NamJin | Birthday gift
Rapmon B-day special!!!
September 12
Kim Namjoon
I just woke up from my 30-minute snooze. I leaned to my right and saw Jin using his phone, that back of his...
I am used to sleeping here, with Jin, at this kind of room with him ever since we all moved to Delle's old place. This room is a lot smaller in contrast to the other room (the big room where our five children stay and sleep. Me and Jinnie are parents of five, haha).
If you're asking, well I already know that today's my birthday! That's why Jinnie was the one who greeted me first among the kids.
*convo earlier*
@jinprinsecc: Happy birthday, love! @namjoonmonster
@namjoonmonster: Aww thank you baby! 😍
@namjoonmonster: So, where's my gift, my princess?
@jinprinsecc: Oh, you'll get it alright~! 😉
I remembered what I told Jin about what I want for my birthday.
"Surprise me!" I just told him. He responded with a smile.
Until now that my day has come, I'm expecting my gift from him and all I got was him busy on the phone for today. Don't tell me he forgot my birthday already. It's like one of our ARMY, purposely or by accident, forgetting to greet me on my special day. 🙁
"Jinnie, my gift please!"
"Just wait Joonie!" he joyously said. "I'm just gonna notify the kids." I hear him mumbling stuff. I could clearly hear 'What's taking them so long?' from him.
I sighed and faced the ceiling. After a minute or two. I saw Jin get up and left his phone unlocked. As he went out of the room, I checked it. I just wanna make sure Jin is really informing the kids... or he's cheating on his one and only love on his very day!
And it warmed my heart when I saw greetings from almost our entire ARMY from our Twitter page. With the hashtag #HappyRMDay, each has expressed their love for me on my special day in any ways necessary. Until I heard footsteps coming my way and I put his cellphone back on the floor to the same position so that I won't get caught.
He went to hold his phone again. I began to talk. "So, before the kids get here... uh, why don't we both go out? You know, get some fresh air, make awra and all that stuff."
"You wanna EatJin with me again huh?"
"No, I... I wasn't gonna say that! 😳" I exclaimed. "But sure! Where do you wanna go? To Victory Mall? The city mall? McDonald's? Where? Tell me Jin!"
"I... I'd like to go to McDonald's but, I suggest that maybe we should go to a nearby Mini-Stop. I bet there's delicious Fried Chicken there!"
"Even tho there's also Fried chicken back at 7- Eleven?" I asked. "Then we could go get some ice cream!"
"I don't think the ice cream there won't be necessary Joonie."
"Oh great Jin, not another arguement with you~!" But not those harsh ones, friendly arguements.
"Then what do you prefer, Jin? Ice cream in a cone for me."
"Well it's better for me to have a Sundae on a cup." he stated.
And then I imagined on what he wants for a sundae. I decided that I should ride his trip anyway.
"Ice cream on a cup sounds good to me. But I'll try." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
And then we went. It's just like our previous dates but even better just because it's my birthday.
I can't help but look at Jin for a lot of times while he munches on his fried chicken, it's distracting me from eating my ice cream. The ice cream here at Mini Stop is so delicious! Cheesecake flavor. It's so good to take a video of Jin like that and post it on YouTube, hehe!
We walked all over all them busy highways and the tallest buildings, even though there are lots of loud people and cars. We both are holding hands while walking.
We stopped by at a medium tree, Jin sat down the gutter as I stood up looking at him.
He sighed before he could talk. "I wonder how the kids were doing? Will they go home safely?"
"Let's go back home and then check if they're already there."
"We can't let them catch us by surprise..."
"Even so, let's just go back and see if they're home."
"Whatever you say my monster~."
We went back home and there's still no sign of the kids. Whatever might've happened to them maybe they've also been eliminated during the police operations. I got worried at the thought.
"Jin, are you sure that the kids will be alright?" I asked as I see him unlocking the door. "Whatever might have happened to them maybe, they've been killed!"
He giggled. "What are you talking about Joonie? They'll be fine, they're just out there..."
