(Hoseok) Upset Part 1
J-Hope's POV
"C'mon Kookie, you promised you would come shopping with Tae and I," Jimin said pouting at the maknae of the group who was watching Tv next to me. We have 2 days off before we have to get back into practicing and getting ready for another tour. Namjoon left this morning to quickly go and see his parents as his mum hasn't been feeling the best and Jin went with him because he wanted to keep an eye on the leader just in case something happens . Suga is currently down at the studio going over music because apparently Suga doesn't get the idea of DAYS OFF. And that just leaves me with the maknae line, yay me. Jimin and Taehyung have been trying to convince Jungkook to get off the couch and go shopping with them for the past 20 minutes but Jungkookie can be very stubborn when he wants to so it hasn't been working very well. I'm kind of glad that he's not leaving just yet because that would mean that I'm left alone just watching Tv which isn't exactly fun.
"I don't remember promising anything," Jungkook said raising an eyebrow.
"We remember it. We were talking to you last night before you fell asleep and begging you to come and you said and I quote 'fine I'll come'," Tae said.
"And then we said promise and you said 'yes I promise now let me sleep'," Jimin finished with a smile. Oh those two are sneaky little shits, but smart as well.
"Did you not get the part about falling asleep and wanting to sleep," Jungkook asked with a slight frown.
"A promise is still a promise. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee," Jimin begged as he got down on his knees and clasped his hands together, giving Jungkook his best puppy dog eyes. Well, I guess I'm gonna be alone because everyone knows that Jungkook can never resist Jimin's puppy dog eyes, actually I don't think anyone can.
"Fine, but just know this is the only time I'm doing it. Days off are for relaxing and being lazy, not walking around a shopping centre and using energy," Jungkook said with a groan as he rolled his eyes and got up. He went up to his room to most likely get changed into something other than his pyjamas.
"You guys are so mean," I said with a chuckle as I shook my head at the two.
"We aren't mean, we're just creative," Tae said grinning. Jimin came over and plopped himself down next to me, giving me a hug.
"Are you gonna be ok Hobi or are we gonna come back and find the dorms burnt down," he asked me.
"Nah I'll be fine," I replied with a small smile. I'll be lonely but fine.
"Let's go guys," Jungkook said as he walked back out.
"Yes let's go," Jimin said as he jumped back up. The three of them left straight away and it wasn't long before I was bored of watching Tv so I turned it off and went to grab something to eat from the kitchen.
1 Hour Later
I AM SO BORED! I'm not usually one to complain too much, ok maybe I am but I have never been so bored. The dorms which are usually filled with laughter, crying, even arguing feel so empty now that there's no noise. I'm used to having at least one or two people around me all the time during the past 10 years. I sighed and went up to my room, lying down on my bed as I pulled up twitter on my phone. I may as well just look through some Army tweets considering that there's nothing else to do. All was well, up until there was one tweet that caught my eye.
Saradavies9857: J-Hope is useless, I don't even know why he's in Bts in the first place #uselesshobi
I frowned slightly but decided to click on the hashtag. Immediately a whole heap of different tweets popped up with the same hashtag and I started to go through them.
Lucasimonssss: I watched the performance tonight by Bts and it was great, apart from the fact that Hoseok couldn't do anything #uselesshobi
JJ455counter: Bts would be so much better without J-Hope and even the other members know it, they avoid him when possible #uselesshobi
Unknown: It's funny how none of the bts members hang out with Hoseok when they don't have to. It's because he's #uselesshobi
At first I didn't care because I thought they were just haters but then I started to realize that they were telling the truth. I mean if what's happening now doesn't speak for anything then I don't know what does. I'm currently alone at home while the others are all out together and having fun. They really don't hang out with me whenever they don't have to. Am I really that useless? I quickly searched up 'Hoseok Sucks' and started to read through the tweets.
Heloaid33756: J-Hope sucks, they must've been pretty desperate to put him in the group
Amy_downs: Has anyone else noticed how much fatter J-Hope seems to be getting
Asher.33mayhem: Hoseok is so far behind the rest of Bts is almost every aspect. He sounds like a dying cat when he sings and I'm pretty sure he's the only one that doesn't have a 6 pack
Sasha.coopa: J-Hope is so ugly, no wonder the other members don't want to be seen around him
Lucylucy347: Can J-hope get any fatter. He should just do everyone a favour and die
The list of tweets felt like they were never ending. I continued to read as it was constantly pointed out that I was fat and ugly and couldn't sing. I mean I know I'm not as good a singer as the others and am not as muscular as them either but I didn't think I was that bad. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention to how bad I am, maybe I think I'm way better than I am. I got up off my bed and walked into the bathroom, turning on the light. I pulled off my shirt and looked in the mirror, frowning as I saw they were right, I was getting fatter. I sighed as I put my hands over my non-existent abs and pulled at the fat. They were all right with what they were saying, I can't believe I never noticed. All this time the boys have been disgusted by me, not wanting to be around someone as fat an ugly as me. I found myself looking back into the mirror and hearing what everyone had been saying about me. I could hear it clearly, as if they were whispering it into my ears.
