series, I might have a few more parts to finish this story but please send requests so I can have some ideas once I finish this one.
Thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoy
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