"But what if—" he placed his finger on my lips. "Don't worry about the kids okay? At least I'm still here by your side." he smiled. Can he stop smiling? He's too pretty to smile!!!
His phone rang and he checked it out. "Look, Yoongi even texted that they're on their way home."
"So there's nothing to worry about after all..."
"Yeah." he finally unlocked and opened the door noisily. We both went in.
I decided I should watch TV. Sigh, waiting for the kids seems harder than I thought. I faced the television with the 'Not Today' MV playing while Jin is in the bathroom. Soon enough Jin was already out.
"What happened?"
"Ugh, what a stinky snake it is!!! It's so long, too!"
"No! I mean, what's with the kids?"
"They'll be a little late—"
"Psst," I heas someone call from behind us. Oh...
... it's just Jimin.
"Where are the others?"
No, it's not only Jimin but he's got V and Yoongi with him.
"They'll be here." - V
"The two went out renting the karaoke machine." - Jimin
"Okay. I'm so worried sick about you guys, I thought whatever bad happened to you..." they went in without even minding me.
"Pike down Namjoon! You're... over-reacting again." Suga said and they brought out the ingredients. Of course, Jin joined along their cooking session. Yeah, let him be, he loves cooking more than me!
"Happy birthday hyung!" the nice Jungkook went in. He's carrying two big paper bags.
"Thank you maknae."
"Now kids I'll handle these, it'll just be quick so we'll start early. Just turn up the music for now." said Jin
"Yeah, turn up!" I heard Taehyung say and he starts turning the amplifier on.
"Kookie c'mon let's dance!" Jimin called while he plugs in his phone.
"But I'm not in the mood right now Jimin-hyung..."
"Just cooperate!" Jimin then pulled Jungkook into the open area. "It's Leader Mon's birthday!"
"Sheesh! Okay fine." Jungkook finally gave in and Dope started playing. The three boys danced the choreography and I watched them. They're still so good even though the song is already a bit old but they still get it so right. I smiled them signaling that I'm so impressed.
"C'mon Leader Mon, let's dance!" Jamless Kid invited me.
"Ahh... no thanks. Some other time."
He dragged me by my arm to their place.
"Eh. You're missing out on all the fun! Don't be a snob, it's your day!"
"Aish alright!!!" but you still got no jams. This Kid is so hard to resist!
'I gotta make it
Gotta gotta make it
I danced along with the kids in the chorus part. This is the only part I know. Or is it?
"Hey! Can I join along?" Jin asked and he starts to dance along.
"But shouldn't you be cooking?"
"It's a shame if you guys are dancing while I cook!" then he started dancing anyway.
Argh I don't know about this Jin on what he wants! Anything he wants he gets. He's a princess, and I know it. It's so cute.
After that, the kids just let the loud music play to cut the boredom off as they play UNO™ cards.
I went behind Jin and hugged him from behind.
"Aww, you really do comfort me Joonie..." he said. And as I cuddle him my hand went on his crotch and held his bulge.
"I-is this how you feel for me?" he asked and it sounds like I heard him moan.
I stopped and let him go.
"Oh, my bad..."
He grinned at me. "No, it's okay! You— you don't have to apologize." He gripped on his left elbow and blushed.
C'mon, Jin! Where's the surprise I've been waiting for?!
"Carry on." I just told him to rid my impatient conscience off. I turned my back and saw Hoseok carrying the karaoke machine. It's singing time already? I saw the kids turn their attention on Hoseok.
"Yay! It's singing time!!!" V rejoiced.
"Kookie did you hear that?" Jimin asked Jungkook
"I know, I wanna sing but not with you!"
"Haha I'm just kidding!"
I peeked at the door, following the three boys out of the house.
"Leader Mon, you should wait while I turn this thing on. You three go set up the table." J-Hope ordered.
The table along with all the foods has alreafy been set. The kids each already had gifts for me. I was happy to see them.
First Jungkook gave me his gift. His dedication read, 'For our leader who keeps on breaking things'. Then it turned out that it's just a toolkit.