'You're fat.'
'You're useless.'
'You're ugly.'
'The other's are ashamed and disgusted to be near you.'
'You should do everyone a favour and die."
"JUST STOP," I yelled out as I dropped my head into my hands and began to sob.
'Look at you crying like a baby! You don't deserve the others.'
"I know I don't," I whispered as I continued to cry. I looked back up to the mirror and all I could focus on was how fat and ugly I was. Why did no one ever tell me this? I thought the others and I were close, why wouldn't they tell me. Do they really hate me? I thought we were family.
'They don't love you, they never have.'
Tears continued to stream down my face I felt disgusted looking at myself in the mirror. I don't know what happened but before I realized what I was doing, my hand hurt like hell, there was blood all over the sink and there was shards of glass everywhere. I looked up to the mirror, only to see that it was half broken and what was left was cracked. Well crap, my hands bleeding and hurts like hell. I sighed and left the room, going to the kitchen to find something to patch up my hand. I managed to clean it and roughly wrap it up in a bandage but it was pretty hard considering I has to wrap it up with one hand. After that I just went back to my room and sat down on my bed, staring at the wall. I don't know how long I was there for, I kind of lost track of time but I heard a door open and close and some talking.
Jungkook's POV
We were shopping for over 4 hours which was annoying but I put up with it because Jiminie and Tae Tae seemed to be having fun.
"What do you reckon Hobi Hyung has been doing while we were gone," I asked as we walked up to the dorms.
"Well he hasn't burnt down the house so that's a plus," Jimin said with a chuckle as we opened the door and walked inside.
"Next time you guys decide to go shopping on our day off, let's not bring me along," I said with a sigh as I plopped down onto the couch.
"You're such a sook Kookie, it wasn't that bad," Tae said ruffling my hair. I frowned and slapped his hand away.
"Where's Hobi anyway? Can someone go find him, I'm gonna try and make us something to eat," Jimin said going to the kitchen.
"There's no way you're going to cook alone, we don't have a death wish," Tae said as he went over to help Jimin. I guess that means that I'll go check up on Hobi Hyung. I went over to his room and knocked on the door. I waited about 10 seconds but I got no reply so I opened the door slowly, looking around.
"Hobi Hyung," I asked quietly, so as not to wake him if he had fallen asleep. I still got no reply so I went further in. I couldn't see into his room much as the bathroom is first and it sticks out. I was about to check if he was asleep on his bed when I stopped in shock and my jaw dropped. There was blood all over the sink in the bathroom and the mirror was completely smashed, shards all over the floor.
"HOBI HYUNG," I screamed out as I ran out of the bathroom and further into his room. Fear running through me at the thought of what could have happened. When I looked to the bed, I found J-Hope just sitting there and facing the wall. His hand was bandaged and had blood all over him. I heard running footsteps coming closer and soon enough Tae and Jimin appeared at the door.
"What's wrong Jungkook- wait is that blood," Jimin asked as his eyes went wide, seeing the bathroom.
"I dunno, just wait there," I said as I walked over and knelt down in front of Hoseok.
"Hobi Hyung," I asked softly.
"Oh Kookie, I'm sorry. I was daydreaming," he said with a slight chuckle. I don't know why but something sounded off about him, his chuckle sounded strained and fake. Not to mention the fact that I've called his name I don't know how many times, it must have been some pretty deep daydreaming.
"That's ok, what happened to your hand," I asked him as the other two walked over.
"Oh uh, I slipped in the bathroom and my hand went into the mirror," he said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"You're so clumsy Hyung," Jimin said as he and Tae laughed, patting Hobi's back softly. Something isn't sitting right with me at all, there's no way he could manage to knock the mirror with enough force to have smashed it that badly, simply by slipping. Which means that he probably hit it, but why.
"Let's go take a look at your hand to fix it up, make sure it's alright," Tae said. Jimin pulled Hobi up and the three of them left the room, leaving me alone. I know something isn't right with him, something happened while we were gone that's put him in a bad way and I'm going figure it out and help him!
Here's another Fic for you, requested by my friend again. I'll post part 2 as soon as it's done. Please send in some requests
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