Then Suga gave me his gift. His dedication was : 'For the man who INFIRES me to write music'. And I got a pack of bond paper and a set of ballpens. I can use this for my compositions.
Jimin gave me his gift as well. 'For the assuming-that-he's-got-jams guy', his dedication read. Why, it's just a big jar of coconut jam.
Taehyung's gift was a really, really soft monster plushie! His dedication was: 'For our beloved Rap Monster, this is for you!' He really takes things so literally.
And J-Hope's gift was simple yet very special. It had no dedication but shouted it all when I saw his handmade collage of our pictures and our unforgettable moments— including the time when we won the BBMAs— it also had glitters and stickers all over it, Rap Monster written on glitter glue and I mentally squealed when I saw that it had a unicorn on it.
I wiped some tears off my eyes. "Thank you kids for these gifts. You really made your old man cry..."
"It's nothing hyung, these... all these came from our Blood, Sweat, and Tears™." said Jungkook and smiled. I smiled back.
I saw Jimin and Hoseok coming near me.
"Happy Happy Happy Birthday~
Sa'yo ang pagkain
Sa'yo ang inumin
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, sana mabusog mo kami~" they sang as they place the cake with enlightened candles. This must be for me!
"Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
Sa'yo ang inumin
Sa'yo ang pulutan
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Sana 'di tayo malasing!"
"Saengil chukkahamnida! Leader Mon!!!" the kids shouted as the two (JiHope) were done with their song.
"Now. Blow the candles! Blow the candles! Blow the candles!" they cheered as I did. They clapped their hands and cheered.
"You guys are so thoughtful of me, all of you, really! I haven't even had Jin's gift yet..."
But I stopped when he pulled my shirt to face me. He cupped my cheeks and gave me a peck on the lips.
"For my excitedly impatient monster. This is for you." Jin said to me.
"Oooh!!!" the boys said.
"Before anything else happens to these two, let's celebrate!" V cried.
"Let's party!!!" J-Hope cheered.
"Let's all get drunk!!!" And the boys looked at Jungkook. Do they still think that Jungkook is still a kid? He just turned 20.
"Let's just sing!" Jimin paraphrased.
And we all did what we want. Me and Jin had a frank talk while Jimin sang his favorite Taeyang song. Jungkook's piece was Charlie Puth's 'We Don't Talk Anymore'. Taehyung's 'Someone Like You'. And lastly... Jin and I, Taehyung and Jungkook asked 'Where is the Love?'.
And because we can't find our songs in the karaoke, instead the kids just did acapellas of them over the mic. We ate a lot and got drunk that day.
Until it was 10 in the evening. We had to shut down the karaoke machine due to the ordinance, and as we were done we went back inside and the kids helped in bringing the machine inside then went upstairs.
Jin shut the door closed and faced me with a smile. "Happy birthday." he said to me.
I gave him a faint smile. "Thank you. Anyway thanks for the gift."
He (Jung)shooked his head. "Actually that's not really the surprise."
I frowned. "Then what is it?"
"Come here."
He gave me a kiss again. Just like last time but even better than that. This time he entered his tongue into my mouth, I mindlessly had a battle with it as we play with our saliva. We released.
"Get ready for my gift Joonie, let's go upstairs."
I will never forget that moment. The way Jin had conquered my cave, the way he grinded himself against my open way, and all the ways he made me feel so fcking good!
We both panted on the bed covered with our hot liquid.
"I hope you like my gift, my monster." he said.
"Like? I don't like it." I kissed him on his cheeks. "I love it!"
He laughed. "There's gonna be more of that soon."
"Soon? What are you talking about? I want some more now!"
"If you say so."
And we sandwiched ourselves again.
"This is the best birthday ever." I said to him as we start all over again. We kissed passionately...
And that my friends is how the five children were made... aish!!! What even— My mind! I'm so tired.
I did all the best I can but it turns out I can't do it. The trauma, it's everywhere! Sorry NamJin lovers, especially RapMon biases... huhu! 😿
I still love these two, respect is all we need.
Bye for now. 😭
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